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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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7 Oct 17
I am currently on a retention deal from a year ago, £13 per month, unlimited calls and texts, 8GB data. I was looking at the Go Binge offer, and whilst looking, saw a deal for £12 with 12GB data, unlimited calls and texts. Enquired about it, and they said it was only for new customers.

I said about cancelling my contract and signing up again to get it... then they came back and said, I don't use more than 150 minutes per month, and offered me this plan! Saving me £7pm, giving me 4GB more data, and just cutting my mins to 200. Not too bad!
All comments (52)
7 Oct 17 #1
Found the offer on their site, usually costs £22 a month, so a saving of £16!…h=1
7 Oct 17 #2
Bargain. They never offer me anything better than I can get online :angry:
seaniboy to JagerNinja
7 Oct 17 #3
Try live chat on thier app
ScroopEgerton to seaniboy
7 Oct 17 #6
Three online chat just told me they have no access to deals, I'd have to call them.
I'm on the phone to them now. They guy there insists that there is no such retention deal available, the best they can do with anything like those details is a 12 month contract with 200 mins & 12gb data for £17 (down from £26), and they suggest that perhaps the OP has some of his facts wrong?

I'm assuming you haven't, but could you post a screenshot of the deal from Three? That may give me more power to bargain with!
7ewis to ScroopEgerton
7 Oct 17 #8
Yeah I went through chat initially but had to call 333 to get the upgrade.

I can assure you that's what they offered. The allowances are now showing in my account, but the price won't change until my next bill date which unfortunately is a few weeks away. To be honest, I was quite shocked. I'd be happy with the £12 offer, or potentially even paying more and going for 30GB, unlimited calls, unlimited texts which I think he said was £16.

I definitely wanted the tethering and roaming included too, so haven't missed out on that. I've also now got Go Binge, which I didn't have previously.
ac12 to 7ewis
7 Oct 17 #10
Can you pm me as I've got them on chat n if I can prove it they will give me it..
ScroopEgerton to ac12
7 Oct 17 #12
Let us know how you got on!
ac12 to ScroopEgerton
8 Oct 17 #24
No luck they wanted the mobile number of the account but wasn't able to give them it...
ScroopEgerton to 7ewis
7 Oct 17 #11
Well, lucky for you..
They steadfastly refuse to give me anything like that, and I've been paying £12.99 a month for the last 12 months.

Unfortunately for the purposes of HUKD though it's not a deal if it ain't open to all who want to leave! (and by 'all', of course I mean me specifically :wink: )I've tried a few times to get them to give me something like your deal, but they're saying it must be through a third party or an offer that's now expired.

All they'll give me as a last ditch attempt is 4GB, unlimited calls & texts on Essentials for £7 (which is still a very good deal, though it's 12m contract.)

Ah well, I tried!
sdduk2 to ScroopEgerton
7 Oct 17 #21
I had that deal for £9 but a couple of weeks ago i called and they gave me another 4gb taking it up to 8gb for an extra £1 so now pay £10 for unlimited Mins/Text and 8gb of Data.
ac12 to sdduk2
8 Oct 17 #25
That's the best offer I got but refused and decided to cancel. Might sign up as a new customer and benefit from TCB.
dealerxxx to JagerNinja
8 Oct 17 #32
Same ere
7 Oct 17 #4
It shows £22 for me, how do you get the £6? I tried changing any option.
7 Oct 17 #5
Hi did you get this deal through chat or over the phone?
7 Oct 17 #7
Yeah best I got offered a few days ago was 8gb on Essential for £10 - refused to give me any deals on advanced package with Go Binge. That was just to the operator though - said I would probably call back to cancel my contract after talking to daughter but didn't actually ask to get put through to the dept that deals with cancellations - maybe they would have offered better deal?
ac12 to tattaylor1
7 Oct 17 #9
I got offered the same. Then decided to cancel and nothing better tbh. On chat with them now about this deal but they say it's impossible
ScroopEgerton to tattaylor1
7 Oct 17 #13
Very likely. Cancellations are the ones to deal with. "Might call back to cancel" won't get you anything :wink:
7 Oct 17 #14
When the website updates showing my new plan (after my next bill) I can add a screenshot.

Does sound like I've been lucky though!
7 Oct 17 #15
I tried to get a deal as I was on a 30gb data all can eat calls and texts. I called for s better deal and they could only offer me the same prices as on a leaflet for new customers from a three store. I asked for my portal code which they sent. But as I was going into hospital and wanted to use data I didn’t use the code and it expired so my contract just rolled over. While I was in hospital I wanted to use go binge to watch tv player and Netflix unlimited as cost of watching tv in hospital is stupid costs luckily I had 4g signal. which was not on my old contract. I went on chat and was said I could pay £3 extra on top of the £20 a month I pay currently with go binge activated straight away and also all can eat data which has a 30gb limit on hotspot. So I’m now paying £23pm but no contract. Which I might just stay on.
7 Oct 17 #16
That's a very good deal.
7 Oct 17 #17
Upgrade Tip

1. Give your notice to leave (e.g mine is £9PM for 4GB)
2. Downgrade your PAYM to PAYG (To keep number)
3. Go through Quidco or TCB for a new contract with Cashback
(e.g, the £12PM for the 12GB deal) TCB offering £60
4. Once delivered call Three and they will move number on to your PAYM SIM
5. You have a better deal with the effective cashback

If anyone has any other good tips, share below :sunglasses:
foxymeister to Imti
9 Oct 17 #44
I’m in the process of doing this, used Three pac code to transfer number to giffgaff sim £10 then will start new Three contract in a month and transfer number back in. For info though Three have ripped me off £11 (early redemption fee) as I didn’t give notice to leave when I obtained my PAC at beginning of September! I didn’t think I needed to as my contract ended in August! As I just told their customer service team in Bangladesh (!!)why would I request a PAC if I wasn’t leaving! Anyway they wouldn’t budge on the £11! Be warned ...
7 Oct 17 #18
Deal no available to all. And you have no proof you even have it yourself. Voted cold.
7ewis to taff_5
7 Oct 17 #20
To be fair I did say it was a retentention deal in the title. Let me know if there's a way I can prove it and I will
taff_5 to 7ewis
8 Oct 17 #27
Screenshot the text message they sent you after the phone call confirming the deal.
7ewis to taff_5
8 Oct 17 #28
The message just says:

Thanks for changing your price plan, you'll be able to see your new price plan in My3 but it won't take effect until your next bill date.
jewelie to 7ewis
9 Oct 17 #33
Did you record the telephone call in case you don't get what you were promised? I've learnt to always do this now, and sadly have had to use those recordings at least twice to prove what I was offered and agreed too (mainly talk talk!)
7 Oct 17 #19
Three is pot luck in my opinion, I was on 12m 4GB Advanced unlimiteds for £10 with £2 discount I wanted to get the newer 12GB @ for £12 with my £2 discount intact but I could not move to that plan as for newbies, they gave me a £21 Advanced 600m plan for £11, less minutes yes but my discount jumped from £2 to £10 a month two months in a new 12m contract ?…2GB…ket
8 Oct 17 #22
I got the 12£ deal yesterday. For 12gb. Unlimited text and calls. And go binge on Netflix for 12 months contract. Was told if I wanted 4gb for 12 months would be 9£ ... sounds everyone can get a different price on a similar deal. Just need to negotiate with them.
8 Oct 17 #23
I've been on 12GB data, unlimited texts, 600 mins for £10 a month for almost 2 years. Tempted to call and see if I can get this.
8 Oct 17 #26
Three offered me the below in August though. Thought it was a good offer for 8gb for £7 AYCE on Essential plan. Been traveling EU so far, so not worried about further afield destinations so far.
8 Oct 17 #29
Thing with three is who you get when you Phone to try to upgrade and get a good deal and how you talk to them.
I am more then happy with what i got i could have gone for a new customer but that would of ment i would have had to Pac my number over to someone else and then back again and i couldn't be bovvered to go through all that. :grin:
8 Oct 17 #30
Hi. I called them and best they offered me was 8gb, 600 mins and aycet.. advance sim on a 30day contract for 10£
thearbiter65 to waki
8 Oct 17 #31
If you get go binge and international roamin that seems pretty good.

i got unlimited calls and texts, 12gb internet, hotspot, go binge and international roaming for £12 on a 12montj contract. Great for my new iPhone 8!
seaniboy to thearbiter65
9 Oct 17 #39

Don’t live in oversubscribed land mass England then, so many Child Tax Credit children on AYCE lol :wink:
ollie87 to seaniboy
9 Oct 17 #42
I’m not on Three so don’t have to worry personally. Happy to pay extra to be on a faster network.
seaniboy to ollie87
9 Oct 17 #49
I pay much less to be the fastest here, Three


Grade D(EE)
Grade A(3)

when it comes down to loving you (i6S) there ain’t no competition :blush:
ollie87 to seaniboy
10 Oct 17 #51
Comparing two speed tests months apart, so scientific.
seaniboy to ollie87
10 Oct 17 #52
Well it ain’t changed in years, (and that was as leaving EE to go to Three due to speeds (& GoBinge) - sorry I stand corrected...Three never had 4G till recently and still outperformed EE 4G.

You can search my posts for scientific? data, even on a EE Max plan... as pathetic as your assumption and rudeness, try be more human in interactions. If you cant, I understand, your upload and download speeds on EE can’t download hotfixes for your bugs, so try Three

Have a nice day now :smile:
9 Oct 17 #34
I've had 3 long term sims with 3 in the past that I've tried to negotiate a better deal (both payg and contract). Got my pac expecting to be called back with a flood of great offers to keep me. Nada. My son is the only one left on 3 now.
9 Oct 17 #35
So, what we're saying here is no one has actually gotten this deal.

Yet here we are at 200 degrees... :thinking:
ollie87 to djbenny1
9 Oct 17 #36
Plus it's Three so the network is so saturated you can't actually use any data any way.
9 Oct 17 #37
I got 200 mins, unlimited text and 30G advanced plan with go binge monthly rolling for £10. But then this was after a lot of hassle like taking PAC code twice, on the phone and chat with them for hours, complaining about their service etc. Its probably not worth for the amount of time you spent though. One thing I learnt is if you are out of contract, asking them to change price plans sometimes works better than upgrade.
seaniboy to rsh1
9 Oct 17 #40
That’s what I done two months in with the regular staff at customer services (via live chat on Three app) and got tripled data to 12GB for £1 more, I lost unlimited mins down to 600m but 12GB data, unlimited texts for £11.

I now have more data in GB units than I pay in £s - and that’s what contract data users should aim for - less than £1 a GB :thumbsup: mins & unlimited texts are a bonus :wink:
9 Oct 17 #38
Sorry, this is not a computer deal. It would appear that the new HUKD tag system is showing all sorts of of inappropriate deals in different categories. Stuff that should be in gaming or mobiles in particular. Can the mods please fix - 'cos its getting increasingly more difficult to find relevant Hot Deals. Which was the point of this site.

9 Oct 17 #41
Three always play hard ball with me. No one else has got this deal?!? That makes it cold from me. OP let us know here if you can step it up to 30 for a few quid more
9 Oct 17 #43
Three aren't in the habit of offering the same deal to every customer..
9 Oct 17 #45
As far as i’m aware you cannot move your number within same network irrespective of type of sim you hold - PayM or PayG. I think it is best to call network provider to confirm this if you don’t want to lose your number.Other than that the offer is good.
9 Oct 17 #46
I'm on 600/8GB, £12 a month. My data usage is about shoot up in the coming months, so 30GB would be best. However, as I'm not fully using my current allowance I haven't got much of bargaining position.

I'd take 600/30GB for £15 on a monthly roll if offered.
seaniboy to JustLikeArkwright
9 Oct 17 #50
Ask for change of plan 600m 12GB Advanced using current 12GB/Unlimited £14 as a bargaining tool, I got it for £11 (2 months in from 4GB Advanced/unlimiteds) and a £5 monthly data add on gives me a further 18GB so 30GB all in £16 with flexibility, base plan £11 -for a another £5 it would give me AYCE day for handset use, bargain.
9 Oct 17 #47
I was on the phone to a retentions specialist and the best he could offer on a upgrade on the £9 per month deal (4GB and 200 mins and Unlimited texts) to £10 per month and 8GB data and mins and texts! Poor

best thing ladies and gents, convert your contract to PAYG, get the new contract online, let the TCB track and then send number back to PAYM!
gangstarrrr to Imti
9 Oct 17 #48
How long do you need to wait for this?
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