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 [PS4] WipEout Omega Collection - £17.86 - Shopto
5++ stars +914

[PS4] WipEout Omega Collection - £17.86 - Shopto

£17.86 Shopto.net31 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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31 Aug 17
A name synonymous with PlayStation®, WipEout® is the rapid combat racer that defies gravity and defines generations.

Known for its blistering speed, iconic music and pure multiplayer mayhem, WipEout has starred on every PlayStation format since 1995 - and is now set to rip through the air on PlayStation4 and PlayStation4 Pro.

Featuring all the content from WipEout HD, Fury and 2048, WipEout Omega Collection packs in 26 reversible circuits, 46 unique ships, a ton of game modes and some new and classic music tracks.

It's time for WipEout veterans to come out of retirement and new pilots to make their debut.

  • Enhanced Visuals:Compatible with PS4 and PS4 Pro. Enhanced with PS4 Pro.
  • Under The Hood:WipEout Omega Collection features content from WipEout HD, WipEout HD Fury and WipEout 2048.
  • Rapid Combat Racing:Rip around sharp bends, power through stomach-churning loops and dive down sheer drops as you take out your rivals with well-timed weapon blasts.
  • Competitive Multiplayer:Play online with friends in eight-player races, or classic two-player split screen.
31 Aug 17 #1
A name synonymous with PlayStation®, WipEout® is the rapid combat racer that defies gravity and defines generations.

Known for its blistering speed, iconic music and pure multiplayer mayhem, WipEout has starred on every PlayStation format since 1995 - and is now set to rip through the air on PlayStation4 and PlayStation4 Pro.

Featuring all the content from WipEout HD, Fury and 2048, WipEout Omega Collection packs in 26 reversible circuits, 46 unique ships, a ton of game modes and some new and classic music tracks.

It's time for WipEout veterans to come out of retirement and new pilots to make their debut.

  • Enhanced Visuals:Compatible with PS4 and PS4 Pro. Enhanced with PS4 Pro.
  • Under The Hood:WipEout Omega Collection features content from WipEout HD, WipEout HD Fury and WipEout 2048.
  • Rapid Combat Racing:Rip around sharp bends, power through stomach-churning loops and dive down sheer drops as you take out your rivals with well-timed weapon blasts.
  • Competitive Multiplayer:Play online with friends in eight-player races, or classic two-player split screen.
31 Aug 17 #2
Definitely by far the cheapest I've seen it so far and I've been watching it carefully.
Cheers Buzz
31 Aug 17 #3
Should be £17.84 here soon if anyone wants to save 1p...
Head added Buzz...
Magic_Bananas to nihir
31 Aug 17 #4
True, but it's the classic PS4 case so not as cool lol
joanddan7 to Magic_Bananas
31 Aug 17 #5
Heat for price buzz

I got this day 1 and the case is just a cardboard slip case! I was most underwh
JumpMan1980 to joanddan7
31 Aug 17 #6
... most underwh?? underwhat? don't leave us on such a HUGE cliffhanger! Heat BuzzyBumbleBee. Underwhelmed by the news that the classic sleeve is in fact only a cardboard sleeve though :ninja:
joanddan7 to JumpMan1980
31 Aug 17 #7
Haha put that down to a iPhone fail.
yeah it's just the normal game case with a cardboard sleeve printed with Classic image in the pic.

Bit rubbish to be honest
JumpMan1980 to joanddan7
31 Aug 17 #8
I'm grateful to you, your comment stopped me buying. Wait for it to hit £9.99
joanddan7 to JumpMan1980
31 Aug 17 #9
100% approve I wish I had!

The classic sleeves will always be available I reckon!
JumpMan1980 to joanddan7
31 Aug 17 #10
9.99 with the classic sleeve - now that would be a good day!
crisoc to JumpMan1980
31 Aug 17 #12
31 Aug 17 #11
Love playing this but needs a bigger track (music) list.
31 Aug 17 #13
This will be on ps plus within a year anyway
joanddan7 to chrisdrew1985
1 Sep 17 #19
Whilst you have your crystal ball out can you tell me the lottery numbers for tonight??

Also no chance - Killzone still hasn't been. Why do you think this will be?
chrisdrew1985 to joanddan7
1 Sep 17 #25
Didn't take that long for vitas wipeout game to be handed out, just a hunch and a opinion to which each of us is entitled to. And if I did have a crystal ball why would I give the lottery numbers to a sarcky person like yourself? ;-) x
31 Aug 17 #14
heat, but I'm taking this as a personal attack on my wallet BuzzDuraband
31 Aug 17 #15
gutted to learn the cover is just a cardboard slip :worried:
Dazzles to format
31 Aug 17 #16
Me too :angry: thought it was a proper case. Will hold off buying for now.
1 Sep 17 #17
£5 off over 3 months, nope not for me... yet
if i didn't have other games to play that i never get round to playing i would buy this
1 Sep 17 #18
When they announced this I thought awesome!, a Wipeout game with all the classic tracks over the last 20 years remastered.

Then I found out it's only HD, Fury and 2048.
And I was sad. And didn't buy it.

Beautiful story, right?

The fact that they have it in a classic playstation themed cover even though it has nothing from those games, or even the ps2 games... Just sucks.
Pepz347 to paulpso
1 Sep 17 #20
Wait that's all it is? Wow I'm sad as well :disappointed: I thought it was the first 3 games or the PS2 games. That's saved me money
GS_Dan to paulpso
1 Sep 17 #22
It's still a huge amount of content for the money
paulpso to GS_Dan
1 Sep 17 #23
Well I already have the PS3 and Vita games so really the only thing I'd get from it is the Vita tracks on the big screen.

..I'm still waiting for a new F-Zero damn it.
dr_spaceman to paulpso
1 Sep 17 #24
Are you aware of the game Redout which has just been released on console...

paulpso to dr_spaceman
2 Sep 17 #26
Yes darling, thanks anyway.
1 Sep 17 #21
I paid full price for this and don't regret it! You're getting a lot of quality game for your money. If the idea of a futuristic racing game even slightly spikes your curiosity then get this, chances are you won't regret it.
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