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 AMD YD1200BBAEBOX Ryzen 3 1200 CPU with Wraith Stealth Cooler - Silver £89.99 @ Amazon
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5 Oct 17
I have found this the cheapest price anywhere!

The lightning-fast AMD Ryzen processors are the superior choice. With AMD SenseMI technology, a collection of smart features that rapidly and automatically tune performance for more responsive applications, Ryzen processors use true machine intelligence to accelerate performance. AMD Ryzen 3 processors feature 4 cores with 4 threads, helping you game, stream and create with performance to spare… every AMD Ryzen processor is voltage and multiplier unlocked and ready for overclocking. Discover the AMD Ryzen advantage, giving you the best all-around performance for your most demanding tasks. And with disruptive price-to-performance, AMD Ryzen processors are the obvious choice for creators, gamers and enthusiasts.
5 Oct 17 #1
That's alot of CPU for 90 quid.

It may lack the IPS of intel but this is quad core and, per watt, is much better than the current crop of i3s.

ollie87 to abaxas
5 Oct 17 #2
It's also "a lot" of CPU for £90.
timohhhh to ollie87
6 Oct 17 #11
Oh no, watch out! It's the grammer police!!!

ollie87 to timohhhh
6 Oct 17 #15
It's actually the spelling police.

And it's grammar, not grammer.
5 Oct 17 #3
Great price but I would wait to see how the new Intel i3 chips do before committing.

The embargo should be lifted today at some point.
vulcanproject to Gormond
5 Oct 17 #5
Ryzen prices are dropping because of Coffee Lake. The i3 8100 might end up like £10-£20 more than this but it is likely to be quite a lot faster for example. See where the prices settle when stock starts hitting the stores
5 Oct 17 #4
Is this better than the AMD FX8320 posted the other day?
5 Oct 17 #6
How does it compared with the G4560?
Nate1492 to ganon
6 Oct 17 #10
The G4560 is a better gaming and budget CPU.…tml

Barely loses to the R3 in 'cpu tasks' and passes it on the gaming tasks.
Oneday77 to Nate1492
6 Oct 17 #12
You seem to be pretty selective in your wording. In games the G4560 is about 6% faster. But passes the Ryzen.
However 16% better on CPU is barely better.

For budget buyers the Ryzen may not dominate but is far from a poor choice. Also as the socket is claimed to be supported until 2020. There are more available upgrade paths available.
Nate1492 to Oneday77
6 Oct 17 #13
16% only after OC. That means you need to buy a good motherboard, i.e. an expensive B350 instead of a budget A320.

Oh, and you better get a new CPU cooler, because the wraith included with the R3 is insufficient to function at higher fan speeds and temps.

The motherboard used for the OC costs 240 quid. The ram used costs 190 quid. Both of these factor into a 'good OC' for the Ryzen brand, as you need both a good motherboard and a good set of RAM.

So yeah, 16% OC, using a motherboard/ram combo that costs 430 quid. Chuck in a 30 quid CPU cooler, and you have spend 550 quid on Mobo, CPU, Ram, CPU Cooler for an extremely pedestrian OC.

Or you could buy the G4560 for 55 quid, a cheap Intel mobo for 40 quid, and budget RAM (100ish). 195.

The thing about Ryzen is that it requires good RAM and good Motherboards for OC, while the G4560 is not OC'd, and does not require good Ram to function well. Intel chips operate much better without high speed RAM.

So.... Yes, I was selective with my wording, because pretending that the OC speed with the Ryzen 3 is anything but fluff would be misleading.
Oneday77 to Nate1492
6 Oct 17 #14
£550 on a R3 1200 build, what are you on?
My X370, 16GB 3000 RAM and R7 1700 all cost £520.

Their test maybe used a high end motherboard and memory. Most benchmarks do, to show the best the processor can do, not the package.

A B350 MB may cost £80-£90 but will last 3 years of CPU cycles. DDR4 memory is here for a while, 2 x 4GB will do most even 2400Mhz stuff will be fine.

The G4560 is fast and if really stuck on a budget, it is best bang per buck. However the Ryzen is the better long term solution.

Oh - and sorry I missed the 16% was on an OC. The rest of the benchmarks are within 5% of each other.
somerandomguy123 to Oneday77
7 Oct 17 #20
You're wasting your time discussing tbh, he's an intel fanboi of wccftech grade. Like clockwork, he spews the same either cherry-picked or totally nonsensical garbage in every ryzen post. Deal is hot.
Nate1492 to somerandomguy123
8 Oct 17 #22
Nonsensical? I've provided resources and information. Cherry picked? Point out the cherry picking.

The thing is, I know you won't, because it doesn't exist. You don't like the fact I pop into a Ryzen thread and let people know there are potentially better options over on the Intel side for specific builds? What's wrong with that?

Talk about fanboy, someone who is willing to ignore facts and research in spite of evidence presented.
somerandomguy123 to Nate1492
10 Oct 17 #23
I've seen plenty of people trying to be reasonable and providing facts to you and all you did was either ignore everything that doesn't agree with your narrative, or just endlessly spun things around to prove a point like your job depended on it. And in every ryzen thread, time and time again you claim you did your "research" by going back to your 3 - 4 cherry picked, outdated or garbage sources, trying to dissuade people from buying good products simply because you've decided that they aren't for you. If you really did "research" the topic, it only goes to show that you don't really understand or don't want to understand what you're talking about.
Case in point this thread. You start by saying that the pentium is "a better budget and gaming cpu" and then defend it like undisputable gospel. Gaming wise it benches better in cpu-bound situations, can't be disputed, but have you actually tried the scenario? Have you used the pentium? Those dual cores are surprisingly easy to overwhelm, via even basic multitasking (your discords, spotify, chrome tabs, antiviruses, gaming clients, tons of things), meaning that if you want to extract that very price competitive gaming performance, you need to adopt a set of procedures - make sure you're on a fresh boot, that you don't run either demanding or consuming [different concepts] stuff in the background and so on and so forth. And I am sure that you would do all of this things, but reality is that most people never do or eventually stop because they can't be arsed, and then complain that their machine is slow. A slightly weaker quad gives you a lot more headroom to use your PC as a pc, so most of the times between the 2, the 1200 at this price, is a better buy. If they want a console, know exactly what they are getting into (but oddly enough don't want to overclock), then it's the pentium. If you want to talk pure cost effectiveness, then you'd probably be better off trying to get a sandy i5 on ebay.

More being deliberately obtuse? You mentioning that in the OC build the mobo costed 240 quids, implying that that's what you need to hit that OC, is required is either ignorant or disingenuous. 20 minutes of research would have shown you that you can just as easily overclock to 90% to 100% of that with b350s mobos that cost well below 100£. You then mention absolutely needing a new cooler, again, untrue until you are pushing the CPU to the max, and even then, since you love your outliers, there are several people that hit 3.9/4 on stock coolers.
I could go on and on, but I am sure that nothing I said will ring a bell with you, and that's because there's no reasoning with zealots, you love your Intel stuff, and hopefully you're a shareholder.
5 Oct 17 #7
correct me if this is wrong but I read that coffee lake will, at least for a while, require a certain chipset which is very expensive.

So AMD will still have a significant overall cheaper price for now.
5 Oct 17 #9
Yes they will require a Z370 board. The cheaper boards will be next year.

For anybody interested in this almost paper launch (Do Intel think they are AMD! Lol) the i5-8400 is available from Amazon Global Here
5 Oct 17 #8
Although people have to consider the additional cost of a graphics card when comparing deals. I'm not a gamer so for me built-in graphics are fine.
6 Oct 17 #16
Ryzen runs fine on a £70 b350m motherboard and stock cooler and “cheap” memory (no DDR4 is cheap). You don’t need to push to 4ghz to get a benefit from overclock.
My R5 1500x overclocks to 3.9 just through a standard auto setting on the motherboard, I’ve not even bothered messing with voltages or memory speeds. I use mismatched DDR4 from CEX (half the price of new) and the PC is completely stable - even though I’m not suggesting people get mismatched memory. (Memory from CEX can still be a lottery for Ryzen).
Nate, why can’t you accept both chips are good, both have benefits and some drawbacks?
(Forgot to mention that I’m n the stock air cooler - which is admittedly the step up from the R3 one).
My r5 5100x with b350m motherboard and 16gb (used) DDR4 cost £316 - I’m not comparing it to a G4650 or Ryzen 3 build.
If you already have DDR3 and on a budget it’s a no brainier to go for the Intel, (next upgrade would have to go for faster memory though).
Nate1492 to dan_lesser
6 Oct 17 #18
At what point did I say that there are no benefits to both chips? I said the G4560 is a better budget gaming CPU.

End of story, I even said the Ryzen 3 1200 was slightly ahead on CPU synthetics, but who cares about synthetics at the budget end? Would you honestly suggest someone does CPU heavy R3? It's a bit silly.

Oneday77, the build in the test setup that achieved 16% OC, that's the cost of it. My point was it was not a typical overclock for the typical budget 1200.

I simply don't think the 1200 is a good chip, nor do I trust AMD to follow through on a future promise. Do we not recall how long Vega and Ryzen took to come to market? Who's saying the platform remains viable in 2020, when AMD can't predict 6 months of supply.
6 Oct 17 #17
This is what I got:
ryzen 3 1200 is overclocked to 3.8ghz on this stock cooler...
got 8gb adata 2800mhz ddr4 ram £50..
gigabyte ab350m gaming 3 motherboard for £78..
256gb nvme ssd 1800mb read 800mb write speeds i found on ebay for £65..
evga geforce 1050ti for £126...
psu for £50
Pcie wireless card from currys 9.99
23inch aoc monitor £90 overclocked to 75Hz,
case 40

Total just over £600
very very fast and smooth machine and can play most games at top settings
6 Oct 17 #19
looking at the link above the results are pretty erratic, some with faster clocked chips coming in lower, then in others the entire spread is just a few FPS. hardly something with which to draw any concrete conclusions.
7 Oct 17 #21
Yes, this is hot. I have given this heat, I am surprised it is not over 1000 degrees yet. Ryzen is here to stay, and at the moment, it is beating the competition for what you get for the money.
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