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 Get £2 Giftcard on top of refund if you get overcharged @ Asda
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Get £2 Giftcard on top of refund if you get overcharged @ Asda

£2 Asda29 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Opening post
29 Sep 17
Posting just because I didn’t know this before. Asda are giving £2 giftcard on top of the refund amount if they overcharged you. See link for more details.
Latest comments (41)
29 Sep 17 #32
They often overcharge but can't be bothered to stand in their long queue over 50p
M1LFHunter to cupcake125
29 Sep 17 #34
The ASDA zombie chavs have plenty of time and enjoy being an arse and getting thier own way.
steevieboy4u to cupcake125
30 Sep 17 #41
£2.50 :wink:
30 Sep 17 #40
Too many bad experiences asking for refunds.

Shelf fillers make the same mistake as the buyer but they then blame the customer.
Staff are now far too scared of management to chance it that the customer is right
29 Sep 17 #25
And do you all go to customer service to give ASDA money back when you've been undercharged?
R1992 to M1LFHunter
29 Sep 17 #27
EHM it seems to be the norm for them to overcharge. Doubt many people don't care about being overcharged like you but doing this to thousands across the UK and hey, they make themselves a hefty profit. Just saying.
veedubjai to M1LFHunter
29 Sep 17 #30
Honest, innocent, possibly naive. Teacher will give you a gold star. :unamused:
MR1123 to M1LFHunter
30 Sep 17 #39
What's the odds of that happening? And Are you comparing someone's own policy VS a mandatory store policy?
29 Sep 17 #38
If the staff refuse ring up head office and get £5 instead lol.
29 Sep 17 #37
Asda Cribbs Causeway absolutely hate giving the £2 card. They point blank refuse to give it to you if you've used the self serve tills.
29 Sep 17 #36
In reality, when you compare like for like products at Asda with Aldi and Lidl you're always overcharged at Asda.

Not what they mean, of course, but it's a hard fact.
29 Sep 17 #15
My local never offer this too unless I ask. Have even lied to me in the past and said it's for electrical items over £100. Other staff have said promotion has ended while some staff are very rude and say "what people do these days for a couple of pounds".

The other week I got the "I just refunded you and didn't go and check the price. If you want the £2 then I'll need to go and check it. Do you want me to go and check it?" To which I replied "yes please:)"

For some reason Asda staff get very butt hurt about offering this like as if it will be coming out of their own pay packets.

Proper bunch of jobsworth!
NCIS to 5Rivers79
29 Sep 17 #16
I think they get judged on how many of these £2 rewards they give out, because it indicates that the staff are not doing their jobs good enough, so reflects overall performance ratings for each store.
luvsadealdealdeal to 5Rivers79
29 Sep 17 #35
It does come out of their paypackets - it reduces the Xmas bonus pool
29 Sep 17 #4
posted…687‌ :smile:
jordanc93 to luvsadealdealdeal
29 Sep 17 #33
yours is misleading as they do not give you a £2 giftcard if the price scans cheaper than it did at the shelf. Also you don't get a £2 giftcard if you use self service as you have put the item through yourself (customer service just refund the difference and that is it), It has to be scanned at the wrong price by a member of staff at a till to qualify.
29 Sep 17 #31
Cheers OP been overcharged loads over the years and never been offered a bean. Will be all over this in the future :smile:
29 Sep 17 #29
Shocking, overcharge! should check my receipt more often.
29 Sep 17 #28
My Asda store regularly has pricing errors. I've never been offered a £2 gift card at customer service, but then if a store can't even keep its shelf prices up to date, I suppose its no surprise that other policies are ignored by the staff (and to be fair to them working conditions can't be up to much based on the mood many of the staff are in when you speak to them!)
29 Sep 17 #6
They don’t always offer and can say no
luvsadealdealdeal to uptheclarets
29 Sep 17 #7
they have said no to me several times, I just asked for them to call down a Mgr - a couple of times they (counter staff) immediately said I could have the £2 after all, a couple of times they called down the Mgr who immediately said to give me the £2 giftcard

misprice to your disadvantage always = £2, per product

so 2 misprices on 2 different products, even on the same receipt = 2x £2
veedubjai to uptheclarets
29 Sep 17 #26
Then why bother publishing on the website for all to see. They may not voluntary offer but to say no? I'll would got their names, branch number & FB/Twitter it. It should be the responsibility of the branch manager to advise their staff what HQ has publish & to follow company policy. Clearly the branch manager trying to fiddle the performance figures to look good.…ged

You got that right, staff blaming customers for picking up wrong prices when it should be the staff helping customers. They really got the wrong way of doing business.

I got overcharged once but managed to claim the difference back but they never voluntary offer this £2 giftcard. We know why. PERFORMANCE FIGURES. They must be real :poop: at what they do if they had to fiddle that from the top, that's branch managers telling staff not to offer them. This is how I see it, it will be far far cheaper for them to pay this £2 GC per misprice than employ more staff per branch without having to pay staff wages, NI, pensions & tax contributions to check & update prices in the long run.

Wonder if Asda CEO & Public Relations from HQ is reading this :poop: treating their own customers with contempt who are paying their bills & wages?
29 Sep 17 #5
This is not a deal thou and has been the case for many years, equally Tesco offer you double the amount overcharged back if you go to customer service
Zameen to goldy12
29 Sep 17 #22
Tesco still do this ? Not written anymore and never been given it recently.
knack to Zameen
29 Sep 17 #24
Still behind the customer service desk in my local.

And from the website:

"If things don’t add up…

In the unlikely event that we charge you more than the price shown on the shelf or on the product at the time of purchase, we’ll give you double the difference."
29 Sep 17 #3
They never offer it themselves, ALWAYS ASK. ps toryglen glasgow, there are a few women at CS who are proper hard work, very rude about everything especially this. "Sorry but we deserve the 2quid for having to waste our time speaking to you" is what comes to mind.
GrumpyDaddy to R1992
29 Sep 17 #12
Agreed about Toryglen :neutral_face:
R1992 to GrumpyDaddy
29 Sep 17 #18
Horrible nasty work aren't they..and I spelt there's as their omg I'm not one of the people who does that kind of mistake :unamused:‌ :sweat_smile:
knack to R1992
29 Sep 17 #23
This was my experience (different stores) until recently when I asked just before I got the refund whether I also get a £2 gift card. She wasn't happy about this and I won't forget the look she gave me for a while. I noticed a stack of gift cards ready to give out so it seems this store does give them out unprompted.
29 Sep 17 #21
Don't shop at Asda but Morissons frequently overcharge me so I've developed the habit of checking my receipt before leaving the store. I was in a rush last week and noticed that my bread had been scanned twice when I got home .....rang their customer service team and was refunded 3000 points onto my more card which covered the price of the the overcharge twofold.
29 Sep 17 #20
This is only fair as you are wasting your time putting their stock prices right.
29 Sep 17 #19
I find you normally get overcharged on at least one item so always worth checking receipt after paying. Have not always been given a gift card, depends whos working if they offer and have not asked as dont like to hold up que when busy
29 Sep 17 #17
Go in with a bodycam and let's see how they respond, it will hit headlines no doubt :joy:
29 Sep 17 #14
It's worth checking. I regularly have mistakes, I would say 25% of visits. Means that the staff start to grudge giving me the credit I think as I am always pulling them up. But it is the shop's mistake so.......
29 Sep 17 #11
It will be a fight to get it trust me in my local store.
luvsadealdealdeal to MR1123
29 Sep 17 #13
if you need to, print off Asda's own guidance…ged

It's really important to us

To make sure the price you see is the price you pay at the checkout, we have colleagues who check our shelf edge labels are correct. If we make a mistake or get it wrong and you are overcharged, we'll give you a refund for the difference and a £2 gift card to say we're sorry.
29 Sep 17 #10
Been mischarged a lot of times and not been offered. Knew they did this years ago but as never offered the voucher assumed it had stopped
29 Sep 17 #9
It's a pity Asda staff don't know this themselves!
29 Sep 17 #1
They have been doing this for years:-)
jules888 to 1234321
29 Sep 17 #8
Yes they have!I got this a few times a few years ago but dont shop i Asda much now!
29 Sep 17 #2
I wish I knew that this was an advertised thing. I've been overcharged on plenty of occasions and whilst I have has gift cards in the past this has been very rare. Thanks for the heads up,I know to ask next time!
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