Instore literature: 20GB data £8 ONLY with Huawei 5573bs-322, £1 discount for contract or payg customers or £9 without a Three number, or £13/£14 for 40GB.
Stock may be available in-store or by calling Three on 0800 358 8460 - hit & miss if you can get the £1 discount HUKD'ers report not ordering off website
This app is great to manage your Huawei MiFi from a phone or tablet…en/
All comments (203)
8 Sep 17#3
Heat added good find
seaniboy to harrerdarren
8 Sep 17#4
I failed credit check as a current sim 12 month customer? Easy sorted, ordered in old mans name (different DOB and a non Three customer) at same address and order went through LOL crazy Three system, yes both of us have a credit file at the address (before someone starts saying that's fraud).
artnada to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#28
I hope you asked your old man, because if not, it IS fraud. Also, if you feck up on the deal, e.g. are unable to pay, it is your old man that will get the grief and possible markers on HIS credit file. Obtaining services by using someone else's details is fraud, no ifs, not buts. Oh and your credit file is about you, not your address!
alex_uk to artnada
9 Sep 17#30
He probably is using old man payment details too and thinks it's ok, still fraud!
seaniboy to alex_uk
9 Sep 17#58
No I used my card at the same address for the 10p security check, I could have used my old mans credit card in my wallet but it makes no difference with same initials and postcode on both my and his card, I know my card details without physically getting the card. Honesty you two jobworths need to get a grip of yourselves, assumptions much...
seaniboy to artnada
9 Sep 17#55
Erm I'm quite aware of the technicalities and not a idiot thanks! I have a (no fees abroad) credit card in his name/account too with a £5000 credit limit (ontop of my own four), it's called trust, his mobile is in my name/account. If it's affordable to me my old man don't give a hoot. I use his store cards, catalogue accounts for interest free etc etc whilst keeping mine clear for a future mortgage application, always pay and paid in time, 8K in savings.
£8 a month in default lol do you think I'm some inbred on a council estate who would choose some weed over paying my £8 a month mobile broadband contract ?? :grin:
And as I stated the issue isn't my credit file it's Three's system because it offered me another sim only contract - I am just under 3 months in a 12m sim only and come the 14th it would have allowed the order after my third billing date as they just told me that on the phone.
plewis00 to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#94
Thanks OP, I bought this at 4am when I couldn't sleep in my hotel in Rome! Just thinking how I wished I had this here, I have data and WiFi but for £8pm it's a great backup. When the internet went down in our office complex I had 4G via my Three contract someone posted last year (but it's ending now). Great timing for me, did it through Quidco, not sure how it'll track.
seaniboy to plewis00
9 Sep 17#95
:wink:Welcome :smile: It's great, I've one on the way via website the other I just got at the Three shop :wink:
This will be my GoBinge/data back up too when I leave Three next year when my 12m sim is up, no point in a Three handset contract with this Go Binge MiFi broadband baby, I'll probably go Vodafone Voxi with a little help from a friend or o2/Tesco for voice, texts & 1/2GB of data for back up reasons - two data/networks are better than one (esp with a sim with 3p calls and 2p texts easily removed frommy MiFi) :relaxed:
happy roaming (on all counts :wink: :wink: :grin: )
8 Sep 17#5
Not working for me, says £20 a month for 20Gb? Says out of stock as well.
seaniboy to Ralph888
8 Sep 17#1
Reply edited, no longer relevant.
gr1340 to Ralph888
8 Sep 17#7
Click view all plans and the 20gb plan is there for £9 a month.
seaniboy to gr1340
8 Sep 17#2
Amended as link sorted.
seaniboy to Ralph888
8 Sep 17#17
Huh ? Retry after a read of posts :smile:
8 Sep 17#6
Can I take the sim out and stick it in an iPad (with a SIM card slot)?
seaniboy to Minstadave
8 Sep 17#11
8 Sep 17#8
Found it, hope its not a mistake because they also list 2Gb for the same amount.
Bonus! As a thank you for staying on Three, we'll give you 2000 free Three to Three minutes every month on your new plan. :thumbsup:
seaniboy to veedubjai
8 Sep 17#10
You can call them up and ALSO add it to your old number if you have a contract - you get it on both :muscle:
I have a Broadband Casual £0 plan with 2000 3-3 mins :wink:
Google: Three existing customer offers link and then scroll to bottom of the page :smile:
8 Sep 17#12
thanks, this link should go straight to the £8 price...…958
8 Sep 17#13
It's not a mistake, deals apply to iPads and Samsung tabs too
seaniboy to fruman23
8 Sep 17#14
I noticed that, was tempted to get a iPad but I thought I'll be £35 pm for life rather than £8 :grin: it's a no brainier, £8 20GB Go Binge ongoing and I can move to a mins/text plan when my 9 months are up on my Three Advanced with Go Binge plan, a mobile using wifi via Mifi versus data connection well the battery lasts and lasts - Duracell aint got nowt on a Mifi :wink:
8 Sep 17#15
Well order has taken the Three address/security check 10p hold
Longest operating time: 6 hours (depending on the network conditions) Longest standby time: 300 hours (depending on the network conditions)
When using a standard 5 V/1 A charger: When the Mobile WiFi is powered off, charging takes less than 2.5 hours.
When using a computer to charge: Less than 5 hours. This is because a computer USB port only outputs 0.5 A.
When using a non-standard charger: Because the standards used by non-standard chargers are different from those of standard chargers, the Mobile WiFi may enable current-limiting protection, limiting the current to 0.5 A. Charging will take less than 5 hours.
A maximum number of 16 devices can be connected through Wi-Fi at once. One computer can also be connected through a USB cable.
seaniboy to veedubjai
9 Sep 17#18
I've got the E5573, got it off here for £0 on a 1 month ID Mobile data sim from CPW, decent 4G upto 150 Mbps down/50 up - not that any network comes close about my region, 65Mbps the highest with Three but good future proof devices on 4G, although I can't see 4G getting faster when networks would rather save cash for 5G and then subside 5G hardware on higher cost 'new tech' price plans.
9 Sep 17#19
I thought "Three Go Binge" was the sequel to "Five Go Tombstoning"
seaniboy to Gentle_Giant
9 Sep 17#23
That's Mariah, her mouth and 'buddies' need to eat as much macaroni cheese as possible :grin:
9 Sep 17#20
What is this? (Not even trolling)
abdi12346 to iz123456789
9 Sep 17#22
Mobile wifi
FoxRaynard to abdi12346
9 Sep 17#78
Doesn't that make it a Mowi then ? :neutral_face:
seaniboy to FoxRaynard
9 Sep 17#80
Mi as in My - come on millenniel - even this old boy can keep up wit youz lots lingo init :thumbsup:
abdi12346 to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#111
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
9 Sep 17#21
Add £5 more to get 40GB flippin awesome
alex_uk to abdi12346
9 Sep 17#29
Just thought to share as it's better plan than 20Gb
seaniboy to alex_uk
9 Sep 17#60
Not for cheap GoBinge accessit ain't :wink:
9 Sep 17#24
An awesome deal and so tempted as i am going to the med next week and that would be so handy, shame it is a 12 month contract
9 Sep 17#25
Forgive my ignorance...but the 20GB data, is it a monthly allowance, or is it the grant total of available data for you to use over the contract period?
mtuk1 to MarineRX179
9 Sep 17#26
It would be very expensive, if it was! :grin:
9 Sep 17#27
This may have been a mistake by Three as I notice it is marked as out of stock now. I wonder whether anyone managed to purchase it? I'd been tempted to change from our existing plan (15Gb for £6/month, but with an older MiFi dongle).
seaniboy to othen
9 Sep 17#57
It's not, you can get the Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 4G tablet with 2GB or 20GB for the same £17price :thumbsup:
9 Sep 17#31
3's data speeds in London are absolutely appalling. Only buy if you live in an area where the network isn't likely to have a high number of users!!
chamelion to Picard123
9 Sep 17#43
Really? Im online daily in central - bank, barbican, tower bridge areas and consistently get 20-60mbit on my s7.
seaniboy to chamelion
9 Sep 17#56
Handset dependent, people forget different phones handle things differently, also one drop of a phone can damage the radio chip.
Picard123 to chamelion
9 Sep 17#97
60 Mbps? Not even at off peak times would you get that. Definitely no chance at peak times or midweek daytime. There will easily be hundreds of thousands people constantly hammering the network.
This is 6.15pm Sat (Hammersmith / Fulham) for example which would be a low usage time:
And that's for a stationary position. God forbid if you ever want to maintain a good data connection whilst travelling overground across London. It's impossible with Three. Data speeds and signals drop to practically zero with numerous deadspots across the city.
seaniboy to Picard123
9 Sep 17#100
I get upto 65 down peak on Three and EE lingers 25 on the same spot, EE calls break up regionally Three don't. iPhone 6S - what handset are you using and what model of handset/frequency does it support ?
EE has slightly better coverage and much poorer quality in my region.
Also in London in the middle of Hyde Park I had no EE signal most of the day last year ?? All networks have black spots - maybe EE should bring Rabbit boxes back :wink:
Try Netflix, and 20Mbps - a lot of people would be happy with anywhere - London is a built up city the signals would fry the customers if they wanted really great mobilecoverage lol
Picard123 to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#101
65Mbps? On Three 4G? :laughing:
Not in London at normal usage times. No chance. Nada. Nil.
Even in all the tests, roundups, comparisons over the last several years, the average is about 20Mbps.
"London 4G speeds reflect "the downside of highly accessible networks," the research concluded. A typical LTE connection in the capital is around 18.8Mbps, but elsewhere in the UK the average is over 20 Mbps, with the fastest, at 23.3 Mbps, in Northern Ireland. The report said:
That may seem surprising given the enormous level of LTE investment operators have made in London, but what we're seeing is the downside of highly accessible networks.
The capital's huge population and big demand for mobile data combined with its high level of LTE availability mean more people are connecting to 4G there than anywhere else in the country. That in turn creates congestion on the network, dragging down speeds for everyone."
"Three uses standard 4G, which is around 5 times faster than a standard 3G network. The network’s average 4G download speed is currently 18.92Mbit/sec, while its average 4G upload speed is 9.8Mbit/sec. That’s not the fastest but it is competitive and easily speedy enough to smoothly carry out most tasks, whether streaming, downloading or working.
Average Download Speed: 18.92 Mbit/sec
Average Upload Speed: 9.8 Mbit/sec"
seaniboy to Picard123
9 Sep 17#112
Well a 4G test video from 3 and a half years ago is hardly a good place to start mate!
Same spot, test results:
Three EE
Andyou can clearly sEE who the loser is :relaxed:
Picard123 to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#117
Aberdeen? LOL. We're talking about London. There are probably only about 5 people using Three in Aberdeen, and you're probably one of them! :grin:
seaniboy to Picard123
9 Sep 17#119
First you post a Speedtest video 3 and a half years old, then you ignore the speedtests posted and now 5 people live in Aberdeen on Three (and probably again you wrongly assume Aberdeen has hundreds of thousands ( :joy: ) of EE customers), a server in Scotland is not like overpopulated Child Tax Credit England and its over populated land mass - one server every few miles, Scotland is populated like AU, mainly coastal.... also, you do realise no one on HUKD here is taking you seriously don't you ?.
Picard123 to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#122
I'm on Three and live in London (as well as often travelling across the UK for work), so I can tell your for a fact that those speed tests are 100% accurate. There are speed tests for 2016, and 2017, if you even bothered to look.
Three is slow and horrendous in London in terms of roaming.
You're just fortunate that in Aberdeen, you and the two other people who live there have the Three network all to yourselves! :laughing:
9 Sep 17#32
Got a 4G 15GB Mifi for £15 a month with EE so very good deal, heat added!
9 Sep 17#33
Is the 20gb for the duration of the 24 month or is it 20gb a month cheers
seaniboy to rdbradshaw
9 Sep 17#59
20GB a month for a minimum term of 24 months, then rolling month to month at £8
9 Sep 17#34
I think this has expired - it was a good deal, did anyone manage to purchase it?
9 Sep 17#35
Can someone enlighten me, Is this a mobile unit or simply for the home?
9 Sep 17#36
Hmmm. I literally could not find this anywhere on their site, I used stiltsky's link above and it was showing OOS. As a heads up for existing 3 customers, it's available via the app. Just head to More > Exclusive customer offers.
Tempted to grab this and slap it in the caravan for Go Binge Netflix streaming. Heated seaniboy, thanks for the heads up :smile:
BuzzDuraband to BuzzDuraband
9 Sep 17#37
Oh, ignore that :disappointed: OOS on the app too.
9 Sep 17#38
Great deal
9 Sep 17#39
Out of stock no
9 Sep 17#40
yup wanted to cancel EE first but now all gone!
seaniboy to Niz
9 Sep 17#71
Should have ordered and then got a PAC from EE, contract terminated asap by porting it to new Three contract (or any payg sim)
9 Sep 17#41
Guys - it is not out of stock if you go via store or on the phone. On phone they do the 40gb or 20gb, in store they can do 20gb.In store they will do the 40gb for the HomeFI.
Amazing deal, got 40gb on the phone for £13 as a backup (i had an account from ages ago
Keith9534 to horstachio
9 Sep 17#42
Just tried on the phone and been told out of stock
chamelion to horstachio
9 Sep 17#44
You'll miss out on £55 quidco
horstachio to chamelion
9 Sep 17#48
Not bothered about that to be honest. 13 pm is good enough for me
9 Sep 17#45
Just got the deal. Went to the offer web page. oos. Tried phoning the freephone number, wouldn't connect. Clicked through to their data plans website and a popup opened asking if I wanted to talk.
Told him my problem and he said he would try and find the deal. Took a while but he found it and I got the deal for £9. Thank you original poster.
9 Sep 17#46
if you got good network cover in your area with 3, that really good deal
9 Sep 17#47
if I cancel it before the end of the month will I be able to keep the Huawei 5573bs-332 router?
artnada to txugo
9 Sep 17#50
Doubt it.
9 Sep 17#49
Not a mistake I don't think, but a really good deal.
9 Sep 17#51
Just called store - available in stores with stock. They confirmed that the Homefi box is only £59.99 to buy outright making this 40gb deal with a purchased box on top £180 cheaper over two years than the box contacts!!! No brained
Snappyjoker to 360finder
9 Sep 17#77
Sorry mate what was the deal you got ? I have a box so how to get the 40gb each month with no cont
seaniboy to Snappyjoker
9 Sep 17#81
It's £24 on a 30 day sim
360finder to Snappyjoker
9 Sep 17#96
I got the mifi here with 40gb per month at £14 24 month contract (not an existing 3 customer)
Then you can outright buy the homefi box (£59.99) which has current contract available in store at £24 per month for 12 months 40gb per month.
So over the contract length of 24 months you'd 'effectively save' £180 Vs the cost of the homefi for two years.
No real need unless you want Ethernet ports which the small mifi doesn't offer. I believe the speeds are the same on both devices. Just higher number can connect to homefi.
I'll use the homefi Ethernet to access Netflix (via go binge) on my non WiFi smart TV (#darkages)
Hope this gives a little more clarity than my initial excited post this afternoon.
9 Sep 17#52
It's still there for existing customers 2nd one down on the right :…and
Heat added. Superb deal.
9 Sep 17#53
You can buy a mifi for about £20 online. You can also buy a Three data SIM with 24gb valid for 2 years for about £20. No contracts. I use mine with my tablet when in Europe or any of the Three Feel at Home countries.
veedubjai to jaceyar
9 Sep 17#54
Links to Three data SIM with 24gb valid for 2 years for about £20? I'm ready to pull the trigger right now.
seaniboy to veedubjai
9 Sep 17#72
Huh ?
veedubjai to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#74
It's for another device.
seaniboy to veedubjai
9 Sep 17#82
Strange because everyone's else's links to a generic existing customers page, clear your cookies ?
veedubjai to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#84
Think you may have missed the previous comment by @jaceyer,
You can buy a mifi for about £20 online. You can also buy a Three data SIM with 24gb valid for 2 years for about £20. No contracts. I use mine with my tablet when in Europe or any of the Three Feel at Home countries.
He was most likely talking about these deal posted previously late last year;
Same here, been trying to get those sims as they are PAYG data and Amazon are the only ones who offer them but don't stock them anymore. You were getting double the data for price of 12GB to use within 2 years once activated. Still got another one ordered waiting for despatch but just can't see it happening. :angry:
seaniboy to veedubjai
9 Sep 17#85
Ah ok, no worries
seaniboy to jaceyar
9 Sep 17#90
Europe ? This is about UK and cheap access to GoBinge, [email protected] also includes GoBinge - now can your payg 3 Broadband sim do that ? :wink:
jaceyar to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#89
Use your WiFi at home for Netflix etc surely. All I'm saying is I use Three for portable WiFi for a cheap price. Of course it includes Feel at Home - it's prepaid.
9 Sep 17#61
Will this be like an advanced plan? I mean, can I roam in USA with this, for example? But anyway, heat added that's a great price for both data and device!
seaniboy to r4w80
9 Sep 17#91
Yes and no, Advanced plans are not available on mobile broadband, BUT...Go Binge & [email protected] roaming is available on this plan (Go Binge included on all 5GB+ contracts/sims).
So it should work in USA too, but it's limited to 12GB as per fair usage policy. It's great considering you can't use your phone as hotspot in an Advanced plan. Three is really full of strange rules here..
seaniboy to r4w80
9 Sep 17#93
Yup - 12GB & unlimited Go Binge [email protected] roaming - US roaming: call/text is 3/2p to 01/02/03/07 U.K., 1p per MB over 20GB - texts to US numbers when roaming there is 2p but calling US numbersfrom US = £1.40
With allowance remaining.Outside your allowance.Calling a UK number.Comes out of your allowance.3p per minute.Calling an United States number.£1.40 per minute.£1.40 per minute.Texts to UK.Comes out of your allowance.2p per text.Texting an United States number.2p per text.2p per text.Receiving calls from any number.Free.Free.Receiving texts from any number.Free.Free.Using internet and data.Comes out of your allowance.1p per MB. (up to £42.5 Data roaming limit).Using voicemail.Comes out of your allowance.3p per minute.
Feel At Home rates of 3p per minute, 2p per text and 1p per MB apply to calls and messages to standard UK landline or mobile numbers, to calls and texts made to standard landline and mobile numbers between Feel At Home in Europe destinations and using data outside of allowance. If you go over our Fair Use data allowance of 12GB a month, data will cost up to 0.78p per MB. Prices are shown including VAT where applicable.
Don't forget: to call or text a UK number, you'll need to replace the first 0 with +44. For more information about roaming charges please check our Price Guide, or find out more about Feel at home.
Find out how much it will cost from United States to...
9 Sep 17#62
any existed customers tried to get this as an upgrade to existing Mifi contract? Or just ceased the existing one after this went live
Im on an old 5gb for £9.57 mifi plan that is out of contract
seaniboy to jase.2
9 Sep 17#64
Live Chat from the Three app and ask for the 20GB for £9 plan it's on the website :thumbsup:
jase.2 to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#73
Thanks, tried that and they told me i had it ring in (very painful) or go to a store so ill try the latter , thanks
9 Sep 17#63
Does anyone know if this works on windows 7?(as notes says compatible with win2000,xp & vista's or Mac os)
seaniboy to jakdawg
9 Sep 17#66
It's a sim powered mobile wifi unit - connect via wifi.
In my my experience of the E5573 first model it works fine via micro USB cable with W7
JJ100 to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#113
I bought the E5573 recently for kids to hook upto with Tablets etc.. i did a speed test against an S7 phone and every time the phone was faster than the mifi unit.
seaniboy to JJ100
9 Sep 17#118
It will be, that's why battery dies quicker & MiFi last longer.
9 Sep 17#65
not out of stock phoned Sales enquiries.
0800 033 8001 got it for £6.85
seaniboy to jeff55
9 Sep 17#67
£6.85 ? How ?
veedubjai to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#75
Just called up. It's a glitch on their systems but you need to call up very quick. Just got my order in for £6.85 p/m for 2 years. :thumbsup:
seaniboy to veedubjai
9 Sep 17#76
Lucky you, I got nowhere
Keith9534 to seaniboy
9 Sep 17#79
Me either....would love to see the confirmation of that £6.85 a month deal
seaniboy to jeff55
9 Sep 17#68
They wanted £15 for me with a £2 current customer discount, meh. I told them the old man got it for £8 last night but she would not budge.
9 Sep 17#69
Can I ask, if I signed up for this and later I terminate my existing line. Will it affect this new mifi plan? Thanks...
seaniboy to ah_heng
9 Sep 17#70
No, you can get the existing customer discount using a contract or payg number and when it terminates they have no automated discount removal. Even at £9 it's a bargain anyway :wink:
9 Sep 17#83
Right I'm off to town, I'll pop in and help as is possible possums :thumbsup:
9 Sep 17#86
£6.86 for me...24 months contract with 20GB.
seaniboy to ngangekrubally
9 Sep 17#88
:grin: How are you guys managing that
9 Sep 17#87
Offer has been on for days guy in store said, flying out door like hot cakes - left old mans on way home and popped into town to Three shop, got the last one :muscle: Instore flyer:
9 Sep 17#98
Use your WiFi at home for Netflix etc surely. All I'm saying is I use Three for portable WiFi for a cheap price. Of course it includes Feel at Home - it's prepaid.
9 Sep 17#99
Hello darkness my old friend...I've come to surf (GoBinge) with Three again...
9 Sep 17#102
Just read my Three store contract in full, apparently it's £23 a month of discounts :grin:
9 Sep 17#103
Tried to get a better deal through Live Chat, wouldn't do any better than £9 Anyone got a spare Three PAYG number I could use to pretend to be an existing customer? :stuck_out_tongue:
9 Sep 17#104
Went instore and they gave it to me for £9 (20GB) but they refused to give me the £1 off with a paygo they said had to be pay monthly. But im ok with it anyhow. works out better than £15 for 30gb with EE for my use could have gone for the , im willing to risk the signal issue, its not my main sim, also the Netflix thing is the real plus thats what usually burns through my data out and about. (yes i know i can pre-download but im not that organised!)
seaniboy to Niz
9 Sep 17#109
That's why I got it, long term use of GoBinge for £8 for Netflix via a Roku box (it's the only app on there and pin protected), the 20GB is a massive bonus and will save my iphone6S battery as wifi uses much less battery than 3/4G. I'm also long term going to now be free to go to any network for voice/texts, so will be going back on 30 day sims when my Three 12 month sim is up.
9 Sep 17#105
For those who have poor broadband this is good but beware they charge 1p for every 1mega byte over. First bill was over 70 pounds so make sure 20GB stop on your contract right from the start. This limits you to 1 film (4GB )a week not to mention using sites like this.
Niz to RRW
9 Sep 17#110
I know EE stopped my data from working when i hit my limit, are you saying I can do this with three but have to call them?
360finder to Niz
9 Sep 17#116
Yes. You can cap the extra spend at £0 so no additional over contract. Through the My3 section of the website. Or live chat. Or phonecall.
9 Sep 17#106
I see they give you 2000 3 to 3 minutes with this. Are there any add-ons for cross network minutes?
seaniboy to BarGin
9 Sep 17#108
No, 3p, 2p texts.
9 Sep 17#107
Well I'm happy, I'm in a faraday cage building with steel frame, steel & concrete floors and several foot thick brick walls, MiFi on the window (opensignal app tells you what direction the signal is coming from) 4 metres away.
Much better, more than double speeds in the building away from the window on my iphone 6S as usual using MiFi over Three 4G data, its much faster than Sky Broadband by more than double :smile:
9 Sep 17#114
Would Three allow the sim to be put into a phone and used as a hotspot, also has anyone used quidco or topcashback as they both have £55 cashback on Three 24m broadband contracts which would make it £5.71 a month?
360finder to Joggler
9 Sep 17#115
Oos online. Could hold off on the off chance it comes back. Think the deals sold out nationally tbh.
seaniboy to 360finder
9 Sep 17#121
Stores have stock, telesales had stock too today.
seaniboy to Joggler
9 Sep 17#120
You can with Broadband sims, just not phone sims in broadband devices.I put mine in my old E5573 I got last year, I'll sell this 'newer' version on as would rather have the ability to use a external aerial connection if ever needed.
Three must must have got a pile of these back stock cheap as chips from Huawei to sell them bundled so cheap. It was marked at £125 or £135 full price at the Three store check out when I was going through the contract process.
9 Sep 17#123
Three does AYCE and Go Binge data so the network is as busy as London nationally, you want 100GB and higher speeds pay for it and movEE network, simples.
You dont roam on ThreeUK anywhere in the U.K. its your HOME network ??
Again my server is Aberdeen but they aren't every few miles in Scotland like England where everything is overpopulated and demand outstrips resources in many things.
Vodafone pulled its several central Scotland based servers when it bought out C&W (no doubt to use the hardware in over subscribed overpopulated english territory) so there isn't much choice of servers in Scotland now on Speedtest.
9 Sep 17#124
I'm not always at home, most of Scotlands land mass exchanges outside major cities are not Fibre enabled. I know one exchange who's line is 20 miles away from the last property and doesn't have anything but dial up internet on that exchange! I use Three for mainly Go Binge, why I went back to them. And why my £8 broadband deal will always remain with them when my phone sim won't :wink:
9 Sep 17#125
Agree as a fellow Scottish user the speed I can get on my EE mobile and 3 mifi far outway that I can get from my exchange.
I only have ADSL BB available to me at a guaranteed speed of 1.5mbps which is NO use. I can get around 15mbps peak with 3 and as high as 45 with EE. Plus no ugly box in my hallway/wires everywhere. Run the mifi from. The TVs USB port.
10 Sep 17#126
Ok cheers for that
10 Sep 17#127
Welcome :smile:
10 Sep 17#128
Exactly, at home I'm fine but at the old mans or other places I go I struggle to stream Netflix off BT exchanges and these are places Virgin don't cover outside big cities, on Three its easy, moveable, high speed, and it's free too! Much cheapness at £8 for a 20GB Brucie bonus! :thumbsup:
10 Sep 17#129
I took the 40. In for a penny in £14.
Thanks for posting
10 Sep 17#130
Would it be cheaper option to use an old android phone ( in my case an S5 ) which has a better antenna to use as hotspot than use one of the huaweii mifi units?
10 Sep 17#131
Thank you. Got mine today, in-store; Cardiff.
10 Sep 17#132
The battery may run down much faster than a MiFi but I guess you balance that with signal, speed and possibly use a external battery to charge as needed.
10 Sep 17#133
:thumbsup: Welcome :smile:
10 Sep 17#134
Thanks OP - was looking for a cheap data deal and this is perfect. Just picked up in-store in Rhyl. Don't need the mi-fi device so assume I can sell that
10 Sep 17#135
of course its your MiFi now, like me I'm all about that data, the MiFi is a means to a end lol, Three should just have offered 20GB on 24m sim only contract for £9 and people would have snapped it up...
10 Sep 17#136
Only available in store now. Online sold out so no TCB etc. Yes you can use a Three MBB* sim in a phone (not a Three phone sim in a MBB unit tho).
Just put a monthly account limit spend on account as 1p a MB past 20GB, calls 3p, texts 2p. Best to cap the cost £10 minimum so some calls and regular texts are allowed for adult communication emergencies for any adult not with a (messenger) smartphone.
Three also has loads of premium rate blocks so set that all up.
Educate kids what services are Go Binge - Soundcloud/Deezer rather than YouTube for music.
10 Sep 17#137
What is the difference between Huawei E5573 4G Mobile Wi-Fi and Huawei E5573bs-322 4G Mobile Wi-Fi. Three seems to be giving one or the other for customers. Thank you
10 Sep 17#138
Has this gone in-store only now or the title changed? It was online before right?
10 Sep 17#139
Not instore only, just out of stock online if I understood correctly.
10 Sep 17#140
One has external aerial slot the other doesn't as far as I know lol, the flyer I posted shows the E5573 with the description of the Bs-332 ?
10 Sep 17#141
Yes I edited the deal as web shop sold out. Many people don't post on HUKD or even register they seek and buy :wink:
10 Sep 17#142
Yes sold out, telesales may have stock aswell.
10 Sep 17#143
Is Roaming 'Feel at home' on three still on 3G instead of 4G?
10 Sep 17#144
Believe so
11 Sep 17#145
Back in stock
11 Sep 17#146
Out of stock so quick either only adding a few at a time or everyone is buying
11 Sep 17#147
I'd say the latter lol
11 Sep 17#148
Thanks OP for the no-brainer deal! Just bought one online, the stock is come and go, so just need to keep checking.
11 Sep 17#149
Anyone know of a cheap 4G mobile where you can add a large extended battery?
I think for oldies a touchscreen MiFi unit is going to be much much easier to do rather than a actual MiFi access for settings etc
11 Sep 17#150
This, only one that I know of that is touchscreen but it ain't cheap,…tml then you need to cheap the freq bands ones you want.
Yup that's why I want a cheap 4G mobile, these are £££ lol, it will only be used at home as a hotspot as they have EE/data on thier mobile for out and about. The landline is getting dumped again, poor speeds &chasing deals every 12 months but this deal will be £8 ongoing with marginal inflation rises.
11 Sep 17#152
Welcome :thumbsup: :muscle: assume telesales stock is going online or Huawei are sending stock ? anyway good to know stock is appearing at times :wink:
11 Sep 17#153
Got one on the phone, not £55 quidco, but still a good deal. Thanks to OP
11 Sep 17#154
didnt get one on phone nor online as both said out of stock. but they had loads in stock in store @canon street london.
annoyingly they didnt offer me £8pm because they said PAYG sim doesnt count as existing had to settle for £9pm...
11 Sep 17#155
Strange as payg is accepted online ? You are not the first denied, my 1st order online was accepted with a payg number and my second instore used my contract phone number.
Ah well, what does a £1 a month buy you anyway lol £9 for 20GB and GoBinge will take a decade to beat knowing the mobile market :wink:
11 Sep 17#156
Has anyone figure out how to get usage stats per connected device/mac ? I'd like to know which device/member of the family is eating all my data. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to find out.
11 Sep 17#157
I had not probs with PAYG. They just check the number belongs to three network
11 Sep 17#158
yep online it worked fine but was out of stock... anyway i'm checking stock online in case it comes back...could then order through TCB for £55 off and £8pm contract and cancel the one instore since i havent even opened anything. even if i end up with £9pm contract still a good deal as going to US and Singapore and will get my money's worth :smile:
11 Sep 17#159
yep online payg number went through fine but was out of stock. the instore saleswoman just wanted to try sell me a phone line i think hence didnt want to accept the payg number... oh well...
11 Sep 17#160
Check TCB & Quidco terms - apparently the £1/2 existing customer discounts may invalidate cashback.
Apparently you will lol, no EU holidays either in the next two years ? Lol
I'm off to US/Canada in Jan so between the EE payg - Max £5 deal, Three sim contract & £8 broadband Im pretty much covered for it all haha :wink:
11 Sep 17#161
Ah, mine was over the phone. I phoned to check stock, they said oos and can't check store stock but will phone me back following day with update. As their stock levels online are different to over the phone. I mentioned about PAYG he just said give him the number and he'll check. That was it.
12 Sep 17#162
This is a good deal but if you don't need that much data every month, I'm on my second year with the 3 20Gb SIM that lasts one year. I think the cost was around £20 for the year and I successfully used it in France. Not sure what the current price is but the deal has cropped up 2 years running and kept me on board.
It does says out of stock. However I called 3 on this number: 08000338009. I told the bloke that 'I went into a 3 store today, and that they told me that the device is available. But if I wanted the deal I would have to get it online or over the phone.' He then did a couple checks, and after just 20mins i'm happy to say I will be receiving my device tomorrow! 40gb for £13 a month!
Just for reference purposes I got this deal on 12/09/17 at 1100hrs.
12 Sep 17#164
Available online now, just ordered!
12 Sep 17#165
***********Shush*********** Don't tell everyone again. Just ordered delivered to store tomorrow.
12 Sep 17#166
Woo hoo! 701degrees, hope most of you got this deal :wink: :thumbsup:
12 Sep 17#167
I think the GoBinge factor for £8 is the main selling point for a lot of people, as is the 20GB for £8, Three payg Broadband is quite poor value these days, the 200MB reward sim is good though for basics especially abroad.
As you said though if you don't need much data abroad outside the EU then Three [email protected] onpayg probably is the way to go.
12 Sep 17#168
Seems to be back in stock online, so thanks again seaniboy.
I've got Three calling me tomorrow lunch time with a proposed 'deal' on the 40GB. I'll hold out for £10 a month, but regardless, this is still a fantastic deal at the numbers listed in the title :smile:
12 Sep 17#169
Ordered via Topcashback and it is showing as 0.00 . Will it change or am I unlikley to get the payment of £55.00
12 Sep 17#170
Thanks very much indeed OP. Finally managed to order one online via Quidco. Delivery time estimated to be 3 days but quite willing to wait. Brilliant deal!
12 Sep 17#171
It will catch up, my Three sim only order tracked days later at £25 (its £55)
12 Sep 17#172
No worries :thumbsup:
12 Sep 17#173
definitely will have EU hols within next 2 years. US Singapore and Indonesia are for this year over next 3 months :wink:
13 Sep 17#174
Worldwide socialite!
13 Sep 17#175
Is this still available?
13 Sep 17#176
Yeah stock on website, just checked.
13 Sep 17#177
did anyone else have to wait for their sim card to be activated? Customer services said it will take up to 4 hours!
edit - all up and running now!
big thanks to OP
13 Sep 17#178
Mine arrived this morning and it worked straight away. No activation needed, or at least no input needed to activate it.
13 Sep 17#179
Mines working now. Thanks for replying
13 Sep 17#180
This is really fantastic deal. Remember to set your My3 account password, then you can control the out of allowance spending i.e. to block the call/text and data.
Customer service for live chat is very helpful as I had issue setting my password for the first time.
13 Sep 17#181
woohooo... mine arriving tomorrow :smile:
Can I ask, can I just take out the sim and put it on my normal phone? And if that's possible, it means it should have a phone number. Can I port over my old number to it? And final one :), is there a call plan add-ons that we can purchase?
13 Sep 17#182
Hear hear. Thank goodness they're back in stock. Got 40gb and a dongle for £13pm x 24 months - bargain! Plus they then sent me referral codes for a £25 amazon voucher for each of us, if I sign friends up . This must be a proper price war!
13 Sep 17#183
I can't see why you can't use it in normal phone as it has a phone number, so you can make phone call and send text. Call 3p, text 2p, data (outside allowance) 1p/MB. I think you should be able to port number to it but need to call Three customer service to do this (can't do it online). As this is mobile data sim (as oppose phone sim), so I think it is similar to the Three Data Reward sim. Search the discussion on the Three Data Reward sim thread, some people managed to port number into it and out from it. Some said voicemail will not work but some said working on Andriod phone (just need to set the Three voicemail setting on android). Please update here if you success to port number to it.
When I log on the My3, I didnt see any call plan add-ons but you can purchaes additional data add-ons.
14 Sep 17#184
Yes. Port old number out of Three then back in on new sim/number. 3p calls, 2p texts, 1p MB over allowance.
14 Sep 17#185
Strange that a PAYG number is acceptable for the £1 discount online but not in stores; Kingston Upon Thames said no to pay as you go. Thankfully it came back in stock online!
15 Sep 17#186
Thanks op. Got the 40gb. Also at the bottom of the page it says you can get free 2000 3 to 3 mins. Rang up and got them to add on after a lengthy call.
15 Sep 17#187
Most poeple can pass credit check on this deal! Ordered yesterday online coming today by dpd.
15 Sep 17#188
Does anyone have any recommendations for a reasonably priced LTE cellular router ?
Thanks. Did consider that. Would prefer a router that was unlocked though. Also, just wondered if anyone had any recommendations based on personal experience. Wouldn't mind paying a bit more than £85 as long as the device is reliable. I'll inquire instore about unlocking when I go to pick up my order.
15 Sep 17#191
I heard it was unlocked, most probable as overstock of Three Ireland it is part of the national broadband scheme…spx
16 Sep 17#192
The store manager confirmed that it does indeed come unlocked.
16 Sep 17#193
Device is unlocked used my ee Sim in there
16 Sep 17#194
16 Sep 17#195
Thought that, remember reading or being told that somewhere with Three Ireland broadband units :thumbsup:
16 Sep 17#196
Anyone needing a Wifi unit that has a 3/4G modem can find this for under £25 delivered at Currys PC World or Click & collect if you are lucky…tml
17 Sep 17#197
Apologies for being dense - is it the 5573bs-322 mi-fi that is unlocked or the Huawei HomeFi? I've got this deal and use the SIM in my tablet and have the mi-fi which came with it, which is still sealed. Thinking of selling on a well known auction site, so would be handy to know if the 5573bs-322 is unlocked. Many thanks
17 Sep 17#198
Homefi, but I would guess MiFi is aswell as 1 Jan 2014 all devices are sold unlocked…ock
17 Sep 17#199
Apologies if this has been answered, but this is what my TopCashback entry says. Is this likely to change or is this not eligible for cashback due to the £1 discount for existing customers?
17 Sep 17#200
Mine tracked, I'd submit a track claim
17 Sep 17#201
Thanks..I've just tried to do so on the website, but it says the transaction didn't happen or WTTE. I think I may have clicked through from the wrong link, mobile SIM contracts instead of mobile broadband and tablets. May cancel and try again....
Opening post
Instore literature:
20GB data £8 ONLY with Huawei 5573bs-322, £1 discount for contract or payg customers or £9 without a Three number, or £13/£14 for 40GB.
Stock may be available in-store or by calling Three on 0800 358 8460 -
hit & miss if you can get the £1 discount HUKD'ers report not ordering off website
This app is great to manage your Huawei MiFi from a phone or tablet…en/
All comments (203)
I failed credit check as a current sim 12 month customer? Easy sorted, ordered in old mans name (different DOB and a non Three customer) at same address and order went through LOL crazy Three system, yes both of us have a credit file at the address (before someone starts saying that's fraud).
£8 a month in default lol do you think I'm some inbred on a council estate who would choose some weed over paying my £8 a month mobile broadband contract ?? :grin:
And as I stated the issue isn't my credit file it's Three's system because it offered me another sim only contract - I am just under 3 months in a 12m sim only and come the 14th it would have allowed the order after my third billing date as they just told me that on the phone.
This will be my GoBinge/data back up too when I leave Three next year when my 12m sim is up, no point in a Three handset contract with this Go Binge MiFi broadband baby, I'll probably go Vodafone Voxi with a little help from a friend or o2/Tesco for voice, texts & 1/2GB of data for back up reasons - two data/networks are better than one (esp with a sim with 3p calls and 2p texts easily removed frommy MiFi) :relaxed:
happy roaming (on all counts :wink: :wink: :grin: )
You can call them up and ALSO add it to your old number if you have a contract - you get it on both :muscle:
I have a Broadband Casual £0 plan with 2000 3-3 mins :wink:
Google: Three existing customer offers link and then scroll to bottom of the page :smile:
Longest standby time: 300 hours (depending on the network conditions)
When the Mobile WiFi is powered off, charging takes less than 2.5 hours.
When using a computer to charge:
Less than 5 hours. This is because a computer USB port only outputs 0.5 A.
When using a non-standard charger:
Because the standards used by non-standard chargers are different from those of standard chargers, the Mobile WiFi may enable current-limiting protection, limiting the current to 0.5 A. Charging will take less than 5 hours.
I've got the E5573, got it off here for £0 on a 1 month ID Mobile data sim from CPW, decent 4G upto 150 Mbps down/50 up - not that any network comes close about my region, 65Mbps the highest with Three but good future proof devices on 4G, although I can't see 4G getting faster when networks would rather save cash for 5G and then subside 5G hardware on higher cost 'new tech' price plans.
I'd been tempted to change from our existing plan (15Gb for £6/month, but with an older MiFi dongle).
It's not, you can get the Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 4G tablet with 2GB or 20GB for the same £17price :thumbsup:
This is 6.15pm Sat (Hammersmith / Fulham) for example which would be a low usage time:
And that's for a stationary position. God forbid if you ever want to maintain a good data connection whilst travelling overground across London. It's impossible with Three. Data speeds and signals drop to practically zero with numerous deadspots across the city.
I get upto 65 down peak on Three and EE lingers 25 on the same spot, EE calls break up regionally Three don't. iPhone 6S - what handset are you using and what model of handset/frequency does it support ?
EE has slightly better coverage and much poorer quality in my region.
Also in London in the middle of Hyde Park I had no EE signal most of the day last year ?? All networks have black spots - maybe EE should bring Rabbit boxes back :wink:
Try Netflix, and 20Mbps - a lot of people would be happy with anywhere - London is a built up city the signals would fry the customers if they wanted really great mobilecoverage lol
Not in London at normal usage times. No chance. Nada. Nil.
Even in all the tests, roundups, comparisons over the last several years, the average is about 20Mbps.…ds/
"London 4G speeds reflect "the downside of highly accessible networks," the research concluded. A typical LTE connection in the capital is around 18.8Mbps, but elsewhere in the UK the average is over 20 Mbps, with the fastest, at 23.3 Mbps, in Northern Ireland. The report said:…ry/
Same spot, test results:
Andyou can clearly sEE who the loser is :relaxed:
Three is slow and horrendous in London in terms of roaming.
You're just fortunate that in Aberdeen, you and the two other people who live there have the Three network all to yourselves! :laughing:
Tempted to grab this and slap it in the caravan for Go Binge Netflix streaming. Heated seaniboy, thanks for the heads up :smile:
Amazing deal, got 40gb on the phone for £13 as a backup (i had an account from ages ago
Told him my problem and he said he would try and find the deal. Took a while but he found it and I got the deal for £9. Thank you original poster.
Then you can outright buy the homefi box (£59.99) which has current contract available in store at £24 per month for 12 months 40gb per month.
So over the contract length of 24 months you'd 'effectively save' £180 Vs the cost of the homefi for two years.
No real need unless you want Ethernet ports which the small mifi doesn't offer. I believe the speeds are the same on both devices. Just higher number can connect to homefi.
I'll use the homefi Ethernet to access Netflix (via go binge) on my non WiFi smart TV (#darkages)
Hope this gives a little more clarity than my initial excited post this afternoon.
Heat added. Superb deal.
Go Binge is also unlimited in [email protected] countries :smile:
Data sim roaming…48)
Yup - 12GB & unlimited Go Binge [email protected] roaming - US roaming: call/text is 3/2p to 01/02/03/07 U.K., 1p per MB over 20GB - texts to US numbers when roaming there is 2p but calling US numbersfrom US = £1.40
With allowance remaining.Outside your allowance.Calling a UK number.Comes out of your allowance.3p per minute.Calling an United States number.£1.40 per minute.£1.40 per minute.Texts to UK.Comes out of your allowance.2p per text.Texting an United States number.2p per text.2p per text.Receiving calls from any number.Free.Free.Receiving texts from any number.Free.Free.Using internet and data.Comes out of your allowance.1p per MB.
(up to £42.5 Data roaming limit).Using voicemail.Comes out of your allowance.3p per minute.
Don't forget: to call or text a UK number, you'll need to replace the first 0 with +44. For more information about roaming charges please check our Price Guide, or find out more about Feel at home.
For our Essential Plan customers roaming outside of Feel At Home in Europe destinations view our roaming charges for customers on Essential Plans (PDF 422 KB)
Im on an old 5gb for £9.57 mifi plan that is out of contract
In my my experience of the E5573 first model it works fine via micro USB cable with W7
Lucky you, I got nowhere
Instore flyer:
Anyone got a spare Three PAYG number I could use to pretend to be an existing customer? :stuck_out_tongue:
Much better, more than double speeds in the building away from the window on my iphone 6S as usual using MiFi over Three 4G data, its much faster than Sky Broadband by more than double :smile:
Three must must have got a pile of these back stock cheap as chips from Huawei to sell them bundled so cheap. It was marked at £125 or £135 full price at the Three store check out when I was going through the contract process.
You dont roam on ThreeUK anywhere in the U.K. its your HOME network ??
Again my server is Aberdeen but they aren't every few miles in Scotland like England where everything is overpopulated and demand outstrips resources in many things.
Vodafone pulled its several central Scotland based servers when it bought out C&W (no doubt to use the hardware in over subscribed overpopulated english territory) so there isn't much choice of servers in Scotland now on Speedtest.
I only have ADSL BB available to me at a guaranteed speed of 1.5mbps which is NO use. I can get around 15mbps peak with 3 and as high as 45 with EE. Plus no ugly box in my hallway/wires everywhere. Run the mifi from. The TVs USB port.
Thanks for posting
of course its your MiFi now, like me I'm all about that data, the MiFi is a means to a end lol, Three should just have offered 20GB on 24m sim only contract for £9 and people would have snapped it up...
Just put a monthly account limit spend on account as 1p a MB past 20GB, calls 3p, texts 2p. Best to cap the cost £10 minimum so some calls and regular texts are allowed for adult communication emergencies for any adult not with a (messenger) smartphone.
Three also has loads of premium rate blocks so set that all up.
Educate kids what services are Go Binge - Soundcloud/Deezer rather than YouTube for music.
E5573 4G Mobile Wi-Fi and Huawei
E5573bs-322 4G Mobile Wi-Fi. Three seems to be giving one or the other for customers. Thank you
Just bought one online, the stock is come and go, so just need to keep checking.
I think for oldies a touchscreen MiFi unit is going to be much much easier to do rather than a actual MiFi access for settings etc
Huawei E5787 4G+ Touchscreen Mobile Hotspot & Powerbank, £169.99 delivered. eBay item number:222630172640.…640
but they had loads in stock in store @canon street london.
annoyingly they didnt offer me £8pm because they said PAYG sim doesnt count as existing had to settle for £9pm...
Strange as payg is accepted online ? You are not the first denied, my 1st order online was accepted with a payg number and my second instore used my contract phone number.
Ah well, what does a £1 a month buy you anyway lol £9 for 20GB and GoBinge will take a decade to beat knowing the mobile market :wink:
I'd like to know which device/member of the family is eating all my data. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to find out.
Apparently you will lol, no EU holidays either in the next two years ? Lol
I'm off to US/Canada in Jan so between the EE payg - Max £5 deal, Three sim contract & £8 broadband Im pretty much covered for it all haha :wink:
- 20gb £9 (existing customers £8)…rue
- 40gb £14 (existing customers £13)
It does says out of stock. However I called 3 on this number: 08000338009. I told the bloke that 'I went into a 3 store today, and that they told me that the device is available. But if I wanted the deal I would have to get it online or over the phone.' He then did a couple checks, and after just 20mins i'm happy to say I will be receiving my device tomorrow! 40gb for £13 a month!
Just for reference purposes I got this deal on 12/09/17 at 1100hrs.
As you said though if you don't need much data abroad outside the EU then Three [email protected] onpayg probably is the way to go.
I've got Three calling me tomorrow lunch time with a proposed 'deal' on the 40GB. I'll hold out for £10 a month, but regardless, this is still a fantastic deal at the numbers listed in the title :smile:
edit - all up and running now!
big thanks to OP
Customer service for live chat is very helpful as I had issue setting my password for the first time.
Can I ask, can I just take out the sim and put it on my normal phone? And if that's possible, it means it should have a phone number. Can I port over my old number to it? And final one :), is there a call plan add-ons that we can purchase?
I think you should be able to port number to it but need to call Three customer service to do this (can't do it online).
As this is mobile data sim (as oppose phone sim), so I think it is similar to the Three Data Reward sim. Search the discussion on the Three Data Reward sim thread, some people managed to port number into it and out from it. Some said voicemail will not work but some said working on Andriod phone (just need to set the Three voicemail setting on android).
Please update here if you success to port number to it.
When I log on the My3, I didnt see any call plan add-ons but you can purchaes additional data add-ons.
Get it, give 30 days notice :wink:
Apologies if this has been answered, but this is what my TopCashback entry says. Is this likely to change or is this not eligible for cashback due to the £1 discount for existing customers?