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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Opening post
9 Oct 17
Okay, so fireworks night and New Year celebrations can be quite troubling for some, especially if they are autistic or have sensitiviy problems with loud noises. I thought I'd pop a thread together with a few options that could help families out and help those that need them feel a bit more comfortable in these situations.

There's loads out there, so any recommendations are obviously appreciated, I'm sure there are lots of people that this could help

More suited to adults really - These are £2.99 at Screwfix


Red Eardefenders suitable for bigger children / adults £5.24

Now these ones are cool! A few colours to choose from and they are £11.84 a pair

You can get caps to go on them to change the design, there's a fair few of those at £5.95 - Ear Defenders NOT INCLUDED

Tetris Capz By Edz Kidz (tottally not Tetris though :D)

All comments (46)
9 Oct 17 #1
Or 32217235-FYeVh.jpg35p a pair

You'll have some change for some bubble wrap or cotton wool!

Flodd to nougat
9 Oct 17 #2
Im guessing youve never tried to stick those in your kids ears...
Al7777 to Flodd
9 Oct 17 #34
I'm guessing you haven't 'made' any kids yet with an aim like that. :joy:‌ :joy:
Flodd to Al7777
9 Oct 17 #36
What a bell...
Al7777 to Flodd
9 Oct 17 #38
At least I know how to use mine :joy:
Flodd to Al7777
9 Oct 17 #39
It's a pity your dad did...
Al7777 to Flodd
9 Oct 17 #41
At least I can take a joke unlike yourself :joy: Mr delicate feelings. Also didn't you get the memo I'm a test tube baby.
truffle6969 to nougat
9 Oct 17 #10
That lot would go up like kindling!!!
Al7777 to nougat
9 Oct 17 #33
Agreed. Looks like there's a lot of people with autism/sjw here getting salty :joy:
9 Oct 17 #3
If this wasn't posted by an editor I would have said it is an ebay seller promoting his own store!
9 Oct 17 #4
Gosh, how did earlier generations manage to survive without these?

As they frequently say on Dragon's Den "an over-engineered solution to a problem that doesn't really exist"
greedoe to cb-uk
9 Oct 17 #5
ever tried taking an autistic child to fireworks? Without these we didn't stand a chance. at least our daughter can experience and enjoy the muted light display now.
holeymoley18 to cb-uk
9 Oct 17 #6
You obviously don't have a child on the autistic spectrum. If you can accept that pets get scared of fireworks, why on earth can't you realise that some kids do as well. You are just being ignorant! Thankfully we don't hide them away in asylums anymore, like they used to do, to save the sensitivities of people like you.
Al7777 to holeymoley18
9 Oct 17 #32
Every autistic adult I've met has been a rude a hole with no manners. And I've given them multiple chances. No need to get salty because someone has a different opinion.
holeymoley18 to Al7777
9 Oct 17 #35
They are rude with no manners, as you so eloquently put it, because they are autistic! They don't respond to multiple chances because they can't. They are not doing it on purpose, in the same way a person without legs isn't being lazy when they sit down all day. I'm not getting 'salty', I'm pointing out the obvious. People who think autism is made up are ignorant and intentionally rude. I'm guessing you are just bored and fancied an evening of trolling. Good plan.
Al7777 to holeymoley18
9 Oct 17 #37
Not my problem and NOT an excuse. Just like the las vegas shooters mental health is NOT an excuse. Not bored just sharing my experience and wisdom and I've been the victim of being stalked by an autistic female too.
ryouga to Al7777
9 Oct 17 #40
At least they have autism as a excuse

Whats yours?

In reality its like anything, if 99.9% of autistc people you passed by with zero problems so didn't realise they were autistic, you focus on the 0.1% that do thus think they are all like that

Change autistic for "black/asian" and you would would be seen as hugely racist.

Who's to say these "chances" you give them aren't tainted.

Whos to say that you are worth their time?

If you have a problem with so many people. maybe you are the one with the problem.

Anyway as a adult with autism to the parents with autistic kids the sensory depridation isn't the best solution, with me it calms me to point where I want to sleep but at same time lowers my attention i.e I can walk into the road in front of cars as I lost all sense of coordination, and anything like someone touching my shoulder gives me severe shock and pain in heart, not just me but I used to go to an autistic group and it was the same.

The general point is noise and distractions to a minimum but not totally gone, everything from low volume sound, low lighting, silence relaxes me but also as I say switches my brain off,

Headphones aren't the cure its just switching off the problem and not dealing with it which means next time it happens the brain doesn't learn.

My compromise is to have like one headphone in when listening to music, or when watching tv turn to mono and turn down bass to a minimum so the actual volume is louder without being piercing with loud sound effects or music.
Al7777 to ryouga
9 Oct 17 #42
Tldr. But I'm just sharing my personal experience and you need to respect that. Stop race baiting and trying to use identity politics which is the lowest form of a discussion. I've been friends with a male and female and have experience of interacting with them of about a year or so. I could tell they had It before they told me. They both caused a lot of hurt and drama in people's lives without any remorse. Akin to a psychopath unable to feel empathy.
ryouga to Al7777
9 Oct 17 #43
So how do you know they didn't have mental health problems, race baiting? I am comparing being racist to what you are doing, having a negative stigma on people you have a bias against.

I am actually autistic and had more problems with NON autistic people such as bullying, and yes I have known bad autistic people but since you get good and bad non autistic people whats the difference? Hence comparing it to racism again.

Have you had credit taken in your name as the people know you are autistic and can't fight back and are a soft touch?

Have you been given verbal and physical abuse at work as people see you as a freak?

Have you been burgled as people know you are autistic?

Have you had pretty much every landlord you have ever rented from rip you off as they see you as a soft touch?

And all of this done by non autistic people.
Al7777 to ryouga
9 Oct 17 #44
Here's a tip don't disclose your health record to people unless there close to you. I have no personal bias otherwise I wouldn't have wasted a year of my life befriending people with the condition. Mental health isn't an excuse for you actions if you harm others, for example scum like Jason roof etc.
Captplatonic to cb-uk
9 Oct 17 #7
They got tinnitus and hearing loss and had to man up to it. Personally I'll be getting my son some hearing protection
catalonia to Captplatonic
9 Oct 17 #11
Nadia.Majeed to cb-uk
9 Oct 17 #9
They struggled and probably people with sensory processing disorders, autism etc didn't get to really enjoy the fireworks. Ear defender are brilliant and it's better my son is wearing them than screaming from the noise... which is better for others watching too
MadBob to cb-uk
9 Oct 17 #17
odiedodie to cb-uk
9 Oct 17 #21
Cough *snowflake* cough cough
o3mar to cb-uk
9 Oct 17 #24
Excellent demonstration of ignorance. If only there was a HUKD medal for you to receive..

General advice for you: Refrain from commenting on that of which you have no knowledge. Maybe someone on Dragons Den will bring an over-engineered solution to assist you.
cloughja to cb-uk
9 Oct 17 #29
Said no expert on autism ever. You are both insensitive and ill informed. Why do you feel the need to share your opinion here when you clearly know nothing whatsoever about the subject matter?
9 Oct 17 #8
I think that some people are so rude!!! If this helps people then that’s all that matters. Heat from me! The comment from Nougat is terrible and should be kicked off this site.
andiacc to stephenhewlett
9 Oct 17 #18
I'm absolutely disguisted to find such offensive comments. Nougat you are a disgrace to humanity. I feel physically sick and ashamed that anyone would say what you have. Shame on you
9 Oct 17 #12
Not seeing anything other than full price.
9 Oct 17 #13
The people knocking these aren't talking about autistic children so get a life....not every child is autistic hey
andiacc to catalonia
9 Oct 17 #19
He specifically said " Children with autism shouldn't go to fireworks " , telling people to get a life because we feel repulsed doesn't help, does it ? Nobody said all children are autistic. It was pointed out how helpful aids can be. I know.
catalonia to andiacc
9 Oct 17 #20
What would we do without freedom of speech,and opinions.....oh I know..let's live in North Korea lol
9 Oct 17 #14
Thanks,people without children with asd do we just leave that child at home then? Yes didnt have these thinga many yrs ago but also had more mental asylums and homes for children with special needs who were not understood
9 Oct 17 #15…851

slightly cheaper than above
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