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 Uncharted: The lost legacy + Dax and Daxter remastered £22.99 prime / £24.99 non prime @ Amazon
4.5 stars +435

Uncharted: The lost legacy + Dax and Daxter remastered £22.99 prime / £24.99 non prime @ Amazon

£2 P&P + options Amazon UK21 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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Opening post
21 Aug 17
Good deal with this game releasing this Wednesday! Price is 22.99 with prime and 24.99 without prime. The game also includes the dax and daxter game as a download.
All comments (45)
21 Aug 17 #1
Been this price for a while but good enough for me to cancel my Base order
21 Aug 17 #2
It's £22.85 on Shopto with the Jak & Daxter bonus.…acy
amartial9 to byazura
21 Aug 17 #3
Didnt see that. Shopto is hit and miss as last time my pre order came late. Prefer amazon for security
Bure11 to amartial9
21 Aug 17 #4
I think you're one of the only people here to think that mate
MasterChief2017 to Bure11
21 Aug 17 #5
I have to agree with amartial9 on that
Chasloyal to Bure11
21 Aug 17 #7
I would back him on that, never ever had an Amazon order arrive late but had two shopto orders that didn't turn up full stop in the last 12 months alone

Moving on from the logistics and on to the game itself there would appear to be a number of reviews not as blindly complimentary about this title as you might expect.

Ranging from IGN suggesting the franchise is getting tired regardless of changing the star protagonists to numerous other outlets saying it's nowhere near as long as Sony/ND made out it would be when they withdrew the last Uncharted's season pass to maximise income from this DLC :unamused: sorry I meant separate story spinoff

They are all unanimous in how pretty it looks granted but a wild stab in the dark says if you are prepared to wait a month or two you'll be able to pick this up at a significantly lower price. That's because there's probably more of us out there who ain't forgotten or forgiven how they shifted this from additional content to a standalone game as quietly as possible in that smallest of windows and not prepared to weigh on 20 quid plus for five hours extra gameplay.
amartial9 to Chasloyal
21 Aug 17 #9
I fully agree. Like others, I am a huge uncharted fan and naughty dog seems to have hooked me as well as others :blush:
Ken9041 to Chasloyal
21 Aug 17 #10
whats sort of write up is this, so metacritic ratings of 86 is bad- gameplay is more than 5 hours 8-10 depending on how you play 10-12 hours. it still additional content if you bought the season pass for uncharted 4 so you wrong at that end and standalone for those who didn't. Left behind was the same, Price going down after two months eh not sure about that maybe black friday bundle or sales.
Chasloyal to Ken9041
21 Aug 17 #14
Here are, where did I say it was "bad" then eh? Erm I stated IGN felt it was samey and also pointed out there's plenty of five or six hour completion times being thrown about on the interwebs.

Hmmm so I'm sorry but that does not contain any mention of 'bad' whatsoever snowflake.

If Lost Legacy holds this price till the end of October feel free to drag this thread out and I'll gladly donate a ching to the charity of your choice but if as I suspect it does drop before the calendar turns over to November then I want you to donate a fiver of that money Sony/ND appear to be lobbing in your direction for you to be proclaiming such inexplicable unwavering devotion to their product and business practice :dizzy_face: deal?
Ken9041 to Chasloyal
21 Aug 17 #15
really so the word "snowflake" is used in this site too how childish. play the games and you will get more than 6 hours out of it. So making a counter argument means sony/ND is paying me? by any chance do you go on neogaf/gamefaqs if so i get your mentality. If you have the season pass you before it went off the store then you get lost legacy for free.
Chasloyal to Ken9041
21 Aug 17 #16
Scared to lose a fiver of your corporate sweetener or something?
ZeroBlitz to Chasloyal
21 Aug 17 #24
Anyone that struts out with baseless negativity, calling people snowflakes and crying shill because other people don't validate your ridiculous comments really needs to look in a mirror because you're acting like a tool mate.

Your whining seems to be based around some kind of weird judgement that it's a bad thing this was a small expansion that got turned into a separate game and apparently you think they were trying to be secretive. That makes zero damn sense. It was going to be a short bit of content like Left Behind that was an hour or two. It grew to a lot bigger than that so they're selling it as half a game and they announced it as such for everyone to hear. It's been shown at E3 and talked freely spoken about as exactly what it is - a short spinoff for series fans that want more of the same. From the sounds of it, it's just about what everyone expected from it anyway so your childish complaints are incredibly pointless.
Chasloyal to ZeroBlitz
22 Aug 17 #28
Did I ask anyone to validate my "ridiculous comments" or did someone come at me for pointing out some of the gaming media were not as complimentary as you might expect and daring to suggest it will drop in price rather rapido.

I was always of the belief that only the Nintenuts could be this rabid but my life it would appear there's no shortage of ponies who love Sony's number one dev more than they love their own family.

Say anything that's not 100% licking Naughty Dog's Harris and you'll wake the beast :unamused: but you're right, there's nothing snowflake about that sort of reaction at all
ZeroBlitz to Chasloyal
22 Aug 17 #35
You're embarrassing yourself mate. But hey, it's got to be pretty nice to live in a world where everyone who disagrees with childish comments is a snowflake or a pony sucking corporate dong. Must be exciting imagining that everyone is your enemy all the time. Can't really blame you for getting taken in by the toxic mentality surrounding certain areas of the internet (have to admit it's been exacerbated since Trump and Brexit), but I can say chill out.

If it makes it easier for you to understand: When you're the glass half full type-a guy, you don't care about petty grievances. You don't care about one console over another. One game dev over another. You get excited for a game and you enjoy it on your own terms, nobody else's.

It's simple logic. This is a spinoff. The only person looking at this page is interested in this game because they enjoyed the others. Random negative comments do nothing except potentially hurt the enthusiasm of those who are going to get the game anyway. That it might end up being cheaper in a couple months is hardly a great deduction. Or it could be like ratchet and clank, another half-game, which started around the same price and held there. Assuming one way or the other and challenging people on the internet to bet money over it is weird, random, and confrontational.

Re: your last point: not true at all. People criticise when you make points that seem unreasonable and then you overreact. People that make reasonable points in a manner that's open minded and considerate of other people don't tend to receive much criticism. I know social skills can seem hard on the internet but they're not really. If you wouldn't say it to a person you've just met in real life 'cause it might seem rude or thoughtless, you probably shouldn't say it to people you don't know online. His response to you was a level criticism to negativity that he didn't think was reasonable. Your response to him was oversensitive and thin-skinned considering you started attacking him personally. He never responded in kind.
Chasloyal to ZeroBlitz
25 Aug 17 #41
A Freudian psychoanalysis because I've destroyed the lives of people who love Sony and Naughty Dog more than they love their own blood, even bringing the Donald and Brexit in to it, but it's me embarrassing myself :thumbsup:

Well that makes it worth 80 quid then, all bow down before the divine Naughty Dog and Sony for life :muscle:
dave859 to Chasloyal
25 Aug 17 #40
It's more than 5 hours long, the only way you would get though it in that time would be speed running it on an easy difficulty. Most are finding 8 to 10 hours on first playthough.
condracky to Bure11
21 Aug 17 #8
He's certainly not the only one, shopto were good many years ago but have gone right down hill.
cicobuff to condracky
21 Aug 17 #20
I had my despatch notification from shopto yesterday.
Rens11 to Bure11
21 Aug 17 #18
I've had missing shopto parcels as well and it's not as simple for refunds as Amazon they make you wait ages
Djplonker to amartial9
21 Aug 17 #11
I have preordered 4 games from amazon and 2 of them were a day late and the customer support didn't care it happened twice in two months so I cancelled my prime and asked them to cancel any preorders I had with them.

Turns out that they didn't cancel my ffxii order and I got that the day after release, 5 days after my shopto copy arrived.
gotham82 to amartial9
21 Aug 17 #17
mine was shipped today and got my jax code but codes don't work till wednesday
Illusionary to amartial9
21 Aug 17 #21
ShopTo are consistently excellent in my experience, and much more reliable than Amazon. If on ocassion they don't manage to deliver in time for release, that will be the fault of Royal Mail, not them - but this comes with a benefit, as they'll refund you £5 for any late pre-orders.
21 Aug 17 #6
Excited :grin:
21 Aug 17 #12
Never had a Shopto order arrive late. I have noticed some games arrive on release day now instead of the 1-3 days early like they used to. That said, they dispatched this game today, and I suspect it will arrive tomorrow.
21 Aug 17 #13
Touch wood, but I've never had an issue with ShopTo either. Game was dispatched on Saturday. Arrived this morning. I just need to get home now to play it. Also received my code for Jak & Daxter today, but that won't be active until Wednesday apparently.
All that said, I don't think anyone will ever beat SimplyGames for delivery. I think every game I've ever ordered from them have turned up early.
21 Aug 17 #19
But my side of the bet if you want to call it that stands, if I've called it wrong I'll throw that ching in your chosen charity's direction.

Preferably an animal charity but definitely only UK based whatever it may be, I'm not donating nothing to the third worlders for it to go to some war lord to buy a bit more ammo or go toward his latest prestige German wheels :thumbsup: job done
21 Aug 17 #22
Pre ordered with amazon few months ago had despatch email but not Jak code yet? Anyone one got there's yet on Amazon?
Illusionary to pavementpoop
21 Aug 17 #23
It'll probably arrive in a day or two, I wouldn't worry. You'll not be able to redeem it until 23 August in any case, so there would be no real benefit to having the key any earlier.
22 Aug 17 #25
Hate shopto. Item didn't turn up so i complained through PayPal to get money back (and no it was definitely not delivered and i did spend nearly 2K with them). Just because i went through PayPal, they decided to block my account.

Any issues with amazon, it gets dealt straight away.
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