FOUR FREE APPS IN ONE! Practise over 370 OFFICIAL Theory Test revision questions, 8 hazard perception clips, a sample from the latest Highway Code and Road Signs app!
Here’s why this FREE app is worth downloading: * THEORY TEST - Practise over 370 official revision questions written by the DVSA - the people who set the test * FULL CONTROL - Choose which categories you want to learn from, select the number of questions and off you go! You can even filter questions that you have not yet seen or previously answered incorrectly * HAZARD PERCEPTION – Practise 8 high quality and fully interactive hazard perception clips PLUS 5 OFFICIAL CGI video clips and introduction video * MOCK TESTS - Sit mock Theory Tests with interactive case study questions, structured just like the official test. * HIGHWAY CODE – Revise a sample of the latest rules and regulations from The Highway Code * ROAD SIGNS - How well do you know your road signs? Test your knowledge from a sample of the UK's most up-to-date road signs app! * PROGRESS MONITOR - Keep a track of your strongest and weakest categories so you know which areas you need to brush up on before your test * WORKS OFFLINE – Once downloaded, there's no need to connect to the internet get as much revision as you need anytime, anywhere * FREE UK SUPPORT - Free UK based customer service & technical support
All comments (27)
16 Sep 17#1
Amazing the app is usually £4.99
prynolfc to ShafiqAmin
16 Sep 17#2
You sure, as far as i knlw there as free versions and paid versions of the same apps, this is the free one, i seen it for free yesterday...
Opening post
Here’s why this FREE app is worth downloading:
* THEORY TEST - Practise over 370 official revision questions written by the DVSA - the people who set the test
* FULL CONTROL - Choose which categories you want to learn from, select the number of questions and off you go! You can even filter questions that you have not yet seen or previously answered incorrectly
* HAZARD PERCEPTION – Practise 8 high quality and fully interactive hazard perception clips PLUS 5 OFFICIAL CGI video clips and introduction video
* MOCK TESTS - Sit mock Theory Tests with interactive case study questions, structured just like the official test.
* HIGHWAY CODE – Revise a sample of the latest rules and regulations from The Highway Code
* ROAD SIGNS - How well do you know your road signs? Test your knowledge from a sample of the UK's most up-to-date road signs app!
* PROGRESS MONITOR - Keep a track of your strongest and weakest categories so you know which areas you need to brush up on before your test
* WORKS OFFLINE – Once downloaded, there's no need to connect to the internet get as much revision as you need anytime, anywhere
* FREE UK SUPPORT - Free UK based customer service & technical support
All comments (27)…mbo
One posted by OP is a free demo version which was always free.
Sure it's the free one?