Seems like a good saving buying the digital download code from CD Keys for £3.99 rather than on PSN for £11.99!
Please note this code will only work on UK PSN accounts. Once your order has been despatched (emailed) it can not be refunded so please ensure you will be using this code on a UK PSN account and store.
Now out for the PS4 with 1080p up-rendering and Trophy support.
Edit: The price has now dropped another 50p to £3.49.
26 Sep 17#1
Received free with Uncharted digital deluxe edition that included a pre order of the lost legacy and this.
Definitely worth the £3.99
26 Sep 17#2
Can't see there being any graphical difference over the ps3 HD polish, but 3.99 damn
Hmm can't see much difference between PS3 and PS4. PS3 looks more colourful in some places and that was the appeal of this game. I wish they would do a full reboot like they did for R&C then I'd be up for it :stuck_out_tongue:
super_leeds_86 to tallpete33
27 Sep 17#10
I think the PS3 was a remake of sorts, probably with a few work arounds to make the game run better on the hardware or look better, for some background reason it can't be translated easily to PS4 or they would have done.
Seems that's why this is the original PS2 game with textures suited to 1080p and trophies, as such things like geometry, number of enemies, handling etc. is all original - for good or bad.
27 Sep 17#4
Playing through this game at Mo. Great game!
27 Sep 17#5
Any idea when the other two will be added to PSN?
BubaMan to Carl1892
27 Sep 17#6
You really care? They're both soulless, humourless half-efforts that someone branded as Jak and Daxter without having ever played the original.
Heat for the deal btw - I was lucky enough to get it with U:LL and I already have it for PS3/Vita but it's well worth £4 :smile:
Bazallworks to BubaMan
27 Sep 17#8
I was wondering when I was going to see an unasked for opinion again. There aren't enough of those on the internet.
BubaMan to Bazallworks
27 Sep 17#9
Thanks for your unasked opinion on the matter.
27 Sep 17#11
Anyone know if this is two player? Can't find any info on it
BubaMan to you_gotta_be_kidding
27 Sep 17#12
27 Sep 17#13
Awesome price
27 Sep 17#14
BARGAIN! £3.79 with the usual 5% Facebook discount code. Thanks OP! :smile:
Opening post
Please note this code will only work on UK PSN accounts. Once your order has been despatched (emailed) it can not be refunded so please ensure you will be using this code on a UK PSN account and store.
Now out for the PS4 with 1080p up-rendering and Trophy support.
Edit: The price has now dropped another 50p to £3.49.
Definitely worth the £3.99
Graphics comparison between PS2 and this PS4 'Up rendering'
Graphics comparison between PS3 and this PS4 'Up rendering'
Seems that's why this is the original PS2 game with textures suited to 1080p and trophies, as such things like geometry, number of enemies, handling etc. is all original - for good or bad.
They're both soulless, humourless half-efforts that someone branded as Jak and Daxter without having ever played the original.
Heat for the deal btw - I was lucky enough to get it with U:LL and I already have it for PS3/Vita but it's well worth £4 :smile: