Prey is a first-person sci-fi action game from Arkane Studios, creators of the award-winning Dishonored series. In Prey, you are the first human enhanced with alien powers aboard the Talos I space station. Improvise and innovate as you fight your way through the alien infested station in your search for the truth Cosmonaut Shotgun Starter Pack Pre-order Bonus: Fans who pre-order Prey will receive the exclusive Cosmonaut Shotgun Pack. The pre-order bonus consists of Morgan Yu's family heirloom Margrave shotgun and tools to fight threats aboard Talos I including: three Neuromods players can spend to acquire new abilities, two Medkits, a Fabrication plan to create Shotgun Ammo, a starter kit for building tools and weapons, and a unique upgrade to help players preserve their limited resources
I'm actually enjoying the game so far! The demo made me think twice about it but playing it now, it isn't so bad! Also really liking the soundtrack!
25 Sep 17#15
I feel like I've just watched a silent comedy :).
UberPark to copperspock
25 Sep 17#17
25 Sep 17#16
25 Sep 17#18
Damn tempting but I have far too many games to play atm unfortunately.
25 Sep 17#19
All them yellow faces makes me feel left out. :joy:
25 Sep 17#20
Isaac vs the Markers again ?
26 Sep 17#21
This is my game of the year. It's so under rated it's crazy. Definitely worth this price if you're into Deus Ex or Dishonored (and actually probably better than both).
30 Sep 17#22
Really enjoying this game - great buy at this price.
Opening post
Prey is a first-person sci-fi action game from Arkane Studios, creators of the award-winning Dishonored series. In Prey, you are the first human enhanced with alien powers aboard the Talos I space station. Improvise and innovate as you fight your way through the alien infested station in your search for the truth Cosmonaut Shotgun Starter Pack Pre-order Bonus: Fans who pre-order Prey will receive the exclusive Cosmonaut Shotgun Pack.
The pre-order bonus consists of Morgan Yu's family heirloom Margrave shotgun and tools to fight threats aboard Talos I including: three Neuromods players can spend to acquire new abilities, two Medkits, a Fabrication plan to create Shotgun Ammo, a starter kit for building tools and weapons, and a unique upgrade to help players preserve their limited resources
Or alternatively £14.95 at TheGameCollection.
:heart_eyes: :smile: