I found this Bicycle German Standard Smart Flashlight only for £5.89, original price was £12.85. Save a lot when you purchase now.
Features: Light sensor, ambient light darker, stronger light lighting. Shock sensor to control your light. Power save, aurora mode can be used continuously for 2 hours and power saving mode Release 6 hours. Safety, no glare, accident prevention. Cutoff line design, according to the German StVZO bicycle headlight authenticate. USB charging, easy to use. Easy to install,anti-fall protection.
7y 27d#1
interesting read and about time we did something about the problem
pibpob to nougat
7y 27d#8
Yeah, but I'd have thought obvious to anyone who has ever had a bike with a silly overpowered round beam light come towards them. I have been using a Philips Saferide for several years, which has been one of the few bike lights available in the UK with a proper beam pattern. Let's hope this one heralds an enormous increase in lights of this type. I hope this one doesn't fall to pieces on first use or die in the first shower.
jamgin to nougat
7y 27d#10
There's no problem just cyclist trying to stay alive. If car drivers get dazzled enough to slow down then for the good.
Mind you if my light if not set properly on the daily commute then the car drivers let me know by driving on to the cycle lane in an attempt to run me down...
pibpob to jamgin
7y 27d#11
But what about your fellow cyclists? And what if drivers at any speed get dazzled enough to plough into a pedestrian instead? That really is a very unhelpful attitude - reserve your ire for your real enemies, who are the inattentive and aggressive motorists, not everyone else on the road whom you put in danger with your mistaken beliefs about lights.
jamgin to pibpob
7y 27d#18
No mistake. I'm still alive.
CampGareth to nougat
7y 25d#23
huh, I bought this light after seeing it and thinking it's a good design, looks like it was inspired by those rules since it has an LED in the top that shines down and reflects out the front, limiting the amount of light that can be sent out above the centre point.
Problem is certifying bodies only have so much time to review every last clone coming out of China so these seemingly sensible lights will never be certified and therefore legal on the roads.
7y 27d#2
7y 27d#3
Want it but not even unwrapped my last bike light. Great Deal HEAT ADDED
morrig to guttediam
7y 27d#6
Or can use the two with one as stand bye or have one illuminating near and other far.
guttediam to morrig
7y 27d#7
Or keep another one in the draw & my Phat aSs on the sofa
7y 27d#4
Use affiliate6 for 6% off.
7y 27d#5
Super little light,clever features,and a nice deal.Came to £5.72P on paypal checkout,plus an additional 34p topcashback
7y 27d#9
Can anyone recommend a decent priced rear light (USB rechargeable) to go with this?
Macdory to jaybizzle
7y 27d#12
Looks like this can also be used as a red light - get two
pibpob to Macdory
7y 27d#13
I know you might be joking but the shaped beam is for use as a headlight (to light the road ahead), not a rear light (to be seen).
Macdory to pibpob
7y 27d#14
Seriously - look at the images on the link. One of the modes is a red light ... I kid you not!
pibpob to Macdory
7y 27d#15
Ah, thanks - it looks like the red light pattern may be different from the white light pattern.
I had a SMIDSY (sorry mate I didn't see you) accident on my bike in full daylight wearing bright clothing a few months ago and am still recovering . I'm looking for a bright light for daytime as well as nighttime use, so this could be useful. I really don't know what to do to prevent another SMIDSY idiot ploughing into me. Remember folks, one idiot can ruin your whole life. Thankfully, I hope to make a good recovery in time.
jamgin to mutav
7y 26d#22
I've two front lights on all year round and I've had people pull out in front of me at 1 metre away and they still claimed they didn't see me...Best method I find is defensive riding. Thus when there is a chance of a car pulling out in front of me I try to make eye contact with the driver. If I can't then I assume they haven't seen me and prepare to stop.
nougat to jamgin
7y 25d#24
Woah there! you have just said that dazzling other road users aggressively is a good way to slow them down and now you are saying making eye contact is a defensive way of riding. How can you make eye contact if they are being dazzled. It seems you are not quite as bright as your lights.
jamgin to nougat
7y 25d#25
I make eye contact with those car drivers about to pull out into the side of me. Call me old fashioned but my front light faces forward and not sideways. Aka no dazzle and eye contact made. Sorted.
jamgin to nougat
7y 25d#26
To be honest I don't advocate aggresive behaviour towards any road or footpath user. Hence in the winter I ride with the main light positioned for seeing where I'm going (no dazzle to cars) and a smaller flashing light to hopefully get noticed but non dazzling. But it's defensive cycling that's ultimately saved my bacon a few times.
7y 26d#21
Tut tut. Please respect your elders.
7y 25d#27
Arrived today. Cool features for bike lights. Thanks OP
7y 24d#28
These lights are awesome, the brackets however rubbish. The clip that holds the light in place is very weak brittle plastic and I have already broken 2 in so many weeks.
Opening post
Light sensor, ambient light darker, stronger light lighting.
Shock sensor to control your light.
Power save, aurora mode can be used continuously for 2 hours and power saving mode Release 6 hours.
Safety, no glare, accident prevention.
Cutoff line design, according to the German StVZO bicycle headlight authenticate.
USB charging, easy to use.
Easy to install,anti-fall protection.
Mind you if my light if not set properly on the daily commute then the car drivers let me know by driving on to the cycle lane in an attempt to run me down...
Problem is certifying bodies only have so much time to review every last clone coming out of China so these seemingly sensible lights will never be certified and therefore legal on the roads.
Well I never.
The clip that holds the light in place is very weak brittle plastic and I have already broken 2 in so many weeks.