£4.99 plus 50p off at the checkout, then plus VAT so £5.39 - 22p a can
Comes in a flat tray as opposed to a box
16 Sep 17#1
Saw these at Costco
£4.99 plus 50p off at the checkout, then plus VAT so £5.39 - 22p a can
Comes in a flat tray as opposed to a box
16 Sep 17#2
It's only 25p a can at Home Bargains if you haven't got a Costco card ;-)
17 Sep 17#3
Anyone know if they have stopped selling the Pepsi Ginger? I couldnt find them in the Sheffield store yesterday
wiggywig to TonySumo
17 Sep 17#6
saw it in Morrisons recently. could try there
17 Sep 17#4
Great deal for dentists. Yahoo
17 Sep 17#5
Eating 5kg of sugar is still cheaper :smile:
gavin27 to Barst
17 Sep 17#8
The only one that has sugar is the regular Pepsi.. Null comment..
Barst to gavin27
19 Sep 17#9
Technically my statement remains true but I'll give you credit for highlighting that I was only referring to 25% of the deal.
Of course, the (technically unproven) effects of artificial sweeteners are potentially worse than sugar. Shame they don't follow Heinz' and use Stevia-like ingredients.
Can you tell that I'm not a fan of fizzy drink (and yet drink alcohol like it's going out of fashion). :relaxed:
Opening post
£4.99 plus 50p off at the checkout, then plus VAT so £5.39 - 22p a can
Comes in a flat tray as opposed to a box
£4.99 plus 50p off at the checkout, then plus VAT so £5.39 - 22p a can
Comes in a flat tray as opposed to a box
Of course, the (technically unproven) effects of artificial sweeteners are potentially worse than sugar. Shame they don't follow Heinz' and use Stevia-like ingredients.
Can you tell that I'm not a fan of fizzy drink (and yet drink alcohol like it's going out of fashion). :relaxed: