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 HTC Vive VR Virtual Reality Headset Gaming System With Free Delivery £598.98 @ Scan
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HTC Vive VR Virtual Reality Headset Gaming System With Free Delivery £598.98 @ Scan

Free P&P Scan21 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Entertainment
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21 Aug 17
Free Delivery! Cheapest price around.

VR Redefined

Vive's 360° virtual reality experience redefines the VR world. Now, the experience matches expectation, allowing users to immerse themselves in new environments and feel completely boundless. This boundless philosophy asserts Vive as more than a video game console. It is a platform for content of all kinds and scales. From education to medicine, Vive will re-shape how we interact with our imaginations.

Vive Is Here

Vive delivers on the promise. No excuses. No drawbacks. Just full immersion-bound only by your own imagination. Vive will change how we communicate. How we are entertained. How we learn, train and believe. Stories will become richer. Games more interactive. Surgery more precise. Books more vivid. Vive is a blank canvas with a third dimension. And this is only the beginning.

Travel To New Worlds

Imagine standing on the bridge of a starship rocketing across the galaxy, strolling through the streets of ancient Rome or shrinking down to subatomic size and watching molecules collide. With Vive, anything is possible.
All comments (36)
21 Aug 17 #1
Danjw91 to beardenvy
21 Aug 17 #2
Well.. it is cheapest price. I did check your profile though to see if you was laughing because you might have posted a cheaper deal but, seems you haven't posted 1 single deal or anything since joining mid 2016.
beardenvy to Danjw91
4 Sep 17 #36
Buddy, I've used this site it's got me many a great deal. 64gb EE for £16 plus some other household items.

I've yet to find a deal worthy of posting myself, so I use this as a consumer and not a sharer. When I find something worth it I'll post it.

And until then I won't post just anything for some heat .

I'm sorry we have different perspectives on this great site. :namaste:
21 Aug 17 #3
Great technology but I returned mine. To much motion sickness for me sadly. Took my breath away at times though. Heat.
dreamager to daBluone
21 Aug 17 #4
That's such a shame. I've never experienced any sickness, but I've mostly been playing games that use teleport as transportation. I'm sure there's plenty out there that haven't been made so well that'd make me vom
alexjameshaines to daBluone
21 Aug 17 #6
The only time I get sick is if I've had a sharp jolt back to reality. That really takes its toll for an hour or so.

e.g. delivery at the door, quickly take off headsets and attempt to walk to door, sign whilst standing still and not looking drunk with bed head to boot and then the walk back. I literally have to close my eyes for ten minutes.

If I come out slowly, e.g finish the game save, close, headset off and sit down to some TV for a few minutes no problem.
21 Aug 17 #5
Bargain price!
21 Aug 17 #7
still seems far too expensive compared to a right at £400, its 50% more. And very little difference from what I have read and tried.
Potato92 to Britneyfan
22 Aug 17 #28
Downside to the Rift is lack of support due to the lawsuits. Games like DOOM VFR, Fallout 4 VR etc have no official Rift support
21 Aug 17 #8
Good price if this was 6 months ago but the rift has better controllers, a more comfortable headset, comes with much better free games and is 1/3 cheaper making this deal bad in comparison for me. only thing the vive does better is easier room scale setup
21 Aug 17 #9
600 dollar/600 pounds, seems fair
badasschris to kamikazilucas
21 Aug 17 #11
$600 + 20 vat = $720 ~ £560 so not so different
21 Aug 17 #10
This is the Vive's new permanent price.

Personally, I'll wait until the bundle includes their new "Knuckle" controllers.
21 Aug 17 #12
trying to hold out for sub £500..........Though its gonna be tough!
21 Aug 17 #13
I'm sure it's better than the Rift, but it's not £200 better.
sion22 to Matt4045
21 Aug 17 #14
Yep. Just get the rift at £400. Vive does not worth the £200 extra
ocelot20 to sion22
21 Aug 17 #15
Forgive me if I am wrong here. But the Rift does not support steam games? Again am new to the VR scene am just going off stuff I have read over the past year. Plus as I understand (probably also wrong) but the likes of Skyrim VR , Doom VFR and Fallout 4 VR won't be coming to the VIVE due to a lawsuit between Rift and Zenimax?

Anyhow, Am buying a PSVR first at the end of the year and come summer 2018 is when I jump into PC VR. Hopefully these sets will be even cheaper.
sion22 to ocelot20
21 Aug 17 #16
You can play steam vr game on rift and vice versa. Skyrim/fallout 4 vr will be avalible on steam. If it doesnt get support at launch there is mod to bypass that
21 Aug 17 #17
Haha! You’re kidding yourself if you think this isn’t better than a rift. It’s vastly superior if you have the room to walk around in, which is what the vive is all about. If you’re just sat on a chair, then yes, save your money and get a rift, but if you want to see the best VR can do right now, then get a vive.

That said, I won’t buy at the price, as I still find the screen door effect FAR to distracting.
Ultimately though, this is about a deal for this product and this is a good deal, though you’ll find most places have gone to £599 now so not vastly different than elsewhere, but certainly much better than yesterday.
woffle99 to Sampson
21 Aug 17 #18
I've heard it is better once you get past 3m by 3m, but under that it's fairly much the same, especially if you get the third rift sensor. Let's be honest here, how many people have more than 3m by 3m of space to play around with though?
chapchap to woffle99
22 Aug 17 #24
Not many in U.K. shoebox sized houses is my guess.
radiocaf to Sampson
22 Aug 17 #25
What is the screen door effect you speak of?
TehJumpingJawa to radiocaf
22 Aug 17 #26
Gaps between the pixels. A natural consequence of putting a screen close to your eye & magnifying it.

Only solution is higher resolution, but that increases costs and makes it even more demanding on GPU. (further shrinking the potential market)
21 Aug 17 #19
The Vive is far superior for room scale VR IMHO.
21 Aug 17 #20
Even for smaller space room scale, I'd say the Vive is a lot better - it was designed for room scale whereas the Rift clearly wasn't and their solution to add room scale is clumsy. The Vive uses the Lighthouse tracking system which uses two 'lighthouses', small cubes which only need power with no connection to the PC. The Lighthouse tracking system is also designed to work with more than just the controllers/headset to give the system extra capability, Valve have been encouraging other companies to develop their own Lighthouse peripherals.

The Rift tracking system uses additional cameras which have to be connected back to the host over USB, it's not great having to lay cables round the room for it and USB can be finicky especially with longer cables.

I started off with a Rift and thought I was fine with seated VR but the Vive's roomscale is really impressive and HTC/Valve seem to be putting a lot more effort into the longterm improvement on the system.
22 Aug 17 #21
Strange, my rift works perfectly for large room scale.
22 Aug 17 #22
The Vive is not a £200 better system, and it's definitely not a £300 better system (after buying the deluxe headstrap for £100, which brings it up to comfort and convenience levels similar to the Rift, such as the integrated headphones).

Rift tracking is much improved from its early days. You can try standing 360 with 2 sensors, which is reported to work well, or 3m x 3m room scale with 3…ale

Or even larger areas with 4…ale

But as the above user said, how many users have space for over 3x3? Standing and small space movement with Rift is fantastic, if you set it up right
22 Aug 17 #23
if vat didnt exist it would still be more expensive though so thats not a good excuse
22 Aug 17 #27
Still somewhat expensive when you can get a Rift bundle at £200 cheaper for £399, on the same site, who are Vive aiming this at, people with a spare £200 that's covered in ebola. lol
22 Aug 17 #29
There will be pros and cons to either a Vive or a Rift, but either is a good choice

Vive Pros:

Tracking doesn't require lengthy USB cables for room-scale
Will be supported by Knuckle controllers (whenever they're released)

Vive Cons:

3rd party app required to play Oculus funded games

Rift Pros:
Can play both Oculus funded & Steam games
£200 cheaper than Vive
It is pretty much accepted that Touch controllers are better than Vive controllers

Rift Cons:
Requires a 3rd sensor (£50),long USB cables, and a total of 4 USB ports for roomscale
XP200 to drasim
22 Aug 17 #31
I have 8 feet by 8 feet which is classed a moderate room scale, and i run two rift sensors in 360 tracking with no issues, all it cost me was one £6 nine feet 3.0 USB cable and one £5 rear bracket 3.0 USB port......but even if you required a third sensor, a 3.0 USB cable and extra USB ports expansion on your PC, it will still work out cheaper for full room scale on the rift than that extra £200 for the Vive.
drasim to XP200
22 Aug 17 #32
I agree it's possible to do room scale with just the two sensors, but there's no way to find out whether it'll work before you buy. Vive tracking just works out of the box
In my case, my sensors couldn't detect touch when crouching or prone facing away from them, which was really annoying in Pavlov!
22 Aug 17 #30
Why is this in the Mobiles section?
22 Aug 17 #33
No one has mentioned that the Vive has a front facing camera on it so you can see the room boundaries. Many might not see this as a bonus and like the extra excitement from dodging the experience of sparking themselves out on a bookshelf or other piece of furniture :relaxed:

31754755-riIzR.jpgSeated the CV1 and Vive might be on par but once you start walking about it's a different experience :astonished:
22 Aug 17 #34
But as i said, even if you buy the rift and a third sensor, you are still going to be about £130 in pocket over buying the Vive,and i think Vive missed the boat, i think Rift may have caught the VR hold outs with the summer sale and now that lower price point, and i think Vive might just be regretting that move because Steam will be able to show them just how many more new rift owners are buying VR games on the steam platform, and i bet they are kicking themselves.

^^As for the front facing camera, good idea for altered reality, i remember the 3DS and those cards that made use of the camera, i would like to see my room actually be in a vr game, i think that would be quite interesting.
23 Aug 17 #35
Been a Rift user since launch, never had tracking'd be mad to go for a Vive even with the price cut.
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