Good price but unsure of the colour. Will wait for the black ones to drop again.
mkara to FireOnAWire
7y 25d#9
What's wrong with the colour? Ive got black ones and want to get the white ones instead. It'll just give a cleaner look to where it's intended for use.
FireOnAWire to mkara
7y 25d#13
It'll stand out like a sore thumb near a black av centre with black plugs/cabling.
mkara to FireOnAWire
7y 25d#15
Hmmm... Don't have it for an av centre, it'll be one for the bedroom, and 1 in the office. Both places it'll somewhat be covered. Having said that, in both room the theme is pebble ivory walls and white wood works, black would just look out of place. But I do get what you're saying about black cabling on a white extension lead, will definitely look weird.
gibblesuk to FireOnAWire
7y 24d#18
so walk on
7y 25d#3
Shame there is no individual switches
7y 25d#4
good l price normallnormally around a tenner b4 delivery
7y 25d#5
I got this for £3
col11 to garethcollins925
7y 25d#6
Share the deal then!
garethcollins925 to col11
7y 25d#7
But I got it last year for £3 when the deal was shared on here for Staples when they closed down!!!!
mkara to garethcollins925
7y 25d#8
Rossmor40 to garethcollins925
7y 24d#17
Haha, I see the time machine posts are still continuing on here
7y 25d#10
towering inferno more like chin junk
7y 25d#11
Got one over a year ago at Aldi for £9.99 been fine.
good price heat from me.
7y 25d#12
Always found CPC Farnell a good company to deal with too.
Opening post
good price heat from me.
Heat added OP.