Fidget Spinner delivered for 67p($0.89) sounds prompting to buy for my son.
2 Oct 17#1
How much are the loom bands?
othen to ScroopEgerton
2 Oct 17#2
... You could always have a look! :-)
ScroopEgerton to othen
3 Oct 17#7
Yes I could, but I think you may have missed my point. :stuck_out_tongue:
2 Oct 17#3
pogs were the best passing fad, i mean who doesn't like a gamble :grin:
2 Oct 17#4
All this stuff ends up as land fill
3 Oct 17#5
Stock up until they return as the latest fad lol
3 Oct 17#6
I just took delivery of a musical fidget spinner with lights that I got from Gearbest for 67p. It's actually pretty good!
You might still be able to get it using the 70% off code at the bottom of this page, but I'm not sure the code still works. The code only works on 1 item and I believe it can only be used once per customer.
EDIT: The code is 70%OFF$1 and the fidget spinner is here (blue only, 1 item only):…=21
3 Oct 17#8
should be called money spinner,bet they`ve made a fortune.
3 Oct 17#9
junk at any price is still junk.
3 Oct 17#10
These are out of fashion now! Kids are not much intrested in these only play with these for a few days then they throw them away
ohdearohdear to Bluecat786
3 Oct 17#12
:persevere: :popcorn:
This was never a fashion for a child with autism :angry: this toy was not designed for an average child
Bluecat786 to ohdearohdear
3 Oct 17#13
Yes sorry I didn't mean this for an autistic child obviously it helps them.Many kids play with these regardless.
ohdearohdear to Bluecat786
4 Oct 17#16
Sorry to jump your tgroat. My boy has autism and his friends have too so i do see how much it helps them to stop fidgeting or calming down. Mea culpa
3 Oct 17#11
Voted hot tho because of the low price compared to other places.
3 Oct 17#14
Bluecat didn't mean no harm ohdearihdear. I know what its like , my nephew loved Dominoes. Not a childs toy really but he was so good at them that Prof Hawkins would never have worked his system out. Absolutely Wonderful. Love this community for people apologising and people graciously accepting....that in itself is hot hot heat. Eh ?
3 Oct 17#15
Being cheap and from china i'm guessing it doesn't carry the CE mark and not considered safe for children. Couldn't see any reference to it on the website
Opening post
You might still be able to get it using the 70% off code at the bottom of this page, but I'm not sure the code still works. The code only works on 1 item and I believe it can only be used once per customer.…tml
EDIT: The code is 70%OFF$1 and the fidget spinner is here (blue only, 1 item only):…=21
This was never a fashion for a child with autism :angry: this toy was not designed for an average child