Resident Evil 7 sets a new course for the series as it opens the door to a truly terrifying horror experience. Set within a sinister plantation in Louisiana and taking place after the dramatic events of RE6, players are introduced to the mysterious Baker family, who have been missing from the area with no contact to anyone. The entire game can be played completely in PlayStation VR (sold separately) for a truly unique experience.
This game is classified as certificate 18. It contains content unsuitable for persons under 18 years old. It is illegal to supply it to anyone under that age. DO NOT attempt to purchase the item if you are under 18.
Immersive, visceral horror – a new shift for the series to first person view brings the terrifying horror directly up close and personal.
Welcome to the family! – introducing Jack and Marguerite Baker, residents in the plantation house in Louisiana but no-one has seen or heard from them for a while causing all kinds of rumours and speculation to develop.
Mysterious female – a frightened young woman who seems to go by the name Mia appears in the plantation. Who is she? Why has she been taken by Marguerite Baker? .
For ages 18 years and over.
All comments (24)
29 Sep 17#1
Excellent spot... Heat, but will wait for the £10-12 price on BF.
Gamerofgames to prankster101
29 Sep 17#11
For this it might be worth waiting till the gold edition comes out if you are waiting till BF anyways. Im doing that unless it something ridiculous like £5 on BF.
29 Sep 17#2
Ordered, thanks
29 Sep 17#3
saw this a little while ago, was too busy to post lol
29 Sep 17#4
I got this in the deal a couple of weeks ago at Asda for £17 but so far I've been too scared to start playing it! :worried:
29 Sep 17#5
Very tempted to re-buy at this price... Gonna see what happens in the next few weeks (and kick myself when it goes OOS everywhere).
Heated :smile:
BuzzDuraband to BubaMan
29 Sep 17#8
I'm re-buying at £10 (new or pre-owned), but this is a cracking price for a fantastic game for those yet to play it.
Opening post
All comments (24)
Gonna see what happens in the next few weeks (and kick myself when it goes OOS everywhere).
Heated :smile:…ard