Inclusive minutes include calls to UK landlines starting 01, 02 or 03, voicemail and any UK mobile network. Inclusive standard text messages are available to use to any UK mobile network.
Roam Like at Home is enabled. This is available in over 40 destinations and uses your monthly plan allowance when you are abroad.
7y 28d#1
Good value, but yet another slightly different tariff from Plusnet... This was £5 a month, but with only 1000 minutes not so long ago.
7y 28d#2
how about 0870 0r 0845 ? is there any plan that calls to this numbr are freen
eslick to leslie_erlangga
7y 28d#4
I think the last plans for those went a while ago from seeing previous comment to that question. However most of those numbers have been replaced or you can use the saynoto website or other apps to avoid the charges.
szaman81 to leslie_erlangga
7y 28d#5
Not with Plusnet. Available as add on with other networks.
7y 28d#3
Thank god. It's been almost 2-3 days since the last PlusNet deal. I was getting worried their PR department was trapped in a lift.
7y 28d#6
I've tried two different cards, and it won't take card payment. Anyone else having this issue?
carrickfell to Dopple
7y 28d#7
Yeah !!!! i tried to signup for fibre,put all the details in and was accepted, six weeks later still nothing from them !!! Gone back to sky.
matth5182 to Dopple
7y 28d#9
Just check your emails before you try again. I got the error 3 times when trying to enter card details with the assurance that no payment had been taken. Lo and behold, 3 confirmation emails and 3 SIM cards turned up 48 hours later. It was a pain to cancel them as you have to wait until they are delivered and active to cancel and it then takes a further 5 days to get a refund
7y 28d#8
Standard price every other [email protected]£6 for 1.5gb old tariff from life mobile tariff.
7y 28d#10
Also just to add, I gave the kids my phone as i used to when i was on O2 to keep them happy in the back of the car. 15 mins later I got a text to say I had used 80% of my 5GB allowance. It appears the superfast 4G had buffered the entire youtube video they had watched in the background and used most of my months data. It's £1.50 per 100mb if you go over or a bolt on of 500mb is £6.
Hucknallred to matth5182
7y 28d#11
My missus did this on hers, didn't know WiFi was off. Have dropped the smart cap to a fiver. Also educated her on the difference between WiFi & mobile data. You can also block YouTube (or any other app) from using mobile data too.
gogboy to Hucknallred
7y 28d#18
How do you manage the blocking of YouTube when on mobile data
score01 to gogboy
7y 28d#20
On IOS/Apple - settings - mobile data
if you scroll down the screen you can toggle enable or disable for each appto use mobile data.
gogboy to score01
7y 28d#23
Thanks but a child can just go in and switch it back?
score01 to gogboy
7y 27d#26
Settings - general - restrictions
enable restrictions and there is an option to prevent changes to mobile data use
gogboy to score01
7y 27d#27
Excellent thanks, we tried that screen time but was a waste of time with Apple
Hucknallred to gogboy
7y 27d#28
It's somewhere in Android settings, you can specify whether an app can use wifi & mobile data of wifi only, or block them altogether.
matth5182 to Hucknallred
7y 28d#21
Yeah i appreciate the difference however on o2 i was on a legacy tariff so i was only allowed 3G data that was never quick enough to download a whole hour of peppa pig so it was never an issue. At least it shows the plusnet (EE) 4G signal is fast in my area. I have restricted youtube background data and set a warning on my phone to alert me once i reach 4GB.
7y 28d#12
Good deal but terrible customer services if you ever have a problem.
Destard to wmd
7y 28d#25
I have yet to hear of a mobile network with great customer service. Everyone complains about theirs!
beansybabe to wmd
7y 27d#29
I have called them a number of times for various reasons regarding both mine and my oh's contract and I have always found them to be most helpful and in most cases they have sorted the problems out for me in a reasonable timescale.
7y 28d#13
What's their capping like? Looking for a cheap deal for my autistic son and don't want him to go over at all if possible
I thought the deal pic was Dave Gorman for a second.
7y 28d#22
Keep failing credit check!
szaman81 to sabz786
7y 28d#24
Do you have debt?
7y 27d#30
New Plusnet customer here,
You know how when you pick up your voicemails you get something like "To hear the number of the person who called you, press 4" ?
Well not on Plusnet! That's right. They just confirmed during the 5th call to customer services that they don't offer an ID service.
There's no way to get the number unless the person calling reads it out loud. You know, like back in the 1990s. The
previous 4 agents assumed something was wrong with the voicemail set up
and tried resetting it each time. Because who would assume otherwise?
I wonder what further rudimentary functions of a phone I will discover
are beyond the limit of Plusnet's capabilities, in the time it takes for
a SIM to arrive from an alternative network.
(Backstory blah:
I've got 30+ voicemails from people responding to an advert, almost all
of whom didn't leave their number. like me they assumed I would be able
to retrieve it in the voicemail options. My phone was turned off
deliberately for half that time, so there's only a partial list of
numbers to manually sift through and reconcile via the time codes. And
it only took the Plusnet call centre a total of 80 minutes to work it
7y 27d#31
Nice, only signed up with Plusnet last month and was on a similar £6 offer but with less data and minutes, as I didn't really care for the unlimited texts I had, who even uses text when there's things like Whatsapp now!
I contacted customer support via their chat thing and got it switched over to this new tariff for the next billing cycle. Fairly painless tbh.
Opening post
£6 Month
Inclusive minutes include calls to UK landlines starting 01, 02 or 03, voicemail and any UK mobile network. Inclusive standard text messages are available to use to any UK mobile network.
Roam Like at Home is enabled. This is available in over 40 destinations and uses your monthly plan allowance when you are abroad.
Available as add on with other networks.
Anyone else having this issue?
It was a pain to cancel them as you have to wait until they are delivered and active to cancel and it then takes a further 5 days to get a refund
It's £1.50 per 100mb if you go over or a bolt on of 500mb is £6.
Also educated her on the difference between WiFi & mobile data. You can also block YouTube (or any other app) from using mobile data too.
if you scroll down the screen you can toggle enable or disable for each appto use mobile data.
enable restrictions and there is an option to prevent changes to mobile data use
Everyone complains about theirs!
You know how when you pick up your voicemails you get something like
"To hear the number of the person who called you, press 4" ?
Well not on Plusnet!
That's right. They just confirmed during the 5th call to customer services that they don't offer an ID service.
There's no way to get the number unless the person calling reads it out loud. You know, like back in the 1990s.
The previous 4 agents assumed something was wrong with the voicemail set up and tried resetting it each time. Because who would assume otherwise?
I wonder what further rudimentary functions of a phone I will discover are beyond the limit of Plusnet's capabilities, in the time it takes for a SIM to arrive from an alternative network.
(Backstory blah: I've got 30+ voicemails from people responding to an advert, almost all of whom didn't leave their number. like me they assumed I would be able to retrieve it in the voicemail options. My phone was turned off deliberately for half that time, so there's only a partial list of numbers to manually sift through and reconcile via the time codes. And it only took the Plusnet call centre a total of 80 minutes to work it out).
I contacted customer support via their chat thing and got it switched over to this new tariff for the next billing cycle. Fairly painless tbh.