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Opening post
1 Sep 17
promo rates: 4th - 17th September 2017.

Drop off service to door. Add proof of delivery for 80p.

Standard compensation included: £25
All comments (46)
1 Sep 17 #1
Great deal, very good saving over myhermes standard rates. Will probably be lots of people saying how terrible myhermes are but I have used them loads of times over the years and actually had fewer problems with them than Royal Mail....

Anyway, heated, great deal!
ssc1 to ST3123
1 Sep 17 #2
remember starts from the 4th. yes if you package well shouldn't have any problems, well i haven't so far.
sulace88 to ST3123
1 Sep 17 #5
Totally agree!
1 Sep 17 #3
i posted this yesterday was removed
Meathotukdeals to moneysm
2 Sep 17 #36
Are you sure Hermes didn't lose it?
1 Sep 17 #4
Wow! Time to start selling. Thanks for sharing. :smile:
1 Sep 17 #6
Hopefully have some £1 max valuation fee deal in this period too, fingers crossed. Heat.
1 Sep 17 #7
Terrible, would never use myhermes. Horrendous experiences over the years - it's an example of when a courier company becomes too cheap. Self employed drivers barely make minimum wage and only get paid for one delivery (hence leaving parcels in precarious places such as rubbish bins. AVOID at all costs.
RedRain to DealAnarchy
1 Sep 17 #8
Same the company is a joke and if your parcel goes missing good luck trying to claim would not send anything of value with them
kakinyemi to RedRain
1 Sep 17 #14
I've found claiming with Hemrmes to be less stressful than claiming with RoyalMail. I've always been able to get compensation on the few occassions my parcesl have been lost.
1 Sep 17 #9
Absolutely awful courier, wouldn't even use the service if it was free.
1 Sep 17 #10
Makes me laugh when people say courier X is terrible. Be honest, are there any others that are any better??

Ive personally had excellent service with myhermes and terrible service with Royal Mail. But I know others have had the complete opposite
woldranger to 118luke
1 Sep 17 #11
The same as telecom's customer service departments! :wink:
ssc1 to 118luke
1 Sep 17 #17
Indeed. If you pack poorly you deserve it quite frankly. In fact My ebay feedback praise my packaging skills.
faxmax to 118luke
1 Sep 17 #24
Yes, DPD.
1 Sep 17 #12
Standard insurance cover from Hermes is £20 has been for a while, is it really £25 going through Shutl?

I could use this but I admit that I am a bit wary of adding it to my listings and them actually ending outside the 'sale dates' and the buyer picking that option to pay.
1 Sep 17 #13
1 Sep 17 #15
QVC use them ...
My cheap QC25s arrived today via Hermes.
Track your parcel ... is worthless crap.
Not told until 10.47 that today is the day of delivery. Great if you're working.
Driver did press the bell (+ point for that.)
Driver waited all of 1000 millseconds before walking away.
Luckily my wife observed the moving shadow, and was able to open the door and yell at him.
1 Sep 17 #16
Lately Hermes are not even asking for the signatures on signed deliveries, they just sign it themselves whether they have successfully delivered the item or not.
It has happened on many of the deliveries that I have sent out and I tested it by sending something to myself, I was not asked for a signature but when I checked the tracking online there was a signature there. Customer service dont care.
Domthedonkey to RealDash
1 Sep 17 #19
Unless it's a really high value item I don't bother these days paying for a signature I pay the extra for the compensation so it's covered as that usually works out cheaper.
1 Sep 17 #18
Always the same on these threads mentioning Hermes,but it's not all the drivers that are rubbish just some of them.

I've always had brilliant ones here and they don't leave them in bins either,if it takes 5 doors to knock on before they find anybody in they will do that.

A few months ago I wasn't expecting a parcel to arrive and we weren't at home and the courier is used to leaving parcels in my designated safe place but as my gates were locked he couldn't gain entry so he rang my OH and he said he would hold onto it for us until the next day.

Yodel are the ones here who will leave parcels in bins or behind walls etc
1 Sep 17 #20
I've had mixed experience with Hermes, but largely positive. What they have in their favour is that they will carry certain items e.g. vintage lighter parts and others that the post office would destroy if discovered. So this could be a good deal.
1 Sep 17 #21
For parcels, Myhermes has been my first choice for several years. I've probably lost 1 in 100 parcels only, and the claims procedure was easy and efficient. I think the key is to package the items securely and with good labelling. I've seen the way some parcels get sent, labels hanging off and no care taken in the packaging. Is it any wonder that some items don't make it to their destination.
1 Sep 17 #22
Do you have to list your item during the offer period or is good for items listed before the offer?
ssc1 to fred3x
1 Sep 17 #23
As long as they end in the offer period I guess.
1 Sep 17 #25
Horrible company but debrnhams use them. Tracking info is crap. It said left at reception. For 3 days they cant find out what it means.
1 Sep 17 #26
Its OK till something goes wrong... CS is appalling, very hard to contact a real person, and if you manage, you realise that they couldn't care less, give you irrelevant answers till you get tired and quit. Delivery drivers pretty much the same.
1 Sep 17 #27
Had a parcel delivered today by Hermes. Driver dropped it over my 6ft wooden gate. Straight into a full bucket of water. I come home 8 hrs later. Parcel was a present. Now water logged. They are cheap for a reason.
1 Sep 17 #28
Avoid my Hermes at all costs. They have messed me around too many times. Not worth it, spend that bit extra
2 Sep 17 #29
Don't sell on ebay really, it is not worth the trouble.
2 Sep 17 #30
Dpd are decent, usually get same driver and if a parcel is sent to my home address and I'm not in he'll drop it off at my office. City link used to do the same too. Hermes are useless, arranged a collection via Amazon for a parcel that RM wouldn't accept. Took 6 weeks, several live chats and an email to get it sorted. They've also said they've delivered items when they hadn't even turned up, I know because my CCTV would tell me.
2 Sep 17 #31
MyHermes = wouldn't use them if THEY paid ME!
Meathotukdeals to kavakava
2 Sep 17 #39
It's how I feel about them too. Totally incompetent.
2 Sep 17 #33
Crap company - I will not purchase anything from anyone who uses them as 80% of all their deliveries to me over 6 months went missing and/or got returned. Impossible to contact them too when things go wrong. One seller had to resend an item 5 times before they gave up and delivered by DPD!
So why would I risk SENDING anything by them?!
2 Sep 17 #35
I use myhermes via I've had a couple of parcels reported "missing" from ebay buyers even though my account shows they have been delivered. On both occasions, Ebay have supported me with the cases the buyers have opened against me as I was able to provide a tracking number to show they have delivered.

If the parcel is over £5, I pay the extra so i'm covered up to £20 for missing parcels. actually contacted me once to say my parcel had been lost in transit with myhermes and asked me to open a case which I did and received full monetary refund not payment in stamps like RM do.
2 Sep 17 #37
my hermes suck so bad this morning just had a parcel left in cut down bushes in my garden with an email saying your parcel has been been delivered signed for by occupant worse company ever
2 Sep 17 #38
Good price and while not as bad as Yodel, can't really recommend myhermes.
2 Sep 17 #40
Really good price. Thanks
2 Sep 17 #41
I've had years of experience with Hermes and the bottom line is they're crap, they've improved recently but one in every few hundred I send will go 'missing' even though tracked to their depot. Now I've had a few 'missing' parcels with Royal Mail too but this was before they started doing free tracking on small parcels and looking at the feedback of the buyers I'm 100% positive they were just eBay scummers.
machomansavage to lucas
2 Sep 17 #32
No such thing as free tracking on small parcels. Its a service. Unless you mean free proof of postage
lucas to machomansavage
2 Sep 17 #34
They've had it ages now, 2D barcode system with delivery confirmation
2 Sep 17 #42
Sent my bose via my hermes other day. They threw it over garden fence and now seller asking for refund. Never again will i use my hermes. Cold
2 Sep 17 #43
Hmm... My first free standard delivery from Aldi - delivered by Hermes :unamused:
Same pointless text/email at 12.33 saying will be delivered today. Delivered 30 minutes later.
I don't believe the driver was loading his van at 12:30. Crap system.
Aldi use them because they're German I suppose.
Why is this so hot? Is it the fleabayers?
5 Sep 17 #44
Doesn't seem to be possible to increase compensation level.
18 Sep 17 #45
Is this only for stuff sold on eBay or is there another way to get these prices for general deliveries?
ssc1 to m1chaels
18 Sep 17 #46
There is a promo at parcel2go.
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