Set in a heavily dystopian future as Earth nears the end of its life, those who remain in the overpopulated cities must work to survive as social programs become saturated by an ageing population and increasing environmental diseases.
Game Features
A brand new RPG set in a dystopian future by the makers of Lords of the Fallen
Tight, visceral combat mechanics where every move counts
A unique and exciting dismemberment and upgrade system
As the intelligence of technology incrementally increased over the years, many jobs for the human race had been made redundant, forcing Earth’s citizens to head out into the suburbs seeking labor, aided by exoskeletons to improve their efficiency. The world of The Surge offers a very grim vision of the future, where the evolution of our technology, our society and our relation with the environment led to a decadent state of the Human civilization.
The Surge features innovative combat mechanics and an original character progression system based on modular upgrades gained through tight, visceral combat.
19 Sep 17#1
I rather enjoyed the demo. But didn't like the whole target body parts for loot. I do want to play thus but feel in better off waiting for a lower price as I have other games to play currently.
mixmixi to kos1c
19 Sep 17#2
Not sure what can I add as response... Sure. Play your other games, is it fine?
kos1c to mixmixi
19 Sep 17#4
Ya didn't have to respond. It would've been fine either way :smile: I was commenting just to comment. As I started typing I thought it was a good deal and was tempted to buy but the more I typed the more i started to resist the HotUKDeals urge of buying stuff I don't need.
19 Sep 17#3
Currently on sale on xbox's side for a really low , bargain price of £29.99 if you have a gold membership
shasnir to prynolfc
19 Sep 17#7
That's actually very cheap when compared to PS4 version, it's £49.99 in the PS store !
19 Sep 17#5
As a lover of the Souls-Bourne games, but disliking Lords of the Fallen, I wasn't sure if i'd like this. However, what a game this is! Genuinely could not put it down and got my plat on the 3rd playthrough.
Massively underrated IMHO, though beware it does have the odd glitch which lets it down very occasionally, and I found it very easy on NG+.
It doesn't match Souls for the atmosphere and the memorable boss fights, but the targeting/loot system is incredible, and the combat offers a pacier alternate for Bloodbourne fans.
I am definitely down for either a sequel to this, or an evolution of the combat/loot system. (And £15 is a fucking steal. Buy it!)
Mixi... I'm torn over buying this. Do you think the price drop is "permanent", or just a temporary promotion? Would rather pick up the RE games I'm missing to be honest...
mixmixi to prankster101
19 Sep 17#10
I think it is permanent. Since Base dropped too (although they are on back-order) but could indicate a permanent drop from supplier. Either way, my order has been despatched from TGC. I always wanted to try this.
prankster101 to mixmixi
19 Sep 17#11
I interviewed the developer last year. Looks interesting fo sho, but know that I will NEVER play it.
Opening post
Game Features
- A brand new RPG set in a dystopian future by the makers of Lords of the Fallen
- Tight, visceral combat mechanics where every move counts
- A unique and exciting dismemberment and upgrade system
As the intelligence of technology incrementally increased over the years, many jobs for the human race had been made redundant, forcing Earth’s citizens to head out into the suburbs seeking labor, aided by exoskeletons to improve their efficiency. The world of The Surge offers a very grim vision of the future, where the evolution of our technology, our society and our relation with the environment led to a decadent state of the Human civilization.The Surge features innovative combat mechanics and an original character progression system based on modular upgrades gained through tight, visceral combat.
I do want to play thus but feel in better off waiting for a lower price as I have other games to play currently.
I was commenting just to comment. As I started typing I thought it was a good deal and was tempted to buy but the more I typed the more i started to resist the HotUKDeals urge of buying stuff I don't need.
Massively underrated IMHO, though beware it does have the odd glitch which lets it down very occasionally, and I found it very easy on NG+.
It doesn't match Souls for the atmosphere and the memorable boss fights, but the targeting/loot system is incredible, and the combat offers a pacier alternate for Bloodbourne fans.
I am definitely down for either a sequel to this, or an evolution of the combat/loot system. (And £15 is a fucking steal. Buy it!)