Mass Effect: Andromeda takes you to the Andromeda galaxy, far beyond the Milky Way. There, you'll lead our fight for a new home in hostile territory - where WE are the aliens.
Play as the Pathfinder - a leader of a squad of military-trained explorers - with deep progression and customisation systems. This is the story of humanity’s next chapter, and your choices throughout the game will ultimately determine our survival in the Andromeda Galaxy.
As you unfold the mysteries of the Andromeda Galaxy and the hope for humanity lies on your shoulders – You must ask yourself… How far will you go?
Key Features:
Be the Pathfinder. Chart your own course in a dangerous new galaxy. Unravel the mysteries of the Andromeda galaxy as you discover rich, alien worlds in the search for humanity’s new home.
Return to the Mass Effect universe you love. Lead the first humans in Andromeda on a desperate search for our new home. In this new chapter of Mass Effect, meet and recruit all-new, interesting characters caught up in an epic space saga filled with mystery and galactic conflict.
Battle like never before. New additions like destructible environments, boosted jumps for added verticality, and all-new weapons and Biotics make combat more thrilling than ever.
Play your way. Build a formidable hero with amazing weapons, powers and tech. With a much more flexible skill and weapon progression tree, you can replicate your play style to make you unstoppable against powerful alien enemies.
Join the APEX Forces. Multiplayer in Mass Effect Andromeda places you into a class-based, 4-player co-op fire-team experience. Team up with three of your friends to take on the enemy threat and protect the interests of the Andromeda Initiative.
Not the best game ever, but the first ten hours or so were probably the worst. By the end I'd give it 77%.
90 minutes into yesterday's Prey deal and already loving that one!
parasitemol to BetaRomeo
7y 25d#7
Think it was a cdkeys deal! I've made the problem of starting Dragons Dogma so everything else is kinda on hold until I get through this! Andromeda is next on my list though!
I'm sure it's not going to be as bad as everyone said, my gf is a big mass effect fan and really enjoyed it, from the small parts I've seen it looks enough like mass effect to have me excited about getting round to it anyway and hey it can't be as bad as the last 45mins of ME3... Can it?!
I saw the Prey deal and have fought really hard against buying it, so far I'm doing well! How does it run?
BetaRomeo to parasitemol
7y 25d#11
It runs a lot better than ME:A, that's for sure! Prey maintains 90-105+ fps on a 1070, no dips that I've noticed, and this system is overdue a CPU upgrade. While the graphics in ME:A sometimes look excellent (although not enough to justify its fairly poor performance IMO), the graphics in Prey sometimes look... clever. I don't want to say any more - and I recommend against reading anything about Prey, as its surprises have been great so far!
ME:A is good as well, but I've been very lucky with the games I've played this year, and it's sadly in last place so far!
And I still can't get over how much better Dragon's Dogma is on PC - I loved the 360 version, and just expected slightly better graphics and 60FPS, but it just plays so much better at 60FPS, too! If you have a Steam controller, it works so well with this game (which might sound odd, as it doesn't appear to make use of the Steam controller's special features, but it just... works really well!). Make sure you go into the graphics settings and set HDR to Low, though, as High just looks awful for some reason.
parasitemol to BetaRomeo
7y 25d#14
That's good to know, sounds like we've got similar machines, I'm not sure why but in my head I remember there being problems at launch, may have just made that up though! Will definitely pick it up but I'm sure it will have hit the £10 mark by the time I have the time to play it so I'm going to hold out!
Dragons Dogma, after a shaky first 15hours I have actually really grown to love! Funny you should say about the steam controller as that is what I'm using! Using the 'xbox controller' settings in game (button layout 'c' and it's absolutely perfect, it's the first game I'm playing with the steam controller so it's a learning curve but I'm using that, playing through the Steam Link on my 42 inch TV and am loving it! Will check that HDR setting too cause while it's hell of a lot of fun, a looker it is not!
7y 25d#2
wow! getting to £9.99 maybe strike price!
7y 25d#3
I bought it last week fo 14.99 and I'm already 29 hours into the game and love it as any other Mass Effect game.
Totalbiscuit concludes about the single-player mode: "The meal is a good one"
Totalbiscuit: "a tough sell if you are just buying the multiplayer"
Al7777 to EQL
7y 25d#13
Totalbusucit "face palm"
EQL to Al7777
7y 25d#16
Suggestions for something/someone better then?
7y 25d#6
Another £7 off and we got a sale. lol
7y 25d#8
I thought it was a great game. Ran really well on max settings on my nvidia 1060-equipped laptop.
7y 25d#9
I didn't enjoy this as half much as the original trilogy, and I put it down to the characters. I just did not care about them, and none of the crew had the charisma of the Normandy crew. I missed the Garrus, Wrex and Liara characters to name but three - their ME:A equivalents were forgettable and wooden (I can only remember PeeBee, and only because she was annoying and had an annoying name!). Case in point, it was fun working out who to form a relationship with in the original trilogy - here, I just didn't care, they were all boring. Maybe if it had been its own game it wouldn't have been so glaring, but it was a Mass Effect game, which made its pitfalls all the more obvious.
7y 25d#10
I absolutely loved the ME series, but thought this game was all rather bland. It's neither good nor bad, just middle of the road average. Worth it at the price above, but not sure how far into the game i got before getting bored with it. No desire to finish it which is a shame all things considered.
7y 25d#12
Awesome game and a bargain at this price. Heat added.
7y 25d#15
Ahh... Mass Effect Andromeda, the Katy Perry of video games, beautiful but no brains.
Opening post
Mass Effect: Andromeda takes you to the Andromeda galaxy, far beyond the Milky Way. There, you'll lead our fight for a new home in hostile territory - where WE are the aliens.
Play as the Pathfinder - a leader of a squad of military-trained explorers - with deep progression and customisation systems. This is the story of humanity’s next chapter, and your choices throughout the game will ultimately determine our survival in the Andromeda Galaxy.
As you unfold the mysteries of the Andromeda Galaxy and the hope for humanity lies on your shoulders – You must ask yourself… How far will you go?
Key Features:
Be the Pathfinder. Chart your own course in a dangerous new galaxy. Unravel the mysteries of the Andromeda galaxy as you discover rich, alien worlds in the search for humanity’s new home.
Return to the Mass Effect universe you love. Lead the first humans in Andromeda on a desperate search for our new home. In this new chapter of Mass Effect, meet and recruit all-new, interesting characters caught up in an epic space saga filled with mystery and galactic conflict.
Battle like never before. New additions like destructible environments, boosted jumps for added verticality, and all-new weapons and Biotics make combat more thrilling than ever.
Play your way. Build a formidable hero with amazing weapons, powers and tech. With a much more flexible skill and weapon progression tree, you can replicate your play style to make you unstoppable against powerful alien enemies.
Join the APEX Forces. Multiplayer in Mass Effect Andromeda places you into a class-based, 4-player co-op fire-team experience. Team up with three of your friends to take on the enemy threat and protect the interests of the Andromeda Initiative.
5% off for "new" customers here…96/
you need to be logged into your cdkeys account to use the code.
But I actually completed it on Friday! :party:
Not the best game ever, but the first ten hours or so were probably the worst. By the end I'd give it 77%.
90 minutes into yesterday's Prey deal and already loving that one!
I'm sure it's not going to be as bad as everyone said, my gf is a big mass effect fan and really enjoyed it, from the small parts I've seen it looks enough like mass effect to have me excited about getting round to it anyway
I saw the Prey deal and have fought really hard against buying it, so far I'm doing well! How does it run?
ME:A is good as well, but I've been very lucky with the games I've played this year, and it's sadly in last place so far!
And I still can't get over how much better Dragon's Dogma is on PC - I loved the 360 version, and just expected slightly better graphics and 60FPS, but it just plays so much better at 60FPS, too! If you have a Steam controller, it works so well with this game (which might sound odd, as it doesn't appear to make use of the Steam controller's special features, but it just... works really well!). Make sure you go into the graphics settings and set HDR to Low, though, as High just looks awful for some reason.
Dragons Dogma, after a shaky first 15hours I have actually really grown to love! Funny you should say about the steam controller as that is what I'm using! Using the 'xbox controller' settings in game (button layout 'c' and it's absolutely perfect, it's the first game I'm playing with the steam controller so it's a learning curve but I'm using that, playing through the Steam Link on my 42 inch TV and am loving it! Will check that HDR setting too cause while it's hell of a lot of fun, a looker it is not!
Totalbiscuit concludes about the single-player mode: "The meal is a good one"
Totalbiscuit: "a tough sell if you are just buying the multiplayer"
Maybe if it had been its own game it wouldn't have been so glaring, but it was a Mass Effect game, which made its pitfalls all the more obvious.