Hi All I stumbled across this deal in store at Curry's/PC World in the Trafford Centre in Manchester and bought their last copy.: 1. This is an in-store deal as I suspect they are trying to dump their remaining Mark III stock, I have no idea if it is national or not but always worth checking. 2. Yes I know this has been superseded by the 5D Mark IV but the lowest price at time of posting for this was 3K camerapricebuster.co.uk/Can…ody it is still possible to buy this Mark III camera new but at considerably higher prices: camerapricebuster.co.uk/Can…ody 3. From what I could see this was a fantastic price, even used copies at MPB cost more: mpb.com/en-…ii/ 4. As it is UK stock it comes with Canon's Standard 2 Year warranty. 5. For specs: canon.co.uk/for…ii/
Picture Below: UPDATE: I have edited the title of the title as some people have also managed to find 6D's for less than £700 which is also a cracking price. As I stated in my original post this may be nationwide but it is a bit of an easter egg hunt regarding stock.
1 Oct 17#1
My biggest fear is someone has taken off that lens cap and smeared their finger over the sensor or something god awful...
1 Oct 17#2
Still I have no idea why 6d is twice cheaper with better sensor performance.
MusicmanJP to Sliwka
1 Oct 17#4
Because the 6D is a consumer camera with one pathetic card slot and terrible autofocus, while the 5d series are professional cameras designed for reliable use.
Sliwka to MusicmanJP
1 Oct 17#8
Let be honest How many times your CF card failed? How many times 5d M3 autofocus missed? I could understand 20% price difference but not almost 50%
snoopy18 to MusicmanJP
2 Oct 17#10
Have you ever owned a 6d
snoopy18 to Sliwka
2 Oct 17#11
I own a 6d , pretty sure it hasn't a better sensor performance that this camera , where did you read that
Sliwka to snoopy18
2 Oct 17#12
Just Google it. Dustin Abbott is specialist with Canon cameras.
MrMatt991 to Sliwka
7 Oct 17#18
Image quality difference is marginal in use, but trust me I've used both and owned one - the 5D3 is a very slick camera compared to the 6D. Yes I'd say it's worth the money. 6D is more like a lightweight 5D2 with a new sensor.
1 Oct 17#3
Err no I don't think so. Ex-display camera, well it depends on how long it's been on display 3 years ? if it was a normall second hand on ebay it's a better buy as atleast it may have been stored away. Not a bargain for me sorry.
1 Oct 17#5
Although I've never been inspired to buy ex display stuff, theoretically it should be in better condition than a second hand one selling on eBay about the same price, and you ve got warranty on top. And it supposed to be a tough pro camera body.
1 Oct 17#6
How is this deal relevant? Person has said it was the only one. By that standard I will post up reduced to clear 5p veg as it's a deal. It's a one off deal and it's ex display as well. Cold and worthless as isn't a deal
1 Oct 17#7
Superb camera regret selling mines now, near 1dx quality. Expensive hobby, especially the lenses. I loved my 70-200mm f2.8 IS USM II lenses, pin sharp always!
1 Oct 17#9
Great spot op. I would just like to point out that this price is not only for brand new in box but also display models. I managed to pick up a 6d yesterday brand new in box for £676 but they were also selling display at same price. If I had seen the 5d mk3 I would have bought that instead. It's worth asking in store which stores have stock in case you are one of the lucky ones that can get a bnib for same price. Grab them while they are this price people :thumbsup:
3 Oct 17#13
Saw this deal in Currys Cribbs Causeway, Bristol, if that helps anyone.
5 Oct 17#14
Anyone got the product code from the reciept for any of these items?
Unexpected_Error to fuzed
5 Oct 17#15
301763 for the 5d3
fuzed to Unexpected_Error
5 Oct 17#17
Thank you.
5 Oct 17#16
Thanks op - picked up an ex-display model from Kensington high street on Monday.
As of Monday evening there was also an ex display 5d3 and 6d at the staples corner branch. The 5d3 was missing the battery.
Opening post
I stumbled across this deal in store at Curry's/PC World in the Trafford Centre in Manchester and bought their last copy.:
1. This is an in-store deal as I suspect they are trying to dump their remaining Mark III stock, I have no idea if it is national or not but always worth checking.
2. Yes I know this has been superseded by the 5D Mark IV but the lowest price at time of posting for this was 3K camerapricebuster.co.uk/Can…ody it is still possible to buy this Mark III camera new but at considerably higher prices: camerapricebuster.co.uk/Can…ody
3. From what I could see this was a fantastic price, even used copies at MPB cost more: mpb.com/en-…ii/
4. As it is UK stock it comes with Canon's Standard 2 Year warranty.
5. For specs: canon.co.uk/for…ii/
Picture Below:
UPDATE: I have edited the title of the title as some people have also managed to find 6D's for less than £700 which is also a cracking price. As I stated in my original post this may be nationwide but it is a bit of an easter egg hunt regarding stock.
How many times your CF card failed? How many times 5d M3 autofocus missed? I could understand 20% price difference but not almost 50%
If I had seen the 5d mk3 I would have bought that instead. It's worth asking in store which stores have stock in case you are one of the lucky ones that can get a bnib for same price. Grab them while they are this price people :thumbsup:
As of Monday evening there was also an ex display 5d3 and 6d at the staples corner branch. The 5d3 was missing the battery.