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 Gigabyte WindForce GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5 - £224.97 @ Laptops Direct
4.5 stars +405

Gigabyte WindForce GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5 - £224.97 @ Laptops Direct

£224.97 Laptops Direct1 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
1 Sep 17
Have been looking for a reasonably priced gtx 1060 (6gb version of course) ever since the Ethereum bit coin mining craze began this summer.

Originally £317.97, now £224.97 (£93 off)

Amazon have it on for £298.99 and I haven't seen a gtx 1060 6gb for less than 270 anywhere else
All comments (55)
1 Sep 17 #1
Very good price for brand new. Well spotted OP. Would buy them all for my mining operation but I can't go beyond £200/card haha!
1 Sep 17 #2
Does this mark the end for mining madness? I wish amazon had at this price so I could buy.

Btw amazon doesn't doesn't even sell this at the moment so there's hope when it does arrive there it will be cheaper too.
1 Sep 17 #3
Great price, purchased, thanks OP
1 Sep 17 #4
great mining card - heat
1 Sep 17 #5
I have a 1080 that's usually idle. In our shared university house we have unlimited electricity. Should I be mining etherium? I looked into BTC a while back but got the impression the hope of any meaningful return died years ago.
robodan918 to sneakybifta
1 Sep 17 #11
1080 is one of the worst cards to mine with - sorry to tell you
you still can, but your return is going to be worse than on a 1070
strange but true
mikehunt69 to robodan918
2 Sep 17 #27
This is only true for Ethereum mining. Mining zcash will net ~20% greater returns from a 1080 vs a 1070. Check and do some comparisons.

For some easy money, check out You could earn slightly more buy using a mining pool, but it's dead easy and it switches coins based on what is the most profitable at the time.
robodan918 to mikehunt69
2 Sep 17 #31
Nicehash pays out in bitcoin, which you may see lower payouts of bitcoin as it increases in value.

Mining a crypto yourself is more risky, but you're guaranteed that if you have 1ETH or 1ZEC that value increases with the value of the currency.
mikehunt69 to robodan918
2 Sep 17 #33
I view mining crypto as less risky than buying coins, because if there was a mass crash like what happened to bitcoin a while back, at least you'd still have the hardware which you can get some money back from.

Once you have bitcoin you can buy whatever crypto currency you want.
mikedigitales to sneakybifta
1 Sep 17 #14
Get to the NiceHash website now - free electric = free moneyz :smile:
ddaann_99 to sneakybifta
1 Sep 17 #17
The 1080 isn't all that great for mining Ethereum due to its gddr5x memory configuration but if your leccy is free then it wouldn't do any harm to have it ticking over earning you a few quid. It'll help to keep your room warm in winter too :sunglasses:
1 Sep 17 #6
Mine if I bought all available stock? Pun intended great price op!
1 Sep 17 #7
I'm on this website everyday waiting for the msi gtx 1070 gaming X to get discounted and it's gtx 1060 deal after deal!
ST3123 to fozzibear
1 Sep 17 #9
Sadly the way it will be as mainstream parts like the 1060 will always be made in much bigger quantities than (comparatively) high end parts like the GTX1070.

Heated as this is a very good deal considering how high GPU prices have been lately and it being a 6GB version is much better for future proofing and as this has one of the better cooler designs for the 1060, which doesn't run very hot anyway, there is probably some overclocking headroom to be had too....
1 Sep 17 #8
Atleast the prices are improving but it's still sad that I paid this for a 970 two years ago which is about the same speed.

I was hoping we would see a 1070 at this price point by now. Guess I will be waiting for Volta.
robodan918 to Gormond
1 Sep 17 #12
if the mining trend continues (and yes it will) Volta in mid 2018 and even Navi in 2019 will still be at these prices
cryptos aren't going away. Buy the card you want, and if you want a return set it to mine in the time you don't use it
mikehunt69 to robodan918
2 Sep 17 #28
At the moment cryptos mostly use proof of work algos which need gpu or asic miners. Over time cryptos will move to proof of stake algorithms, which will kill compute mining. Ethereum is due to fork and switch to POS within this next year, it was originally planned within the next few months but has been delayed.
IMHO POW based currencies will either move to POS or be overtaken.
ddaann_99 to mikehunt69
2 Sep 17 #29
Why do you think POS will be more successful than POW? I'm not arguing with you.. Just interested.
mikehunt69 to ddaann_99
2 Sep 17 #32
Check out the ATB coin whitepaper. POW isn't sustainable from an energy point of view and POS had some inherent benefits like scalability.
robodan918 to mikehunt69
2 Sep 17 #30
Also wondering why proof of stake is better.

I've seen videos that explain the difference, but not why they were better (besides power requirements)

Pos could be a mistake that causes mass sell offs due to the perception of lost profitability. I plan to dump half of my ether before pos to hedge this bet.
1 Sep 17 #10
Well done OP on your first deal! Managed to order one during work :smile:
1 Sep 17 #13
Just ordered thanks. Time to cancel my Amazon rx580 order. (Once delivered of course).

Only 23cm long so should fit much better in my current case. Looks to be a full size card too.

Ukpartpicker shows cheapest elsewhere as £274. Cheapest price sold around £221 back in May/June.

Heat added.
1 Sep 17 #15
If yur leccy IS truly unlmited then maybe you should be mining.. only dont let on to everyone else. If your leccy is on the other hand a shared bill then thats underhand. Would you buy this card
Dont mine bitcoin ,mine dash or litecoin or monero (this is not financial advice) :thinking:‌ :ninja:
1 Sep 17 #16
1 Sep 17 #18
This could quickly sell out here. See what happens. Now showing in stock for delivery on 5th September on website. Wait and see what happens
1 Sep 17 #19
What is the cooler like on this gigabyte?

voted hot.
gummby to MRP
1 Sep 17 #20
You can control the fan to not kick in below 50 degrees. On a well vented case it should be fine from what I read on reviews. For this price seems quite competitive.

Delivery is now saying from 15th September. It's no longer saying in stock. Might be wise to call?
1 Sep 17 #21
It's sold out :(. Fancied one for my new build. Oh well.
1 Sep 17 #22
1 Sep 17 #23
Wait and see who actually gets one delivered now.
1 Sep 17 #24
expired. damn was after this!
gummby to aseddon130
1 Sep 17 #25
That is the issue with these offers. At bargain prices they sell out so fast.
aseddon130 to gummby
1 Sep 17 #26
every single one will probably end up on ebay n all! :thinking:
2 Sep 17 #34
Out of stock now :disappointed:
gummby to BigPro
2 Sep 17 #35
Yeah this sold out about an 1-2 hour after it was posted.
2 Sep 17 #36
Getting super nervous it won't get delivered now due to some stock problem and how limited they're actually supposed to be
gummby to edlloydj
3 Sep 17 #37
Mine shows waiting despatch but it said that after I ordered it. Monday/Tuesday could be day we see some action. As that is the next working day.
edlloydj to gummby
4 Sep 17 #39
No sign of mine yet, pretty disappointing seeing as I paid extra to get next day delivery and yet nothing has happened. Still stuck on waiting to despatch and no sign of any ability to track my order. Miffed
4 Sep 17 #38
Had an issue with my order on this, they have no stock. It is too much of a wild goose chase for it to be worth it, so I just told them to refund. It will be interesting to see how all of you who placed an order get on with it
edlloydj to azzintheclass
4 Sep 17 #40
What was the issue? Did they contact you to tell you so?
azzintheclass to edlloydj
4 Sep 17 #41
I received an e-mail saying there was a problem. I called them and got passed around a few departments. The guy was shocked that it went through at the price, he seems to think it could have possibly been a mis-price flagged up from the payments department, after the orders came in. They were saying that there is no stock, and I could wait until the 15th to see what happens. I gave up after speaking to three different departments without a definitive answer.
gummby to azzintheclass
4 Sep 17 #43
Yes it was an amazing price considering prices elsewhere. My invoice has the £224 on it. My PC badly needs this upgrade.
4 Sep 17 #42
Got an email 9.49am confirming delivery for tomorrow. Look at time I posted here. If you ordered before I posted you should get yours. :smile:

Remember one working day includes Monday. Guessing they had a lot of orders to process.
4 Sep 17 #44
My order was cancelled. They said that they were let down by their supplier which sounds dubious. Can't see why they weren't honest and just say it was a mistake.
edlloydj to Tatter
4 Sep 17 #45
Same happened to me, I ordered pretty much when this was first found though and paid for a faster delivery so that's why it just baffles me
SorJai to Tatter
5 Sep 17 #50
I know right??

They put up the prices, I would honestly prefer them to just say there was a pricing mistake..

They should really be banned from here, a big waste of time.
4 Sep 17 #46
Just rather disappointing tbf, now going to have to fork out £280 more or less as I really need one too
SorJai to edlloydj
5 Sep 17 #51
If you're going to get one,…tml

At least this will be a little cheaper than £280, and more reliable than Laptops Direct.

Or if you have free delivery at OcUK:…tml
edlloydj to SorJai
5 Sep 17 #53
Thanks, I'll have a look. If I were to have a look for the same model as this one though, what would you say is a reasonable price considering the inflation from mining?
SorJai to edlloydj
5 Sep 17 #54
So, GTX 1060 6GB imo, should be around 210, and GTX 1070 was like 300 on release?

Mining added pretty much £60-£150 more onto these cards..

Tbh, none of it is reasonable - but you're in desperate need of a card, so it depends what makes you feel good about your purchase, if you're fine with these prices, then go for whatever you can find cheapest.

I'm just playing the waiting game, even if it means waiting till Black Friday :smile:
5 Sep 17 #47
In stock at 299. Think they have taken the p
5 Sep 17 #48
They just called me up today saying they had no stock and that they need to cancel/refund etc.

I told them I had a text msg from DPD and assumed it was from them.. they were sure that it's not related to my order..

Oh well.. the search goes on.
praevalens to SorJai
5 Sep 17 #49
They are selling as in stock right now for 299
5 Sep 17 #52
It was very unusual for a site like that to under cut the market by so much. Definately a mistake. I wonder how much they lost on each sale?

Mine is now delivered and appears to be 6gb version. Maybe I got lucky. I think when they realised the issue they stopped it. They likely also noticed the huge sudden volume of sales.

Need to install it in a bit.

I wouldn't say unreliable. Pricing errors do happen. If they got 100+ orders what do you expect them to do? Especially if they take the money up front.
5 Sep 17 #55
Card is up and running and drivers installed. Fans only kick in at 50 degrees and above. Albeit you can set them to run at lower temps using extreme utility. Pretty sure others received this card. They have just not posted to say so.
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