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 Doom - Nintendo Switch £39.85 @ Simply Games
3.5 stars +255

Doom - Nintendo Switch £39.85 @ Simply Games

£39.85 Simply Games21 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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21 Sep 17
No doubt this will get cold votes as the price on the switch is higher than what doom currently retails for on other systems.

price for switch version - most places want nearly 50 quid! Finally a decent fps for life on the road…P0o
All comments (73)
21 Sep 17 #1
Not a day one purchase for me but will defo pick it up eventually.
Alternative footage here by GameXplain

21 Sep 17 #2
Is this a joke. This game is now ~£10 so why charge full price again since its not a new release but re-release? I swear game prices on Switch are ridiculous
UltimatePhoenix to debesis26
21 Sep 17 #3
And the graphics are worse, watched the YouTube video of comparison other day!!
ziggy93 to UltimatePhoenix
21 Sep 17 #9
Why is graphics such a huge focus for people?

Do you realise that the pursuit for immense graphics are the reason we have very little variety?

Graphics are good, but when it’s not balanced with gameplay, music, level design and innovation etc, then gaming is going to get worse or more dull and flavourless.
UltimatePhoenix to ziggy93
21 Sep 17 #11
Im not all for graphics but when a game like this comes along you dont want the blurs on a big screen, i still play 8bit titles, indie titles cause they suit those graphics, but when they get bigger and better they need the graphics, I cant play Perfect Dark or Goldeneye on a 50" screen, used play the hell out of it on 14" split screen, have you tried mario from the Snes on 50"??it aint good, graphics add some playability!!
dudwood_fudwood to ziggy93
21 Sep 17 #12
I think the point they are making is that the Switch version is graphically inferior to other versions. So, how can they justify the sky high price? He didn't imply graphics are what make a game. Just that they aren't as good on Switch for this particular game. If you had the choice of watching a movie in standard definition or 4K you would pick the 4K version even though the content is essentially the same. £40 for a game that goes for less than a quarter of that price is ridiculous.
nunberry to dudwood_fudwood
21 Sep 17 #14
You say that like somehow they should charge by the pixel. That's ludicrous. You're paying for the work done in porting, for the more expensive medium and because there's no alternative mobile platform carrying this game or a rival game competing and encourage them to lower the price. And because, in the case of enough Switch owners, it's at the upper limit of acceptable-on-launch-day.
copperspock to nunberry
21 Sep 17 #18
No-one asked Nintendo to use a more expensive medium. Their decisions do not mean the customer should have to pay extra.
frish to nunberry
22 Sep 17 #24
You are paying for the port, and the fact that it's new to the switch does make sense for it to be pricey on release. However most of the work on the game is already done. It's good to have the option, but you really have to question what the point is spending 4 times the price on as other people have said, the inferior version of the game. It's for the most part, illogical.
nunberry to frish
22 Sep 17 #25
Sounds like we're in agreement, I mean I'd love this to be 10 quid, but if it were my product I'd want every penny I could get for it, especially if the nearest competition on the platform was months away and was also a product I controlled.

Look, if I had an Xbox or ps4, the only incentive I'd have for buying this full price on Switch would be if I REALLLLLLLY wanted Doom on the go. (Then again, if my PC/console was so great and all-fulfilling, why did I buy a Switch?)

Still, those guys are not the target audience initially. The first targets are Switch owners who've never played Doom. For them this is a new game, and it's scratching a couple of itches nothing else is coming close to on the platform.

Eventually the price will drop, and you'll pick up the multi-platform guys, people who already own it but maybe now will finish it cause it's portable. Cheapskates like me who have held out this long on playing it so what's another year.

But only a fool comes to market with a product that will sell at between 20-40 easily, but sells it for 10 because owners of a competing platform say that it's the right thing to do.

Copperspock2 h, 41 m agoNo-one asked Nintendo to use a more expensive medium. Their decisions do not mean the customer should have to pay extra.

What cheap but unsusceptible-to-vibration-or-shock media would you have used?
By rights they should have gone full digital but that would have driven up the cost of the console via system storage. And be glad they didn't, since retail is far more likely to eventually drop prices than the eShop is!
adam0812 to nunberry
22 Sep 17 #40
Exactly, by their logic PC games should be the most expensive.
FireOnAWire to debesis26
21 Sep 17 #6
Yes and no.
The port was outsourced by Bethesda so some costs were involved getting it on the switch.
However I agree that charging £40 and switch game prices in general are ridiculous. Doom on switch should realistically be £25 or £30 at the very most but they know people will buy it so I can't really blame them.

As much as it pains me I'll be picking this up at launch. Doom on the go, can't wait :thumbsup:
zomgwtfbbq to debesis26
22 Sep 17 #57
Agreed -- and this is exactly why I won't buy any more Nintendo consoles. Prices for the games are a complete p*sstake, to say the least..
21 Sep 17 #4
Loved it on the ps4 will definitely buy again for switch but when it is a fraction on this price!
malnuman to Ann3xe
21 Sep 17 #5
Agree, but unfortunately Nintendo/Switch games have a tendency to remain high priced.. I would buy for £20 as I wasn't to keen on the PS4 demo, but playing portable would tempt me..
21 Sep 17 #7
Depending on my financial situation on release day, this might be a launch purchase for me. Being able to play Doom whilst commuting would be fantastic.
21 Sep 17 #8
Previews look very promising, will pick this up. Can't wait to play Doom on the go
KirstyB87 to magicpork
22 Sep 17 #29
Digital Foundry's analysis indicated the very opposite being true.

- 30 fps‌ :astonished:
- 540p :dizzy_face:
- hideously downgraded texture resolution
- all other video settings lower than the lowest possible setting on PC
magicpork to KirstyB87
22 Sep 17 #36

It looks very good in my eyes..

540p is not even confirmed and DF is only going by the footage shown from Nintendo Direct

Even that's true, a 30fps 540p Doom on the handheld is still a technological miracle.

We still don't know what's the docked performance like and the dev still have almost 3 months to optimize the game.

Even DF called this port an impressive and fantastic port.
Chasloyal to KirstyB87
22 Sep 17 #54
I saw that video myself "just as long as you can swallow a drop in frame rate from 60fps to 30 you'll be fine but yeah that drop really does sting" :stuck_out_tongue:

Half pint full syndrome if ever I saw it and yeah that's coming from a proud half pint empty merchant. I will gladly say fair play to Nintendo for finally opening the door to third party titles that are worth porting over but at what cost? Oh yeah that's right.....four times more than anywhere else at four times less the quality :thumbsup:

And finally, here we have @nunberry with his Office Gofer Division of the Nintendo Defence League standing firm in their Mario red hoodies ready to go up against any 'mainstream console fan' aggression

I'm done, I'm not messing with any that mob so I'm staying quiet :fearful:
KirstyB87 to Chasloyal
22 Sep 17 #60
The mere thought of Doom (2016) running at 30 fps is hideous!

Still, Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, Xbox One and PS4 are all lumbered with that same terrible frame-rate in Destiny 2 so maybe it's just the way of things on consoles these days.
21 Sep 17 #10
I’m excited, and I’m buying day 1 !! Super keen to play it on Switch, especially the multiplayer.
21 Sep 17 #13
This is why AAA games don't work out on Nintendo consoles anymore, they always over charge and are locked into Nintendo licensing and pricing structure.

Nintendo games generally do not drop in price better off getting this on a proper console and leave the Switch for Nintendo exclusives novelty games.
21 Sep 17 #15
Spilt on this one, it is expensive for an already sub £10 game however Doom on the go will be awesome. This medium of video game delivery, for me, is the way forward for games consoles, the pursuit of graphics just edges consoles to the inevitable morph into a PC; however an Xbox One graphic capable device on the go that can be docked for full screen play is the way forward - move from room to room with ease and then on the go; good on Nintendo for innovation they deserve to take the profit that comes with it.
21 Sep 17 #16
£10:00 on xbox one !!!!! Cold.
Boopop to telboy69
21 Sep 17 #19
Looks like there's no confirmation yet that it'll have gyro aiming :disappointed:

I'd like to play Doom on the go. Is your Xbox One price relevant to that? No. Stupid voting. This is the best price for a portable version of Doom currently, unless you count the PC version + gaming laptop but not many people have that.
telboy69 to Boopop
22 Sep 17 #38
40 pound for a inferior game,you crack on my friend !!!!!!
Boopop to telboy69
22 Sep 17 #39
I'm not necessarily going to pay £40 for it. Anyway, good luck carrying your gaming desktop or console on to the train, bus or plane. I'd love to see your battery set up :wink:
telboy69 to Boopop
22 Sep 17 #42
I play games at home always done always will.When i walk out my house gaming is not on my mind to a extent where i have to play while sitting on a bus or train etc etc,i will carry on playing doom in the luxury of my own home on my 52 inch ultra hd screen with a big smile knowing i only paid 10 pound for a fantastic game :laughing:‌ :laughing:‌ :laughing:
Boopop to telboy69
22 Sep 17 #43
Not everyone's like you you know, some people play games when they're not at home. All the same though
adam0812 to telboy69
22 Sep 17 #41
Now you know how PC gamers feel.
21 Sep 17 #17
Lmao. If ever there was a reason to keep away from Nintendo it is these absolutely ridiculous prices
21 Sep 17 #20
As I can't take my pc/PS4 or Xbox on the train this seems like a good deal for me.

I would rather it £30 but what you gonna do.
21 Sep 17 #21
40 quid! Good grief, Switch prices really are a joke!
21 Sep 17 #22
Get ya hard hats on lads, ready for the idiots dropping out the sky to defend this crap.
40 quid for an inferior portable port.
10 quid on consoles that are balls deep in competition of the FPS genre.
Couldn't write this stuff because as fiction, it doesn't sound believable.
Boopop to jacjacatac
22 Sep 17 #30
I know right, a company charging more money for a product that they've just released than something that's been on the market for over a year. You couldn't make it up!

‌ :thinking:
jacjacatac to Boopop
22 Sep 17 #34
There's one, catch him before he lands on his face...
Oops, too late.
Boopop to jacjacatac
22 Sep 17 #37
Charming individual, aren't you? Why attempt to counter my point when you can just make a personal insult, that's way more fun after all.
jacjacatac to Boopop
22 Sep 17 #45
What exactly was your point?
That they wanna charge £40 for an inferior port?
You think that's a good point?
‌ :thinking:
Oh and voted cold.
Boopop to jacjacatac
22 Sep 17 #46
My point was that it's *not* an inferior port if you want to play on the go, because you simply cannot play Doom on the go unless you've got a gaming laptop, which many have not.

Would you vote a Nissan Leaf cold because it doesn't have the range of a petrol car, even though some people want an electric car anyway? Would you vote an expensive holiday to France cold because you can find a cheaper and worse quality holiday to New York? Voting something cold when you're not comparing like for like is not helpful to other users of the site, and doesn't make any sense.

Is this the cheapest portable version of Doom currently available for others to buy? Yes. It's that simple. Can you buy the game for substantially cheaper but with a different feature set? Yes. Does that come in to whether this is a good deal? No.

Good grief.
jacjacatac to Boopop
22 Sep 17 #47
Man, the mental gymnastics you Nintendo guys go through to justify your choice is ridiculous.
Just go with the illogical. I think less of you, but don't let that stop you.
It's £40... for an inferior port... of a game... that is £10... on other consoles.
It's almost like you're saying it's a different game, please stop, it's embarrassing.
Boopop to jacjacatac
22 Sep 17 #48
Ignored everything I said, but sure, whatever. For the record I only recently bought a switch, I mainly play on PC (and already have Doom). The last Nintendo console I got full price was a GameCube, but sure feel free to call me a "Nintendo guy".

Presumably by your logic if I do want to play Doom when on holiday I simply shouldn't buy it on switch because i already have it at home where I can't play it. Yet you claim I'm doing the mental gymnastics! =\

You think less of me? Oh no! I'm so hurt, let me wipe away the tears while I play my tiny violin! :grin:
jacjacatac to Boopop
22 Sep 17 #49
Doom on holiday?
Are you 15?
Yeah, you're about 15.
Selfies on social media while on hols too?
Best of luck, mate, genuinely.
‌ :thumbsup:
Boopop to jacjacatac
22 Sep 17 #50
Oh cool so now we're mocking how others spend their free time, nice one. Yikes.
nunberry to jacjacatac
22 Sep 17 #52
Hi. While Boopop is merely a sensible pan-platform gamer, I'm a Nintendo guy. This is a Nintendo deal. That's why I'm here.
Day 2, page 2, of a deal for a game for a platform you don't own and you're still spoiling for a fight here... and someone else should be embarrassed? You made what little point you had a long time ago, move on. Whatever hurt the world did you, this won't fix it. Here, take this hug. Get better.

It's interesting though that the Switch is so successful at delivering a console level experience on the go that it's being bashed for it's performance like it was a dedicated home console. I mean, you compare GTA 4 on PC to GTA ChinaTown Wars on DS vs these two versions of Doom.... Take a bow, Ninty :grin:
jacjacatac to nunberry
22 Sep 17 #53
You really have that low of an opinion on it that you compare IV to Chinatown?
Good for you.
Hugs won't fix me, I'm Lotso Huggin' Bear, burnt and salty from my previous relationship: Nintendo.
But that's okay, ignore all the common sense people, they're jealous of the special relationship you have; may the ground be kind to your fall.
She take my money, when I'm in need...
21 Sep 17 #23
£40 for the worst version...
22 Sep 17 #26
The multiplayer is free but you have to download it from the store. Some good points and bad points to that :thinking:
22 Sep 17 #27
You know what'd make more sense to me?

Run the game on a PC, and stream it to the Switch.
Something akin to Steamlink/Nvidia shield.
Does the Switch have any built in support as a streaming target?

Solid 60fps (rather than <=30), full screen resolution (rather than <540p), and max detail textures & AA.
There wouldn't even be a difference in responsiveness, as the encoding latency is typically less than the 16ms you'd gain by going from 30 to 60fps.

Oh and it'd set you back less than £8 for the game...

Granted it'd be no good for on-the-go gaming, though outside of train journeys I've never understood that niche.
Gormond to TehJumpingJawa
22 Sep 17 #32
input lag from streaming is completely different to frame time - one refers to how quickly the game recognises your input and the other is the time between rendered frames. Also you are assuming these people already have gaming PCs.

I have a steam link and a Samsung TV with it built in and the additional input lag is what ruins the experience for me.

Anyway its pointless to discuss because the Switch is unable to do this and what you class as "Niche" is the main reason to buy a switch outside of wanting to play exclusives.
TehJumpingJawa to Gormond
22 Sep 17 #51
They're functionally very similar when it comes to input responsiveness.

@ 30fps there's a latency of 33.3ms between frames. While inputs will be received immediately by the device, the resultant frame won't be shown to the user for *up to frame time ms later. *(depending upon when the input is received, and at what point the game finalizes frame input states)

@ 60fps through a steamlink you have up to 16.6ms between frames, 10-20ms codec latency (varies by PC spec), and <1ms Ethernet latency. You can see the resultant sum latency between user & game state is comparable.

Can't speak to your personal experience as I've never tried Steam link to a TV; perhaps its decoder sucks? or perhaps your PC encoding was too slow? or maybe you were using wifi?

I agree though, my suggestion isn't at all comparable, just a hypthetical alternative.
I suppose a performance comparison with the various Windows 10 tablets is more interesting:
22 Sep 17 #28
Ordered just incase it's not cheaper elsewhere before launch. Will switch to Amazon/Tesco/GAME if it is later.
22 Sep 17 #31
Portable Doom, could be fun. It was never going to be £10 on the Switch so why people are always surprised by the prices of the games is beyond me. You aren’t forced to buy it.
22 Sep 17 #33
Great game, but damn there's that Switch tax in full effect again... :persevere:
22 Sep 17 #35
Posted this deal before I went to bed & woke up to a switch Nintendo price rip off debate :joy:
22 Sep 17 #44
I've read countless comments across forums about the graphics, but what did people expect? The only real downside for be would be the frame rate, and if it's stable at 30 it shouldn't be too bad - would have to play it to see how responsive it is, because on PS4 it's super smooth.

If you play your Switch in portable mode, this is the best version outside of a gaming laptop simply by the virtue other versions can't be played on the go.

If it play docked and you've got access to another console, then I can't see the point, especially at four times the price.

And in regards to the expensive game cards in Switch, what did people expect? Spinning optical media in a portable, or download only? Both of those options suck.
22 Sep 17 #55
Been at work all day & the debate still going strong.

no point arguing with anyone in hotukdeals.

no one ever agrees
Chasloyal to crazygoldfish
22 Sep 17 #56
We all agree on the fact that Nintnenuts are nuts about Nintendo but we shall agree to disagree on the definition of what 'nuts' entails :thumbsup:
crazygoldfish to Chasloyal
22 Sep 17 #61
Whatever keeps you happy pal.

did you think that one up yourself or did you google that epic piece of banter?
Chasloyal to crazygoldfish
22 Sep 17 #63
I am quite satisfied that I didn't need to google that but thanks and up the NDL :thumbsup:

Mainstream slurs my style? :unamused: up the NDL!
crazygoldfish to Chasloyal
22 Sep 17 #64
Bet your sitting there in your Mario outfit
Chasloyal to crazygoldfish
22 Sep 17 #65
Nah mate not Mario, it's a keyboard wario one :thumbsup: up the NDL
22 Sep 17 #58
@Chasloyal yeah, you better run :grin:

Seriously, I don't think you're seeing the point here.
Is 40 quid for a port of an old game too much? Yes. I don't think anyone has disputed that.
Will some people still pay it anyway? Yes they will, for reasons I've gone into before. I'm not one of them but I can see why they'd do it.
Is Doom on the Switch as good looking as the XBox or PS4? No. Again, no one is arguing.
Is the fact that Doom is running on a glorified handheld with only relatively minor changes rather than a full rework or ground-up rethink absolutely jaw-dropping? Why yes, yes it is.
Is the fact that you're arguing performance points between a glorified handheld and a monolithic fixed console kind of pointlessly shameful for you? You know, it's not my place to say. If you're having fun, more power to you.

If you have an Xbox or PS4, and that suits your lifestyle, good for you. It doesn't suit mine, I'm busy fetching things hither and thither in my red hoodie for my Japanese overlords. The XBox One X might be the most powerful console on the planet but if it doesn't have baked-in OffTV play then it's no use to me, I'll never get to play the damned thing. The Switch on the other hand is portable, independent and instantly accessible. It allows me to fit more gaming into my daily routine without screwing up those of the people around me and with the baked in 2-Player support it lets me share that with those people if they want to. If that's not a requirement for you, or you have the additional equipment needed to do something similar to last gen's WiiU on the PS/XB (2 Vita or a Win10 laptop, far as I'm aware) then great. Go to it. But again, it doesn't suit me.

So, with that in mind, my choice is between Doom with Compromises and No Doom. I choose compromises.

Oh wait, this is a console war, I almost forgot to say something glib and patronising.
Don't worry about it for now, compromise is complicated, adult stuff - when you're a big boy you'll understand :imp:
Chasloyal to nunberry
22 Sep 17 #59
You drive and play video games whilst 'fetching things hither and thither' :astonished: hmmm and yet old bill are busy trying to whack three points on my licence for touching me sat nav's screen whilst travelling on the Queen's highway, that's a pxxx take!

Yeah I got a Wii U thanks, perhaps that's why being an owner of one without actually being blinkered by Nintenut devotion I feel a tad aggrieved with how the Wii U bombed yet the Switch appears to have rocketed :thinking: had Nintendo given the Wii U the sort of publicity campaign from the off they've given to the Switch the Wii U might be flying high now, rather than being on death row waiting to be dropped at a month or two's notice now because of a gigantic catalogue of corporate failure throughout it's lifespan.

I am the first to admit I predicted the Switch would fail because it is after all just a re-branded Wii U with improved portability, the fact I was wrong and it appears to be heading to success because of better marketing is hardly going to make my coldness toward it thaw is it? They're even getting away with knocking out a machine that ain't got enough on board storage to play some of the games coming out for it, admire their brazen cheek in pulling it off yet again by all means but don't try telling us it's a technological feat when in reality it's anything but that.
crazygoldfish to Chasloyal
22 Sep 17 #62
Sorry but that’s just a silly comment that the switch is just a rebranded wiiu.

Its it’s just a shield tv rebranded :stuck_out_tongue:
jacjacatac to crazygoldfish
22 Sep 17 #66
Well if no-one else is posting it.
23 Sep 17 #67
@jacjacatacwell, yeah. The Switch is a refinement of the WiiU idea - a move to try and capture the tablet gaming market along with the party faithful - but it overcomes the WiiUs 2 biggest weaknesses (being tied to a stationary box, confused branding) but also loses one of it's greatest strengths (asymmetric 2 player)

play also sprach zarathustra over that comic and it gives it the gravitas it deserves.

Was that post your defection, or have you just misstepped?
23 Sep 17 #68
23 Sep 17 #69
I seem to see more people on here complaining about rabbid Nintendo fanboys, than I ever seen rabbid fanboys on here.

People sure do spend a lot of time bitching about stuff they don't like.
Chasloyal to northlondon01
23 Sep 17 #70
Nothing happening round Rosedale or on the Springs tonight? 'North London' :grin:
24 Sep 17 #71…30g

long live the ND
Chasloyal to crazygoldfish
25 Sep 17 #72
I know who that is, it's @noahsdad
29 Sep 17 #73
People will still pay because we have no other option.
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3.5 stars +207

PowerAudio PRO Music Player now FREE

£0.89 Google Play10 Oct 17
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[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold
3 stars +101

[Xbox One] Q. u. b. e: Director's Cut on Deals with Gold

£2 Microsoft Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C
3 stars +182

Kids Foldaway Seat And Storage Box C&C

£4 £7 The Works10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda
3 stars +159

Washing up bowl / coloured tub Asda

£0.10 George (Asda George)10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code
3 stars +141

Ultimate Rotary Can Opener - WHITE AND GREEN with code

£0.68 GearBest10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > All categories
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Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm
3 stars +170

Pyrex square dish 21cm x 21cm

Instore Morrisons10 Oct 17
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Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl
3.5 stars +210

Whyte & Mackay Special Blended Scotch Whisky 70cl

£10 Sainsburys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Groceries
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Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver
3.5 stars +294

Huawei Smart Watch with Link Band Silver

£149 Huawei Honor Store10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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ASUS G11CD Gaming PC
4 stars +361

ASUS G11CD Gaming PC

£499.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)
3.5 stars +218

iPhone lightning cable - super cheap (C&C)

£1.97 Currys10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Xbox One Elite controller PLUS either Middle-earth: Shadow of War or Forza Motorsport 7
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Lego Friends Calender
3 stars +168

Lego Friends Calender

£3.99 P&P + options Amazon UK10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Double LEGO VIP Points
3 stars +179

Double LEGO VIP Points

Lego10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)
3 stars +106

Graco Fast Action Fold Travel System in Bowtie Bear @ Tesco Direct (more in OP)

£98 £200 Tesco Direct10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Kids
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Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)
3 stars +129

Gears Of War 4 Steelbook Edition (Xbox One) (Open Box)

£12.99 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend
3.5 stars +288

The Body Shop Sale Now On Plus 50% Code when you spend

Free P&P 10 Oct 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Fashion
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