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 Humble bundle Cyberlink video and photo software £1
4 stars +363

Humble bundle Cyberlink video and photo software £1

£1 Humblebundle.com1 Sep 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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31 Aug 17
Hope I have done this right, and sorry if already posted. didnt find it when searching for Humble or Cyberlink

the pay what you want bundle, lowest price is £1 up to £23 for the lot.

As Billythebubble was good enough to point out for me,
PowerDirector 14 Ultra is only in the top tier package, NOT for £1, or other lower ones, sorry for any confusion, I will get better at this honest.

I got the full set and the video program seems like a good one for the price, cant comment for any of the other programs yet.

You get a download link and a key to enter for each main program and add ons
With PowerDirector 14 Ultra you can use the key for up to 3 installs on one machine, I guess the other programs may be the same.
All comments (30)
31 Aug 17 #1
This is a good offer, but take note that this is last years version.
31 Aug 17 #2
Didn't realise this still existed.

I remember when this was included with EVERYTHING I bought... printers, DVD writers, cameras, webcams, scanners...
31 Aug 17 #3
Can't help but feel that this is too good to be true.

So for £23.22 you get every single program listed on the page?

I also don't get the "use the key for up to 3 installs on one machine" part as surely you can only install the program once on a single machine.

Don't you mean a licence for installation on up to 3 machines?
Nick_2017 to reddit
31 Aug 17 #5
Yeah I got download links and the key if needed for all the software shown on the page when I paid for the top package. Some of the add ons like the travel packs dont have keys, but still got the download links for them too.

And sorry if I worded it wrong, here is the exact text. and a screen of the link page.
: 1 machine per license. License can be installed up to three times on a single machine.

The way I saw it was it's for idiots like me who screw up their computers and have to do clean installs of everything once in a while. I get 3 chances to mess up before I have to re buy the programs.

reddit to Nick_2017
31 Aug 17 #7
Thanks for the clarification.

I recently bought Powerdirector 14 Ultra for £18 and it is a very good video editor for the price, so the whole bundle would seem a great deal.

It is strange that they would issue a licence for only 3 possible installations though.
Nick_2017 to reddit
1 Sep 17 #25
You're welcome reddit, again sorry I wasnt clearer in the post.
also thanks for all the extra info about the program you've been posting for others, afraid It's all new to me so not really able to answer some of the questions myself.
reddit to Nick_2017
1 Sep 17 #28
Glad to help and as it's your first deal, you have a scorching one to boot too :thumbsup:
31 Aug 17 #4
Just a word of advise, your image show 'Power Director 14 ultra' is top tier $30? Tier 1 is only photo director 7 Deluxe, makeup director and you cam standard
31 Aug 17 #6
So if i want to make money on editing video(legally), i cant ?
1 Sep 17 #8
Good software, bought mine a year or two ago via Quidco.
1 Sep 17 #9
are any of these any good, they all look a bit 10,000 clip art collection to me
1 Sep 17 #10
i ordered the mid-bundle on the basis that it was PowerDirector Deluxe as per the picture but only realised too late its PowerDirector LE as per the text and the links that were sent.

Did think about upgrading to the top tier for PowerDirector but reviews suggesting a lot of functionality has been locked behind a "paywall" asking to upgrade to 15.

Just things to be aware of, at this point I raised a refund request.
reddit to PineappleJ
1 Sep 17 #12
Be aware that LE versions are never commercially available and are often used on the Giveaway sites and are severely crippled in functionality as you can see from this table.…d=4

You could get a refund though on the basis that it was misleading and because it was never available to purchase in the first place, it has no monetary value, as well as the image itself also being misleading.

The top tier Ultra version should be fully functional though and yes you will get a popup suggesting that you upgrade to V15 but it can be ignored and retain full functionality.
PineappleJ to reddit
1 Sep 17 #14
I watched this video, if you look at 1:43 ish it seems to indicate that the feature doesnt work even tho its in the interface. However, i guess (what i didn't consider) the question is - doesnt it work as because:

A) functionality was never in the ultra version and the message has just been changed to say upgrade to 15 rather than, say, 14 ultimate version
B) has it been disabled to push sales of 15 (hard to believe really)

Reddit/Nick, as purchasers through Humble and outwith would be interested in your views as it may change my decision to actually upgrade the bundle to Ultra - most certainly don't want the LE version
reddit to PineappleJ
1 Sep 17 #16
I'm pretty sure that the video is showing that the user has the LE version, which will come up with all those pop-ups, believing that he was receiving the Deluxe version.

LE is almost pointless for anything but basic functionality.

Giveaway of the day often has the LE version, claiming that it costs X amount, even though it has never been available for purchase and it always garners complaints as being useless.

Just a marketing tool to get you to buy a better edition.

The Ultra Edition is the top of the range option and as you can see from the comparison table I linked to earlier, it has all the functionality built in and comes with the holiday and travel pack as a matter of course. The Udemy training is something new to this bundle, so might be of use to get going.

All older versions of their software have the odd popup that tries to entice you to buy the latest version but nothing to worry about with the Ultra because every feature is part of the package and for the price it's very good.

If I had not purchased it recently I would have jumped on this deal because some of the other offerings may have had some use too.
PineappleJ to reddit
1 Sep 17 #17
Spot on... didn't notice he had done exactly the same as me!! might just change to upgrade then
Nick_2017 to PineappleJ
1 Sep 17 #26
Hey PineappleJ

First off I have to be honest and say I really don't know my way around the program yet, There's still a lot to take in. So far I've only removed some adverts from a video clip and thats about it.

I did watched the video you linked to and copied the best I could what he was doing on screen, but didn't get any kind of pop up at the same point, and was able to play with the sliders ( even though I had no idea what I was trying to change )

Thankfully reddit seems to know a lot more about this than I do and has been good enough to wade in.
Wish I could be more helpful PineappleJ.
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