Seems a very good deal to park very centrally I've heard from friends it can easily be £18 for the day
18 Sep 17#1
It's been that price for ages. It's a bitch if you arrive at 9:01 for an all day meeting.
18 Sep 17#2
The night rate is also pretty reasonable at £6.50 from 5pm-5am :smile:
18 Sep 17#3
And people wonder why there is so much pollution in city centers!…073 cars should be nowhere near city centers
Boxrick to thomasleep
18 Sep 17#8
I agree, cycle, tram and train all good options. City centres should be for people, not cars. I live here and sadly if I leave my window open for a few days this is the result on my window ledge. Gross
thomasleep to Boxrick
18 Sep 17#9
Imagine what it does to your lungs!!! but if you base the whole economy on retail and banking this is what happens (infrastructure can work) these city centers were designed when the center was not the be all and end all and probably a few million less car owners :disappointed:
18 Sep 17#4
There use to be parking for many hundreds of cars beside the Pier Head for free for years till they built on it. Kept a lot of traffic parking in the city now , causing more pollution.
thomasleep to morrig
18 Sep 17#10
I think you are talking about Liverpool (pier head) Liverpool is better than most places as most of the center is paved L1 , Nottingham screwed it big time built trams all over the city (great) but still allows traffic all over the city a very limited part is pedestrianised the rest of it has zebra crossings all over the place which are a death trap as taxi drivers and bus drivers think the white lines are a starting flag for a race. not to mention just how much more pollution those things dish out when idling or at low rpm!!
18 Sep 17#5
It's the same at NCP Piccadilly
18 Sep 17#6
The one on Hanover St (behind Printworks) is £4.50 isn't it?
18 Sep 17#7
when i try to to book its £16 per day?
19 Sep 17#11
NCP at the arena has early bird parking for £4.20,, only 2 mins walk from Arndale,, used to be £3 last year
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11 comments…jv/