Just noticed this game is for sale on the switch e shop
All comments (31)
7y 33d#1
Nice catch, is the game worth it at this price?
klac88 to Saiklex
7y 33d#10
I imported a copy from Japan as I wanted a physical copy for about £40, I think £20 is about the right price for this game though
vig1lante to klac88
7y 33d#24
Was this off eBay or some other import site?
klac88 to vig1lante
7y 33d#25
Yas to Saiklex
7y 33d#12
Hard to say. I was expecting something like an early Dragon Quest / Final Fantasy (both of which I love) but I found it pretty bland. Snow and piano music. Then more snow and more piano music, etc. etc. Didn't seem to have much character and I soon lost interest. But as you can see from the comments, others disagree.
7y 33d#2
Good price, still needs to be cheaper for me to bite, even on the Switch.
digidavek to malachi
7y 33d#15
Same here. I want this, but only willing to pay around a tenner for it.
voyager123 to digidavek
7y 33d#16
its the Eshop so good luck with that! read up on it and think its worth £20, nice to have a RPG thats not 60hours plus
digidavek to voyager123
7y 33d#18
I’ve been buying stuff from the eShop for years and they do drop cheaper at the right time. From what I’ve read this is a 30 hour RPG too.
voyager123 to digidavek
7y 33d#19
if thats the case £20 is a steal
digidavek to voyager123
7y 33d#23
Knowing me. I'll no doubt have bought it before the weekend is out.
7y 33d#3
How are the sales on the Nintendo store? I really fancy one but £40+ for games is WAY out of my usual 'wait for pc sales' price. If I can expect to get 30% off of all titles at some point, even if that takes a year, I'm much more interested
EDIT I meant Nintendo's store in general, not just the switch, so I've changed the wording. Its too early to talk about great sales on the Switch obviously
i_have_crabs to CaptainCheapestcheap
7y 33d#4
Sales are generally 30% average so far but not really common as yet with small-ish catalogue.
Curlynob to CaptainCheapestcheap
7y 33d#11
I picked up some bargains over the years when I had a Wii U. So far Switch special offers have been few and far between.
i_have_crabs to Curlynob
7y 33d#13
Very true, I guess it's a waiting game until the game library is a bit more robust before many sales.
Also getting bored of waiting for Virtual Console.. i will literally throw money at them for some old favourites to play portable
7y 33d#5
Great price been waiting for this to go on sale. Thanks
7y 33d#6
I much prefer the sequel, I Am Tangerine
Spence1115 to chaywa
7y 33d#14
Still waiting for the prequel myself, I am Setsuna: Oranges
7y 33d#7
Literally bought this full price a few days ago... Good game but pretty repetitive. Well worth £20 though for the length of gameplay and story
7y 33d#8
Tumbleseed is also on sale on the Euro eShop, down from £11.99 down to £8.03. Has some decent reviews
Opening post
All comments (31)
I meant Nintendo's store in general, not just the switch, so I've changed the wording. Its too early to talk about great sales on the Switch obviously
Also getting bored of waiting for Virtual Console.. i will literally throw money at them for some old favourites to play portable
Currently sitting at 79% on Metacritic