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 Seat Leon Cupra 300 - £249pm (1+23 Lease), 8KPA, £180 admin @ Seat Warrington
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Seat Leon Cupra 300 - £249pm (1+23 Lease), 8KPA, £180 admin @ Seat Warrington

£249 Seat31 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Other
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Opening post
31 Aug 17
Just gone for one of these myself. Standard kit is superb, nav, android auto/apple car/full link, metallic paint and so on. Price listed is a manual, DSG adds cost.

These are factory orders for delivery Dec/Jan so bare that in mind.

You can add 1K miles to your lease for £5pm extra e.g 9K - £254.

24 months is £5976 (plus admin fee). Total lease cost comes in at around 20% of OTR, which is excellent, for a 300PS/298BHP car capable of 60mph in 5.7 seconds :astonished:


All comments (216)
31 Aug 17 #1
Nice car. Was looking at a Fiesta st-3 initially.

31 Aug 17 #2
Never VW Concern
31 Aug 17 #3
My 21 year old son has the Ibiza cupra - pays £180 pm on 12k 24 month deal. Bit of a bargain for a very quick car
31 Aug 17 #4
Also went for one of these last week :laughing:
The_Hoff to kevinorourke1
31 Aug 17 #5
You deal with Phil? Trying to work out how to track the order, you any wiser?
kevinorourke1 to The_Hoff
31 Aug 17 #6
I've dealt with Adam. Apparently Seat don't have a tracking website like VW so it's just a matter of contacting IMG and getting updates. I'be been told to chase up in September so will get in touch later next week for an estimate on build/delivery dates
31 Aug 17 #7
Can you take a lease car on a track if you have track day insurance in place? Or is it against the terms of the contract?
The_Hoff to TheNoid
31 Aug 17 #8
If you have insurance that covers the car in totality then there's nothing to stop you doing so.

If it's wrecked on the inspection when you hand it back you'll have to cover any damage over wear and tear.
Trickytimes to The_Hoff
31 Aug 17 #11
I would seriously doubt this. Lombard are one of the largest car finance companies and they exclude it. That said, I have no idea how they would find out.
The_Hoff to Trickytimes
31 Aug 17 #13
Provided you're not racing, i.e it's an open track day I don't think you'd have issue.

Check the terms.
31 Aug 17 #9
I haven't kept up with VAG cars for a while, but is this essentially a rebodied Scirocco?
The_Hoff to notos
31 Aug 17 #10
Essentially a FWD Golf R.
Shaw85 to The_Hoff
31 Aug 17 #19
Haha not even in the same ballpark as a golf R
marcstron to Shaw85
31 Aug 17 #23
Theres a youtube video showing there pretty even round a circuit. Its only the 0-60mph traction and the all weather capability where the golf wins. The Leon is lighter than the Golf and only 10bhp short once on the move theres not much in it.
Shaw85 to marcstron
31 Aug 17 #24
Golf wins every time other than price. Over a second quicker to 60. Maybe on a rare sunny day in the UK a great driver in the Leon can stay with a shit driver in the golf.
brettreading to Shaw85
31 Aug 17 #27
Get far more for your money with the cupra and they are far more fun to drive.
rogparki to brettreading
31 Aug 17 #33
Would agree - But ! - was looking to buy a new Leon last month - Cupras, amazing deals (loads of stock ) - the FR 16 week + waiting list . Of course the Cupras aren't selling so available to you and me (and the Leasing companies!) at knock down prices .
Shaw85 to brettreading
31 Aug 17 #35
Yes Leon is cheaper but there is a reason for that. Which is more fun is a matter of opinion. By the way I drive neither but have tried both.
brettreading to Shaw85
31 Aug 17 #37
I started with the golf. Now have the Leon. Loved the Golf but prefer the Leon. More spec for cheaper, the front wheel drive system is amazing at sorting out grip, and I don't see a cupra every 5 minutes which I did with the golf r.
The_Hoff to Shaw85
31 Aug 17 #39
The interior isn't VW/Audi quality, granted. But neither is the price, if you spec equivalent equipment on an S3/R you'll end up a lot higher than the OTR price suggests.

You're wrong on the timing side of things tbh.

If you compare DSG-DSG and MAN-MAN there's half a second in it which is attributed to the LC and AWD systems on the R. Even DSG-MAN it's not a second, unless you're suggesting the R will do a 0-60 in under 4.7 seconds...…ol/

Around a track and on the roll the Cupra rips the R a new one, the Golf R is *wait for it* 200KG heavier than the Cupra built on the same platform, directly attributable to the AWD system and drive train.

There's a video on YouTube I can get for you which demonstrates it. Cupra wins barring traffic lights. 7HP doesn't carry 200KG well.
Guzzle to notos
31 Aug 17 #12
The Leon is SEAT's version of the VW Golf. The VW Scirocco is a much older car.
31 Aug 17 #14
Most VAG leases stipulate no track-day use. But worth checking.

But, in before "ugh lease cars ruined my life with charges on scratches etc...." Copy and post from the Tiguan thread re fair wear and tear for anyone worried:

My previous lease had damage that was my fault - bike rack slipped down and rubbed paintwork off the bumper in two places. Chipsaway did a totally shoddy job of repairing it (note: I would have done the repair had it been a lease, new-purchase, or second-hand purchase).

When the guy came to pick it up he didn't even notice it and was more concerned about the interior, than exterior. We chatted about the BVRLA guidance for allowed wear and tear - it's surprisingly generous - more so than what the garage or a private buyer would consider as "fair".…des…cle…pdf

I bet my left testicle that no franchised garage, indie or private buyer would be happy to overlook all of the below, when trading or selling a car to them.

Small areas of chipping, including door edge chipping are acceptable.
If the areas of chipping require the entire panel, bumper or trim to be
repaired or repainted, the damage is not acceptable.

Dents (up to 10mm) are acceptable provided there are no more than two (2)
per panel and the paint surface is not broken.
Dents on the roof or swage line on any panels are not acceptable.

Scratches and abrasions up to 25mm are acceptable, relative to the
vehicle’s age and mileage, and provided the primer or bare metal is not

Moulding, wheel arch trims
Scuffs and scratches up to 25mm are acceptable provided the moulding or
trim is not broken, cracked or deformed.

Light scratching is acceptable provided it does not interfere with the
driver’s line of sight and any heating elements still work properly.
Chips, cracks or holes are not acceptable.

Repaired chips within the driver’s line of sight are not acceptable.
Repaired chips outside the driver’s line of sight are acceptable provided they
are repaired to a professional standard and the work is warrantied.

Wheels and wheel trims
Dents and holes on wheel rims and wheel trims
are not acceptable.

Scuffs totalling up to 50mm on the total
circumference of the wheel trim and on alloy wheels are acceptable.
Any damage to the wheel spokes and the hub of the alloy wheel is not

The spare wheel (including ‘spacesaver’), jack and other tools must be
intact, stowed properly and in good working order.

The emergency tyre inflation canister, if supplied when new, should be in
full working order, serviceable and ready for use. A canister that has been
partially or fully discharged should be replaced. "

Lesson: if the lease company doesn't agree to follow BVRLA guidelines, steer clear!
rogparki to cactusbrandy
31 Aug 17 #16
Also be aware that as resale prices drop the lease companies will be adding even more punitive "end of lease " charges re scratches etc .

PCPs are only for plonkers who think that having a "posh, flashy" car makes them look "cool" . In reality everyone knows you can't afford the car or the insurance and by the time you have your "cool" Phone also on contract and maxed out your credit cards you have no money for a social life to flaunt your flashy rentals . Then I suppose you become a "gamer " rarely seeing the outside world as you have no money left . :worried:
The_Hoff to rogparki
31 Aug 17 #17
You know this is a lease and has nothing to do with a PCP?

Do you wear branded shoes?

Why is there always one Norris in every lease thread... :thinking:
rogparki to The_Hoff
31 Aug 17 #18
1 + 23 Lease - Tell me why this isn't PCP ? And it isn't compulsory to insult anyone who criticises your Non Deal - so why do it ?
xoddsockthiefx to rogparki
31 Aug 17 #20
Because a pcp is a Personal Contract PURCHASE.
Lease is completly different.

Did you just come in here to have a moan?
rogparki to xoddsockthiefx
31 Aug 17 #21
Its the same - PCP just has the "option " to purchase at the end of the Lease , as does the Lease I dare say . Wouldn't touch with a bargepole so can't speak from experience . You are renting depreciation either way -How's that a deal ?
kmj123 to rogparki
31 Aug 17 #25
It's not the same. The lease means that you never own the car. It's not in your name it's in the lease companies name. This is basically a way to create a second hand car market. In the old days car companies used to employ people to put mileage on their cars so they could sell them second hand (yes seriously!!)

PCP you own your car from day 1. It's your name on the logbook. Just the finance doesn't pay off the car after the 3 years and you have the walk away/new car/balloon options at the end.

When you hand them back the rules are the same - the dealer should follow the bvrla guide listed above.

I presume you watched the channel 4 show that was scaremongering? I've never heard of any issues from anyone leasing or getting a car on pcp from reputable places.
Nutkin to rogparki
31 Aug 17 #26
Way I see it I set aside that £300 a month for a car. I enjoy having the new cars and latest technology along with the knowledge its all covered under warranty. I could either do this or I could save that £300 a month and hope my cheap used car doesn't require extensive maintenance and worry about every clunk or squirlookle noise the car makes.
Sp0oner to rogparki
31 Aug 17 #28
No it's not the same. PCP require a hefty deposit up front for the carand no you can't buy a lease car at the end of the lease, i've tried and it's not legally allowed due to tax laws.

This is the best type of lease as it's 1+23 so no deposit it's just 24 equal monthly payments.
webrits to rogparki
31 Aug 17 #30
You're an idiot... No more to say..
rogparki to webrits
31 Aug 17 #34
That's a really intelligent comment ,well supported by argument .....errr wait a minute , maybe not - enjoy your life and please continue making constructive comments :worried:
Guzzle to rogparki
31 Aug 17 #31
They aren't the same. You are wise to keep away if you don't understand the difference.

A PCP is a flexible form of finance intended for the purchase of a vehicle. Your name will be on the V5 and it is also covered by the halves and thirds rule that allows you to voluntarily terminate the agreement once you've paid off a certain amount of the loan. You can also trade the car in for a newer one mid-term if you so wish.

A PCH is a fixed term contract to hire a vehicle, it is usually much cheaper than a PCP but its inflexibility means it can be very expensive to get out of if you change your mind or if your circumstances change.
31 Aug 17 #15
A nice car granted - but why would you ? The Leon FR is an excellent car with all the gizmos you would need - why pay the extra ,and the extra insurance for performance you could never use - legally ?
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