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 Wolfenstein II (Nintendo Switch) - £39.99 -
4 stars +361

Wolfenstein II (Nintendo Switch) - £39.99 -

£39.99 Base.com16 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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15 Sep 17
Seems cheaper at the moment than the Xbox and PS4 versions, which is unusual as Switch usually costs more.
15 Sep 17 #1
Did I hear right that this game is going to be released Months later on the Nintendo switch?
MidnightCharizard to markl2394
16 Sep 17 #2
It's releasing early next year I believe :smile:
16 Sep 17 #3
thats pretty lame by then most ppl would have already played it and the other consoles versions will be a lot cheaper by then judging by how fast bethesda games go down in price, very fast
16 Sep 17 #4
Well heat for me as it's around the same price as the PS4/Xbox version's. Ok it's not out till next year but those other versions have been in development longer, should be grateful we are getting games like this at all on the switch.

I think people are forgetting how long games are in development, they might of got it out same time but after the Wii u who expected the switch to be as popular as it is and as I said we should be happy to see games like this on a Nintendo console


See Doom is also the same price but with how much longer that's been out it really should be cheaper Ok sort of contradicts what I've said but it is a lot older than this.
16 Sep 17 #5
Not going to lie... I love Wolfenstein. I'm just sad that Nintendo fans have to resort to making headline articles on how the Switch is getting third party support, when it's ultimately getting "run and gun shooters". Seems a tad hypocritical, given that there were a few people on here a few months back who were defending Nintendo consoles as being the last bastion of "kid-friendly" content provider platforms.

Going to give this deal "heat". Mainly because it's Wolfenstein. But those articles out there just prove how inconsistent Nintendo fans are.
voyager123 to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #12
Agree but let's be honest fans on all consoles are just as bad, many times fans have blasted an exclusive for one and when it turns up on there console it's the best thing since sliced bread. It always been the same and will never change.

Yep the game looks worse than the PS4 but with the switch's limitations I expected it to be a lot worse, people should be grateful do get something different from the usual kid friendly fodder. Also why do people keep bring up that it will probably be a tenner on PS4/Xbox when it's out, of course it will , but as this is started production later what do they expect. Look how long mass effect had been on Xbox before it came to the PS3 can't remember people moaning about that!
prankster101 to voyager123
16 Sep 17 #13
I think debates regarding Nintendo fans Vs "the rest of the industry" usually get more attention though - just in terms of how wide the disparity is between their gaming norms and values. There's not much of a difference between a Sony and MS fanboy. Nintendo fans however are... different.
voyager123 to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #14
Yes, they are the worst of the bunch along with pc gamer's, never seen a bunch of fans do as many 180s
electrolite77 to voyager123
16 Sep 17 #20
Again, they're all as bad as each other. Seriously. If you think otherwise your imagination is playing tricks on you.
electrolite77 to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #19
This is all in your head mate. They're all as bad as each other
prankster101 to electrolite77
16 Sep 17 #22
I can't be bothered dragging up any of noahsdad's arguments for when he used to defend Nintendo.

Like I said, Nintendo fans are... different.
Tequila to voyager123
16 Sep 17 #31
People should be "grateful" because they have to pay premium price and get tuned-down,inferior ****-poor versions of the games available on other platforms for under £10?

also who told you Nintendo systems only had kiddy games and violent games were not available?

did you even check Wii games? because there were COD,multiple Residen Evil games,Madworld,Bully,and tens of other "mature" themed games there.

now if you go back to older Nintendo consoles there where even more bloody,gory games some even developed by Nintendo themselves like Eternal Darkness on Gamecube and even Resident Evil used to be Nintendo exclusive initially..

I don't know where you get your inaccurate info from.
being grateful! lol
bleachedsmiles to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #17
All fanboys are single out Nintendo ones is abit silly...

Last gen Sony fanboys cried about conspiracies in the media whenever a multiplatform game was reported to be that theyre told the ps4 versions are better they have no problem with those websites.
They laughed and mocked Xbox fanboys for having to pay to play that they have to pay for online they've no problem with it.
They complained about Xbox getting 3rd party dlc that they get dlc first they've no problem with the practice.
They laughed and mocked the Xbox one for having lower resolution games. Now that the games will have a higher resolution on the Xbox x they don't care about resolution...and so on

Xbox fanboys laughed at the resolution difference last gen. First half of this gen they've defended it as it not mattering or barely noticeable. Now that the Xbox x is 'the most powerful console' resolution differences suddenly matter again.

So talk to me about Nintendo fanboy hypocrisies with a straight face.

Also...I very rarely see deals for Xbox/ps4 games have their comments section over taken by Nintendo fanboys complaining about said deal...this pretty much tells you all you need to know really
prankster101 to bleachedsmiles
16 Sep 17 #18
I'm not going to respond to all of that... Or back up my argument with example-laden facts. I can't be bothered. Got too much other stuff to be getting on with today.
bleachedsmiles to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #30
Yeah, funny that.
robwdavies to prankster101
17 Sep 17 #33
Because you can't?
prankster101 to robwdavies
17 Sep 17 #34
Because I can't be bothered dignifying it with a proper response... Not worth a decent ROI.
copperspock to prankster101
19 Sep 17 #37
Well it'd be hypocritical if it's the same particular fans making both statements, but is that the case?
16 Sep 17 #6
At this rate GTA 5 will be available on the Switch in a couple of years! But at least they will be releasing violent games for it. Great for those that want to shoot Nazi zombies in the face whilst being on a packed commuter train.
16 Sep 17 #7
Heat. I don't quite understand people bashing Nintendo. Can anyone remember how long it took for sunset overdrive to be released after the xbone launched, it was a year! Look at the switch library within the same year. The games may well be lower fidelity but such a better experience. Sony are missing a trick doing most of us out of in home streaming
16 Sep 17 #8
Since when was a £40 game seen as hot? As someone else said, once this is out it will be cheaper on the PS4/XBO and will be technically inferior on the big screen.
prankster101 to The.Lone.Ranger
16 Sep 17 #9
Bruh... you never seen those £40 Switch game deals go hot?

Anyway, here's a comparison between the different (PS4 Vs Switch) versions of Doom...

turbobuddah to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #10
That blurryness is horrible, are they really expecting people to pay £40 when it looks worse and dropped to less than a tenner on other platforms?
prankster101 to turbobuddah
16 Sep 17 #11
Tis what you get with a technically inferior system that utilises Nintendo's "Switch tax" cartridge storage medium.

It is what it is...

Also, I heard the following quote from a Nintendo fan the other day: "Gameplay over graphics". With that price-tag in mind... ha ha!
turbobuddah to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #32
The gameplay is exactly the same haha
Nollog to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #27
While the switch version won't look as good as the p4 version because the switch is portable and tiny so obviously less powerful on the whole, it's worth mentioning the switch version in that video is from a stream/video., And earlier in development than the p4 version.
bleachedsmiles to The.Lone.Ranger
16 Sep 17 #15
That's ok, the ps4/xbo versions will look technically inferior playing them on the go.

Personally though I have a feeling we may not actually see this. Guess it depends on how well doom does for them. I think skyrim will be fine.
prankster101 to bleachedsmiles
16 Sep 17 #16
cobswobble to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #23
Yeah, I'm sure remote play works amazingly when you're on a long motorway/train/plane journey. :laughing:
prankster101 to cobswobble
16 Sep 17 #24
I'd rather read a book mate... Better ROI.
Leonintelex to prankster101
16 Sep 17 #26
Remote play is a clunky buggy mess with constant resolution drops and connection issues. Streaming needs a fixed line connection to be remotely playable - I have 200mb Virgin broadband and my shield is awful wirelessly (which is much more powerful and optimised than a Vita) Cannot really be compared to local gaming on the go.

Even when remote streaming makes it way to Switch I will be using it docked with a LAN connection.
KirstyB87 to The.Lone.Ranger
16 Sep 17 #29
It's pretty clear from the majority of comments here that this deal is being voted 'hot' not because it's a good deal but, instead, because Nintendo fans are just happy that their console is going to receive a third-party 'AAA' game.

Their voting is seemingly more about affirmation and cheerleading than it is about whether the price is good value.
16 Sep 17 #21
On topic,not voting either way on this. Without a release date or an RRP there's no way of telling whether this is a good price or not
16 Sep 17 #25
A lot of Switch bashing on this thread. Comparing a fixed home console to a hybrid handheld is just daft, of course you will see a drop in quality but you can play it on the bus/loo/bed/camping and so on

The PC is far superior to any home console, should I start posting examples to show how inferior the PS4/Xbox One are to the PC?

The Switch is a great console and compliments my PC perfectly - it's so pick up and play. Also rumours about Switch supporting PC streaming in the future... that would make my PS4 dormant (which to be fair is already collecting dust)
16 Sep 17 #28
Meanwhile, while many are you are engaging in Console Warz XVII, Base has put the price for this and Doom back up to £44/45.

So If you got it for £40, chances are you got, at worst, a decent early deal (pre any potential Amazon discount/Black Friday deal).
17 Sep 17 #35
Thought it was £39.99 price show alot more now. Guess I was 2 late
18 Sep 17 #36
No matter the format, £40 for a game is not a deal. lol
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