Possibility of a bargain. Flights that are released on Wednesday are for travel the 25th March - the 24th of June 2018 so covering Easter, not sure what time on Wednesday. Summer flights not out yet, expected to be released by the end of September though. Confirmed on their Facebook page.
All comments (65)
7y 26d#1
Thanks for the heads up
7y 26d#2
anyone know roughly when the summer flights will be out?
7y 26d#3
Thank you for the heads up, heat added x
7y 26d#4
7y 26d#5
Haven't used easyJet before, so need help - if I book 2adults and two children - would the seats be together or are they going to be all scattered? I remember seeing they want extra to choose seats but isn't sure if this means extra to have all 4 seats together or to choose specific seats. Thanks
nickdgardiner to urinthematrix
7y 26d#6
Haha, Don't expect reserved seats! :-) you get to the plane and its a sprint to get a seat(s) as none are reserved. Good luck!
pbdj to nickdgardiner
7y 26d#7
What nonsense. This hasn't been the case since 2012.
nordicgod to nickdgardiner
7y 26d#8
Don't be silly , you can check in and reserve seats 30 days before flight for free , never had a problem when travelling with the kids
le_jaeger to nickdgardiner
7y 26d#13
...is what someone who never flies with Easyjet might think.
nickdgardiner to le_jaeger
7y 26d#18
haha, fair enough... It's been a while since I've flown EasyJet. I used to fly monthly Bristol to Edinburgh and I guess it was about 5 years ago!! Can you now turn left after boarding these days aswell!! :-)
le_jaeger to nickdgardiner
7y 26d#20
If only!
fixx to nickdgardiner
7y 26d#21
If you board by the rear steps :P
lidds to nickdgardiner
7y 26d#14
Don't talk rubbish they introduced allocated seating for everyone about 5 years ago.
@urinthematrix ive travelled several times with easyjet and the kids and have never paid for allocated seats. We check in online 30 days before departure including ur return flights and they always have the kids seated with us. Families with under 5s usually are asked to line up first and board after priority seating. Cheers op, heat added
SweeneyUK to urinthematrix
7y 26d#26
If you book them all at once they will be together.
someshpan to urinthematrix
7y 25d#56
Easyjet does provide seats together. Edit as just realised it was Ryanair flight who made us sit apart.
frick to urinthematrix
7y 25d#57
I fly easyJet quite often with my partner, we don't book seats but if you book at the same time we usually get seats next to each other but cant guarantee it. Ryanair is different, if you don't book seats they go out of their way to put you as far away as possible from each other, watchdog had a feature on this.
7y 26d#9
You pay a fee for allocated seats and parents flying with children have no other option as its mandatory, I think I've paid about £20 for my flights in Feb
KingCampo to THEFIRM888
7y 26d#16
Untrue. If you have young children then EasyJet allocate you seats together. You can pay to pick which row you're in if you prefer.
helentiff to KingCampo
7y 26d#22
Hi sorry but wasn't the case for me and my family in April this year. I assumed we would be together (kids aged 4 and 2) but wasn't the case. We were unlucky but then after causing a fuss got moved to front row but that was lucky. I'd reserve every time with kids now.
KingCampo to helentiff
7y 26d#23
If you're 2 adults and 2 or more children then you may get split up. We've flown with EasyJet several times in recent years and have always had a whole row for our family split across an aisle (2 adults, 4 children). Never paid extra to book seats.
helentiff to KingCampo
7y 24d#65
We were all split across aisles, I.e nobody was physically next to each other but had the aisle between myself and my toddler. So again I say I'd reserve now with kids.
7y 26d#10
We just checked in online 30 days before flying and all got seated together and there were 8 of us!
Theh don't split children and families tho although if you don't check in early you may have a parent and child in one row and the other parent and child further down the plane
Opening post
All comments (65)
I remember seeing they want extra to choose seats but isn't sure if this means extra to have all 4 seats together or to choose specific seats.
Good luck!
Edit as just realised it was Ryanair flight who made us sit apart.
Theh don't split children and families tho although if you don't check in early you may have a parent and child in one row and the other parent and child further down the plane