For those who missed the Ebay deal They have it in stock (Limited) on Debenhams website
don't forget Quidco
6 Sep 17#1
shaz2sxy to iain_k
6 Sep 17#2
Still showing stock, and I managed to order one 5mins ago
6 Sep 17#3
Am I missing something, it looks poop for £70. Don't get me wrong I love Lego and Star Wars, the FA Falcon is 3 feet away from me right now.
Fergout to Oneday77
6 Sep 17#4
I was just thinking the same. Not a good set for me
6 Sep 17#5
will probably be half price on Black Friday.
6 Sep 17#6
Says "hurry, less than 3 left" but then says "out of stock" when you try to add it to your basket.
shaz2sxy to extranormal
6 Sep 17#7
Ahh that didnt last long at all, I wonder if I got the last one then
Pasanda to extranormal
8 Sep 17#12
To be fair, out of stock IS less than 3. :smile:
6 Sep 17#8
Not a fan of this either. BB8 looks about the best of this wave, but will wait until it's around £50
Funky_DealFinder to TheMexicaliKid
6 Sep 17#10
You have now been banned from commenting on any Lego or Star Wars related post
Reason: Leia isn't in this set.
If you have any further questions please don't ask :smile:
TheMexicaliKid to Funky_DealFinder
6 Sep 17#9
That's how appealing this set is to me...I didn't even bother to look in detail!
7 Sep 17#11
Sooo peed off. Went to pick it up today and they put a mecano Ferrari set... Gutted. They didn't have any instore to swap. Going to complain :persevere:
8 Sep 17#13
Just received a meccano Ferrari after ordering off eBay
Opening post
don't forget Quidco
Don't get me wrong I love Lego and Star Wars, the FA Falcon is 3 feet away from me right now.
when you try to add it to your basket.
Reason: Leia isn't in this set.
If you have any further questions please don't ask :smile: