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 Standalone Sapphire AMD Radeon RX VEGA 56 8GB HBM2 Graphics Card Preorder - £395.48 (C&C) @ Scan
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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Opening post
28 Aug 17
Vega 56 in stock
All comments (95)
28 Aug 17 #1
Showing £379.99 for me:

adam45417 to Crossbow
28 Aug 17 #2
Even Better then :wink:
28 Aug 17 #3
Why would anybody buy this over a 1070?
The_Hoff to Fo3
28 Aug 17 #5
Because in a healthy number of titles it outperforms even AIB 1070's perhaps?…tml

I've ordered one (free delivery) for £379.99 as they'll go out of stock within a few hours. I'll eBay it to a greedy miner, how ironic. They went OOS on Amazon in under an hour.

Thanks OP
jaydeeuk1 to Fo3
28 Aug 17 #9
Maybe they have a cold house?
dan_lesser to jaydeeuk1
28 Aug 17 #12
Why do people make things up?
Have a check on review sites rather than spreading lies…/19
GTX1070 under full load 79 degrees
Vega 56 under full load 73 degrees

The stock Vega 56 is noisier than the 1070 under load, why not state that instead if you want to have a dig at the Vega.
Or the fact is uses 20% more power under load
jaydeeuk1 to dan_lesser
28 Aug 17 #13
It uses (a hell of a lot) more power. What do you think that gets converted in to? Squirrel tears?

I have a conspiracy theory that the AMD CEO is a major shareholder in Eon or something.
dan_lesser to jaydeeuk1
28 Aug 17 #16
About 20% more under load, yes, that is a lot !! but it doesn't really cost much more ££ per year.
AMDs Ryzen uses a lot less power than equivalent Intel, so bang goes that theory.
KITTYBOTS to dan_lesser
28 Aug 17 #19
It depends on the game tested,as Vega56 can be just under or just over the power consumption of an RX580,and usually it is compared to the GTX1070 Founders Edition which is one the most efficient GTX1070 cards out there.
28 Aug 17 #4
free sync monitor already ?
28 Aug 17 #6
The only thing I can really respond with is - U wot m8?
The_Hoff to southernorth
28 Aug 17 #7
Reported him for spam.
thrustmaster to The_Hoff
28 Aug 17 #26
Reckon he's referencing Bitcoin mining which is the main driving factor behind the consistently high AMD card price and will continue to be for a while longer.
28 Aug 17 #8
Worth bearing in mind that the Vega 56 has a higher power consumption than the 1070, which will add up over the years if you're gaming for at least a few hours every day. One comparison I saw put it at around $70 more over 3 years assuming 4 hours a day running at load and average US electricity prices (I think we pay more than them on average). Might not seem like loads, but it's a factor if you're judging price-to-performance.

If I were looking for an upgrade now, it'd be pretty close - I've seen the cheaper 1070s in this price region too (e.g. there was a Zotac one at £344.97 last week). I think the Vega would need to be a bit cheaper or throw in a game code to swing me.

I'm all for people buying them for the sake of competition though! Not a bad price as it is.
dan_lesser to Flemon
28 Aug 17 #11
Nothing like $70 extra over 3 years for 4hrs per day. It's a few pounds per year difference.
Can you imagine if we used electricity at that rate !
That would suggest it costs around £300 to run a 1070 4hrs per day over 3 years.
Don't spread rubbish.

Vega 56 does seem to beat 1070 in most games, it's the Vega 64 which seems to be out of kilter in terms of value.

Scan website just states "call for price" for me
shu123 to dan_lesser
28 Aug 17 #22
There was a tech site that undervolted Vega 56 and it had less power consumption and had GTX 1080 level performance. Fishy from AMD
CampGareth to Flemon
28 Aug 17 #20
Checking the power consumption maths here, anandtech has total system power draw with the 1070 at 267 watts under furmark, vega 56 at 314 watts. That's a difference of 47W at the wall. 4 hours of play makes for an extra 0.188 kWh power consumption or scaled up to a year that's 68.62 kWh. At 15p/kWh that's £10.29. In the grand scheme of things that's nothing but might matter to someone. Personally I can't wait for solar power and home energy storage batteries to be more of a thing as gaming in the evening would likely use stored power.
28 Aug 17 #23
If you are paying 15p/kWh you should spend less time gaming and more time changing your supplier! :grin:

So for most (gamers) people in gaming situations (not furmark) it's likely to be £7.50 or so. For real people who sadly can't game for 4 hours a day 365 days a year its pretty insignificant.
28 Aug 17 #24
Who do you recommend i went on the compear the market and the cheapest was 0.15
28 Aug 17 #27
I'm with IRESA and pay 10.9p with a daily charge of 12.72p on their Flex 4 12 month Fixed. It also has no exit fee if that's important to you.
28 Aug 17 #10
I refuse to pay this anyway. They're supposed to have 1070 performance at near 1060 prices, more lies from AMD.
siva98 to jaydeeuk1
28 Aug 17 #25
When did and ever say that these would be priced similarly too the gtx 1060? It beats the 1070 at a similar price and undervolting can do wonders with this card.
jaydeeuk1 to siva98
28 Aug 17 #29
Plenty of 6gb 1060s in the £250-£300+ range. Launch price was supposed to be $399 (was on Amazon us) / £300 give or take 10% shaft tax.
28 Aug 17 #14
Techspot have just done a big review with 30 games:…64/

They compared the Vega56 with the GTX1070 Founders Edition and a very expensive MSI GTX1070 Gaming X which is over £450:…tml

Even the MSI GTX1070 Gaming which has a lower clockspeed is over £400:…wcB

Despite this,the reference Vega56 is slightly faster than both the MSI GTX1070 Gaming X and GTX1070 Founders Edition. It also consumes just under 40W more than the aftermarket MSI card. The aftermarket GTX1070 cards tend to consume more power than the more efficient Founders Edition which is not cheap:

28 Aug 17 #15
Regarding voltage and thermals, the 56 undervolts very well, so forget the headlines numbers unless the review you're reading details this aspect.

It beats the 1070 and at 1440p if you have a freesync monitor (like me) it's a no brainer. Unfortunately for AMD I got bored and bought a 1080Ti instead.
28 Aug 17 #17
If you have GTX1080TI money,its simply better than a Vega64 liquid cooled card at all levels. However,the Vega56 looks in a better position against the GTX1070 as long as the price can be kept reasonable.
28 Aug 17 #18
so glad i didn't wait for vega and bought the 1070 when it was <£300
KITTYBOTS to plath
28 Aug 17 #21
That wasn't a common deal though - my mate got it too,but waited like two months for it and was proper chuffed too. Epic value.
28 Aug 17 #28
What's the difference between the msi and powercolor one? Nothing other than a couple of quid?
28 Aug 17 #30
there should be little difference between reference models, they all have the same thermals and the same board. I don't no if there is tiny differences but from my knowledge they should be the same card but with a different brand on them.

I think this card personally is a very good buy at this price if you have the knowledge to tinker with the voltage, there is a lot of headroom from reviews that I've read in terms of making this card a hell of a lot more efficient and a lot cooler. This should help with thermal throttling and may also increase clock frequencies a little if you choose to overclock.

If i was someone who wanted to buy the card and then slot it in and not tinker with it, i would wait for the aib cards to see what they offer, the thermals on the reference cards arn't the best.
28 Aug 17 #31
Not very good value if most of them come out near £400 delivered. Probably just pre-order one of those Zotac GTX1070s from ebuyer for £340.

Rather have an OC GTX1070 for like £340. Vega 56 is only 5 percent faster than a GTX1070FE and like 2-3 percent overall than a GTX1070 with a half decent factory OC. You can OC GTX1070 very well too and even an OC GTX1070 uses like 40-50w less power at gaming loads.

It gets worse though. I could understand dropping £400 on a video card 12 months ago, because it was the start of the generation and it's still actually worth £400 all this time later.

But in just 6 months this £400 card will be worth like £200 and mid range at best when Volta arrives and batters AMD again. Vega is a bit of a fail really.
The_Hoff to vulcanproject
28 Aug 17 #32
6 months for volta? Yeah, ok!
vulcanproject to The_Hoff
28 Aug 17 #35
March 2018 is highly likely.

I wouldn't spend £400 on any video card right now if I was smart since it's now twilight in this 'generation'. Vega 56 is a passable competitor to a year old Pascal card that is barely any faster while sucking down a bunch more power. If a Vega 56 is £60 more expensive and it'll be a mid range card anyway in half a year it's not exactly an exciting proposition.

Sure, you could wait around another 12 months and hope upon hope that AMD have finally sorted their drivers and a couple years for more games to support the features it has and gain another 5 percent on a GTX1070.

Or at that point you could just buy a mid range Volta that will likely duff it up in all aspects anyway. :dizzy_face:
The_Hoff to vulcanproject
28 Aug 17 #36
Consumer Volta won't be available until well in to Q2 from what I've read.

Why would Nvidia rush it? They have no need. Sure the industry cards will be first as there's a benefit, but consumer? Nah.
vulcanproject to The_Hoff
28 Aug 17 #38
Nvidia have already said they want to take advantage of AMD's slow introduction of next generation GPUs even better than they did with Pascal, in an investor conference call earlier this year. Production of Volta at TSMC on 12nm is pencilled in for the end of this year, and unless Nvidia sit on it (and they don't have much reason to and indicated they won't) they should have volume for spring.

Furthermore Hynix also announced their GDDR6 memory chips will be mass produced for a client that’s releasing a "high-end graphics card by early 2018" on a 384 bit interface.

Hint: it isn't for an AMD product.

Strong evidence for an early 2018 Volta launch.
KITTYBOTS to vulcanproject
28 Aug 17 #39
Not hope as I pointed out a few games coming soon which has the support. You first said to get a GTX1070 and when it was pointed out it will age much worse,now you said wait for Volta. You know very well once Nvidia supports those features Pascal is a bit screwed over,and this is coming from someone who has had a GTX1080 from last year.

Only "enthusiasts" on forums buy £300 to £400 cards to last a year - a few years is typical for most non enthusiasts. The fact is history repeats itself - on Hexus you had the RX470/RX570 4GB which could not get close to a GTX1060 3GB,now in their latest review the former is similar to a GTX1060 6GB. Look at how long lived the R9 290 series was.

The major issue is price - at under £400,it will be the longer lasting card,and those who say that it won't be are the type,who will conveniently forget about it once the new Nvidia cards are out,and then wax lyrical about all the new features they have over Pascal(which Vega will support too).

If its over £400,then it has the GTX1080 to contend with,and I would argue that has enough of a performance uplift over a GTX1070 to ward off the Vega56.

Also if you go on,but Volta is out early next year,then why not see what Navi is,then you would say but Nvidia is launching another generation after that,etc. People are going to be buying this type of card(GTX1070/Vega56) right until the new ones are released.

If not Nvidia and AMD would have problems.
vulcanproject to KITTYBOTS
28 Aug 17 #40
Hope. Hope is what you have when you say that in the future sometime this architecture will be better for games because it has X feature or Y feature.

Interestingly this sort of claim was also said of RX 480 compared to the GTX1060 12 months ago and still hasn't happened yet. Curious!

I also ended with the warning that spending £400 now on any card is not the greatest idea. It isn't. A year ago it was a fine idea, you were getting 18 months out of it before it lost too much value and was superseded. Now it's about 6 months. It's your money but hey, that's the truth of the matter.
KITTYBOTS to vulcanproject
28 Aug 17 #33
I have a GTX1080 myself,but Vega56 has support for FP16,which Volta will probably have,and even supports all DX12 features at a higher tier too than Pascal. Once Nvidia gets that support,I expect a GTX1070 won't look that great in comparison even if Volta gives Vega a good thrashing.

The PS4 PRO supports FP16 and the XBox One X uses Vega shaders and since Pascal is towards the end of its lifepsan I doubt it will get much performance improvements anyway. Both Far Cry 5 and Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus support FP16 and Bethesda has a partnership with AMD:…zen

So people will say buy a GTX1070 even over a £380 Vega56,and the same time next year,Vega56 will have gained even more performance,but by then the people who said buy a GTX1070 now,will quietly ignore that as they would have moved over to the Volta bandwagon.
28 Aug 17 #34
Other models now this one is POA:…hdm
28 Aug 17 #37
Scan still have stock on the other models. Overclockers sold out in 20 or so mins today. The link was revealed on their forum 15 mins before 2pm.

Still be interesting to see what performace Vega gains when drivers are updated to suit Vega. Lot of new technology in Vega including HBM2 memory. The base 1070 is cheaper but it's a less well known brand. Can developers tweak old/new games to use Vega more? What will be the the percentage gains from this? Don't base your decisions on testing of the product on day 1. Pascal has been out for over a year now.

I think some expected price circa £350 today. I think that was always unlikely given weaker pound. The $399 excludes VAT.
28 Aug 17 #41
First you said to get a GTX1070:

"Rather have an OC GTX1070 for like £340. "

Then when you are reminded that Volta will probably support Vega features and a number of major games,and consoles also support them,you then were trying to delay things until Volta. The PS4 PRO and XBox One X support FP16 and Vega shaders between them. Far Cry 5 and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus support FP16:…h/1…tml

Volta supports mixed precision too,so where does that leave Pascal once it drops??

You seem to go into every AMD CPU and GPU deal,and try to get people to not buy an AMD product,which seems really weird and despite your best efforts those Ryzen deals are getting some decent heat. Volta will support those features and Pascal will do worse,and then you will silently keep quiet and forget Pascal ever existed.

Also here is a very recent review with the RX570 and that was after the major Nvidia driver update :

They tested an aftermarket RX470 with similar clockspeeds last year and it could barely get close to the 6GB model. The 3GB model is nowhere to be seen.

This is from someone who owns a GTX1080!

I can understand if a Vega 56 goes over £400 and it gets close to a GTX1080 in pricing I would rather have one of the latter,but at under £400,its not a bad deal,and even the Techspot review was using one of the more expensive full sized GTX1070 cards.

Plus your argument of "waiting" - sure wait for Volta. Then what if Volta does not come as early as you think it will,or Nvidia aims for only the high end first?? You do understand the GTX1080 was in short supply at the beginning and many had to wait months for anything other than the most expensive cards which were the Founders Edition(which I bought):…iOF

Then people could say,wait another few months for Navi:…51/

A major Taiwanese newspaper says sometime next year Navi will be on 7NM,but when,who knows??

Then I suppose you will say but wait,for the Nvidia GPU after Volta.

I think its best we agree to disagree and leave it at that!! :stuck_out_tongue:

28 Aug 17 #42

Im not hating on AMD I have used AMD graphics cards for about 15 years. But at this price you might as well get a 1080, its a lot more graphics card for not all that much more money. The 1070 and RX 56 are both massively overpriced and should be filling the 200-280 market. I have a 290 in my machine at the moment but it could do with a refresh. I was hoping this would come in at a sensible price but no.

Also i pointlessly reported your post as spam just to take the higher ground.
28 Aug 17 #43
Production doesn't start until year end, don't see any consumer stuff arriving in 6 months, per your original post.
28 Aug 17 #44
Bitcoin comment or the price?
28 Aug 17 #45
It was mainly the entire message, but if I was to narrow it down I would say the price.
28 Aug 17 #46
Maybe they should,but even the R9 290 was a £300 to £350 card when it came out,but I don't disagree there is stagnation in the market and you need to also consider the pound is weaker too,so in reality most of these cards would be cheaper.

Look in May 2016:…-31

Today its $1.29 to £1. Thats 10% to 15% more on a graphics card price alone - that would place a cheaper £350 GTX1070 as closer to £300 and the Vega56 as under £350.

In November 2013 when the R9 290 launched the rate was $1.63 to £1:…tml

It was 26% stronger when the R9 290 launched at £320:…/1/

The R9 290 was a $400 card:…90/

If you add inflation to that,it comes up at £390 in todays money(BoE has a calculator on their website).

OTOH,if you got one of those cheap £170 R9 290 cards making the waves on this site a few years ago,you got yourself a real bargain,and it would make all these new cards look terrible value for money.

Who knows,maybe you can get a cheap GTX1070 or Vega56 next year when Volta and Navi drop.
29 Aug 17 #47
Think I'll pass then.
29 Aug 17 #48
Massively overstating one feature. PS4 Pro has FP16, Xbox One X doesn't, see how much difference it makes and how well it has been used on Pro? It's mostly irrelevant. Xbox One X destroys the performance of Pro overall. It's a technical footnote, not a huge game changer. Why are you pushing this so hard and pretending that it is? So strange! :thinking:

You are trying to argue for the future of Vega's design the same way people argued for the future of Polaris. It's the same old argument debunked endlessly. X or Y feature for the future in a year, or two or three! It really doesn't stand up or matter enough soon enough. We'll probably be another entire GPU generation on by the time your now low end Vega pulls out anything useful over GTX1070 with FP16!

RX480 v GTX1060 nearly one year after launch. GTX1060 still wins, overclocks better and uses less power. RX580 is a refresh with a big OC over RX480, even that barely beats GTX1060.

My statement was that Vega 56 @ £400, a GTX1070 for £50-£60 less and less power consumption is a good deal. Slightly less performance to the tune of a meager few percentage points, considerably less power consumption and cheaper. £60 is a lot for a small percent gain over a big range of modern games. You want to pay let's say 15 percent more for 5 percent more performance. Fine, your prerogative. But those are the facts today we are dealing with.

Don't obfuscate.

My point is also simply that a £400 card offering next to no extra performance over a £400 card 12 whole months ago isn't the greatest idea or the greatest deal at this stage of the GPU generation lifecycle. It was a warning about the potential short lifespan/value of a £400 video card like this.

I didn't say 'wait for Volta' at any stage. Feel free to point this out. Don't twist or misinterpret my statements, cheers.

Setting up a straw man argument doesn't work for any intelligent user on this site.

29 Aug 17 #49
Q4 2017 mass production of Volta. That's 3 months of full production by mid March.…tml

Do you have any comment at all on Hynix essentially giving the game away by revealing a GDDR6 high end graphics card by early 2018? Their words.

I assume not. Keep up to date old chap.

End of the day a £400 reference blower Vega 56 isn't exactly red hot value compared to a £340 aftermarket cooled GTX1070 is it??

I don't know why anyone would even argue with that observation.
29 Aug 17 #50
I'd buy this and undervolt it but not at £400 maybe £300 but not 4, the card is hot, power hungry and late to the game, drivers are no where near ready and by the time they are it's a gd chance volta will at least be announced, I like amd and do want then to do well, ryzen and threadripper are gr8 the rx480 was ok the 580 was a stupid overclocked and power hunger 480, vega was overhyped and now over priced, in order for me to pick this over a 1070 or even 1080 I need some compensation for the power consumption and waiting and hoping for btr drivers, that should be in the form of a lower price at retail and you'd be forgiven for thinking that shouldn't be a problem for amd that's what they do, it's always been the same, hot, power hungry but cheaper as a result, but here it's just silly and there cutting there own throat.

By the time we get proper stock and not just dribs n drabs, and by the time prices fix themselves It will be too late these cards will end up selling for £200 because they'll be surpassed, if nvidia were smart they'd just release a volta gtx 1270 and destroy vega sales and soak up all those disappointed by vega, price it under vega 56 beat it in price, perf and power usage, also catch all those looking to upgrade, the longer NVidia wait the btr vega prices will get and the more these cards will sell, mostly to many living in hope of drivers to come or perf down the line by which point it won't really matter it will be oldish hat, fury was the same way.
29 Aug 17 #51
Did any of you buy one purely to re-sell? Seems like some nice profit could be made out of miners
29 Aug 17 #52
Miners are not interested, it is too power hungry, does not perform very well compared to less expensive, less power hungry Rx470/ Rx480, so at 395, you'd not be flipping it very easily.... Only flipping you'd be doing is "flipping heck, why did I buy this graphics card"
29 Aug 17 #53
This thread is funny. The amount of people who already have Nvidia graphics cards but still come to the thread to moan about someone else making their own choice is hilarious. The classic line is always " I tried to wait for Vega but I went for a 1080Ti".
29 Aug 17 #54
I waited for Vega.

And I've bought nothing.
29 Aug 17 #55
£400 for a Vega 56? Are you really that ignorant? It's £379 or £383 depending on which you bought. Stop undermining yourself continually, laughable.

I guarantee you will not be able to buy a consumer Volta card for delivery within the month of March.

Now, go find an Nvidia/Intel post to shake your pom poms at, good boy.
29 Aug 17 #56
Yes, bought one for that reason.

Wrong, it performs very well (compared to the 64 etc), with the right modifications you can hit 38-40MH/s at very reasonable power indeed. In that sense it's amazingly efficient.
I have a Ti as I jumped on a deal I found and posted here back in July, £608 for a Ti was too good to pass up. Previous cards were a Fury and then a GTX.

Vega 56 is worthwhile, Vega 64 not so much.
29 Aug 17 #57
This deal was for £395. The current cheapest one on Scan with delivery is £401. So that's £401 for a reference card with a blower cooler noisier at load than the reference GTX1080TI cooler.

Then it's wondered why a £340 AIB GTX1070 pre order might be considered a better deal :wink:

I can provide sources that say early 2018 for Volta and all indications point there. You saying and 'guaranteeing' otherwise is worthless.
29 Aug 17 #58
Maybe take the Nvidia bandana off and open your eyes, there's helpful hints all through this thread, like post #1 or several others.

Add your own opinion to the "worthless" pile:

You know nothing of Volta, I also know nothing of Volta, this thread isn't about Volta.
29 Aug 17 #59
Many thanks m8 but i have smart meters and they dont do them yet gutted as alot cheaper and the cheapest i could find was 0.015
29 Aug 17 #60
Yep, by the time of my post they were back to nearly £400 as you well know.

Go on the website and order those cards for that price right now. The deal of those prices was for a split second and then removed. Which is why it says £395 at the top of the page. It was a very short lived price that was stopped almost immediately.

Right now, the cheapest price for Vega 56 card on that site is £395 collected at a depot, a bit more if you want it to your door. Fact.

Of course you know nothing about Volta that much was obvious, I had to tell you all about it and correct you!
29 Aug 17 #61
You mean apart from this one?…p-h

And the mentioned in post #1 and those after? Or the one I ordered for £380?

Go shill.
29 Aug 17 #62
Ahh you mean the prices nobody got one for as it lasted about 15 minutes, hence the title of the deal IS STILL £395.

£390 in your link and what's that? £5 if you go and pick it up from a parcel shop and £11.50 delivered to your door?

So £395 then at the cheapest for the 98 percent of us that don't live within 10 miles of Bolton. Pretty much the price I said at the same time yesterday when I posted that reply.

Congratulations for making my point.
29 Aug 17 #63
Making your point? You had no point, you've made that abundantly clear.

Those prices went live at 09:05am yesterday and it was available even earlier today, the one for £383 was available until about 2 hours ago. The £389 hasn't ever been POA.

It's Scan, anybody in to PC equipment should be registered with Hexus to receive the free P&P, many are, myself included.

Answer me this, why did you even bother to visit this post, and every other post unrelated to your interest? I can't find a single AMD post where you've ever exhibited a desire to buy the product you're commenting on.

In every single case you create negativity, conflict and arguments with multiple people.
29 Aug 17 #64
Those prices weren't available earlier today. I checked. I checked again this morning right after you replied first thing. Those prices lasted about 20 minutes yesterday and then they were gone, which is why the price on here still says £395. Which is why delivered they are still £395 today.

That's it. Really you complaining about those factual observations and making personal remarks is useless.

I replied because you're arguing and insisting that it is cheaper when blatantly it isn't. It wasn't when I made that post yesterday, it wasn't when I checked this morning, and it still isn't now.

You perceive that as negative but it isn't my fault!
29 Aug 17 #65
The £379 card was available this morning after being POA last night. They have more stock arriving September 1st. The fact you didn't see it isn't my fault, but as you're very clearly not interested in the product I understand your motifs for not being on top of things.

The question you avoided, or rather answered incorrectly was why you post negativity and cause arguments in every single AMD related post, despite having zero interest in purchasing any of them?
29 Aug 17 #66
It's £395. The deal here is £395. The fact you can't accept THAT isn't my fault. They had no stock at £380 and I checked when I wrote my first reply this morning.

I usually ignore loaded and incorrect questions, it's the best way to deal with such nonsense
29 Aug 17 #67
Check post #1. Perhaps the 5 hours that passed between that post being made and me ordering one @ £379.99 delivered is a mere coincidence. :popcorn:

Anybody ordering from Scan should be using the free postage offered via Hexus:…tml
29 Aug 17 #68
This is just ridiculous. It's no way near that much more 'expensive' to run over that period. And 4 hours a day? Presumably the person in your example is unemployed and just games all day.
29 Aug 17 #69
Just sold the Vega 56 I ordered for £485. Nice timing on the 50% FVF offer last night.

Might get myself some Nvidia pom poms so I can join the gang.
29 Aug 17 #70
Q: I have a smart meter, can I still switch my supply?

A: If a smart meter has been installed by a previous supplier we will treat it as a traditional credit meter until such time as we notify you that we are able to utilise its smart functionality.

30 Aug 17 #71
Yes post 1, about 15 minutes after the deal was created and then shortly after that the price was changed and gone again. Which is why the post wasn't edited to reflect a brief, extremely short period of lower price.

Perhaps you struggled to realise that at the moments we were actually talking hours later you just conveniently 'forgot' they weren't £380 and were in fact £395 as the deal still says.

Carry on.
30 Aug 17 #72
Aside from the fact I ordered one 5 hours after the post #1 was made?

Try again.
30 Aug 17 #73
Course you did, course you did :thumbsup:‌ :thumbsup: who else would spend even £380 on a terrible reference blower cooled one of these

Carry on mate
30 Aug 17 #74
Yeah... course I did. ROFL

31843977-kSglm.jpgOrder time? 17:20pm... clown.

What would make you slightly less acidic on these forums? I'll buy you something with the proceeds.

‌ :poop:‌ :poop:‌ :poop:
30 Aug 17 #75
Shame there is no order time and therefore not at all proof. Nice try though!

Enjoy your reference blower Vega :rage:‌ :sunglasses:
30 Aug 17 #76
Clutching at straws here really aren't you. Plus it's becoming more and more clear that you actually have difficulty reading english, or you're painfully ignorant.

The card is already sold, wipe your eyes you have :poop: in them.
30 Aug 17 #77
What do you mean? Your evidence that you could buy it much later on for the price you harp on about is an order without a timestamp! Not exactly Columbo levels of proof here :fearful:

You couldn't shortly after the prices rebounded and it was £395 hence the price in the title. The deal is still this price even though technically it's also really expired. I don't know why you are still arguing.

Like I said, enjoy your blower reference Vega.
30 Aug 17 #78
You mean like this? Like I said.... you're FULL OF ‌ :poop:

Nice profit indeed, clown.
30 Aug 17 #79
What's your point? That order emails happen immediately (they don't always) or that you can easily photoshop/manipulate an email timestamp in about 3 seconds flat? Since you have clearly already been busy in a photo editing program's an email time, not an order time from Scan themselves.

Look your 'proof' is never going to be conclusive. You can carry on raging about it but at this point I don't really care.

The fact you basically are saying you are a scalper and apparently selling the card on doesn't impress me nor should it impress anyone else. On your bike scalper
30 Aug 17 #80
My point is that you're absolutely completely up to your eye balls in :poop: , full to the brim.

Why you think I'd take the time to hoodwink you over an email confirmation when I've been stating the whole time you're wrong is beyond me and is testament to you ignorant malignant personality.

FYI I used Snippit, which as you'll be aware isn't going to win any prizes for photo editing. More so I edited them because I knew ahead of time exactly what sort of person you are. Send me your address and I'll send you the invoice, or perhaps you want me to share a shadowplay of my inbox, just so as you know absolutely and with no shadow of a doubt that you're wrong - let me know which method meets the vulcanproject troll accreditation and I'll accommodate you.

Go crawl back under your rock. :popcorn:
30 Aug 17 #81
Wait, are you really calling someone a liar without even trying the paper napkin math yourself?

You are telling someone 'not to spread rubbish' by posting your own rubbish.

100 watts extra on the Vega card.…tml

(stock it is actually 86 watts higher, we can use that number, no problem, math is easy).

86 watts extra.

86 watts per second * 4 hours * 3 years * 365 days (ok who games EVERY day?)
86 W/s * 60 seconds * 60 minutes * 4 hours * 3 years * 365 days is the answer in Watts. We divide by 1,000 to get our KWatts consumed.

But let's keep it really simple.

100 watt light bulb. We are talking about a lightbulb worth of power.

Over 3 years, 4 hours a day, right?

It would take 10 hours to make a 100 watt bulb generate 1 KWH (Kilowatt hour) of electricity.

This costs around 15 pence.

15 pence per 10 hours of gaming. Or 1.5 pence per hour of gaming.

We've got a simple number!

3(years)*4(hours)*365(days per year) * .015 (price in pounds)

This equals £65.7

So, you probably owe our friend an apology, you are simply wrong. He's nearly perfectly right, try your own paper napkin math, it'll help you appreciate electricity value correctly.
30 Aug 17 #82
Actually the hilarious point you missed here is that when I said that these cost £400 and that would make a £340 GTX1070 a very good deal by comparison you cried and said they don't cost £400 to try and form an argument against my valid observation. As if you could just grab them easily everywhere all the time for less than £400.

Then you admit to being a dirty scalper and selling them at inflated prices in a MASSIVE twist of irony proving my point once again, how expensive they all are in the current market as they obviously aren't available at that price for anything other than extremely short periods!


I'll think I'll pass on being friendly and nice to low down scalpers using this site for dealings like that.
kaisersolo to vulcanproject
30 Aug 17 #89
vega 56 with vega 64 bios via mod nice…ios

1080 performance for £370 nice.
30 Aug 17 #83
But you see, after all of those words....


Oh and reference the site, you're right, looking at your profile you've posted 2 deals in this year, and none since April. Go find some deals, you know... be helpful.

Profit? I'll happily turn a profit and make no apology what so ever. A scalper is a fine label. Ping me over your address, I'll send you some flowers to cheer you up. :lipstick:

Reading back over this thread just now... you don't half sound like a tool. I dread to think what you're like in person, so angry... you need help!
The_Hoff to The_Hoff
30 Aug 17 #87
Someone needed to give you feedback, you seem to lack any real reflective qualities most human beings are equipped with.

The card was released this week, you can pre-order from numerous places, Scan/OCUK and you can get them for £379 as pre-order from OCUK if you don't want to wait for Scan.

Guess why they're goong in/out of stock? They must be popular, right?

I'll use my profit to buy one of those Volta cards you promised would be out in 6 months. I'm certain you'll be right about that too...

Where do you want this invoice sending?

You'd be surprised what information is out there :face_with_monocle:
30 Aug 17 #84
You're an admitted scalper.

Literally everything you comment about anyone else's personality or activity on this site is instantly invalid.

Excuse me for not believing anything you claim or wanting to be bessie mates with you.
The_Hoff to vulcanproject
30 Aug 17 #90
You ran out of bluster really didn't you, about 6 posts ago. :poop:
30 Aug 17 #85
I tied you in some lovely knots and proved you wrong, multiple times. I've admitted making money... yes, established, lots of money.

You still don't have the balls to admit you're wrong, but that's ok, everyone else can see you're full of :poop:‌ :wink:

For a 31 year old I'd expect more, you're weak.
vulcanproject to The_Hoff
30 Aug 17 #86
By knots you mean you set out initially to prove that these cards cost much less than £400 by arguing with me. Then ending by admitting they are hard to come by so much so you use this site to act as a scalper on them. You know- kind of proving my entire point correct!

Along the way proceeding to tell me how I'm the terrible person and imagine what you are doing isn't the height of douchebaggery.

Sure this went as well for you as you think it did? I'm not too convinced. I'm also not 31 lol I wish
30 Aug 17 #88
Ahhh 'feedback'. I'll take feedback from scalpers under advisement.

So what you are saying is that you bought one in the short period where they were available for a lower price before being removed. As was mentioned many times by me. Then you sell it on a couple days later for a bunch more because indeed you can't really get them for the lower price.

Which is the main reason why you started an argument trying to prove to me they were available for below that price. :grin:

I'm fairly dying of irony overload at that outcome.

Be sure to order Volta like you said, it'll kind of make Vega pointless if Pascal didn't a year ago anyway.
30 Aug 17 #91
Saw that on Reddit, looks very positive, with undervolt and overclock.
30 Aug 17 #92
I hope no one wants to play Destiny 2 with a vega. This data is using the AMD Destiny "optimised" driver too.
Destiny 2 with various GPUs
Ouch... Those min frame rates.
Confuzz to MysticalUndies
30 Aug 17 #93
Mate he aint worth it he causes conflict all the time with people who disagree with him cos he knows best. I agree with you. prices are crap at the moment because of people like him who just want to make a profit and real gamers suffer. At the end of the day it dont matter what gpu you have it makes no difference to your enjoyment of a game trust me i have been gaming since my spectrum 48k days i now have a 1080ti (not bragging just came into a bit of money and went a bit crazy) and i can honestly say i had as much maybe more fun then than i do now. Just buy what you can afford and more importantly enjoy it.
31 Aug 17 #94
The Beta isn't optimised, but what optimisation has occurred has been for Intel/Nvidia systems which is why as of now Ryzen CPU's are also terrible with the game - SMT isn't working and none of the logical cores are enabled, i.e your 16 core CPU just became an 8 core.

They'll fix it before launch, but I'd suggest anybody with AMD hardware boycott it until they do.
The_Hoff to The_Hoff
31 Aug 17 #95
Do you really think a gamer bought my card? I'd bet my mortgage a miner bought it.

Not that I really care. @vulcanproject still mad at me?
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