Hmmm.... 6 of these (£100 for cases) or an iPhone X
7y 26d#2
Hot deal for a very well spec'd. Usual things apply take it as having no warranty, use free shipping of you want the best chance of avoiding duty and vat, no band 20 on this version and from what can be researched do not expect any OS updates to the device
7y 26d#3
4070mAh battery with fast charge support as well - pretty good!
Corking price! Gave you heat. I'm sure Sam will comment in 3, 2, 1......
sam_of_london to louiselouise
7y 26d#8
Yes I will . As usual full of Leeco spyware and bloatware. Will need to be rooted to remove and then banking apps do not work . Better buy a decent phone which works straight out of the box without need for rooting or fear of viruses. You won't get peace of mind if you buy this . I bought similar Le Max2 . No way to remove Chinese spyware without rooting.
hashman to sam_of_london
7y 26d#9
Factually incorrect I installed custom ROM on my LeMax2 I am not rooted a d banking apps work perfectly including Halifax that does not work on rooted phones
Get facts right or avoid misleading/misinforming
Then again, maybe you are just not aware and that just puts anything you say to doubt.... Credibility zero.
sam_of_london to hashman
7y 26d#13
Care to comment ? Did you get phone with unlocked bootloader ?
hashman to sam_of_london
7y 26d#18
You clearly comment with very little knowledge about things.... I now even doubt if you have ever had this or any phone from a Chinese manufacturer or seller.
You cannot install twrp without rooting. None of the recovery installs with out rooting . If it did your phone had unlocked bootloader. I don't think this phone has unlocked bootloader.
dreadzone101 to sam_of_london
7y 26d#22
This comment demonstrates that you have never dealt with custom recovery, bootloaders or rooting.
sam_of_london to dreadzone101
7y 26d#23
Yes true . That is why I buy phones which work straight out of the box and come without malware. But as per my previous experience , with another phone with locked bootloader , I was not able to install recovery untill I rooted it . Can anyone tell if this phone has unlocked bootloader ?
dreadzone101 to sam_of_london
7y 26d#25
Yet you've apparently bought 2 Doogee phones and a LeEco phone
Now you're using the term malware, when previously you said spyware and bloatware. They aren't necessarily interchangeable terms. Again demonstrating your lack of understanding. But sure, go ahead and ignore my previous comment requesting for you to provide proof of your claims. I expected for you to be unable to do so, anyway.
sam_of_london to dreadzone101
7y 26d#26
What is the difference between malware and spyware ? Care to define ?
dreadzone101 to sam_of_london
7y 26d#27…are Spyware can be classed as malware but all malware isn't spyware. Malware is a wide array of different things. Adware and viruses fall under malware. Ad popups and viruses are quite different from something designed to record activity or steal data.
hashman to dreadzone101
7y 26d#30
Dreadzone... Have you not got the reasoning logic of Sam yet?
Spyware can be a malware, so all malware are spyware Chinese phones can come without b20, so all Chinese phones have no b20 Some chinese manufacturers install bloatware/malware/spyware etc, so all Chinese manufacturer s install bloatware/malware/spyware Sam is incompetent, so everyone else in this world is incompetent
dreadzone101 to hashman
7y 26d#31
I think I may have
- Sam struggles to get signal in London, therefore everyone must get a phone with B20 - UK uses B20 so people who promote non B20 phones are Chinese citizens pretending to be in UK - Lack of one 4G UK band means the phone is a mini tablet which will only work in China and India but not in UK - People who post Gearbest deals are commission agents and employees and subjected to Sam's criticism, but it's okay for him to post them - Sam has an opinion, therefore everyone who disagrees is automatically wrong and he won't accept otherwise - Sam has personal views/preferences, therefore they must be applicable to everyone else. Anyone who does not abide by these views are brainless, living in the stone age, throwing their money away, not worried about having their details stolen, don't understand the concept of moderation, will get tooth decay, obesity, diabetes and alzheimer's, or cancer unless they use Sam approved cookware. The list goes on and on...
sam_of_london to hashman
7y 26d#42
You may say whatever you like but does not change the fact that this phone does not have UK B20 band and full of spyware/malware. Whoever buys it will be buying a lemon. So don't fall for it.
dreadzone101 to sam_of_london
7y 26d#44
Yet you still cannot provide any links that support your view that this phone is full of spyware/malware or any proof that the pre-installed LeEco bloatware is actually spyware/malware which is unrelated to vendor installed ROMs. Continuing to state it does not make it true and it does not change the fact there are no incidences of spyware/malware for this phone. If you want people to believe you, instead of seeing you for a biased liar at least provide some proof.
Once again it is highly hypocritical for you to defend your Umidigi deal and disregard people pointing out many incidences of their previous phones being infected. Despite their history with spyware/malware, you'll give them the benefit of the doubt because it's an unreleased phone so the "jury's still out". Yet for a phone that's nearly a year old, with no incidences of spyware/malware, you'll still claim it's full of it, when you cannot provide even one incidence of this being the case.
sam_of_london to dreadzone101
7y 26d#47
You are very good essay writer.
hashman to sam_of_london
7y 26d#48
You are as knowledgeable about phones as Don Quixote was about chivalry
Go back in your hole troll
sam_of_london to hashman
7y 26d#50
Yes that is why Leeco is shutting down and phones on discount because no one wants them . If they were free of spyware , looking at the specs alone , they will be be like other respected Chinese phone companies Huawei , Xiaomi, Lenovo or Oneplus.
dreadzone101 to sam_of_london
7y 26d#51
Judging from your previous comments, I'm pretty sure this is what happened. You bought a LeEco phone which comes with LeEco's own apps. Due to being unable to discern the differences between spyware/bloatware/malware, you assumed these LeEco bloatware apps were spyware/malware, therefore proceeded to assume LeEco has pre-installed spyware. You read about removal of these LeEco apps, which lead you to threads about rooting, bootloaders, custom recovery but due to your lack of understanding you just concluded that LeEco sell spyware instead of phones and that all of their phones have spyware. So basically your spyware views are the result of your own incompetence. If only you were able to provide some evidence that suggests otherwise and supports your own claims, it might make you sound even slightly credible.
hashman to sam_of_london
7y 26d#52
'In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man, it seems unfair that he did not also limit his stupidity.'
Le is a conglomerate raising billions in investor funds
There is no limit to how shameful a person can get and how ego has made you desperately helpless.
sam_of_london to hashman
7y 25d#54
You can promote spyware and malware but I cannot. They cannot even sell their phones directly in this country due to Malware. Even Amazon had to stop selling Blu phones due to Malware . God did not ask you to spread malware to everyone on this forum by promoting hidden malware phones. Do not be evil .
hashman to sam_of_london
7y 25d#56
Logorrhea can be treated, you need to get a diagnostic done.
You don't have this phone Sam, do you? Why not have a walk down poundland, shake your head and stop quoting same boring lines on every deal that you don't post.
dreadzone101 to sam_of_london
7y 26d#21
For someone who's been saying the same thing for months, you'd think at some point you'd have provided links to support your claims. But despite people requesting it, you do not provide any and then continue on with the same comments on the next LeEco thread that gets posted:…108
I've seen LeEco threads regarding bloatware on official ROM, with owners asking how to remove it because they fear it is spyware. And also problems associated with vendor ROMs. But nothing that links LeEco to installing spyware themselves or that their pre-installed bloatware is actually spyware. I'm fairly certain you're mixing up different scenarios. Feel free to provide links which prove otherwise. The only results I can find when searching for this phone in regards to spyware are people worried of LeEco's own apps being spyware with no confirmation at all, of it being the case.…389
realdeals to sam_of_london
7y 26d#45
You do know that the X727 is the American version that has Gapps integrated into the OS? This means that the OS had to be certified by Google, so it will carry the same amount of spyware found on any device that you may wish to say doesn't.
Banking apps can be used on a rooted device and have been for sometime. First through seemless root , and now with the aid of Magisk.
Further more on the subject of spyware iOS and Google are the 2 biggest with report usage toggles set to on and then hidden away in app menu's. Siri and Google assistant, always listening features? Very nice!
7y 26d#6
Ah they finally add NFC Got the le max 2 and v impressed for the price
Heat from me
7y 26d#7
Unfortunately still on Marshmallow, with no planned update to Nougat (unless you root & install a custom rom if available).
7y 26d#11
How do you install custom rom without rooting ? Did you get it with unlocked bootloader ?
No it dont there is a x720 version that does but has a SD820 soc and a x722 version that does with a SD821 soc this version x727 does not also with a SD821 soc its for the USA so supports all their bands and according to xda forums cant be changed through firmware mod to support band 20 as it is a modem hardware difference
malky39 to ro888
7y 26d#24
there are two version of this exact phone one with band 20 one with out. Both for sale on banggood at $239.99 without any codes. The band 20 comes in gold and silver. None band 20 gold and grey
7y 26d#14
LeTV don't normally have band 20 or micro sd card slot.
hashman to winchman
7y 26d#19
Le Max2 x821 has band20 But you are right, no microsd or NFC unfortunately The specs of this phone suggests NFC... Tempted
7y 26d#32
Lol Owned... Someone with an ounce of humility would not 'show their face' on hukd following this sort of embarrassment
dreadzone101 to hashman
7y 26d#33
Judging from previous interactions, it will have zero effect and he'll continue displaying his ignorance, hypocrisy and tendency to lie, on future threads. He's been doing it for a long time and the fact that many other people are aware of it doesn't phase him, nor does anything anyone else says.
I guess the saying 'once a troll, always a troll' has got to have its roots from somewhere
7y 26d#35
Phone, specs and price seem to be good. Only the thing is there's not review on this model.
7y 26d#36
No B20 which is a shame. This puts off many buyers including me. The specs are good indeed.
7y 26d#37
There is a difference between rooting and unlocking the bootloader. The latter is all you need for custom ROMs. Not all bank apps check and many will still work they just won't cover you for fraud.
jomay to mcrobbj
7y 26d#38
I was just going to add some flavour to this... I don't claim this is correct. It's just to the best of my knowledge.
"root" simply means that: root access in the OS. Any ROM, even an original one could provide user "you" (the user and the apps you run) with root, or an app could give "you" root intermittently (like "sudo su..."). However, an app with root access can do pretty much anything, keylog everything, install traps/hooks in the OS etc. Clearly, that's why banking apps check for root.
The "bootloader" is a bit like the BIOS of a computer. It defines the startup sequence and often checks if the installed ROM (the OS in computer language, i.e. Windows/Linux) is "valid". An unlocked bootloader allows to install other than the original ROM. If you had the manufacturers key, you could sign any ROM as original and install it without unlocking the bootloader.
If the custom ROM simply bunches together drivers + standard android then there is no risk. This does not give root to any malware and you are safe.
However, someone could obviously produce a "malware ROM" that gives a hidden root access to some malware, keylogs everything and sends it to evil HQ. So installing a custom ROM could be as bad as root access (in some sense worse, as root would be hidden). I believe this requires deeper knowledge of the OS or some script-toolkits that do it for you. I'm not sure whether this is an issue already.
Would I run banking apps on a custom ROM? No, not really. If I ran banking apps I would probably stick with a very large manufacturer like Google. But I don't run banking apps, so I don't really mind flashing ROMs if they are from a trustworthy source.
mcrobbj to jomay
7y 26d#41
It's the stock ROM that I installed, it's just EE are too lazy to push it out which is why I won't go with them again. Kind of pissed of at Huawei too in that I had too in that they prevented me installing this without unlocking.
jomay to mcrobbj
7y 26d#43
Yep, I totally understand. I find this a weakness of androids ecosystem. You'd want to update frequently, but some manufacturers (a) don't want you to flash because it may go wrong, and (b) don't provide frequent updates because it causes work for them.
I'm still hoping for android to become more like Windows or Linux, where the OS is less customizable (and the hardware maybe less diverse), but more frequently and easily updated.
"This moves Android devices way closer to something like a personal computer, where you can boot up the latest, cutting edge Windows 10 build or any Linux distribution on a 10-12-year-old computer."
7y 26d#39
...and no aptx on BT for the music lovers. Which is what puts me off. GSMarena also cites wireless ac on this phone, which banggood does not. so a few discrepancies to look out for, if they are important to you.
Otherwise, good spec for the cash.
7y 26d#46
Maybe I should try out these dodgy phones one day
7y 26d#53
We've all had a bad experience with a company or brand, but this is obviously a vendetta against LeEco. On the forums everyone seems more than happy with their phones.
sam_of_london to popoyaya
7y 25d#55
I even promoted their phones here in the beginning as the specs were too good to be true. But soon realised my mistake.
7y 25d#58
Too bad no dual SIM in the phone
7y 24d#59
avoid because of no b20 in x727 model. if u r on ee then it might be okay. but this is single sim version.
Opening post
All comments (59)
I installed custom ROM on my LeMax2
I am not rooted a d banking apps work perfectly including Halifax that does not work on rooted phones
Get facts right or avoid misleading/misinforming
Then again, maybe you are just not aware and that just puts anything you say to doubt.... Credibility zero.
You clearly comment with very little knowledge about things.... I now even doubt if you have ever had this or any phone from a Chinese manufacturer or seller.…151
No root necessary
But your challenges and queries do make one wonder about your real motives.
Now you're using the term malware, when previously you said spyware and bloatware. They aren't necessarily interchangeable terms. Again demonstrating your lack of understanding. But sure, go ahead and ignore my previous comment requesting for you to provide proof of your claims. I expected for you to be unable to do so, anyway.
Spyware can be classed as malware but all malware isn't spyware. Malware is a wide array of different things. Adware and viruses fall under malware. Ad popups and viruses are quite different from something designed to record activity or steal data.
Spyware can be a malware, so all malware are spyware
Chinese phones can come without b20, so all Chinese phones have no b20
Some chinese manufacturers install bloatware/malware/spyware etc, so all Chinese manufacturer s install bloatware/malware/spyware
Sam is incompetent, so everyone else in this world is incompetent
- Sam struggles to get signal in London, therefore everyone must get a phone with B20
- UK uses B20 so people who promote non B20 phones are Chinese citizens pretending to be in UK
- Lack of one 4G UK band means the phone is a mini tablet which will only work in China and India but not in UK
- People who post Gearbest deals are commission agents and employees and subjected to Sam's criticism, but it's okay for him to post them
- Sam has an opinion, therefore everyone who disagrees is automatically wrong and he won't accept otherwise
- Sam has personal views/preferences, therefore they must be applicable to everyone else. Anyone who does not abide by these views are brainless, living in the stone age, throwing their money away, not worried about having their details stolen, don't understand the concept of moderation, will get tooth decay, obesity, diabetes and alzheimer's, or cancer unless they use Sam approved cookware. The list goes on and on...
Once again it is highly hypocritical for you to defend your Umidigi deal and disregard people pointing out many incidences of their previous phones being infected. Despite their history with spyware/malware, you'll give them the benefit of the doubt because it's an unreleased phone so the "jury's still out". Yet for a phone that's nearly a year old, with no incidences of spyware/malware, you'll still claim it's full of it, when you cannot provide even one incidence of this being the case.
Go back in your hole troll
Le is a conglomerate raising billions in investor funds
There is no limit to how shameful a person can get and how ego has made you desperately helpless.
Logorrhea can be treated, you need to get a diagnostic done.
Spyware/malware detected on ZTE Axon 7<
Spyware/malware detected on multiple Umidigi phones<
You're digging yourself a deeper hole with every post.
I do not believe the guide suggests you need to root prior to following the suggested steps
You remain misinformed and lack any credibility to comment on this subject…e=2
Why not have a walk down poundland, shake your head and stop quoting same boring lines on every deal that you don't post.
I've seen LeEco threads regarding bloatware on official ROM, with owners asking how to remove it because they fear it is spyware. And also problems associated with vendor ROMs. But nothing that links LeEco to installing spyware themselves or that their pre-installed bloatware is actually spyware. I'm fairly certain you're mixing up different scenarios. Feel free to provide links which prove otherwise. The only results I can find when searching for this phone in regards to spyware are people worried of LeEco's own apps being spyware with no confirmation at all, of it being the case.…389
This means that the OS had to be certified by Google, so it will carry the same amount of spyware found on any device that you may wish to say doesn't.
Banking apps can be used on a rooted device and have been for sometime.
First through seemless root , and now with the aid of Magisk.
Further more on the subject of spyware iOS and Google are the 2 biggest with report usage toggles set to on and then hidden away in app menu's.
Siri and Google assistant, always listening features? Very nice!
Got the le max 2 and v impressed for the price
Heat from me
GSMarena said it can, very confused?…php
But you are right, no microsd or NFC unfortunately
The specs of this phone suggests NFC... Tempted
Owned... Someone with an ounce of humility would not 'show their face' on hukd following this sort of embarrassment…363…280
Only the thing is there's not review on this model.
"root" simply means that: root access in the OS. Any ROM, even an original one could provide user "you" (the user and the apps you run) with root, or an app could give "you" root intermittently (like "sudo su..."). However, an app with root access can do pretty much anything, keylog everything, install traps/hooks in the OS etc. Clearly, that's why banking apps check for root.
The "bootloader" is a bit like the BIOS of a computer. It defines the startup sequence and often checks if the installed ROM (the OS in computer language, i.e. Windows/Linux) is "valid". An unlocked bootloader allows to install other than the original ROM. If you had the manufacturers key, you could sign any ROM as original and install it without unlocking the bootloader.
If the custom ROM simply bunches together drivers + standard android then there is no risk. This does not give root to any malware and you are safe.
However, someone could obviously produce a "malware ROM" that gives a hidden root access to some malware, keylogs everything and sends it to evil HQ. So installing a custom ROM could be as bad as root access (in some sense worse, as root would be hidden). I believe this requires deeper knowledge of the OS or some script-toolkits that do it for you. I'm not sure whether this is an issue already.
Would I run banking apps on a custom ROM? No, not really. If I ran banking apps I would probably stick with a very large manufacturer like Google. But I don't run banking apps, so I don't really mind flashing ROMs if they are from a trustworthy source.
I'm still hoping for android to become more like Windows or Linux, where the OS is less customizable (and the hardware maybe less diverse), but more frequently and easily updated.…nt/
"This moves Android devices way closer to something like a personal computer, where you can boot up the latest, cutting edge Windows 10 build or any Linux distribution on a 10-12-year-old computer."
GSMarena also cites wireless ac on this phone, which banggood does not. so a few discrepancies to look out for, if they are important to you.
Otherwise, good spec for the cash.