This is for next weekend at Lidl. 4 good deals.Maximum number of items per customer is 6. The wine is 13% strength and must be consumed within a year (no problem there then!).
Does anyone know the typical use by date for Lidl's smoked salmon please?
blue1971 to karlie88
7y 27d#4
You can freeze and still comes out delicious, we buy quite a lot of this when on. Absolute bargain
karlie88 to blue1971
7y 27d#6
Thanks. Do the slices still separate ok after freezing/defrosting?
blue1971 to karlie88
7y 27d#7
Yep, still have to be careful though
mp4567 to karlie88
7y 27d#13
Its usually about a week after its put on the shelf. This will go very quickly so i'd be quick if I was you.
7y 27d#3
Nice, will pick up a few of each next weekend
7y 27d#5
excellent price for the olive oil!
7y 27d#8
I bought a 750ml bottle of the Primadonna olive oil yesterday- and it's absolutely disgusting. Inedible. There must be something wrong with it- I'm taking it back for a refund.
michaeljb to Muig1972
7y 27d#9
Stop acting like a prima donna, there's enough divas around here as is
Muig1972 to michaeljb
7y 27d#10
Honestly, there was something seriously wrong with it - it was more like engine oil than olive oil!
It came from Aberdeen King St. I reckon other customers will be affected- I can't believe there can be just one bad bottle.
michaeljb to Muig1972
7y 27d#12
I believe you, I was just using the play on words with the brand name
hooray.henry to Muig1972
7y 27d#11
Lid have a dodgy record when it comes to their olive oils. Fakes and getting fined for it. But hey its a Lidl deal so it doesn't really matter here on hukd if its good bad or expensive because Lidl deals always get the heat.
7y 27d#14
anyone else have any experience of the lidl olive oil?
was planning to get some later today but now unsure whether to
7y 27d#15
There is a big issue with extra virgin oil being fake. Sold as 100% but being mixed with rapeseed oil and others. Its a costly process to get real evoo so if you do buy cheap (some expensive ones are also fake) then you shouldn't use it for salads maybe just for cooking with....or bin it.
7y 27d#16
got my 6 bottles of wine & a couple of olive oils
spitthedog1964 to luvsadealdealdeal
7y 27d#17
Result! No salmon?
7y 27d#18
got a few bottle and samons no olive oils as i have my own trees
Opening post
posted already
It came from Aberdeen King St. I reckon other customers will be affected- I can't believe there can be just one bad bottle.
was planning to get some later today but now unsure whether to