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 Xbox One X 1TB + Forza Motorsport 7 £459.98 @ Currys PC World
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Xbox One X 1TB + Forza Motorsport 7 £459.98 @ Currys PC World

£459.98 Currys23 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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23 Sep 17
Xbox One X 1TB + Forza Motorsport 7

£459.98 @ Currys PC World

Latest comments (36)
5 Oct 17 #12
Black Friday / Cyber Monday for the XB O X + Forza 7 or another game for £449.99

Xmas time deals Forza 7 + another game for £449.99 :grin:
Luca69t to EuroGamer
5 Oct 17 #15
Ill be waiting for that then. An extra free game for waiting less than 20 days from release. Nice one EuroGamer :thumbsup:
EuroGamer to Luca69t
5 Oct 17 #16
Bear in mind it's only a prediction that may be well off, the extra game prediction (again may be well off) was for the Xmas deals :smile:
Luca69t to EuroGamer
5 Oct 17 #18
Seems like a safe bet though. The second batch isn’t exactly selling out again and the last thing on most families minds around xmas time is not really to splash £400+ on a games console. Id say its a fair prediction and we could even see better offers. Extra controller chucked in etc.

I just tried the vey offer of 20% off but as you need to apply for credit first i didn’t fancy it. I know its interest free but i’d rather just pay up front. Just a personal weird like that
EuroGamer to Luca69t
5 Oct 17 #19
I'd stay away from Very

See this Very Trustpilot reviews
EuroGamer to Luca69t
10 Oct 17 #36
There you go @ Currys Online but also posted here too
Xmas may provide better deals / games then :grin:
23 Sep 17 #4
Want one but misses would leave me
Gozer to monkey1999
23 Sep 17 #5
So is it worth it or not?
monkey1999 to Gozer
23 Sep 17 #6
Hot unlike my misses
mannin to monkey1999
30 Sep 17 #9
Look on this as a positive, more time to one your new Xbox lol
philrrobinson to monkey1999
9 Oct 17 #35
Where's the down side ?
7 Oct 17 #34
I can buy it, but i still don't see anything dramatic worth the purchase
6 Oct 17 #33
I have a pre-order on the Scorpio edition. At full whack.
Trying to work out what to do - cancel that and order this?
Keep that and sell it upon release, and also order this? (is the scorpio edition in demand enough to make a profit?)
6 Oct 17 #32
Those that have the two top teir versions of the game that include the vip pass have just had the games credit system altered, now they get top free cars, massively increased rewards and a bigger chance on top stuff from those boxes, which now almost negates the whole credit grind situation and loot crate basically you will be playing and grinding and have lesser odds of getting anything goo, compared to what vip owners will ever have to, and judging by some of the replies over on the forza forums basic owners are not happy as they are hitting the credit pay wall big time, so basically people who bought the 50 quid verion are being treated like low level scum who are being forced to jump through hoops to play their 50 quid game. Lol

But loot crates in a predominantly single player games is just ridicules, it really is.
23 Sep 17 #3
I played Forza 7 (demo) on my S and I don’t have 4k or HDR and to be honest it looked pretty good. It’s not worth upgrading if you have the S in my opinion. The quality of the game has little to do with resolution (UC4 is a good example of this).
iqy007 to speedfire66
25 Sep 17 #7
upgrade only if you have a decent 4K HDR set
Jim_Bob_Beers to speedfire66
5 Oct 17 #13
It is worth upgrading, as long as you have a 4K set. Why anyone would be looking at an Xbox One X without purchasing a 4K tv is beyond me.
speedfire66 to Jim_Bob_Beers
5 Oct 17 #25
It does upscale for 1080p sets, but I wouldn’t buy it for just resolution. I’d want to see actual innovation with the games.
Tony-Stark to speedfire66
5 Oct 17 #20
To be honest, Forza 7 looks stunning on the normal Xbox S on a 4K TV.. sure it will look a bit better on an Xbox One X but not that much. This console looks good if you're an early adapter but I'm sure the price will come down a lot pretty soon anyway
XP200 to speedfire66
5 Oct 17 #30
I played the demo on my 4k HDR tv with my slim and it was simply stunning, the best implimentation that i have seen yet of any HDR game, simply jaw dropping, so i can't imagine what it will look like with all that but in native 4k on the X. :astonished:

Of course i won't be touching the game myself at launch because it has a season pass, but i will grab it way down the line on sale, and that sale price will be really low because of the addition of lock boxes(No T10, they are not prize boxes, they are lock boxes no matter how you try to spin it), and i am a Forza nut, but i stick by my principles.

But i commend the fan base for kicking up a stink and at least getting VIP rewards massively improved as to negate said lock boxes, although that won't help those who bought the basic version.
Jim_Bob_Beers to XP200
5 Oct 17 #31
I have the standard version. I’m a little lost on what you mean? Playing the game as I normally do and not had to spend a penny, my credits help me unlock said boxes if I want. Unlocking new cars at a reasonable pace.
5 Oct 17 #29
This reminds me of the original Xbox One Forza 5 bundle, down in price by 50% in 2 years. Erm no thanks - fingers burnt already
5 Oct 17 #14
Be warned that apparently Forza 7 completely rips you off. Its been made with microtransactions in mind, so in order to make any sort of progress in the game without it being mind-numbingly grindy, you'll have to pay real money for in-game credits and rewards. It's like what free to play mobile games do, except in this case the game isnt even free to play. Plus they mislead people with the special editions by not disclosing that VIP status only lasts 25 days, unlike in all the previous games where VIP is permanent.
Im definitely not supporting a studio that priorities ripping the customer off even, after they've paid for the game. You're better off sticking with Forza 6 which is actually playable without having to pay your way through the game.
EuroGamer to SavB
5 Oct 17 #17
In case you were not aware of Microsoft pulls U-turn on controversial Forza Motorsport 7 VIP changes
That's it for now though.
SavB to EuroGamer
5 Oct 17 #21
That's far from enough. The VIP status only affects a minority who opted for the special additions. The microtransaction-focused game is by far the biggest issue.
EuroGamer to SavB
5 Oct 17 #22
Agreed and not something I personally like either.
Junglis999 to SavB
5 Oct 17 #24
You make a valid point but it only took me 2 hours of gameplay before I could buy the cars I actually wanted. The new system is bad agreed. But not terrible.
Jim_Bob_Beers to SavB
5 Oct 17 #28
Let’s get this of right now you cannot use REAL money in Forza 7. Whether pay for transactions come in the future or not remains to be seen but as of this moment the only loot crates and rewards you get in Forza 7 are via in game credits which you earn via racing NOT by paying for them.

5 Oct 17 #27
Been thinking of upgrading but I'll just buy a Nintendo switch instead and buy this at a later date
5 Oct 17 #26
For anyone voting hot on this you all deserve to be bent over backwards and done right in your cheeky little bum holes why would you vote hot??
23 Sep 17 #1
so you get forza for 20
hm not bad
musefan2001 to robodan918
5 Oct 17 #10
Isn't it £449.99 solus so £10 for forza?
GlynMcNulty to robodan918
5 Oct 17 #23
Well £9.99 with the console priced at 449.99
5 Oct 17 #11
Too bad this isn’t a play anywhere code for the game...
29 Sep 17 #8
Does anyone know if they take full payment upfront?
23 Sep 17 #2
It seems this deal is going to be quite common from now on.
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