I had 202 rubles left over from the Forza 7 Ultimate edition purchase and found Sonic mania for 699 Rubles.
A 500 Ruble Purchase would work perfect for this for those who did the same and may be interested.
Cracking price for a bit of NEW retro nostalgia.
7y 23d#1
I might be living in the Stone Age but how is this done?
moneybanks14 to darran78
7y 23d#2
Purchase xbox russian gift card, log into the russian site via clicking of the link above. create a russian address (google one) and input the xbox gift card code you purchased. You can then download it via your store on your xbox one.
thisisgiftx0x to moneybanks14
7y 23d#3
Or simply just buy the code redeem it on ur console if on Xbox by just changing your console location to Russia no address needed since u used a gift card
Can all be done on console if your Xbox is set to the location you want to buy from
7y 23d#4
500rub purchase made. Added credit. Boom bought. Another one on the pile!
7y 23d#5
7y 23d#6
Too Risky
moneybanks14 to unconfirmed
7y 23d#7
whats too risky?? done it on numerous occasions, works fine every time.
unconfirmed to moneybanks14
7y 23d#12
It’s risky because Fraud. MS could decide to ban accounts at any mo
spanjones to unconfirmed
7y 23d#13
Where is the fraud? And MS 'could' ban anyone's account at any time they like, because they can. Any examples of anyone being banned for buying from US/HK/RUS stores?
I'll wait...
unconfirmed to spanjones
7y 23d#14
Providing incorrect address details is fraudulent and against Microsoft’s Terms and Conditions. It’s as simple as that.
There are are no examples because it’s never happened. I guarantee people would be crying on here if their accounts got disabled though. I think that’s not worth the risk.
mashcogs to unconfirmed
7y 23d#15
this is literally not true.
unconfirmed to mashcogs
7y 23d#17
It’s proveably 50% true
stashmoney to mashcogs
7y 23d#19
It is 100% true, MS are more than capable of deleting the games and banning your account, it definately breaks the terms and conditions you sign up to, think about the potential ramifications and financial loss if everyone did it, im not saying its not worth trying, but you cant complain when you get banned.
mashcogs to stashmoney
7y 23d#20
How is it. All digital games across Xbox are region free. As long as your buying it through a gift card there is no implications. There is no risk. No bans.
danjames922 to unconfirmed
7y 23d#18
Your name is as factually correct as your answer is.
willyzippy89 to unconfirmed
7y 23d#9
0% risk from MS 100% risk from G2G
7y 23d#8
Where do you buy the gift cards from?
willyzippy89 to chrisbailey1990
7y 23d#10
re sell websites “/ miss the direct with CC days
Opening post
A 500 Ruble Purchase would work perfect for this for those who did the same and may be interested.
Cracking price for a bit of NEW retro nostalgia.
Can all be done on console if your Xbox is set to the location you want to buy from
I'll wait...
There are are no examples because it’s never happened. I guarantee people would be crying on here if their accounts got disabled though. I think that’s not worth the risk.
Not to undercut you but you can save a few more pennies as well. The main reason we are all here!