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 Quelima SQ11 Mini Camera 1080P HD DVR - £4.63 - £5.40 @ GearBest
3.5 stars +285

Quelima SQ11 Mini Camera 1080P HD DVR - £4.63 - £5.40 @ GearBest

£5.40 GearBest8 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
8 Sep 17
Main Features:
● 120 degree FOV provides you wide view
● Night vision supports capturing high definition pictures during night or dark environment
● Advanced H.264 photography compression technology keeps high quality videos and plays a part of saving storage as well
● Time stamp is conducive to look through
● One key to lock the video in case of emergent situation
● Loop-cycle recording, saves the storage space efficiently
● Support maximum 32GB TF card memory storage ( not included )
● Support 5 - 10m motion detection distance
● Built in 200mAh Li-ion battery

Edit: Sometimes it shows different prices like £5.xx, £6.xx. I don't know how this works. But I ordered for £4.63
All comments (40)
8 Sep 17 #1
feel like houkdeals is losing some of its integrity with all the gearbest and other deals being posted. I'm not sure if we are there yet, with adverts posted as deals, and hotuk getting a commission from each sale and not allowing certain products

No offence to OP, i'm just pointing out to a trend i'm noticing lately.
spannerzone to AzeemB
8 Sep 17 #8
Quite agree, am also fed up with hourly posting of cheap crap from Gearbest and the rest.

In a year or two when they're the only retailers except Amazon people will complain there's no UK sellers anymore..... these sellers give nothing back financially to this country.
Fozzy1957 to spannerzone
8 Sep 17 #19
These guys usually use dropshipping as they're medium. Once people realise whats happening here it will kill they're business. They are mostly order takers for cheap Items sent from a Chinese warehouse
sotomonkey to AzeemB
8 Sep 17 #9
I think one of the main directors also resides in Malta....
The_IMF to AzeemB
8 Sep 17 #14

Getting a little bit sick of the Gearbest deals constantly popping up!
Picard123 to AzeemB
15 Sep 17 #31
WTF are you moaning about? £5 for this camera is an absolute bargain.
AzeemB to Picard123
16 Sep 17 #35
Yes it is!
Buy several and let me know how you get on.
Picard123 to AzeemB
16 Sep 17 #34
I don't need several, I just need one. It's just a fun throwaway thing. :sunglasses:
8 Sep 17 #2
battery apparently only last half an hour and an hour max
8 Sep 17 #3
There needs to be a rival deals site to hukd to stop this stuff happening. It's a monopoly
thekanester to Webcon19
8 Sep 17 #5
With respect, on you go then! These places exist because of individuals start with an idea and grow their business. There's no point complaining about things like this if you wouldn't consider taking the risk yourself.

But ultimately it takes a lot of money to maintain a site like this and you have to get your revenue from somewhere.
nomisco to thekanester
8 Sep 17 #16
thekanester to nomisco
8 Sep 17 #18
About what? :thinking:

There's some stuff about the origin story Here.
Webcon19 to thekanester
10 Sep 17 #23
Where do you get this nonsense from? Originally the site was maintained by its users. It was started on the pretext that it was solely for the benefit of consumers. Over time the operators have been tempted by the profit and have cashed in . They have cashed in on the backs of those who have posted for free. Last time I checked you can have a site for around £10 via godaddy server included. As they have built such catalog thanks to posters it acts as barrier to entry. So you are totally wrong on all counts. It would now take a shed load of cash to build a rival site. It's the only thing that now gives the site value. And not everyone can now do it. It should be illegal to switch from social to profit models. The data belongs to the poster not the platform!! It's basically stealing. Don't get why you would be duped into such lazy thinking
mephestic to Webcon19
10 Sep 17 #24
Not picking sides here but I've bought stuff from gearbest and been happy I did. Bought a mifit band and a wireless repeater all of which would have cost more here in the UK - the exact same products so it's a deal to me. As for starting a website for only £10 - if you think it's that easy to do then that's really niave. To get a site like this going takes a lot of money and capital to grow as it's more than just buying a domain and hosting and watching the money roll in.
Webcon19 to mephestic
10 Sep 17 #25
Well to have a listing site is pretty simple. Wordpress plugins do that. £1 domain £9 hosting from godaddy for a year or similar . All the rest is user traffic and user led. Money roll in? Where's the money roll in part come me from? It's a consumer site . It should be non profit. The problem is now HUKD has investment and a profit motive it will protect its position stopping any more deal sites emerge and will now distort the market to make profit. The poorest consumers will pay higher prices and the idea of this site will be completely lost. Can't you see it's completely at odds. It's a monopoly unless someone now makes a huge investment or we are protected by government. But where's the incentive for that? And it would not have been this way if our HUKD data ownership was protected by law . It belongs to those people who spend hours searching for deals. HUKD are now making money from other people's work. Directing them away from the cheapest goods in some cases and profiting. It's theft by any measure.
Also, I'm not particularly bashing Gearbest. You can probably get the exact same things though on eBay and Alibaba slightly cheaper. But both eBay and Alibaba also have their mark ups. You do realise in the long run buying direct from China will be an extremely bad thing for the UK. Not bashing you either as I do it too. When we have completely dismantled our manufacturing industry , China will of course rise our prices - and install tariffs on all goods and shift all the wealth to China. This will degrade our standard of living and leave us beck and call of China. An autocratic state that doesn't share at all our values. And we will be forever in debt and unable to catch up as we lack the access to resources China does. China would turn round tomorrow and deny us accessing resources or refuse to deal with monopolies controlling them .
Have you ever questioned how and why you can buy something from China cheaper than the cost of any UK post?? So a good travelling half way across the globe costs less than a first class stamp? You not see Chinas game plan here? They are changing our economy to suit themselves because we don't intervene in markets we are totally blind to the cliff we are approaching.
thekanester to Webcon19
10 Sep 17 #28
Wow, so much anger. Firstly, running a site from godaddy is not £10; especially with the traffic that this place handles. I've got a cheapie WordPress site with godaddy and that's about £70 a year for the most basic hosting. I have no idea about the infrastructure of this place but I'll bet it's way more than that. It may be using some expensive AWS hosting that allows it to scale traffic for the 50k concurrent users it can support. The back-end programming of this site is a massive undertaking. Once again I don't know how much investment it takes, but it is not insignificant. A site like this is not some off-the-shelf WordPress template and Programmers, artists, BI analysts etc. don't come cheap.

I get the fact that you're upset that the site is making money off the back of crowd-sourced information, but I think you're pretty naive to not realise that that's its business model. I mean, being a facilitator to allow other people to help out out her people all at the same time generating revenue is pretty standard. Look at eBay! Look at gumtree! Look at Amazon marketplace.

I bet you're happy to benefit by the deals that people post, as I am. I don't care if someone else makes money off the deals I post either. If I cared that much, I'd get off my backside and compete with the site or not frequent it or post deals. What I wouldn't do is cry sour grapes. I use this site with my eyes wide open.
8 Sep 17 #4
Which is a shame because HUKD would be nothing without deal posters
veedubjai to Webcon19
8 Sep 17 #10
You've hit the nail on the head there. I've stopped posting almost 2 years ago. Lots of old timers have not posted deals for quite a while. Even my avatar proves it.
repouk to veedubjai
8 Sep 17 #11
Same here. And for the same reason by the look of it!
8 Sep 17 #6
This feels like a Polaroid Cube rip off, even has the same colour band around it.
spannerzone to Boxrick
8 Sep 17 #7
Yup, a cheap nasty rip off at that.
8 Sep 17 #12
Looking at The posters history I don't think it's fair to suggest he is posting for any reason other than he saw a good deal.
8 Sep 17 #13
8 Sep 17 #15
Am I the only one who thought it looked like an official Sinclair ZX Spectrum peripheral or something?

The Sinclair ZX Go Portable Lightweight* Headmounted Camera - Only £129.99
Now available in Woolworths, W.H.Smiths, Boots and other leading highstreet electrical retailers.

(* 17kg)
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Nerf Battle Racer
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Nerf Battle Racer

£149.98 costco10 Oct 17
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PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games
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PS4 Sony Dualshock 4 V2 Controller Jet Black 365Games

£29.99 365 Games10 Oct 17
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Oct 2017

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