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 ElectriQ 34" 2K Quad HD Freesync Curved Gaming Monitor - £219.97 @ eBay (seller: buyitdirectdiscounts)
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
14 Sep 17
Hi Guys,

I have been looking to build a PC for my eldest boy and been sourcing some decent price components.

Anyway monitor was next and have found this which ticked all the boxes for me.

Granted not a well known brand but 34" curved silver, freesync, 2 hdmi (I needed for xbox) internal speakers, 2ms and quad hd just seems so so good for the price.

Apparently £180 off?, Ive read reviews of the brand on the 4k models and to be fair they range at the 7-8 out of 10 which is good enough for me :smile:

Be gentle as I don't post often thanks :thumbsup:

8 left as I bought one :stuck_out_tongue:
Latest comments (211)
27 Sep 17 #211
I'd say go for a replacement if you were otherwise happy with the monitor, as you won't get anything remotely like it for the same price any time soon. I just couldn't be arsed with potentially playing the return game again, especially as I really don't really have any problem with my current monitor. I'll probably hold out for OLED to become mainstream at this point. Bored of returning horrific IPS monitors with backlight bleed and uneven panels.
27 Sep 17 #210
I would love to have this for £220. :cry:
27 Sep 17 #209
Mine's being collected on Friday. I've got until then to decide on a refund or exchange. Tempted to try an exchange and see what I get.

I'd go for a different monitor, but can't see anything that competes with this. What's your plan?
27 Sep 17 #208
Not sure anyone still cares, but BuyItDirect/AppliancesDirect/LaptopsDirect confirmed the fault and refunded me today (they also gave me the option of a replacement, but I decided not to bother). They were nothing but helpful throughout and arranged collection of the monitor too. Nowt to worry about if you need to deal with them for any faults based on my experience.
23 Sep 17 #207
Thanks. It's sort of bothersome but enough to live with. It's strange because when I try putting a black background nothing changes but if it's "dark" in a movie/game then it's there. And yeah I assumed as much. Otherwise there's no way it would be this cheap.
22 Sep 17 #206
Its normal to have some backlight bleed on monitors. You won't find a perfect one unless you keep swapping. But no.. It won't cause any further problems. Unless you're really bothered by it, you can always request a replacement.

FYI these monitors are apparently VA panels sourced from Samsung from last year's model - from OcUK forums. Hence why they can sell them for so cheap.
22 Sep 17 #205
I've lowered the backlight now. its a lot darker. But manageable i guess. I mean, I can deal with the bleed, its not a problem but what could it lead to is what I'm worried about, you know?
22 Sep 17 #204
Quite bad. Though its hard to tell how much backlight bleed there is; with your camera overexposing the image. I'd lower your brightness (if you haven't done so already) to 0-15 backlight and set brightness to 40-42. And see if that makes a difference.

My monitor is fine and has very little backlight bleed. Its not really noticeable though, unless I'm displaying a very dark image/scene and have no ambient light around - i.e no lights switched on.
22 Sep 17 #203
32063137-nibwy.jpgI get this when the screen is black in a movie. How big of a deal is this? Besides the fact that it looks like a monster's teeth
22 Sep 17 #202
Yeah, HDMI works for me, but not ideal
21 Sep 17 #201
Brand new unopened on eBay couldn't let it go
21 Sep 17 #200
yeah, gets quite warm at times. but this is to be expected with an internal psu
21 Sep 17 #199
just tested with dp1.3 and can confirm i get the same issue but none with hdmi
21 Sep 17 #198
Just got the monitor today, overclocked to 85hz, 100hz at 1080p but it does heat up at the bottom of the screen, anybody else had this?
21 Sep 17 #197
No, just the one.
21 Sep 17 #196
Are you running multiple monitors?
21 Sep 17 #195
still a very good, cheap monitor
21 Sep 17 #194
But that's a totally different thing. It's not an Ultra wide...
21 Sep 17 #193
People get excited over 1440p but it doesn't matter if the screen quality is sh*t
21 Sep 17 #192
Where did you get it for that price?
21 Sep 17 #191
Wow... glad I didn't buy one of these :joy:‌ :joy:‌ :joy:
20 Sep 17 #190
Tried a different DP cable and it's still flickering every few minutes.

Panel is perfect, aside from that. Will email seller tomorrow and see if I can get replacement. (A refund is okay, but I really want this monitor as it's killer for the price.)
20 Sep 17 #189
Just ordered the 32" Pavilion version myself, Currys and Currys Ebay were selling them at £299 until Today, glad I opted for that and not this given some of the issues people have had, very tempting though at £219.

From what I gather both the Pavilion and Omen are basically physically identical (aside from the Omen has USB 3.0 Ports and Omen branding) and from user reviews it would do 75Hz and supported Freesync until HP hobbled it with a Firmware update on later shipments to push the more expensive Omen.
20 Sep 17 #188
220 definitely was a good price, for 300+ i'd go for a HP OMEN 32" 1440p 75 Hz monitor…Vsz
20 Sep 17 #187
So anyone think this is worth it at the full price? Looks great
20 Sep 17 #186
20 Sep 17 #185
32043159-ayD17.jpgHave the red tints too. Screen is perfect otherwise
20 Sep 17 #184
i'd wanna exchange, not a refund obviously...somebody has flawless, so might be give a try...
20 Sep 17 #183
I was thinking the same, especially as I have a dead pixel relatively centrally too on closer inspection.

But for 220 I can’t really complain. Wouldn’t mind exchanging it but a straight refund would be a waste.
20 Sep 17 #182
yes exactly like that! Should i send it back or keep it...?Big dilemma.
20 Sep 17 #181
I’ve got the same tints too:

20 Sep 17 #180
On the safe side maybe have it on running a video for a fair amount of time to see if it occurs or not. It's your luck with any monitor if there is a fault or not even the premium offerings.
20 Sep 17 #179
mine's running stable, although i still have those darker reddish tints on both sides...they are visible when i am on white background, otherwise they are invisible. I don't know i can live with them, or not. Apart from that, PERFECT. I like the 100Hz, the vivid colours, the secondary picture on the lower right corner...
20 Sep 17 #178
Hoping it does but by the sounds of things it's a dodgy panel, mines still going strong after about 20 hrs. Wonder how long it will take for it to produce a defect. Fingers crossed it doesn't after the 30 days.
20 Sep 17 #177
Mine's developed a few more issues after 15 hours of use. A new DP cable is arriving today. Hoping that fixes things.
20 Sep 17 #176
Thanks :raised_hand:
20 Sep 17 #175
All these panels flickering and having other issues...and like a guy mentioned above about it "being on its way out" makes me think they're using a used ips or va screen surrounded by their "new" product and selling it off as new. I might be wrong but that's what I think
19 Sep 17 #174
I contacted them via eBay and sent some pictures, they allocated a collection day and once they receive it I'll get a new one.

If the next panel is again flawed I might just keep it because as one mentioned for the price I can't really complain
19 Sep 17 #173
How do you send it back?
19 Sep 17 #172
I have this also, not as bad as what you mentioned but there's a smear of pixels that are different to the color of the screen, it's not really noticeable but it's a pain. I have contacted them and getting a replacement, after I send my back tomorrow.
32035379-cghMH.jpg32035379-ejhEc.jpgI shouldn't really complain for the price, let's just hope the next panel isn't as flawed.
19 Sep 17 #171
Only downside i found that, both sides of the screen have a big oval blob with a reddish tinge on an all white screen, not that bad anyway. I am too picky i guess.
19 Sep 17 #170
and for some reson in win 7 pro icreasing font size makes it crystal clear coxz i got cateracts :))))
19 Sep 17 #169
one day on the beer wiv a few mates costs more....hey ho if lasts longer than a hangover bonus..:)))
19 Sep 17 #168
SRGB preset with no changes?
19 Sep 17 #167
well i bought straight away got 2 and am smashing bat f 1 on 100hz and using 1070 overclocked and its pucker for 200 sobs ..if it goes wrong will just ring barclay card hey ho....i have a sammy LS34E790CNS in my garage and cant tell the difference..bang on electriq...its deffo a sammy or lg panel...
19 Sep 17 #166
i just followed instructions on the website
19 Sep 17 #165
Got a good tutorial for DisplayCAL? I've been given a ColorMunki Smile. (Been sat in a drawer for months now!)
19 Sep 17 #164
Ok I misread the bit about you saying amount being bought. Fair enough, you get a decent TV for a good price. Hope your son makes good use of it for years to come.
19 Sep 17 #163
First paid via eBay and PayPal = Covered from experience

Second i ordered one as I'm not greedy

Third I have spoken to a very nice lady who is honouring purchase and has told me any problems and they will replace

Fourth I have looked at reviews for everything from takeaways to films, electrical goods etc etc and from experience not always right, look at Sky and Virgin media broadbands reviews yet millions are subscribed

End of
19 Sep 17 #162
I have mine runing flawless at 100hz. no serious bleed. but as a bit dim at the edge.
i measured at 270cd/m
and after a fast calibration with DisplayCAL and a display i1 2. i got the sRBG at 99.2% and adobe at 78% with at max delta value at 1.78
19 Sep 17 #161
No worries :thumbsup:
19 Sep 17 #160
No problem, glad i helped :thumbsup:
19 Sep 17 #159
No problem hinge glad I helped :thumbsup:
19 Sep 17 #158
My issues developed after about 10 hours of use. Please confirm no issues after giving it a proper run :heart_eyes:

New cable arrives tomorrow. Fingers crossed...
19 Sep 17 #157
Set mine up today. Got it running at 100Hz. Had an issue with the flickering but once I turned the monitor off and back on it seemed to go away :thinking:
19 Sep 17 #156
Well mines up and running. Really impressed.

No back light bleed, uniformity of backlight is great until the last couple of mms each side which look pretty dim.

Colours I've not quite got right yet. Used the above settings but found changing the colour effect to movie crushes the blacks badly, feels like dynamic contrast is enabled when you select that. Also those settings seem to make reds a litte strong. A colour temp of 7500 seems better.

Both sides (roughly a 1/4 each side) of the screen have a big oval blob with a reddish tinge on an all white screen, will see if I can tweak that away. That's the only downside so far.

Running at 85hz happily.
19 Sep 17 #155
You got a link to this one? I missed the deal but looking for something similar
19 Sep 17 #154
no issue yet
19 Sep 17 #153
Decided to go for LG 34UC79G for the extra £50 to today's price. Seem like there are going to be issues with these :thinking:
19 Sep 17 #152
Keep us updated on returns please as I feel all are inevitably going to fail, cheers
19 Sep 17 #151
Ahh damn
19 Sep 17 #150
after reading other coments on google about monitors flickering ,seems like if its not the cable its the monitor thats on its way out.
19 Sep 17 #149
No, it's at the standard 60Hz. I'm not going to mess about underclocking it to get it to work, as that shouldn't be necessary. Plus it was working just fine at the same settings all day yesterday anyway, so it seems unlikely to be an issue on that front. It's back in the box now anyway awaiting a return. Hopefully that'll be hassle-free.
19 Sep 17 #148
is it over clocked if yes try dropping res down to 59hz
19 Sep 17 #147
Unfortunately, mine seems to have developed the same issue, and is also now flickering on and off constantly. Tried a few different DisplayPort cables, including the one they supplied and one that I know is good (and has handled both 4K and 1440p/144Hz monitors just fine before). No difference, sadly. Seems like it's failed inside 24 hours.

Crappy phone camera, but it gets the problems across.
19 Sep 17 #146
Anyone experiencing lines flickering every so often? Should I try a different DP cable?

Edit: This is at 3440x1440 60Hz. I'm using an Amazon Basics cable, since the one that was included isn't long enough.…c=1
19 Sep 17 #145
Thanks OP mine arrived today, no dead pixels, colours look better with a bit of tweaking and managed to get it up to 98htz refresh rate. For some reason it doesn't wanna do the extra 2htz.

Can't complain a steal at this price.
19 Sep 17 #144
Indeed. You'll have a 27 inch 16:9 basically when you're connected with a ps4
18 Sep 17 #143
Presumably a PS4 connected to this will show a 16:9 image with black borders to the left/right?
18 Sep 17 #142
i use only the nvidia software for my gtx 1070, but you need to set OVERDRIVE ON, OD Gain: 70 in the monitor's settings, and probably your radeon software...logicaly should work too.
18 Sep 17 #141
Can't get it to run at 100hz, are you using cru? Could be my Gpus I have old crossfire 7950 setup?
18 Sep 17 #140
mine works at 100 Hz too:)
18 Sep 17 #139
Set up mine also and got the colors to suit me, for the price it's fantastic , nevertheless I have noticed a slight smear (thumb sized) of indifference with the color, noticeable on a white screen, not sure if it's worth the hassle to set it back though.
18 Sep 17 #138
How did you get 100hz at 3440 x 1440?
18 Sep 17 #137
DP1.2 does 3440x1440 at 100hz max.
18 Sep 17 #136
got 100hz easily, bare in mind this only has dp1.2 and hdmi2.0. unsure of what refresh rates can be obtained with either
18 Sep 17 #135
Just want to say thank you op this is the bargain of the year.
18 Sep 17 #134
Got mine today and.. I'm impressed. Its definitely has a VA panel and can be overclocked to 89hz in Nvidia control panel.

The screen itself has no dead pixels, though it does have a bit of redness on the right side of the screen. Lots of options ot play around with like overdrive, colour balance, back-light and modes that shouldn't really be on a expected on a budget monitor.

Out of the box the colour looks horrid though with a bit of tweaking, the colour is pretty accurate (to my eyes) and viewing
angles are pretty good - coming from an IPS display. Also, the contrast is MUCH better than any IPS monitor you can get..

Honestly, this is a bargain price for the quality of monitor. Cheers OP.
18 Sep 17 #133
it was this or a dyson for the ol lady....haha no brainer....
18 Sep 17 #132
yeah after a 27" glossy and bright 1440p 120 Hz ips screen...probably i get use to it:)

but definitely darker on both side where it normal? Just wondering.
18 Sep 17 #131
well im impressed movies look great dont really play games..just gonna take getting used to having a banana screen :))))
18 Sep 17 #130
Spent much of the afternoon tinkering with mine and have settled on the following settings for now...

Backlight: 15
Brightness: 41
Contrast: 50
Sharpness: 2
Gamma: Off
Temperature: 6500
Color Effect: Movie (not sure this makes any difference, think it's just a preset)
Overdrive: On
OD Gain: 70
DCR: Off

Also made sure to set full range RGB in the Nvidia control panel. The results are pretty similar to the factory-calibrated U2414H that it replaced. Of course, perfect settings can/will vary per panel. Backlight bleed isn't too bad on mine. Only noticeable on pure black backgrounds.
18 Sep 17 #129
mine has 1 white deadpixel, but seems both side parts are a bit darker, or i don't know. Is it normal? Anyway i am satisfied. Even the old Borderlands 2 runs at 3440x1440:)
18 Sep 17 #128
Been using for a couple of hours on both PC and XBox and so far its been decent, wouldnt call it a bargain but definitely a good price for what youre getting. Speakers are absolutely gash, good job there's an audio out. Overall worth it so far
18 Sep 17 #127
Got mine an hour or so ago.

I'm running at 4k 100hz - Failed at 120.

I'm really struggling to get the colours working well though. Have some nasty backlight bleed.
18 Sep 17 #126
Those who received it, can you check on its overdrive capability ( in monitor osd ) or overclocking the screen with cru as Samsungs models go upto 100hz xD
18 Sep 17 #125
My monitor has arrived.

So far, I'm quite impressed for the money (£220).

The backlighting at the edges is poor - it gets very dull at the far left and right sides.

Unfortunately my laptop can only seem to drive up to 2560 x 1440, which isn't ideal.

Certainly has freesync in the menu, and the resolution seems to be as advertised.

Hopefully I'll figure out some setting to give it full resolution at full width (downloading new drivers to try out now).

Overall, the quality of the hardware seems good. Packaging was decent and the assembly was very easy, with a cheap screwdriver included.

Definitely a good deal for £220, and not bad for £350 if you can live with the poor backlighting at the edges.
18 Sep 17 #124
theres this tv same make,
18 Sep 17 #123
just ran refresh test and confirmed 60hz at 3440x1440
18 Sep 17 #122
i messaged them and asked why as a friend bought one cheaper, indeed they had priced it wrong was a mistake on their end, still a bargain though at £329 looked at the asus rog £1000 bit out of my league lol besides the mrs would kill me
18 Sep 17 #121
Haven't got a camera handy, but it's fairly unremarkable on the back. Matte black with a raised shiny black section for the internals and mounting points (it does have the 100x100 VESA mount as stated), with a little silver disc that hides the hardware for the stand. No company logos or anything. It has a joystick-style OSD control that works well enough. The inputs all are on the right side (looking at the screen) of the thicker section on the back, whilst the power cable goes in the opposite side.

Still impressed with what I'm seeing so far in terms of picture quality. It's not perfect, but then neither are £1000 monitors these days. You can spend all that money and still get some dead pixels or horrible backlight bleed. I've returned a bunch of monitors twice as expensive (and more) than this one which had far worse problems. As long as it doesn't explode in my face, it's looking nailed on for bargain of the year.

I guess some kudos are in order for Buy It Direct for honouring the price too, since it seems like an obvious misprice. No way would anybody sell a monitor for this for £220 normally.
18 Sep 17 #120
VESA mountable too? oh man what a steal at £220! just my luck to see this late :'(
18 Sep 17 #119
Good to know that the specs were indeed correct, I believe mines at home so I'll be setting it up once I finish work at seven!
18 Sep 17 #118
any chance of adding pictures of the rear of the screen ? waiting for someone to put a vid on youtube :wink:
18 Sep 17 #117
Just got mine set up and can confirm that it's 3440x1440 as stated. :grin:

I have to say, for the money, I'm very impressed with what I've seen so far. The out of the box settings are chuffing awful (as they are on most panels), but a bit of tinkering in the OSD and it looks very nice. Definetly either an IPS or VA panel, as viewing angles are far beyond what TN is capable of. Looking like a bargain so far.

One thing that wasn't right in the specs is the stand being height adjustable. It's a fairly flimsy thing with tilt only, but you can hardly complain for £220.
18 Sep 17 #116
Delivered, no dead pixels. Confirmed is 3440x1440. Very impressed. Came with 1x HDMI cable, 1x 3ft DP cable & Pwr cord.
18 Sep 17 #115
Is it the stated resolution though?

Think that's what everyone was most worried about with this :grin:
18 Sep 17 #114
just turned up, so far impressed. no dead pixels, ran through colours and all seem good. will come back with further thoughts after i've spent more time using it but can't say this isn't a bargain from what i've experienced so far
18 Sep 17 #113
Would eBay help out for warranty tho in the first 12 months because from what I've read customer service isn't great.

In fact I emailed them asking about this specific monitor and still no reply..
18 Sep 17 #112
Doesn't matter, ebay gives the money back in worst case scenario, they can't override their rules.
17 Sep 17 #111
Questioning the customer service of a retailer here is not trolling, it's a valid concern and is raised in a lot of threads where the retailer may not be well-known. Don't take it personally.

Too bad your order got cancelled, how many did you order?

Here you go:….uk
17 Sep 17 #110
Where abouts is that on trust pilot?? Are you dreaming if not post link....

What are you people going on about?

Talking rubbish before even getting these monitors, the guy has said like Samsung without USB ports and 3440 x 1440p display which is already better than we thought

I'm never posting on HUKD again what a waste of time, trying to help others to have a bargain instead a stupid amount of trolls who are posting rubbish before we have even had these monitors saying all the specs are incorrect saying no warranty, saying they are going to be cr**, 81 PPI etc, it's just stupid.

Guy who had monitor what do you mean by bent? Do you mean curved? Surely if it was bent the screen would be cracked?

To all the people who sat on the fence with this one and put every one else off just hope these monitors are what the specs say, if Ive helped anyone a thank you would be nice, trolls who didn't buy hopefully you will feel totally gutted and I also hope they never ever go on sale again.

BTW mine actually got canceled by accident due to the amount bought and I was literally the first person who bought on eBay so there you go once again wasn't worth sharing.
17 Sep 17 #109
Can you link us
17 Sep 17 #108
Just had a read through some trustpilot reviews of their company, not looking good on the return/warranty front :astonished:‌ :neutral_face:
17 Sep 17 #107
What does he mean by identical to Samsung with no USB?
17 Sep 17 #106
Must have been a defective one you got :joy:‌ :joy:‌ :joy:
17 Sep 17 #105
What do you mean bent? You mean the curve? :blush:
17 Sep 17 #104
How's it holding up, really considering buying one even at the higher price..
17 Sep 17 #103
Let us know your verdict when it’s up and running.
17 Sep 17 #102
just pluging into pcee got a gtx 1080 so gonna see if it performs....tis 3440x1440...its identical to my samsung with no usb..
17 Sep 17 #101
i cant believe it got out of box and its bent ????
17 Sep 17 #100
Nice :thumbsup:
17 Sep 17 #99
Cool good luck :wink:
17 Sep 17 #98
Sounds good man! Mines delivering on Tuesday
17 Sep 17 #97
yo mine are at my local dpd depot..gonna see if i can collect today as showing delivery tomorrow...i bought 2 just incase there good..if not will send back....will post pics of it if can get today :))
16 Sep 17 #96
Ha just noticed you posted a liyama 1080p at a huge 91 PPI 24" plain black huge bezels, not curved for £160??? …... And your complaining you've obviously bought that and are now gutted :thumbsup:
16 Sep 17 #95
What also annoys me is there are loads of monitors in the 400 to 500 price bracket with a 1440p but they are not slated yet this is?

Why - it's guaranteed some one will say it bleeds light, ghosting, lag etc etc all this rubbish comon we can pick holes in everything in life thats my argument. At the end of the day if your buying a Fiesta it is a Fiesta, if your being a Ferrari then start picking holes as your paying the price for perfection.

We haven't even had the monitor yet, from the specs it looks awesome:

Vs panel - possibly Samsung
Speakers - ok will take these as being weak but still on if someone uses for YouTube for instance
2 HDMI possibly 2.0, display port
Wall mountable
Height adjustable
2ms refresh
Anti glare which I personally love

For 220??.... And your complaining

We will see on resolution which could be 1440p otherwise this would be steal of the century even at 1440p then for me still worth it if all above is correct.
16 Sep 17 #94
Ok first your talking about totally different tech, second CRT monitors we're standard VGA at 640x480 then 800x600 and 1024x768 so basically all the people who used those I.e bill gates couldn't do anything of course as the PPI was so low. As regards to iphone, I was comparing the iphones screens to say the Samsung in which Samsung on the whole normally have twice the PPI. Granted I love Samsung screens but even so the iphone with half the PPI was still very good. At the end of the day get a 5k phone as you really need the PPI to make you feel good. I'm happy with a good quality 1080p and 1440p is even better. Also a phones screen needs more PPI as your much closer to the screen so to compare is silly. Finally why do big brands make this combo then if it's so so unusable I. E Samsung and LG are they stupid?

At the end of the day Ive seen TV screens right next to each other and in general IMO £500 to £900 TVs are virtually the same apart from minor differences, then change panels I. E OLED and go to a different price point £1500 and then you see a difference, in otherwords do you believe that a £400 monitor will smash the pants off this one IMO nope but a £800 will simple as. No good for you no probs buy an £800 one and no need to thank me. If these monitors are fantastic then I hope I helped someone on here by sharing if they are total rubbish then at least in some way they can return, for me it's a win win.
16 Sep 17 #93
Well no, because "before 1080p" you had CRT monitors that often had pretty high resolutions relative to their size. Something like 1600x1200 on a 19" CRT is still 105 PPI. I still keep an ancient 17" LCD monitor that's only 1440x900 around as a backup, and even that's 100 PPI. Everyone has their own standards of course, but pixel density is one of the most important factors when it comes to image quality. 82 really would be very low for a monitor. You mention the iPhone, but even the original iPhone had a PPI of 163, which is almost double. Hell, a 3DS XL comes in at 95 PPI and those screens are pretty awful.
16 Sep 17 #92
Yeah exactly. I wouldn't be bothered if it turns out to be 2560x1080. It's still the cheapest 34 monitor to date. The next cheapest thing would be 34 inch lg 2560x1080 which costs atleast £100 more. So I think I'll be content with this monitor.
16 Sep 17 #91
Honestly it would be fine in my opinion but everyone to themselves.

I think people are starting to get a little obsessed with PPI, the iphones had rubbish screens for years but in fairness it just worked.

What happened before 1080p did no one do anything on a PC?

If you want the best you need to pay for it I. E £800 if not then you may as well not get ripped off and at £220 I won't feel ripped off.
16 Sep 17 #90
its a samsung va panel of its even 1440p. i have a feeling its 2560x1080
16 Sep 17 #89
It'd still be a decent price, but 2560x1080 at 34 inches is only 82 PPI, which is real low for a computer monitor. You'd be able to sit there and count the pixels. That's compared to 110 PPI on a 3440x1440 panel of the same size. It'd be fine if you weren't planning to sit right in front of it at a desk though.
16 Sep 17 #88
IMO still a bargain simply because I was looking at the lg29um68 and that was around the 260 mark new, so in essence 40 saving silver which I think looks nice, curved, 2 HDMI and 5 extra inches no puns please :laughing:
16 Sep 17 #87
its a Samsung VA Panel
16 Sep 17 #86
Why? 2580x1080 34 inch ultra wide for 220 is still a bargain, no?
16 Sep 17 #85
They do specifically say 3440x1440 in the listing and so does the spec sheet, so it'd be the manufacturer at fault if it was actually 2560x1080, since it's clearly what they're claiming. The LG listing is obviously an error and doesn't mention a specific resolution in the blurb. There's no reason why it'd have a HDMI 2.0 input either if it wasn't 3440x1440, as 1.4 would be cheaper and more than enough for 2560x1080. Essentially, everything written about it would need to be a pack of lies and a completely different product turns up.

Certainly interested to see what people get on Monday. It's either going to be bargain of the year or an angry ****storm and lots of returns.
15 Sep 17 #84
It’s a bit worrying, I’d return this if it turns up and is a 2560x1080 panel.
15 Sep 17 #83
Not sure why they lie on their ebay and state that this monitor is QHD
15 Sep 17 #82
It's height adjustable too?! Surprises upon surprises!
15 Sep 17 #81
Got my email confirming the dispatch also, like others mention it'll be here Monday! Actually looking forward to it!
15 Sep 17 #80
Ooh if it's a va display this is defo a bargain. I mean, Imo it was already a bargain at 34 inch ultra wide for me lol
15 Sep 17 #79
It sounds like it's going to be a real bargain based on that. You don't often get a height-adjustable stand with a VESA mount on a budget monitor, nor HDMI 2.0. The latter would mean that you can run it at its full resolution and refresh over HDMI. Most budget 1440p ultrawides only have a HDMI 1.4, which would limit you to 30Hz. The AOC U3477PQU for example, the cheapest on Amazon at £500, only has a single 1.4 port and requires using the DisplayPort to achieve native resolution/refresh.

Seems to have all the OSD features you'd expect too, including overdrive. They're going to have to have majorly botched the implementation for this thing not to be worth £220. It does almost seem too good to be true though...
15 Sep 17 #78
Viewing angles suggest it’s VA too.
15 Sep 17 #77
15 Sep 17 #76
Well it’s shipped and arriving Monday, if it’s a Samsung panel it’s a bargain.
15 Sep 17 #75
According to the laptops direct spec sheet. It's a Samsung panel that's in this so it'll be VA panel?
15 Sep 17 #74
Oh I hope they didn't mess up the specs. But it feels like they did because the guy said it was a TN panel. If it doesn't exist, either he's lying or he just doesn't know?
15 Sep 17 #73
A true hotdeals professional! :smile:
15 Sep 17 #72
Got my dispatch email and will have mine delivered on Monday.

Will give an update to see how this turns out.. :popcorn:
15 Sep 17 #71
I bought one but realy dnt knw what I Wil do with it, but at this price u can't just let it go
15 Sep 17 #70
'Surprisingly' they've sold none since the price went up...

Buyers, please feedback your thoughts on here as even at £330 I'd be tempted if it performs ok.
15 Sep 17 #69
DrTraktor's right. There simply aren't any TN panels that exist in this size, form factor and resolution. It will either be IPS or VA. The fact that it's 34" alone rules out TN, as TN ultrawides are 35" and all 2560x1080. So unless they've really messed the specs up, it has to be one of the first two options.
15 Sep 17 #68
Once again,

there is no TN panel at this size, probably this is a 60Hz AMVA panel, similar to IPS panel, just see the high contrast ratio, what is 3000:1. So either LG, or Samu panel.
15 Sep 17 #67
Yeah. To be honest I'd probably keep it anyways haha. Will not find a screen this size with this resolution for similar price on black Friday. It just won't happen. Maybe the 34 um58 will come around for cheapsies but I doubt it.
15 Sep 17 #66
For £200 though, I might just keep it even if it is a TN, I've got a really old LG ips I've had for probably 8 years. Then if anything else comes along that's better during black Friday I'll opt for that and sell this cheap
15 Sep 17 #65
I’ll just keep my boxed and return it if it turns out to be junk
15 Sep 17 #64
He says it's a TN panel
15 Sep 17 #63
I asked and it is not an ips panel... Still hasn't said what panel it is
15 Sep 17 #62
Bought it. NEEDED something like this in my life. RIGHT in the budget too...but now I think its too good to be true. I don't know why but I somewhat feel the same as I did when I bought the Xbox one S Minecraft edition for £89.99. We shall see when it delivers.
15 Sep 17 #61
This is too good to be true...but I bought one.
15 Sep 17 #60
200 a days dollar got to be worth a punt ..gonna buy another for the shed
15 Sep 17 #59
i have Cataracts 256 greyscale will do :)))
15 Sep 17 #58
If u play fps game like csgo or battleground then 1080p 144hz if u want to feel the color and want to enjoy the game like witcher3 or other games then 1440p 60hz
15 Sep 17 #57
Bought one; let's see how it fairs
15 Sep 17 #56
To be fair to the people worried about issues with this, this is what buyitdirect says on their ebay page;

"Faults Occurring Within 1 year (3 months for refurbished products): If you've had the product for up to 1 year, your product will be repaired directly by the manufacturer. If that's not possible we will give you a replacement, or if that's not possible, a refund."

So you don't need to worry too much as you can deal with them direct if you can't contact the manufacturer and they are pretty reputable as they are they are essentially Laptops Direct as said on their page "Buy It Direct owns and operates a number of specialist websites including: Laptops Direct, Appliances Direct, Direct TVs, Servers Direct and Furniture 123."

Now I need to decide if im going to buy it haha :grin:
14 Sep 17 #55
14 Sep 17 #54
you can view 2 seperate inputs as well
14 Sep 17 #53
i buy gadgets the old lady buy batteries..not bandm ones mind :))
14 Sep 17 #52
it is a pretty funky looking screen looked at one in tottenham court road in a gadget shop was 329.00..i just bought one for the crack...if its crap will have a few days holiday and go to huddersfield and take it back :))god im sad
14 Sep 17 #51
1080p @ 144hz or 1440p @ 60hz? what's better?
14 Sep 17 #50
My money is on a Samsung VA panel
14 Sep 17 #49
No, just a functioning monitor with good aftersales would do. Also returning this will be your own cost so there is something to lose. Does PayPal make the seller pay for that if there's something wrong the monitor?

It is still a good price, never said it wasn't. :unamused:
14 Sep 17 #48
lg panel
14 Sep 17 #47
Possibly the worst case scenario is a B grade panel, rubbish stand, poor OSD, short and slow warranty, difficult company for returns.
In practice that might mean up to 3 dead pixels which they say is considered within bounds and a mediocre overall package.
Certainly worth a punt and what would put me off is it might be difficult to return within 28 days just because you don't like it.

Does this require HDMI 2.0 to run at 60Hz?
14 Sep 17 #46
It adds to the fun :wink: bit like opening a cracker
14 Sep 17 #45
Budget low brand TV's that advertise as 4k lol and are 4 planks of wood thick I.E Polaroid in tesco's. People trample over each other at Xmas to pick those up at £300 lol
14 Sep 17 #44
Exactly! Honestly how bad can this be?

If it is terrible or they send you a duff one then just return, simple as.

If it is half decent then £220 you can't go wrong.
14 Sep 17 #43
All we know is it won't be TN because TN panels at this size, curvature and resolution do not exist. No one is making them.

That leaves VA, IPS, OLED, the first two are the likely ones
14 Sep 17 #42
Are people looking at the price? Why compare it to a 144hz monitor 3 times the price...

Look at what else you can get at the same price and compare against that.

Also your gonna need a really good PC to render QHD at over 60Hz when in max graphic settings.
14 Sep 17 #41
Your probably going to want a 500 page
manual too I'm guessing :astonished:
14 Sep 17 #39
Warranty and aftersales support is top of my list with monitors/TVs. It might be cheap but should anything go wrong, you'll probably end up eating up the cost of replacing/repairing it judging by the negative feedback left. Having said that, this is tempting but the magical stock boost from 5 to 10+ after a few were sold is suspicious so I probably won't order one.
ma6378 to tsimehC
14 Sep 17 #40

Magical stock boost?? Okey

Warranty = pay by paypal or if your a real stickler have the mighty £220 monitor covered by your household insurance.

I don't get HUKD, aren't we supposed to help others find a bargain, apparently it was listed at £400 it's now £220 saving = £180. Even if it is pants then surely return, what is the big risk or am I missing something.

If it's no good then go for a £800 monitor as in all honesty if your that picky the ones priced in the £500 range are not going to cut it.....
14 Sep 17 #38
At 3000:1 contrast this has to be an AMVA panel. Tempted tbh for the cost.
14 Sep 17 #35
Why is this such a good offer? The main question is, they don't say anything about warranty on this product. Neither do they give any information about what sort of panel it is. I don't even care about the panel at this price. But I'd like to fall back on warranty if I could.
ma6378 to Xtrykyr
14 Sep 17 #37
Ok, firstly it's not going to be ips imho, if it was surely they would advertise it big style. Saying that there are loads of tn panels from the big boys and they are priced at 400+ for similar or smaller screens with slightly less specs I.e 4ms refresh rates. As far as warranty some second hand monitors on eBay go for 200 plus we sometimes take a risk on them.

If buying through paypal we are covered for 6 months I believe, the company on eBay looks pretty good and has good feedback, plus they are a UK based company who brand them so what's to say there is no warranty? I'm guessing minimum 12 months.
14 Sep 17 #36
I doubt that the monitor is freesync since the highest refresh rate is only 60hz, But for the price its pretty decent.
just my opinion: if its not 1440p/higher and ips, its a pass.
14 Sep 17 #31
13 sold in the last 60 minutes.
Plenty of dreamers out there.
ma6378 to Agharta
14 Sep 17 #34
What's there to dream about, it's never going to be a £700 monitor because you've got to pay for that. But then again the monitors priced at £400 maybe this is going to be similar minus the badge :wink:
14 Sep 17 #29
Flimsy frame & bad for gamers is as much as I can find out
ma6378 to zwarder
14 Sep 17 #32
Haha flimsy frame, comon it's not going to be solid gold is it.

At the end of the day it's 220, 34" 2k curved silver.

Worse case scenario use it as a bedroom TV. And throw it on the wall.
ma6378 to zwarder
14 Sep 17 #33
Plus it looks pretty bezeless to me, which is a major plus compared to the old fashion looking predator screens which are so overpriced. Although are good quality.
14 Sep 17 #5
From item descrption: "With a fast refresh rate of 60Hz, it’ll easily keep up with the fastest paced games with really smooth results."

Emphasis above NOT mine :neutral_face:
Can't believe they put that in bold.... IK IK, whaddya want for £220 notes, but still :stuck_out_tongue:
dealomatic to Zen1984
14 Sep 17 #14
​Great for speed chess! :wink:
ma6378 to Zen1984
14 Sep 17 #27
In fairness true but then again my boy has been gaming on our 1080p standard TV with his Xbox and in all honesty is he going to notice a millisecond lag :smile:
Gormond to ma6378
14 Sep 17 #28
Does the Xbox display 21:9? I would have thought it only supported 16:9?
ma6378 to Gormond
14 Sep 17 #30
Hmm you could be right may get black surround when playing Xbox on this but not a big deal as will mainly be used for pc.
14 Sep 17 #26
placed an order will see what happens ,seems too good to be true almost.
14 Sep 17 #4
if i didnt have my 34 inch acer curved monitor ,i would go for it. you can always get your money back with paypal.
ma6378 to bcham
14 Sep 17 #25
Yes exactly what I thought plus CS in UK granted they are a baby company by the looks of it, you've got to start somewhere.
14 Sep 17 #18
Isn't it slightly suspicious that this has the same wording as the following:…ts/

Is this the seller posting? I can't find any reviews for this monitor.
Gormond to cunninghamster
14 Sep 17 #21
Can anyone find the reviews the OP is talking about?
decanay to Gormond
14 Sep 17 #23
Yes, they weren't for this monitor though, he referred to the 4K non-wide.
Gormond to decanay
14 Sep 17 #24
Ahh well that's just silly it's a totally different monitor!
14 Sep 17 #22
I have a GTX 1070 and currently use a AOC 16:9 1440p.... worth the upgrade?
14 Sep 17 #11
Looks too good to be true? Tempted to get one just to see lol.
MBeeching to Gormond
14 Sep 17 #19
Turkey or treasure? Equally intrigued for the price.
Although I don't need one, my brother's after a new monitor. Would feel pretty guilty if it's terrible.

Debenhams Plus have it listed at £340
Gormond to MBeeching
14 Sep 17 #20
Yeah I don't think I would take the gamble, would rather pay extra for a known brand.

Good luck to those brave enough!
14 Sep 17 #17
If this is an IPS panel, and I can’t find a TN based panel that exists at this size/res then this could be a bargain.

Theres been serious QC issues with these panels in other brands though, so could be just junking all the awful panels
14 Sep 17 #15
Part of LaptopsDirect, here it is on their main site;…asp
14 Sep 17 #9
and what does 2K Quad mean.
Gormond to bcham
14 Sep 17 #13
Means the resolution is 3440 x 1440p which is very good indeed.
14 Sep 17 #8
is it an ips or va display or tn.
sunama to bcham
14 Sep 17 #10
It'll be TN, for sure.
thcleaner to sunama
14 Sep 17 #12
there is no 3440x1440 tn panels in production.
14 Sep 17 #7
3440 x 1440 for 220? freesync, curved, and uk seller.

Too good to be true?

I don't need this. But I want this. I too cant find any reviews. Anyone have any info?
14 Sep 17 #6
I ordered one. lets see how it is
14 Sep 17 #3
Does any know of any reviews for this monitor?
Cant seem to find any :angry:‌ :angry:
14 Sep 17 #2
That's what I thought how bad could it possibly be? all these screens are manufactured the same, granted im not expecting a Samsung, Asus or Benq monitor but I think it will do the job and look impressive :smile:
14 Sep 17 #1
sounds like a bargain as most 3440x1440 curved freesync monitors are close to a grand,
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