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 £1 eBay Final Value Fees (FVF) on upto 100 items. 23-25 Sep. Selected Accounts.
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Opening post
21 Sep 17
Another eBay Final Value Fee offer. This one for up to 100 items (rather than the maximum 5 items ones recently). I acknowledge that this is targeted, but it's worth checking the link to see if you're eligible.

£1 FVF for items listed from 16:00 on Saturday 23rd to 15:59:59 on Monday 25th September. Don't be caught out by the very unusual start and end times!!!

Edit : It looks like eBay made an error in their communications, stating that this started/ended at Sat 16:00/Sun 15:59:59. Note that this actually starts and ends as follows:

From : Sunday, 24/09/17 00:00:00
Ends : Monday, 25/09/17 23:59:59
Latest comments (278)
4 Oct 17 #278
yes. as I did this on the last offer and only got charged £1 by ebay.
4 Oct 17 #277
If I listed under this as a buy it now or best offer, and then accept a best offer, am I still within the terms? Just wanted to check :smile:
3 Oct 17 #276
Most welcome :smile: hope it works
3 Oct 17 #275
Thank you :smile:
3 Oct 17 #274
I would but i have no idea how to send it other than here but thats about 75% of it, not sure if you need the web address showing etc “/
3 Oct 17 #273
Is there any chance you could send me this screenshot please?
26 Sep 17 #272
How much difference?
26 Sep 17 #271
That's some mental gymnastics right there!
26 Sep 17 #270
HUKD doesn't offer deals for common sense unfortunately.
26 Sep 17 #269
I missed this deal only because of this hukd deal. Gone are the days of trusting this site. Everyone rushes when in fact all you need is an invitation to confirm. In my case, I did receive a message with the offer but I haven't seen it because I thought I wasn't selected, because of this topic.
25 Sep 17 #268
Thanks yep worked.
25 Sep 17 #267
32090583-pj0lx.jpgThat's what mine says, i think illusionary had the same
it says that it expires at 3:59pm, odd though because it's past that time and it hasn't expired yet :thinking:
25 Sep 17 #266
mine ended at 3:59pm, i used it before then
25 Sep 17 #265
Read the comments :wink:

Midnight tonight.
25 Sep 17 #264
So what is the actual end time for this deal? Is it midnight today or 15.59? If it's the latter that's reall sneaky as I've just listed my items and I'm too late.
25 Sep 17 #263
If you try and contact them.. love don't web chat I got charged £61 instead of £12 on last offer

90 mins on website then they cut me off.. thy wouldn't admit there was a problem

2 mins on phone.. acknowledged error and refunded me difference
25 Sep 17 #262
Read the comments :wink:
25 Sep 17 #261
Just had the same, I only just saw the message and it allowed me to accept AFTER 5.59pm today (when it says it ends), so is that end time correct?
25 Sep 17 #260
I have done this with previous £1 offers and still got the discounted final value fee.
25 Sep 17 #259
For Buy it Now items that I list during the promo period, can I revise price on it later on (after a few days) and still have the listing be eligible?
24 Sep 17 #258
bulk listings are excluded - eBay calls them multi-quantity listings

T&Cs - from…98/

Restrictions & exclusions:
  • Multi-quantity listings.

Also need to note

  • Auction-style listings ended early.

so let your auction run to the end otherwise you will pay FVF - sneaky eBay.
24 Sep 17 #257
No. Still not working for me. Link still says:

Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.

NO emails / messages or announcements received from ebay regarding this or any other variant of the promo. No buttons anywhere to get the offer hidden on their website like some people are mentioning here.

ebay really **** me off. They should be giving everyone the same offers and also reducing their fees for everyone. I have so many items I need to list.
24 Sep 17 #256
glad to hear that they have done the refund. Hope they do a auto refund due to their error instead we have to do the leg work for them.
24 Sep 17 #255
eBay did tell us otherwise. The eBay link said it was starting at 4pm yesterday. This post was only misleading because eBay themselves said 4pm.
24 Sep 17 #254
This post is misleading, I had the offer declined from the link but sometime lastnight I got the message with the invite to the offer when is ending at one minute to midnight tomorrow and not the time shared here.

In future I will ignore the offer here and just await an email, it's worked before and again today. I will ignore the start time unless eBay tells me otherwise because the offer starts as soon as its accepted.

I wish two items didn't sell yesturday as I would have saved £8.80 in fees, not impressed.
24 Sep 17 #253
I recently sold a camera kit for £1000 with no offer. This hurts
24 Sep 17 #252
For anybody asking why they did not received £1 final fees per 100 items and for 10 only, i presume that is because your selling items allowance is 10 items, if you got your limit items increased to a 100 you will get the promo for a 100 items. It's sensible i think.
Other thing,if your listing is for multiple items(more than one) from same kind you will not get this promo at all on this listing.
24 Sep 17 #251
24 Sep 17 #250
Received my email last night only 2 days for me and 10 listings,others should check who did not receive original offer...

"Valid from 24 September 2017 until 25 September 2017. Maximum fee per sold listing. Applies on up to 10 listings. No insertion fees apply. Private sellers only. Item must sell within 30 days of listing."
24 Sep 17 #249
Can someone explain to me, 1 is this good for expensive buy it now items or 1 pound starting auctions? also if i have put other expensive (£200) items on buy it now, should i cancel them as they are constantly renewed and start as new sales? I d9nt know how much i am charged for my items or will be charged(6-8 items per ₺150-£200)
24 Sep 17 #248
Ok I see, but when I clicked the link in the hotukdeals app, it took me to my eBay account in browser which gave me the exact same error message so I gave up and assumed I was not on the list.
I only found it because I was checking back and persistently looking inside the app itself.

But yes, I expect it might be account specific too.
24 Sep 17 #247
The link doesn't work for me nor have I received an email. However, it was listed at the bottom of the Selling page with the existing promotions and a button that said "Get Offer". That worked.
24 Sep 17 #246
It is very important to remember that eBay Promotional Offers are by invitation only to qualifying accounts

Using this link will not give members access to the promotion if they have not already been invited to use/accept the offer
24 Sep 17 #245
It is very important to remember that eBay Promotional Offers are by invitation only to qualifying accounts

Using this link will not give members access to the promotion if they have not already been invited to use/accept the offer
24 Sep 17 #244
It's still invitation-only, regardless of where you've found the offer.
24 Sep 17 #243
Heat added! Just recieved the invite message via iphone app (didn't recieve anything via email).
i had same offer around 3 weeks ago and the £3 offer last week. Looks like ebay are getting desparate, due to sky high fees and competition from the likes of facebook.
at least when i list more stuff later today, and i get several time wasting non payers, i wont lose as much in final value fees.
24 Sep 17 #242
Same problem for me, same error message. Went into the eBay app and found the offer inside the app, clicked on "activate offer" and it now says I can use the offer!
Try that, it should work for you too.
24 Sep 17 #241
Yeah thanks buddy, i had 2 times showing 12pm and 4pm called them up and sent the screen shot they said will refund the fee difference. Silly they done that though as i would have easily waited nvm thanks for your help :smile:
24 Sep 17 #240
This offer hadn't worked for me, but I got a seperate deal for 10 (pfftt) items free listing and at £1 max final value fee, that deal is valid today and tomorrow only.
24 Sep 17 #238
I'm going of my past experience here, but if you list multiple items is an listing it won't count at all. have to be 1 item listed only per listing. I use to list multiple items in the past and get stung by the full FVF.
24 Sep 17 #239
It would be nice if another site gave ebay some good competition, their fee's are rediculous and on top of that, they have the cheek to have annoying adverts on the site too :angry:
24 Sep 17 #236
Link hasn't worked , still doesn't work but when I go to my ebay messages I have an email offering me the deal.
If the link doesn't work check your ebay messages.....ebay only messaged me today ...
24 Sep 17 #237
I've had no luck at getting this offer on 3 accounts for days, and now out of the blue, i get this message on ebay
"£1 max final value fee on up to 10 listings and no insertion fee"
It's given me less than a day to sell from when i accepted the offer.
24 Sep 17 #235
try this link. cheers!…gFA
24 Sep 17 #234
My offer is only for 10 listings, not 100...
24 Sep 17 #232
read the terms but couldnt find the answer to this:

I know the terms exclude Second Chance offers and only mention £1 fee per listing instead of per item. Does that mean if I have a bulk listing of say 5 items at a fixed BIN, the offer only applies to all items or only the first item.

They also exclude Duplicate listings of same item from offer so its not like I can list the same item 5 times separately.
24 Sep 17 #233
Deal is live!
24 Sep 17 #230
Yup. (PayPal 3.4% + 20p)
24 Sep 17 #231
thanks vmaster, i will remove it if not sold in 30 days, thanks again.
24 Sep 17 #228
Yay finally got the invite this morning
24 Sep 17 #229
HEADS UP! I had the original 23-25 sept email. I listed a phone after 16.00 on the 23rd for 1day but was charged full 10%. Went on eBay chat and they corrected it straight away. Big difference between £40 and £1 fees :grin: keep an eye on your accounts guy and girls.
24 Sep 17 #226
Does this mean I can sell my iPad and only pay £1???? Plus the usual PayPal 4%
24 Sep 17 #227
Damn clicked the link in both of my eBay accounts on one of them it said:


The other one:

Invitation only

‌ :angry:

Not selling with the normal disgustingly high eBay fees + paypal
24 Sep 17 #224
When it's an invite-only offer, you're never going to have everyonr happy :wink:
24 Sep 17 #225
This offer is live again now. I wasnt eligible last time. I received an invite this time round. Dont forget to accept the offer in your email or messages on ebay.
24 Sep 17 #222
Is everyone happy now?
24 Sep 17 #223
You've accepted the offer "Sell for £1 max!"

dudes - you're not going to believe this! after not getting this deal but clicking on the link about 50 times - I only scroll down to the bottom of my All Selling page and there it is!

it wasn't there this morning, when I last checked

so my advice is: if you have been similarly disappointed, click on the link a few times (literally 50 times in my case) then check it out as I said
24 Sep 17 #220
Today I got an email for my other ebay account and I now have the offer for that one, but the £1 offer for that account starts today, where as my other ebay account I could start listing yesterday, weird !
24 Sep 17 #221
Then your account was were not invited....all offers are account specific & if not invited you do not get it.....eBay use numerous factors when offering promotions
24 Sep 17 #218
The link came up as expired but the message was waiting in my ebay inbox this morning :thumbsup:
24 Sep 17 #219
Does the offer finish tomorrow night?
24 Sep 17 #216
Up and working on my account now... So must of been some kind of some cock up on the times
24 Sep 17 #217
Thanks for your alert, I do not know "Auction-style listings ended early" is charged (agree ebay are sneaky indeed)
24 Sep 17 #214
After not being eligible yesterday like many people I got the email from eBay and accepted.

Let's get listing :grin:
24 Sep 17 #215
hi, have you gotten ebay offer before? May be contact ebay to see what is going on. I ask as sometimes people would not getting any offer as their ac setting choice not to accept ebay marketing.

I also list items on gumtree free (or on face book) have some success, maybe you would interest about it.
24 Sep 17 #212
yes, while I click the OP link, it show I activated but no email and not shown on my account page. So no one sure if we are qualified by just click the OP link, someone on this thread saying he/she had been charged for full FVF.

Hours way pass 16:00 pm, finally get the offer email at 01:14 am and it also finally shown on my eBay ac page and mark start 24/09/17 00:00:00 BST & end 25/09/17 23:59:59 BST. However the promotion link marks offer start 23-sept-17 16:00 pm & end 25-Sep-2017 15:59:59.

(I think eBay mess up with the time zone, thus late email and account alerts)
24 Sep 17 #213
Thanks. Happy to know that it had been settled (still need to do follow up to double check the refund status). Though I still think ebay should send you some credit for all of these messing.
24 Sep 17 #210
yes its active now
24 Sep 17 #211
I spoke to ebay and they made clear that it is completely random and selected by computer which accounts are selected to benefit from this promotion. There is no way of activating the promotion if you have not been pre-selected by their computer and their staff can't even enable these promotions manually.
24 Sep 17 #209
People that say it's purely "invite only" are completely wrong, and yet they keep repeating it.

It's true that it does say that it's non transferable in the terms because you have to have the marketing communication options switched on (that may be why some miss out and moan every time) but I have promotional messages deactivated and yet I followed the link and it works perfectly. Always does. Every time. My mother got the email and it works for her too. Works both ways.

Try the link here and it'll either work for you or not, you'll get 10 listings or 100, all down to eligibility, that simple.
24 Sep 17 #208
Yeah me at the moment..
24 Sep 17 #206
Is there anyone else this isn't currently working for lol or is it just me? It's really unfair that this isn't available to everyone
24 Sep 17 #207
In fairness you should have checked your promotions page before listing as several of us posted soon after 4pm saying it wasn't live as we'd checked BEFORE listing anything for sale.
24 Sep 17 #204
Got it! :joy:
24 Sep 17 #205
This may help explain the terms and conditiions: explains why some see only 10 items other see 100
24 Sep 17 #203
Yeah i had to email them the screen shot of it saying from 16:00 “/ they said just let them sell and they will refund the difference....good because i have my NES classic on there “/
24 Sep 17 #202
Wait, people saying just started???? Was it not from 16:00 then??? “/
24 Sep 17 #200
just started
24 Sep 17 #201
24 Sep 17 #199
Remember in future that the promo is not active unless it appears in your Promotional offers section at the bottom of your Selling page. It does not matter what you accepted, if it's not listed there then your listings will be allocated to the standard "Pay only when you sell" and you will pay full final value fees.

After you list your first item, scroll back down to check that your listing as been deducted from the promotion:

23 Sep 17 #198
This is the first time I've ever seen it say you're eligible and can start listing then not actually show up.

It doesn't normally matter if you've had the email or not because it works out if you're eligible when you click the link.

Either way, eBay have messed up.
23 Sep 17 #197
Yep. 100 listings.

AND. . .

It's ON!

Sneaky timezones!
23 Sep 17 #192
Same problem here. I've contacted them over live chat, but they wanted me to provide them with proof of the email, including the full body of it, so that they could verify it. Sounds like they are aware its been shared to me.
runnybabbit to chancooluk
23 Sep 17 #196
Seems odd to me, it's not like eBay doesn't have the infrastructure to figure this out automatically. You get told with these offers if you're not eligible, in fact quite a few here have said just that a few pages back.
23 Sep 17 #194
This was 'accepted' on one of my accounts, but like others it's not showing in my promotions.

Shame.. was looking forward to listing lots of things.
23 Sep 17 #195
Thanks guys... thankfully I didn't get around to my listings today lol :smile:
23 Sep 17 #193
after trying since this offer was posted and live chat and phone ebay telling me there is no offer in my account and it's random selection, I just had a message from ebay with this offer!
23 Sep 17 #190
ebay are not aware of this deal, Showing as accepted then does not show in promo section. Be careful
23 Sep 17 #191
got the email....but limited to 10 items.....start time 4pm, but will probs go live midnight
23 Sep 17 #188
Comes up as 'Accept Offer' from which i then click and then even confirms that Ive the accepted offer but the offer doesn't show up in my promotional offers....bizaare
23 Sep 17 #189
i presume that all private accounts will get the promotion as i have a few accounts, one smaller(under 10k selling allowance) and i've got invitation sell for £1 max for 10 items only and for the other bigger account(80k selling allowance) £1 max fees for 100 items.
23 Sep 17 #186
I just tried it out and the listing I made registered as one of my 100 free listings per month and not one of the £1 promotions.... On clicking the link I was accepted but , for me as well, the offer is not live.
23 Sep 17 #187
Email arrived this evening. It still says 16:00 today when you click on the accept button but as everyone has already figured out the real start time is the usual midnight.

23 Sep 17 #184
What a time to be alive
23 Sep 17 #185
This is like New year's eve and waiting for the stroke of midnight. . .

Just, y'know, less exciting.
23 Sep 17 #182
If we agree to their 'Sell for £3 max" or "£5 max fee" offers, they will probably end or (like this weekend) restrict the real prize deals - £1 max. Can't blame them. We would all prefer three or five times the margin on our sales.

Be strong! Resist!
23 Sep 17 #183

My friend just right now received the invite offer (£1 max fees) email directly from eBay with the dates stating Valid from 24 September 2017 until 25 September 2017

But when they click the email link it takes you to this link posted here with the dates stating 23-Sep-2017 16:00:00
25-Sep-2017 15:59:59
23 Sep 17 #181
got a message direct from ebay in my inbox. accepted, isn't showing up in active offers. definitely accepted as it says i've already accepted if i try again. bit rubbish!
23 Sep 17 #178
Did anyone actually get the email this month or was it just the OP? Wonder if it's showing on the accounts of people who were actually invited?
Anx10us to toythatkills
23 Sep 17 #180
Good point.

Normally works without getting the email though.
23 Sep 17 #179
This offer hasn't worked for me from start to finish. Always get the offer expired message. I assumed it would work today when it went live, but it didn't... Had tons of stuff I needed to list too.
23 Sep 17 #176
offer was accepted but not showing
23 Sep 17 #177
Strange,i can follow the link and be accpeted for the offer, but the listing promo is still not showing up in my offers.
23 Sep 17 #174
I accepted the offer too, but like everyone else so far nothing showing on my Ebay selling page. I've just ended all the higher value listings that I've just put on. Not taking the risk until it actually shows up in my account.
23 Sep 17 #173
I know that when i got an "invite" from ebay about a month ago for the same offer, part of the twrms and conditions state that you MUST have been invited by ebay to participate in the offer, so beware, if youre just clicking on the link without getting the email directly from ebay. Thats probably how they are screwing people.
SaverSaver to dexy2
23 Sep 17 #175
They're not screwing anyone - if you're not "invited" the link simply doesn't give you the offer. They've simply mixed the times up, the offer will be on tomorrow. Big mistake for a big company but not the end of the world really.
23 Sep 17 #166
Maybe it's 1600 GMT.
maxiils to toythatkills
23 Sep 17 #170
They normally work on BST. Not sure if that changes things??
jaddy to maxiils
23 Sep 17 #172
about an hour
23 Sep 17 #155
I've just been onto ebay and they said they have had lots of similar enquiries and an email is being sent out to address it, I asked if I should end my listings and they said no, if you get charged the full fees come back to us for a fee refund.
23 Sep 17 #163
I wouldn't list anything - they will simply ask for proof of this offer and sadly nobody has any email saying the offer actually exists and should go "live".

The fact that this has come up expired for me points to it actually being an old offer - that and the 100 listings ...
23 Sep 17 #165
I sent them the links via chat and they were adamant and reitterated that should I be charged the full fees I would be refunded.
23 Sep 17 #169
You spoke to them but they had no explanation as to what was going on?
23 Sep 17 #171
They said an email will be sent to address the situation, their exact words.
23 Sep 17 #167
Not expired to me and specifically states these dates - 23-Sep-2017 16:00:00
25-Sep-2017 15:59:59
23 Sep 17 #168
Still "Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired." for me :disappointed: first time ive not been able to take part in an Ebay promo. Always worked before.
23 Sep 17 #150
Anyone else getting that they have been accepted but not have the offer show in the promotional offers section??

Anx10us to maxiils
23 Sep 17 #154
Read back a few posts. . .
maxiils to Anx10us
23 Sep 17 #164
Sorry - I didn't see them - at least its not just me. Its a really weird start times so maybe midnight might be the real time. Else its a scam (WHY??) Thanx for headsup.
23 Sep 17 #152
I got accepted.... Doesn't show on account. I listed something 20 mins ago and it sold.... I've been charged 10% £3 for a item sold for £30.... So beware...
Domthedonkey to theg
23 Sep 17 #158
Sold in 20 mins,blimey.
jaddy to Domthedonkey
23 Sep 17 #162
i sold a load of British gas carbon monoxide detectors about 10 years ago, they was selling before i could get the next advert on, could do with another few boxes of them.
23 Sep 17 #146
Look at the address and it says promos/2016...…tml
Anx10us to urmum
23 Sep 17 #149
Ha! So it does! That might make sense too, seeing as they only just did the £3 offer. Normally a month apart. But then why would it accept and say the start date was 23-Sep-2017 16:00?
SaverSaver to Anx10us
23 Sep 17 #157
Because it means 1600 PDT (midnight BST)? Always started at midnight before. Offers are not every month so don't worry about when the £3 offer was on, they're pretty random and not so long ago were almost weekly.

Going to be on tomorrow!
Anx10us to SaverSaver
23 Sep 17 #159
That's not what I was saying. I've had them more or less every month for a long time. Only once in the last ten or so did it start a week later.
chancooluk to urmum
23 Sep 17 #161
They use this same 2016 terms link for all previous £1 selling fee offers. I think it's based on the date that the terms are written.
23 Sep 17 #130
Contacted eBay have been told list your items, and contact them if you get charged more than £1 FVF
Anx10us to deals838
23 Sep 17 #139
runnybabbit to deals838
23 Sep 17 #145
Sounds like a dubious proposition to me...
jaddy to runnybabbit
23 Sep 17 #160
screw that , i just listed 30 ads then realised they wasnt for £1, there all no removed.
Domthedonkey to deals838
23 Sep 17 #156
No way in the world am I doing that.
23 Sep 17 #151
Making a prediction that we may get a message with this offer in a few hours.
sundog to Ashe
23 Sep 17 #153
I don't make predictions, never have, never will
23 Sep 17 #148
Thanks op. This saves me a bucket load of dollar each month. My business account fees are ridiculous compared to my personal account.
22 Sep 17 #101
Just need to be a little careful with eBay in light of their new user agreement.

You advertise outside eBay you are breaking the rules and they will charge you the fee they think they should get. eBay own Gumtree and I have more luck on Gumtree than eBay. eBay own Paypal and can do wtf they want without your money (you signed the Paypal agreement).
crofter to ccnp
22 Sep 17 #81
I am going to say that bit about charging you for something that may (or may not) have been sold offsite is pretty much just scaremongering - I would say what they are proposing is pretty much unlawful in the UK. They are also claiming you could pay an administration fee to Ebay for the cost of catching you as well.

Ebay and Paypal are now technically different companies now ... or supposed to be.

Anyways 1st time I haven't qualified for this offer so it makes me think that Ebay are simply targeting less active accounts with this one - hopefully this isn't their new "normal".
caverncity to ccnp
23 Sep 17 #111
Its only if you have it listed on Ebay and say a buyer inboxes you and asks to see it or asks to sell outside of ebay. Just say for instance they want to view first, they inbox you and give you their number or ask for yours. You exchange details then shortly after the item is removed from Ebay. Then Ebays software is meant to kick in, it sees the exchange and its flagged. I am guessing they contact the buyer to see if they bought it, if they say yes then both get warnings and the seller gets hit with fees. Basically, if its pick up only which this will effect more, dont encourage buyers to ask to view prior unless they are prepared to buy it first then walk away if they dont want it, you then relist. As long as they use the buy now button or wait till the end of the auction and win and even if they pay on pick up once inspected you will be ok. Ebay just want their fees and a sale trail if anything goes wrong.
This will be the hardest on pick up only or big or unusual items especially if a buyer wants to see it first. I have stuff on gumtree and ebay, if it sells on gumtree I will remove it off ebay without worrying I will get hit with a fee as long as I havent exchanged details with someone first plus I doubt very much they would get away with it especially if my gumtree sale had nothing to do with a buyer on ebay. Just dont give your details out to any buyer until after they buy it, how they pay after that well thats up to you and them. Oh and you cant put your phone number etc in your description anymore or have links, watermarks etc that may do the same. (business sellers have their own section for this as its law)
steveieboy1 to caverncity
23 Sep 17 #141
I had a watch listed for about a month and had a few interested people but nothing came of it. I decided to keep it so ended the listing then I got hit with a 7 day suspension and a quote from one of my messages that had no details about phone number or address. It was the wife’s account and she couldn’t be bothered to call to moan to them.

So even if you sell elsewhere don’t end the listing but just jack the price up.
caverncity to steveieboy1
23 Sep 17 #112
ebay use a new algorithm software that detects unusual activity in your inbox and as we all now most if not all ebays new algorithm software doesnt work hence why you probably got a suspension. I got warned but I did have a phone number in mine and it was off the buyer.
dealchaser888 to caverncity
23 Sep 17 #121
Sorry to hear that.
I feel very interest as I might list my car for sale soon. I would image lots of potential buyer would love to view it first. So how could we arrange such?
dealchaser888 to caverncity
23 Sep 17 #147
Hi, thanks to mention that, I did not really pay attention to that until now you mention about such situation, I did have buyer suggest something like that before. He viewed it and we finished the ebay transaction on spot.

Now I must be more careful and make sure prior message to the buyer, he could view but have to prepare to click buy on ebay on spot.
21 Sep 17 #3
Isn't working for me this time :disappointed: Hopefully works for others 32055357-n3E97.jpg
dealchaser888 to OrangePotato
21 Sep 17 #32
it starts on 23th, so maybe check later
AmyX to dealchaser888
21 Sep 17 #34
Oh on the twenty firth. My bad.
loadsavmoney to OrangePotato
22 Sep 17 #40
i've tried 3 accounts, i get the same message... :cry:
magough to OrangePotato
22 Sep 17 #74
Unfortunately i got the same.
Nice deal if you get it.
dealchaser888 to OrangePotato
23 Sep 17 #144
Hi, ebay is very strange this time.

I clicked the link while on 21st and not for me this time (always read it first hand on hot uk then get ebay emails much later)

so I think ebay would stop give such to my account.

Today around 14:22pm, I try again, first check my email, nothing, then my ebay account all selling page (they used to show any offer there) nothing.

But hey, while I click OP link, I am qualify from 16:00 pm today.

(PS still nothing on my email nor ebay ac at 14:39, so would try listing at 4pm and double check if it is free before click the final button )

(also beware #caverncity (above) mention ebay change rules, I have to very careful as sometimes I do have buyer suggest that too)
23 Sep 17 #143
I had a message saying I had accepted but it is not appearing on my seller tab at the moment......

Anx10us9 m agoMidnight would be in line with all other promnotions I've seen.

Makes sense
23 Sep 17 #142
It worked for me a few days ago.
ebay seem to be losing users left, right and centre, as a lot are switching to facebook. People are tired of being ripped off by sky high fees, and aren't willing to pay to sell anymore
heat added, as its about time ebay gave something back to their customers.
23 Sep 17 #140
Have the clocks gone back already?
23 Sep 17 #138
Keep in mind :
23 Sep 17 #125
The time seemed strange for this one... wonder if it starts tonight at midnight? Will wait and see.
SaverSaver to jonb2412
23 Sep 17 #134
Good point. Official "ebay time" is PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) which is 8 hours behind us (BST). Therefore 4.00pm PDT is midnight BST.

Probably equals big mess up with the clocks.

See you tomorrow!
Anx10us to SaverSaver
23 Sep 17 #137
Midnight would be in line with all other promnotions I've seen.
23 Sep 17 #136
Offer not listed on my offers page and no email about it, am due one as its been 5 weeks since last one, so thinking maybe it will show up at the usual time after midnight tonight. I wouldnt risk listing anything unless is shows on your account as active and your listing reduced the 100 limit each time you list.
23 Sep 17 #135
On my account it says it's expired, however on my fathers account it says that it is invitation only.
23 Sep 17 #133
Mine says iv just accepted this, but its not actually in my ebay.
iv even just clicked the start selling now tab and once live its actually used one off the pay when it sells, i refuse to sell on ebay now unless im paying them £1. they have had enough off me already.
23 Sep 17 #132
First time in memory I didn't have this one. Hey-ho.
23 Sep 17 #116
Have we all been scammed into accepting an offer that doesn't exist - but lists us ready for ebay to ban our accounts for trying to accept an offer that wasn't for us??

To be honest I normally wait foe the mail or check my promotional section (as it shows in there with an accept button before I normally see an email) but like many - I have been waiting for this promo and was trying to get a little ahead of the game.
runnybabbit to maxiils
23 Sep 17 #131…tml

This page will show up prominently when you Google "ebay £1", and accepts you into this specific offer if "eligible". If eBay strictly only wanted people who'd received emails, then that's simply two layers of incompetence on their part.
22 Sep 17 #87
If I make drafts now and complete them when the offer is active, will that work? I'm thinking the site might do you over on that because it might consider the listing had technically been created prior, regardless of when it was actually published.
luvsadealdealdeal to runnybabbit
22 Sep 17 #88
that will be fine
loadsavmoney to runnybabbit
23 Sep 17 #129
You can list 100 times, if you've listed correctly it will go down to 99 here:…824

Make sure you're signed in to see your promotional offers
22 Sep 17 #76
i acceped the offer but it doesnt show as active on my account section, so is it working?
RedTurkey to Elim
22 Sep 17 #77
It will show active from the offer start time, 4pm on Saturday.
Elim to RedTurkey
23 Sep 17 #128
not come up for me?
23 Sep 17 #106
i voted hot on this but it's still not working, expired message for 3 accounts still, oh well, looks like i've missed out this time.
collectorcol to loadsavmoney
23 Sep 17 #114
How can it expire when it hadn't even started?!
If you get the expired message it means you're not eligible for the offer.
loadsavmoney to collectorcol
23 Sep 17 #126
for me it's expired then, for 3 accounts :stuck_out_tongue:
23 Sep 17 #124
Having the same issues as a few here. Says I have accepted but does not appear on offers in use. Too risky!
dealchaser888 to wehttam
23 Sep 17 #127
same here, activate it earlier before 4pm, check now, still nothing on my email nor my ebay ac page.
23 Sep 17 #123
At last! Thanks OP :smile:
23 Sep 17 #117
made my day
AD959 to as_xxl
23 Sep 17 #120
..hope you don't use that in your description!
23 Sep 17 #122
Wonder if the Op has actually got the deal???
23 Sep 17 #119
I always wonder where people get the info from to post these as deals so early anyway,does anybody know?
23 Sep 17 #107
Offer not showing on promotional offers? But it says you've already accepted this offer
Makoto to deals838
23 Sep 17 #118
I have the same issue. :disappointed:
23 Sep 17 #115
OP,where did you get the info/links for this deal as nothing has appeared on my offers page?
23 Sep 17 #113
what a joke ebay is! :rage:
23 Sep 17 #110
Same as everyone else, accepted but not showing. glad I checked before I started listing, very dodgy move from eBay.
22 Sep 17 #82
quick question:

The item has to sell within the 2 day period to be eligible for £1 max fee or does one just need to list it within the 2 day window and it can see after the 2 day window and still be eligible?
luvsadealdealdeal to hotukdeals5
22 Sep 17 #86
just list it before the deadline
loadsavmoney to hotukdeals5
23 Sep 17 #108
Usually you just have to list within the 2 day window, check the terms and conditions to be sure
23 Sep 17 #109
Well there's nothing in my promotional offers,so nothing is live yet hmmm
23 Sep 17 #105
First time ever coming up as expired for me?, :disappointed:
23 Sep 17 #104
Wow I got the £3 one but didn't use it because I wanted to wait for the £1 one and now the £1 one doesn't work. I should have just used the £3 one when it was available.
22 Sep 17 #103
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired. :cry:
22 Sep 17 #102
Thanks for the heads-up OP

Worked fine for me :raised_hand:
22 Sep 17 #98
are "buy it now" included, or is this only for auctions ?
Domthedonkey to sbirsen
22 Sep 17 #100
  • The promotion is valid for the first 100 listings only which go live during the promotion period (or were previously scheduled to go live during the promotion period) using the auction-style, auction-style with Buy it now option, or fixed price formats, in an eligible category. Listings using the auction-style with Buy it now option will be charged only the listing upgrade fee.
22 Sep 17 #60
Thanx for the heads up! :smile:

They have been getting well trixy over start and stop times/dates/postage options - really have to keep your wits about you!

Also got an email about user agreement update - seems they are really clamping down on outside of ebay selling.....effective 22 October.
Domthedonkey to maxiils
22 Sep 17 #99
Indeed,saying they can charge you for still using their site in effect if you list there and sell off Ebay.
22 Sep 17 #95
So you would need to list the items between that period? (Start Date 23-Sep-2017 16:00:00 - End Date 25-Sep-2017 15:59:59) for those listings to be in the promo or can i list them now?
Anx10us to TazzyUK
22 Sep 17 #97
During that time. So, don't start listing until tomorrow to get the £1 deal.
22 Sep 17 #96
Worked on my account and my mother's. Thanks, OP!
22 Sep 17 #94
Bagged it. Thanks
22 Sep 17 #47
Tempted to give them a ring and ask about why getting the expired notice as had every £1 listing previously see what they say.
msiddiq1989 to gemvis
22 Sep 17 #58
If you do give them a call, let us know what they say
AnnaMak to gemvis
22 Sep 17 #93
i phoned and live said its random nothing they can do.
live chat ask for printscreen of email.
22 Sep 17 #55
How can I check if I have the offer? Not sure where to look.
OrangePotato to DD96118
22 Sep 17 #92
My eBay > Selling > Promotional offers at the bottom (have to be on the desktop site)
22 Sep 17 #62
I have 2 accounts on ebay one I mainly use for selling one I mainly use for buying
It didn't work on the one I usually use for selling but did on the other, so perhaps they have giving the offer to those who don't normally sell often.
heat given, thanks!
OrangePotato to shakerstevens
22 Sep 17 #91
Pretty much. The more you list & sell the less likely you are to be eligible for these promotions
22 Sep 17 #90
They scammed me on the August offer.. I received email. Met conditions and listed within times.. the offer was removed from the pinned offers bit and they refused the fact I'd received email.. took 90 min webchat to get refund...... useless
22 Sep 17 #75
i got this on an old unused account a few days ago, different dates to this offer.
ive listed a buy it now or best offer item that runs for 30 or 31 days, if my item isnt sold and it gets relisted am i still getting the same final price fee deal.
its a dear ish item @ £900 and ive heavily dropped the price, but if ebay take there chunk then theirs no point selling it.
Vmaster1uk to joe_f
22 Sep 17 #89
No, I did the same thing (item got unsold and then it got relisted automatically and sold) and they do charge the fees as normal

To anyone, don't relist the auction automatically or else it wont cover the promotion

I learnt this the hard way:(
22 Sep 17 #83
The last time they had a final value deal I was hit with £160 fees. Proceed with cautio
hotukdeals5 to ablo
22 Sep 17 #84
did u take screenshots?
luvsadealdealdeal to ablo
22 Sep 17 #85
it's always user error

did you list multiple items under 1 listing?

did you list outside the permitted categories?

if not, did you contact Ebay to get your fees adjusted or find out what else you got wrong?
22 Sep 17 #78
Accepted, surprisingly :grin: Thanks.

eBay should just lower their fees permanently, 10% + a further 3% from Paypal, an ebay company, definitely is a bit of a much. £1 max final fee for all sales for non-business sellers seems perfect, a chunky percentage cut definitely stops plenty of people from listing their stuff on eBay, it's not like eBay has to go out of it's way and do something for the seller of a more expensive item or offer more features.
bd1981bd to Xad
22 Sep 17 #79
Don't forget that gem of an idea they had with PayPal which takes a further cut - makes it pointless without a fvf deal!
billy.bronco to Xad
22 Sep 17 #80
absoulutely agree 100%..they charge way to much as a final value fee plus paypal charges. what little bit of money you make, they take it off you, Thats why very rarely sell unless its low value items..
22 Sep 17 #73
Aww drat...not there for me either. Says expired. Good luck everyone else!
22 Sep 17 #72
Thanks op, didn't receive it but the link works for my personal account.
22 Sep 17 #71
Not got it on any of our accounts. My family has ebay accounts and I have a business account. I never get offered anything on mine they normally do though. So whenever they do I make the most of it.
22 Sep 17 #70
perfect just in time for me to sell my mint conditioned htc 10 with warranty still remaining till march 2019...wooohooo.!
22 Sep 17 #69
22 Sep 17 #68
Just signed up for it for the 10th time this year. Excellent find.
Thank you OP.
22 Sep 17 #67
no joy for me this time. shame as I've got laods of stuff to get rid of!
22 Sep 17 #66
They only ever send me this offer after I have sold something expensive when it's too late.
22 Sep 17 #65
Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
22 Sep 17 #64
usual bunch of ebay rubbish - they really are awful to deal with. I sooo hope someone can compete with them and bring them to their senses.
22 Sep 17 #63
cheers - let the listings begin :raised_hand:
22 Sep 17 #61
Got this offer on my account for the first time ever!! Thanks OP :raised_hand:
22 Sep 17 #59
Works for me. Thanks!
22 Sep 17 #57
Nope not working, shows expired. But clicking that get deal button did no good, I can only hope a message will come tomorrow with the invitation. I've had every single £1 fee offer that's been shown here before.
22 Sep 17 #56
Nice one op, seems I am one of the luck ones :laughing:
22 Sep 17 #51
Thanks, worked for me and got "You've accepted the offer "Sell for £1 max!"" but this promotion is not showing on my "All Selling" ebay page at the bottom where all the other active and expired promos are listed.
I have taken a screenshot of the offer acceptance page but still would put my mind at rest seeing that promo show up along with the rest.
RedTurkey to hotukdeals5
22 Sep 17 #54
The acceptance appears under 'Selling' only once the offer starts (i.e. 4pm on Saturday)
22 Sep 17 #53
Fantastic. I will pickup an Apple TV 5 today and then list my last gen model tomorrow.
22 Sep 17 #52

Finally can get rid of a whole load of tat that I've had sitting about doing nothing. Cheers op!

(Would have got rid of it all much quicker had they not killed off the awesome FSFT section...)
22 Sep 17 #50
Thanks, works for me. Just kill all my current auction and am waiting to relist them with £1 FVF :smile:
If I relist unsold item it will qualify to £1 FVF or I must to make an auction from scratch?
22 Sep 17 #48
Got it thank you been waiting for weeks
Domthedonkey to jodie1986
22 Sep 17 #49
It's usually only on once a month,the last one was August 18th-21st.
22 Sep 17 #46
Well its about time.
22 Sep 17 #45
Expired for me too will check back. Not sure how good this is for ebay though aside from the instant boost in sales. I sell a lot and this offer comes up so often that I basically only ever list stuff over £10 when these promotions are on.
22 Sep 17 #44
i get: Unfortunately, you can no longer sign up for this promotional offer because it has expired.
22 Sep 17 #43
Works for me and runs alongside the current £3 offer. Times must be tough at ebay towers!
21 Sep 17 #30
Not worked for me either I had the £3 for 5 the other day though. I imagine its because I've sold so much recently have others sold lots who haven't received the invite?
mman2005 to tomjames92
21 Sep 17 #31
Yeah I've sold a fair bit recently too and not got it
OneGloveOnTheFence to tomjames92
21 Sep 17 #33
I just sell everytime it's a quid now, had the £3 offer but didn't use/activate it
bd1981bd to tomjames92
22 Sep 17 #38
Yep I've sold loads with previous offers and not got it - think you are spot on so it hooks more people in!
tomjames92 to bd1981bd
22 Sep 17 #42
Think I'm going to have to only sell on £1 promotions.
22 Sep 17 #41
boo hoo hoo :disappointed:
22 Sep 17 #39
I accepted the last £3 FVF offer but couldn't get this one (annoyed).

Maybe next time.
22 Sep 17 #37
BOOM.........YEAH BOiiiiiiiiiii been waiting weeks for this :raised_hand:
22 Sep 17 #36
Doesn't work
22 Sep 17 #35
Thanks for the heads up, time to shift all that retro junk!
21 Sep 17 #29
32056359-UvXcQ.jpg‌ :grin:
21 Sep 17 #28
21 Sep 17 #27
21 Sep 17 #26
21 Sep 17 #25
thanks works for me, must remember to list items sat night now.
21 Sep 17 #24
Like most have commented, didn't work for me. Heat given regardless.

Previous ones have worked so I will try again in a few days. If it doesn't work I will just wait for one that does work and instead sell on Facebook. Sorry ebay, I'm not paying you 10%.
21 Sep 17 #23
Thanks worked for me :smile:
21 Sep 17 #9
Working for me! Wahoo! Although I think I sold all my junk last week using the £3 offer. Balls. Need more junk.
OneGloveOnTheFence to SClub
21 Sep 17 #22
Well, you're in the best place for it! :joy:
21 Sep 17 #21
Not working damn it. Invitation only.
21 Sep 17 #20
Got it :thumbsup:
21 Sep 17 #19
worked on partners account but not mine. roulette but it works :smile:
21 Sep 17 #18
oh no first time not working for me :disappointed:
21 Sep 17 #17
great - worked for me thanks. Not sure why but I never seem to get email notifications on this for any promos (despite checking it looks like I have notifications turned on)
21 Sep 17 #15
This should be for most individual accounts. If it shows expired, check back in some time and it might show accepted. This happened to me the previous time, it showed the offer to be expired and I checked back again next day and it was accepted.
gemvis to rovingman
21 Sep 17 #16
That's positive to hear will try again tomorrow thanks.
21 Sep 17 #14
Worked on one of my accounts, thanks.
21 Sep 17 #13
Works for me this time too cheers op! But ebay still keep messing with my account! Voted hot btw
21 Sep 17 #10
Does seem odd with the starting/ending times being different from past times also getting the promotional offer has expired I'm really hoping it's just not kicked in yet on a majority of accounts or it's announced again tomorrow for us other ebayers.
ST3123 to gemvis
21 Sep 17 #12
The eBay error messages are often misleading, it hasn't expired at all as it doesn't even come into effect until the 23rd. I couldn't get the 1p deal posted earlier but I did get this one and as usual never got any email about it despite being signed up to all promotions/communications. Think eBay deliberately fail to inform people so they can keep on charging full FVF!
21 Sep 17 #11
Thanks working for me
21 Sep 17 #8
invite only for me.
21 Sep 17 #7
Hmmm not working for me yet had it everytime in the past
21 Sep 17 #6
Finally, its back, worth the wait, thanks OP
21 Sep 17 #5
Thanks, this one works for me
21 Sep 17 #4
Thanks working for me
21 Sep 17 #2
Got this one without an email thanks op!
21 Sep 17 #1
Yep got this one...excellent!
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