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 NowTV - 6 Months Entertainment & Movies Pass - £50.94
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NowTV - 6 Months Entertainment & Movies Pass - £50.94

£50.94 NOW TV9 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
9 Sep 17
Seems like a very good offer......for those who don't mind paying! Will see you through the Christmas period!.

Works out at £8.49 per month. Just remember to cancel at the end of the 6 months.

TopCashBack tracking at £5.00
All comments (44)
9 Sep 17 #1
Great deal. It's for New Customers only though. Worth setting up a new account under the wife's name though. Thanks OP.
9 Sep 17 #2
Great price.. So how can sky tv justify charging so much when this is the same thing !
Ashe to srp111
9 Sep 17 #4
Because people pay it.
UltimatePhoenix to srp111
10 Sep 17 #30
Same?? Seems alot less channels to me, i like Sky but now just live with Netflix, running out fast though, no tv license needed for me, need to reclaim :joy:
smackos to UltimatePhoenix
10 Sep 17 #31
If you are running out of stuff to watch on Netflix then just top it up here and there throughout the year with other subs. Still miles cheaper than a Sky package. There's some great stuff over on Amazon to try out plus you could always rent stuff out on disc from the likes of CinemaParadiso.
UltimatePhoenix to smackos
10 Sep 17 #34
Never heard of Cinema Paradiso, any good??? Ive watched Gotham and Defenders over lsstt couple weeks, and finished Big Bang theory, onto the other DC stuff next!!
smackos to UltimatePhoenix
10 Sep 17 #37
Love using Cinema Paradiso here and there. Think like Lovefilm was. It might be old school but it's bloody excellent value for money.

Think of it this way. People pay for SKY Cinema each month and get movie releases about 9-12 months after they've shown up in cinemas. You can pay for Cinema paradiso and get recent releases between 3-4 months from its cinema release. For a quick example on Sept 22nd Sky Cinema will be premiering The Accountant. That's been available through cinema Paradiso since March. Between now and end of November I'll be able to rent the likes of Wonder Woman, Spide-man:Homecoming and Alien Covenant. The last few months I've watched things like Logan, Ghost in the Shell, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Kong: Skull Island, Life and John Wick 2. Sky Cinema subscribers are going to have to wait until next summer before they get any of those to watch, and ironically they won't be watching it at as good a quality either.

Then as well as that they do a ridiculous amount of tv show stuff. Whether that's stuff like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Ash vs Evil Dead, Vikings, Black Sails, Tin Star etc. Plus, you can swap and change your subscription level with them month to month. So some months you might want only 3 or 4 movies out, so stick it on a light package for £6.98. Other months you might to smash through a few tv series as well, so have it on a heavier subscription, or if it's a dry month then you can always freeze your subscription till a certain date again.

None of these services HAVE to replace each other for you full time. It's just about playing it clever to get exactly what you want from each of them.
UltimatePhoenix to smackos
10 Sep 17 #38
Cheers ill save into my web, used lovefilm years ago but missus would use the headache excuse not to watch a film so didnt end up getting monies worth :joy: learnt to watch myself, gets involved when half way through though haha
smackos to UltimatePhoenix
10 Sep 17 #39

No worries. I regularly use the streaming services but the content available via disc rental makes them look laughable sometimes, even compared to full Sky.

Films available now..


Films coming up up the next few months..

UltimatePhoenix to smackos
11 Sep 17 #40
Nice one, think ill give it a go, still need John Wick 2, :thumbsup:
snowsgreen to srp111
11 Sep 17 #41
Because of PQ and stereo only sound. That’s pretty much it really.
9 Sep 17 #3
Thanks OP. Does anyone know if this deal has an expiry for redemption? I can't see it on the link and didn't want to sign up until next month ideally
9 Sep 17 #5
Might be worth checking your account emails (we have two)- i've been offered movies for £4.99 "50% off"
9 Sep 17 #6
Great Deal!!!! I got the same deal from Argos for £19.99, a couple of months ago.
9 Sep 17 #7
Sorry never noticed the movies included, but after 14 day trial of the movies I got 4 months for 3.99 a month.
9 Sep 17 #8
Not the same as sky as entertainment is only 11 or so channels and no plus 1 's etc. This is a great deal though
9 Sep 17 #9
Reasonable I guess, but personally would have to be even cheaper for me. Just had the entertainment pass for GOT and while it worked, the streaming quality looks a bit poor these days on large and 4K screens at only 720P and if you like surround sound forget it, stereo only. Really think Now TV should get with the times, by comparison Netflix now have a huge library of 4K content, even some HDR and Amazon are just behind, that really puts the video quality of Now TV into perspective. Plus half the time it didn't even stay at max quality, sometimes dropping to something akin to Youtube at lowest settings.

Personally, I think they deliberately limit the PQ of Now TV to make a Sky (Now TV is just Sky by another name) sub seem more attractive (where you can at least get a less heavily compressed 1080 image). If you could stream at up to 4K with HD audio then Sky Satellite TV would become pointless for a lot of people.

To be fair for those with smaller sets and who aren't so sensitive to image quality, this is still a reasonable deal. If you are happy with DVD quality video you will probably find Now TV matches up roughly with that (minus the dolby digital audio)....
kilboy to ST3123
9 Sep 17 #11
The on demand streams at 1080 it's only if you're watching live it drops to 720. But yeah it's a bit crap compared to netflix/amazon offerings.
I think DVD quality is a bit of a harsh comparison though :smile:
smackos to kilboy
9 Sep 17 #20
No the WHOLE of Now tv is limited to 720p. It isn't even really about the fact it's 720p so much, it's the fact they use really low bitrate to go with it.…ice
kilboy to smackos
9 Sep 17 #21
Yeah that sucks. Bit of a cheek really, the box lets you select 1080.

Annoying really. The choice is adverts, unreliable boxes and expense (even at 75% off I'm paying more for sky than I did for Now TV) vs lower quality and less choice.

If you could pluck the best bits from both of them it would be awesome. :disappointed:
smackos to kilboy
9 Sep 17 #23
Yeah, the box will scale and output 1080p to the tv but the stream that Now tv pushes to it is limited big time. I do use Now Tv, but it's hitting the point where we're watching tv shows and movies elsewhere and just having Now tv for the football. The odd few shows I personally watch in the house through Now Tv I could happily wait a little longer and grab them when they come out on iTunes/Amazon. (Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead.) Its just a few things that my partner likes that still means we'll be subscribing to Now Tv till the end of time itself.. Ncis, Ncis LA and Hawaii Five-0. :persevere:
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