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 Oculus Rift + Touch bundle £399.00 Amazon
5 stars +526

Oculus Rift + Touch bundle £399.00 Amazon

£399 Amazon UK1 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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1 Aug 17
Back in stock without the Xbox controller and remote.
Latest comments (45)
26 Aug 17 #45
I bought this from Game last weekend and it is definitely the best thing I’ve bought in a long time, I’ve never experienced anything quite like it before. I wear glasses so hopefully they won’t ruin the lenses, it didn’t feel like they were touching them as I was able to tilt the headset around without feeling my glasses move. So far I’ve played dreamdeck, which appears to need the oculus remote to actually control it which is a shame, but aside from that was a cool experience, first contact which is just loads of fun despite being a short demo, lucky’s tale which was surprisingly great, didn’t expect vr to work for a 3rd person game, dead and buried, great multiplayer experience and adr1ft on steamVR which made me really dizzy and badly needs motion controller support added but was impressive how well the mind can be tricked into thinking you’re turning upside down when you aren’t moving at all.
11 Aug 17 #44
Mine arrived 3 days ago and I can honestly say I've never been so impressed with any other technology purchase. It's absolutely phenomenal.

I've barely touched the various games and experiences that are packed in, I'm still in absolute awe at the initial "first contact" app that is your gateway to using the oculus.

Last night I tried dead and buried and the 4 player shootouts were like something from every scifi film I watched as a kid!

What a time to be alive! More people need to understand and experience this - if you have a decent PC, but! If you don't have a decent PC, make it a priory to get one!

Pro tip: if you use your PC to connect to a TV via HDMI, you'll also need to purchase a display port to HDMI adapter for the oculus (I got one for £8 on Amazon)
1 Aug 17 #24
>The 360 Degree Sci-Fi space Bullet Hell shoot em up, where your hand becomes your 'ship' is just incredible, and works within it's limits perfectly

Any idea what this game is called?
KCooperman to spammy
2 Aug 17 #33
It's one of the mini games included with "the lab" and its free on steam.
SmashDealer to spammy
10 Aug 17 #43
It's a part of the LAB by valve for the HTC vive.

But a video's never gonna do it justice sadly.

4 Aug 17 #42
FFS does anyone know who has the bundle with the xbox one controller still?
4 Aug 17 #41
Back in stock again.
2 Aug 17 #28
Debating on this or upgrading my 24" 1080p monitor to a 27" 1440p. Can only afford one option.
Britneyfan to Stitch123
2 Aug 17 #29
well an oculus is a whole new board game..... I think you would find more enjoyment in this, that a few more pixels.
XP200 to Stitch123
2 Aug 17 #30
If pixel count and resoluton are really important to you gaming wise then go for the monitor, but if you want to be immersed into a game on a level that only VR can offer, then go for the rift......

If the Mona Lisa were a gaming anology then..
A 1440p monitor would be like having the Mona Lisa hanging on your wall.
A rift would be like being there watching Leonardo da Vinci paint it.
Kiyoshi to Stitch123
3 Aug 17 #39
I think the Rift resolution is 1080x1200. The resolution isn't there yet, if you think 1080p is rough around the edges then you will be disappointed in the Rift image quality. I have a Dell 27" 1440p GSync monitor, and the Rift is nowhere near that. I'd say it's worse than 720p in all honesty - clarity wise, at least for me. Smaller text can be difficult to read, and everything is slightly 'fuzzy'.

However, the experience as a whole when you're actually in there outweighs this for me. Sure it could be improved - a lot perhaps. But there isn't anything else yet other than the Rift/Vive, etc. If you want to get into VR now, these 2 are as good at it gets. If you want a crisper image, and probably more longevity, the Rift is not the way to go.
DexterMorgan123 to Kiyoshi
3 Aug 17 #40
Supersample to 2.0 and the fuzziness is reduced dramatically
3 Aug 17 #38
Mine arrived last night. I only had an hour or so, I set it up with one of the two sensors and quickly ran through setup. Didn't configure the play space properly, so I couldn't really walk around that much, but... WOW!

I've watched a lot of VR videos on YouTube, and watched some streamers who play a lot of VR on Twitch, but experiencing it yourself is something else (for me at least).

I went through the demos, even the first room - the one where it's all white and there's nothing really in it, it was so weird in VR! With a little bit of suspension of disbelieve, you feel like you're really there. The high-rise demo, the little alien guys, the robot in the trailer thing - awesome!

I downloaded Lucky's Tale and had a quick blast, it's so weird to be able to look around things. Like putting your head around/through something, and to be able to see it the other side. I knew this was possible of course, but to actually do it is really fun. The Touch Controllers are great, really intuitive.

Some negatives of course, as with everything. For the focus to be the best for me, I get reasonably sized black bars noticeable on the left and right of my view. I can liken it to looking through a scuba mask. The 'screen-door effect' is also quite noticeable when you look for it - however when I stopped looking for it and just enjoyed the content I barely noticed anymore. One thing which I wasn't especially prepared for to the extent it bothers me, is - this thing is HOT to wear! It felt like if you don't let the lenses warm up, they can fog up pretty easily. It's also quite hot to wear, not the device itself being hot but rather pressed against your face hot. My nose sits surprisingly high into the unit itself, so if you're a nose breather like I guess I am, it doesn't help with the air temperate in the Rift itself.

Like I said though I really blasted through the setup, only had one sensor, and just wanted to see VR in the hour or so I had last night. I'm sure if I configured everything properly, and calibrated my space then it would be even better. My first impressions are great so far.
3 Aug 17 #37
Appears to be OOS as Amazon as the seller
2 Aug 17 #32
Might be a silly question but hoping someone can help,

If I were to buy this in the U.S.A and bring it back to the U.K, would it be compatible with the U.K Xbox One and PC?

KCooperman to Davie.Barnes
2 Aug 17 #34
Yes it would be fine with PC. Rift is not compatible with Xbox one.
Davie.Barnes to KCooperman
2 Aug 17 #35
Saying here you can stream the xbox one games to it…42/
KCooperman to Davie.Barnes
2 Aug 17 #36
That just streaming using the Xbox app via PC. You can't just connect it to the Xbox directly.
2 Aug 17 #31
Gone now, but still on Oculus site.
2 Aug 17 #27
Very happy with my Rift since getting it a month ago - truly amazing experiences that I haven't had since the evolution from 8 bit to 16 bit computing decades ago. Sure, VR isn't 'there' yet (I've tried Holo Lens enough to know that is nearer to what we'll all be using in 10 years) but it's a great experience that takes gaming to a new and interesting place.
1 Aug 17 #22
Having played the Vive, I'll give my review on it.

I felt like a beta tester.

The device was huge, and weighty on the head, and I was continually grabbing the controller and resetting the games/fixing things for people who came round. I had to apply patches to the headset and lighthouses, which eventually corrupted, forcing me to run a firmware reset on the whole thing and do it over again. Adjusting the lighthouses to get the best calibration and smoothest movement is also a bit tricky. They have to be of a set height and distance from one another, and all mirrors and reflective surfaces, such as TVS and windows, should be blocked so as not to reflect the sensors inaccurately.

I gave the people trying it out a great time! But I sort of felt like I do at work, like a technician, which is honestly not what a consumer product should be about. Then again if you're buying a 1st Gen VR headset for £900, you'd expect to know a little about what you're getting into.

I bought a radeon GTX Geforce 970. And although it's classed as VR Ready, I needed to cap my FPS to 45 (half framerate) and even then, some games were so badly optimized and CPU intensive, that I couldn't play them, or they would judder causing motion sickness (Job simulator I'm looking at you!). Crashes were frequent enough to be a bother.

I also had to watch to make sure that the people didn't bang their heads or go too far out of the play area, like a child minder. You DO get a large red zone to see your limits, but by damn if the games don't just make you want to go THROUGH the boundaries and touch the "jellyfish" "robot dog" "Whale" on the other side. If you put your arm past the red line, you could very much be putting it straight through your LED tv, so caution is needed.

I recommend a very large area to mess about in. This really should be factored in when buying it. I managed to JUST, get a mediumXmedium block by turning my double bed 90 degrees the other way. I've measured this as about 8.5 X 8.5 literal 'feet' (relatively big feet). Medium allows a degree of walking, while anything beneath will only really provide a zone big enough for a bit of arm swing. Large I'm sure would be amazing, and very free, if you live in some sort of 4-5 bedroom huge house with a playroom. But if you're going to keep it, then like, the room pretty much becomes your "VR room", as putting anything else in it may block the sensors.

A larger area means you can 'explore' your zone a lot more easily, and don't have to keep teleporting your current destination about. You can walk a few feet and look around that object in front of you, before taking a cautionary teleport backwards.

It's the need to teleport around that for me personally really stops that feeling of immersion. I feel that the headsets will be better suited to 'rollercoasters' or 'pre-set environments'. Like a cardboard maze that becomes a metal dungeon when you put the headset on. Games are limited to either sticking you in one location, or having you teleport, i'm not saying this is a bad thing, it's simply a limitation, as it very noticable even when playing.

Some games break boundaries of what you can do in a small space though. The 360 Degree Sci-Fi space Bullet Hell shoot em up, where your hand becomes your 'ship' is just incredible, and works within it's limits perfectly. Or the archery minigame which doesn't require movement so much as it requires aim.

TLDR: Thinking about it. Buying an oculus is like buying a vive with the 'minimum space' provided (no full body motion tracking), which to me would not be worth purchasing at all. It's the freedom of movement, ideally in a large environment, that really makes the whole thing click, and even getting this out of the vive with my relatively large room was a pain in the ass.

I mean even on a small scale, not being able to take a step left or right while playing the archery game would feel very limiting, as it's a natural movement you make when putting on the headset and finding yourself in that situation.
_Zuke_ to SmashDealer
2 Aug 17 #26
Have you actually tried the Rift? I've had one since launch and haven't had a tracking problem since I got my 2nd camera with the Touch controllers. You can move around as much as you like...within the limits of your USB/HDMI cable.

Plus some of the best experiences don't even involve movement, i.e Elite: Dangerous and Dirt Rally
1 Aug 17 #19
Don't go for it if you wear glasses.

Oculus' claim of support is..... Interesting.
You *can* wear glasses, but no matter how carefully & diligently you use the headset, over (a small amount of) time you'll almost certainly scratch its extremely soft lenses.

You'll then learn that Oculus has *zero* provision for repair, or replacement of the lenses. Indeed, it seems as though they explicitly designed against maintainability, as the CV1 is worse than both the dk1 & dk2.

As a consumer product I fear the CV1 isn't yet ready.
XP200 to TehJumpingJawa
1 Aug 17 #25
50mm savvies watch protectors from amazon, £1.70, one wet shave razor blade, slice a small wedge from the protectors from the middle out, and then pop it onto your CV1, job done, if done right you won't see anything and away you go.....just what i did and they worked a treat.

Oh and do not use sissors to do this, they are too corse in how they cut compared to the razor blade, you want that cut to be smooth and clean. :wink:
1 Aug 17 #23
Is there any advantage to getting this from amazon vs Game where it's £1 cheaper, has c. £8 in Game credit and c. £3 in TCB and free DPD next day delivery?
1 Aug 17 #21
i'm so tempted to buy. I wish I bought when it was first posted. If those discounted amazon gift card vouchers ever come from viking i think i'll take the plunge :grin:
1 Aug 17 #20
Will echo sentiments this is still a great deal even without the Xbox controller, dongle and remote.

If you're on the fence I'd say go for it. Amazing experience you can only understand fully after trying it for yourself.
1 Aug 17 #18
So tempted to jump in on this offer.
1 Aug 17 #17
I bought this the day that sale was announced, and decided to sell the Xbox controller + dongle for £40 as I already have a ps4 controller connected by Bluetooth and ds4windows.

Ended up with a 3 sensor setup, due to the odd shape of my space.

Very happy with it so far. I was on the fence and was a big vive fan before, but at 2x the price the value isn't there.
That, plus the fact that the rift has it's own app store (you'd need to use a workaround with vive to access) and native access to steam - it feels more consumer ready
That said, I still detest the sensor tracking setup that is ultra finnicky
1 Aug 17 #16

Still a good deal to get in VR, i mean the controllers are £99 to buy alone, plus 6 free games, Robo recall will turn your head to VR, (pun intended) you got a lot, and i mean a lot of steamvr free stuff as well to dip into, VR labs is awesome as is portal stories.

I am running that two sensor setup in 360 tracking with no issues, and even while one of the sensors was on USB 2.0 port, as i only had two USB 3.0 when i first got it during the summer sale, i have since bought a cheap USB 3.0 rear slot bracket that plugged into my MOBO to give me another two 3.0 USB ports, simply because my OCD was kicking in.......;).........and i have what the setup calls a moderate room space, but it is all fine and works great.

For £399 it is a hell of a good price for geting into Vr games like Elite, Super hot, Star Trek Bridge Crew, A:Isolation(just got a VR unoffical mod released today).......and i am running a GTX970, a Haswell i7 core, 16 gig and W10...and i have had a fantastic expereince with this so far, i may actually nail this to my head and never come out again, Red Dwarf style. lol

^^All of the above i agree with 110%....the battery life of these things are amazing, and here is a little tip, place them out of sight of your sensors and they will drop into standby mode almost instantly. :wink:
1 Aug 17 #13
I'd prefer a Vive as it seems to be gathering more support, and I prefer the idea of the device being more linked to Steam. However I'm not paying double the price, so I've ordered this :smile:
lomax to Kiyoshi
1 Aug 17 #15
It's still early but it seems mixed. The Vive still has a larger install base especially in Asia but this sale is probably going a long way to evening that out in the West. Any of the games made by companies owned by Zenimax aren't going to have Rift compatibility put in by the developers because of the lawsuit. On the other hand Oculus is throwing a lot of money at developers to enable them to take a risk on VR hence we have stuff like Lone Echo.

I'm hoping eventually we'll just have a standard api's like DirectX,OpenGl,Vulkan etx rather than console like hardware lock-ins for VR. Thankfully at the moment mods mean cross compatibility isn't an issue. However if we start seeing Denuvo etc in VR games that will probably be a thing of the past.
1 Aug 17 #14
for the price its great
1 Aug 17 #7
Is it worth saving for another couple of months and going for the HTC Vive or is this just as good?
spammy to Lucaio
1 Aug 17 #8
For me between the "passive lighthouses" of the Vive vs the " everything is USB connected" sensors of the Oculus the former makes more sense. I could have just been me, but the Oculus felt more finiky to set up.

OTOH this is half the price which will always win out for me :wink:
lomax to spammy
1 Aug 17 #11
The remote isn't much of a loss but even though games that implement touch are far more immersive a controller is still useful for some games (the new Alien Isolation VR mod for one).
I would highly recommend buying from amazon over Oculus so in the event of an issue you could get a replacement from amazon instead. The Oculus Rift is great but their customer support is beyond useless.

The Vive definitely made the right choice in regards to tracking technology it's a far more elegant solution. Plenty of people have had issues with usb controllers and usb extensions not being compatible with the Oculus sensors. If I were stinking rich I would have bought a Vive instead but as you say the Rift is half the price, even if you have to buy a special usb card and extensions you'll have plenty of money left over :smile: .
spammy to lomax
1 Aug 17 #12
Even costs aside, for a "living space" set up the Vive offers a few more solutions. I certainly wouldn't be able to keep a Rift set up in the front room indefinitely :wink: .
ned_ryerson to Lucaio
1 Aug 17 #9
Not really. They both have pros and cons, but generally the experience is almost identical now that the Rift has motion controllers and has sorted out the tracking. Vive is definitely not worth double the price.
Britneyfan to Lucaio
1 Aug 17 #10
As I said loving mine, played a vive a few times at the local games café. Controllers on the oculus seems so much better than the wands on the vive. And at this price, its a no brainer. oh and its lighter and feels more comfortable for me.
1 Aug 17 #6
Still a great buy, although gamepad was a better deal hitman is right, not needed for VR now, the touch pads can be used as a gamepad now.

Plus the new one box is beautiful and perfect if you plan to demo somewhere/take to a friends.
1 Aug 17 #5
Still a great deal imo. Rarely used the controller in any VR games I played. BTW remember there are still quite a few free games with this along with a number on steam:…938
1 Aug 17 #4
Looks alright to me
1 Aug 17 #3
shame they pulled that little stunt to get rid of old stock with the controller, really enjoying mine though.
1 Aug 17 #1
Did it come with controller and remote last time?
Chanser to shak
1 Aug 17 #2
Yes, Oculus made a new bundle without it.…le/
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