Bonuses Pay what you want! 10% off Humble Monthly for New Subscribers
Beat the Average Devil Daggers Soundtrack
8 Aug 17#1
No higher tier! That takes me back... :face_with_monocle:
8 Aug 17#2
Just grab Pony Island for free (email window at the bottom of the page) and save yourself time and money. Devil Daggers is also awesome but sadly not free...
Illusionary to ostinato
8 Aug 17#4
The game deserves paying at least for the $1 tier - it's superb. Plus, you get a Steam key that way.
8 Aug 17#3
first time I've ever seen an 'indie' deal like this with no top tier. Looks more like something indiegala would offer. Think I'm out as have all but Devil Daggers and the Oh Sirs
9 Aug 17#5
Would have bought lower tier if i didnt already have geometry dash. Guess ill just get Pony Island for free, thanks!
9 Aug 17#6
Loved pony island
9 Aug 17#7
Pretty pants selection, guess they keep the good stuff for monthly's now
EQL to Lemming
9 Aug 17#8
This Bundle only has a £2.30 (approx) upper tier, so the games may not be so super. But for £2.30, 78p or free the value should be there.
Opening post
Free Tier (DRM-Free with no Steam keys)
Pony Island Metacritic: 86% (29 critics, 7.3 from 186 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 96% (5471 reviews)
Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri Steam: Very Positive 88% (582 reviews) (an RPGMaker game)
Tier 1 ($1/78p)
Geometry Dash Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 96% (35614 reviews), Metacritic: (1 critics, 7.7 from 35 users)
Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator Metacritic: 64% (8 critics), Steam: Very Positive 93% (1894 reviews)
Space Pilgrim Episode II: Epsilon Indi Steam: Very Positive 88% (263 reviews)
Space Pilgrim Episode III: Delta Pavonis Steam: Very Positive 85% (174 reviews)
Space Pilgrim Episode IV: Sol Steam: Very Positive 89% (184 reviews)
(Steam keys for) Pony Island and Space Pilgrim Episode 1
Tier 2: Pay more than the average of $2.99 (about £2.29) to also unlock!
Devil Daggers Metacritic: 83% (20 critics, 7.1 from 55 users), Steam: Overwhelmingly Positive 95% (2692 reviews)
Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast Steam: Very Positive 95% (85 reviews), Metacritic: (0 critics)
Town of Salem Steam: Very Positive 89% (8007 reviews)
Who's Your Daddy Steam: Mostly Positive 76% (9087 reviews)
hack_me Steam: Mostly Positive 70% (1215 reviews)
hack_me 2 Steam: Mixed 67% (176 reviews)
Pay what you want!
10% off Humble Monthly for New Subscribers
Beat the Average
Devil Daggers Soundtrack