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 GTX 1080 for £449.95 at AWD IT
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GTX 1080 for £449.95 at AWD IT

£449.95 AWD-IT16 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Technology
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16 Aug 17
Seems a decent price. Lowest around I can find and even more a decent price with the vega 64 already increasing.
Latest comments (58)
22 Aug 17 #58
Now OOS please expire
18 Aug 17 #57
Shame they are OOS
18 Aug 17 #56
£450 is Damn good price, considering the Pound devalued by nearly 25%.Most people that pay this for a card only keep the card for 18 months to 2 years max, I personally swap mine every new generation.

Doubt AMD will be able to compete with this or the next generation Nvidia models, shame really.
17 Aug 17 #50
Is this card THAT much better than the 1070? I'm looking for a powerful 8GB card that can handle extensive video editing, 4k/Luts etc

It's safe to say my hardcore PC gaming days are behind me, but if tempted, I would still like to be able to run games at high settings. Can the 1070 handle my needs? Or is the 1080 Worth the extra £100?
rev6 to techniques
17 Aug 17 #51
What resolution will you be gaming at? 4k? Get the 1080/ti
dealsonmeals to techniques
17 Aug 17 #52
Get a 1080Ti, I bought the 1060 wishing I went for the 1080 and eventually did. Nothing but the crème.
iehrgeizi to techniques
17 Aug 17 #55
Get Vega 56. Will still be as good as the 1070 for gaming but far far superior for the video editing side of things. Think people are forgetting about that side of things and focusing solely on gaming which is a shame.
17 Aug 17 #54
Seems these Vega don't run hotter than Nvidia cards.…/19
64 runs 1 degree more than 1080FE
56 version runs 6 degrees cooler than 1070FE
But, yes, power usage is much higher (although you are only talking a few £ difference per year for normal use)
17 Aug 17 #53
would love it but it's still £450 for a GRAPHICS CARD! in fact my friend has one and I'd love it but I just can't warrant £500 on graphics..even though it looks amazing, I suppose as they say you get what you pay for..
17 Aug 17 #49
@VimesUK They haven't , I think a lot of people will stick with team green, including myself , especially as I've just invested in a gysnc monitor , now need to decide whether the TI is worth the price difference over the 1080
16 Aug 17 #21
Hotter die = less GPU life, nothing to do with laws of energy conservation, silicon degrades faster as the temperature increases, that is fact.
ollie87 to Chuggee
16 Aug 17 #22
Technology will have moved on and you'll have a new GPU before that even matters.
bbfb123 to ollie87
16 Aug 17 #23
Not necessarily. My 2700k has degraded from volt/heat to the point that now it won't overclock the same it did years ago.

You could happily keep a gpu for years if you stick at the same resolution.
ollie87 to bbfb123
16 Aug 17 #24
That's a six year old CPU... I'd have no issues still using that. CPU tech hasn't really moved on that much in those six years.

A 2700K is only around 39% slower than a 7700k. A GTX 1080s relative performance, by my reckoning (looking back at TechPowerUp reviews) is around 82% faster than a GTX 680.

I can't imagine that many people are still using a six year old graphics card, given that vast difference. If you are and you bought it new, well done, you've really had your money's worth out of it.
rev6 to ollie87
16 Aug 17 #25
7950 here. Works fine. GPU/monitor market is a right mess right now with resolutions, HDR, hertz, panel bitdepth, gsync/freesync and lack of competition. Will be with me for a while longer.
ollie87 to rev6
16 Aug 17 #33
What games do you actively play on that?
rev6 to ollie87
16 Aug 17 #34
TW3, ROTTR, GTA V, etc.
ollie87 to rev6
16 Aug 17 #35
Well played, you've had your money's worth out of it.
PsychoSonny to bbfb123
16 Aug 17 #26
that is because it's overclocked. are people seriously this ignorant?

it's not degraded at all. that is normal wear and tear. can it still run @ stock speeds @ stock voltages? well then the point is you overclocked it and the risk from overclocking is decreased lifetime and increase in voltage with time to keep stable.

stop posting misinformation
Seanspeed to PsychoSonny
16 Aug 17 #28
Same thing. Same point. You're arguing irrelevant semantics.

The components dont degrade out of nowhere. The hotter it gets, the more it will wear. Making the obvious conclusion that the cooler you can keep something, the longer it will perform optimally.

That said, PC gamers tend to replace GPU's more frequently than CPU's. So it's probably correct to say that component wear/degradation for a GPU shouldn't really be an issue for most people. But it is definitely a real thing and if you're overclocking, which many want to do quite rightfully, this can make a difference if you keep your card for a while.
PsychoSonny to Seanspeed
16 Aug 17 #31
overclocking a GPU makes very little difference in reality. CPU is where it makes a difference as you can get around 15-30% more power quite easily. on a GPU you get 5% and at best 10% if you really push it and only in some games. overclocking a GPU is pointless if your having to degrade it's life to do it. you should just boost a little using stock volts.
vulcanproject to PsychoSonny
17 Aug 17 #48
If you are GPU bound as you probably should be then overclocking the CPU gains you little while overclocking the GPU is the thing most likely to net you extra frames. If you are CPU bound then obviously the inverse applies.

Even so the days of overclocking these types of graphics cards is less impactful since they don't have a fixed maximum clockspeed anymore.

The fact is with these later generation of cards an AIB cooler isn't for fun or looks. Modern architectures boost their clocks based on their thermal status and voltage/power limit.

If you have a better cooler even at what is rated stock speeds and voltage these days a Pascal GPU for example can and does boost well beyond what it says on the box.
PsychoSonny to Seanspeed
17 Aug 17 #47
No it's not the same thing. Overclocking a CPU beyond normal limits degraded the cpu. Had he kept the cpu at stock it wouldn't have degraded.
16 Aug 17 #46
Thanks OP
16 Aug 17 #4
Another thing. No aib cards yet, unless someone likes heater at home. I would like to see more competition, but amd need to sort out heat problems, stop using air blower design at least.
ollie87 to jordantr
16 Aug 17 #7

And actually in same cases blower cards can actually run cooler, such as in mITX builds.
matt101101 to ollie87
16 Aug 17 #8
The number of people, even relatively 'nerdy' people who are into computer parts, who don't understand that a 'better' cooler on a CPU or graphics card doesn't make heat magically disappear is honestly baffling. It makes me wonder about the state of the UK's education system...
delboyd to matt101101
16 Aug 17 #9
Wow, two people who understand basic physics! Finally! I've been trying to convince my friends of this for years, but no dice...
ollie87 to matt101101
16 Aug 17 #11
Marketing 'innit.

Sweaty nerds see RGB and massive fans and get stonking hard-ons.
jordantr to ollie87
16 Aug 17 #12
That's quite obvious isn't? mITX builds usually gets lower tear card, which don't generate that much heat or gets hybrid cards or does full water cooling. Personally I can't stand seeing 70+ on GPU and 60+ on cpu if it's no furmark or cpu stress test, do everything to avoid it. Don't judged people by telling they don't understand that hot air trapped inside is no good and you need atx or better full tower PC case.

Edit. I have all that rgb shit btw.
catbeans to ollie87
16 Aug 17 #15
TDP is different to the amount of heat generated and the amount of heat generated is less on cards that are cooled better, because they run the same tasks with a cooler processor. TDP. Is just the thermal limit, so yes the big fans do make difference.
ollie87 to catbeans
16 Aug 17 #16
It might make the card run cooler but it'll still heat the room/the rest of your PC just the same.

And that was the point I was trying to make, albeit in a simplified meme format. That energy has to go somewhere, cooling isn't free.
catbeans to ollie87
16 Aug 17 #17
You are saying no matter the cooling the same amount of heat is produced, I understand. That's not the case however, my point is abit pedantic tbh but: friction causes heat. The hotter the die the worse the PPW , the more electricity used, the hotter the PC. Whether the difference is 0.1 of a degree or 5 degrees I have no idea.
ollie87 to catbeans
16 Aug 17 #20
That is one hell of a stretch. Given you've not actually presented any facts to back your claims up, I'm going to keep believing what I believe. Feel free to actually show evidence to convince me otherwise, I'm easily swayed by facts.

Also there is no such word as "abit", not unless you're talking about the now defunct motherboard manufacturer.
Seanspeed to ollie87
16 Aug 17 #27
A bit of extra ambient air temp in the case is a far better situation than having components where the main processor and features are overheated. Cooler components = more performance potential and improved lifespan. Plus any decent case will have good circulation that expels that heat sufficiently for it to not be any kind of issue at all.

Kind of ironic you dont understand this basic stuff considering all your 'why doesn't everybody understand?' comments. It's not that people dont understand. It's that you're the one thinking something is an issue when it's not.
ollie87 to Seanspeed
16 Aug 17 #32
CTRL + F "why doesn't everybody understand?" - Nothing found. Perhaps re-read what was said by myself.

Depends on your individual use case, that's why things like AIO watercoolers are popular in the mITX world, despite in the case of full-size ATX tower systems they struggle to compete with traditional air cooling solutions.

As I said, if you've got a tiny system in a mITX case moving the air directly out the back of the system with a blower cooler is better than using the alternatives. They have their place.

Massive tower PCs with RGB lighting and case windows is a fad that needs to die out. Small is beautiful.
Agharta to catbeans
16 Aug 17 #45
CPUs and GPUs do get less efficient if the temperatures get very high whilst keeping everything else the same; clock speed and voltage.
But you have to allow the temperature to get very high for it to make a significant difference and I don't think regular retail products allow temperatures that high for one reason.
So better cooling is more about quieter cooling or more headroom for overclocking at sane temperatures than reducing power consumption.
That's my understanding and if incorrect I'd be happy to put right.
16 Aug 17 #44
I bought this for £504 when it first came out. Free Destiny game when it's released.…-mh

I use it in my Razer Core. Looks great and the GPU lights up whatever colour you want :sunglasses:
16 Aug 17 #43
Interesting point made about wear and tear on GPUs and CPUs , it,s just that I am sourcing AMD FX chips on Ebay and looking at used graphics cards .I have come to the conclusion that with so many gamers selling their parts and nearly all saying ,hardly used ,never overclocked or used for mining that the opposite is going to be true and their will be wear and tear ,maybe some serious overheating/clocking ,but now the price of new is coming down very fast especially graphic cards and CPUs going down everyday secondhand is getting more expensive than new ! People are bidding higher on Ebay secondhand.Best I buy new as some good prices now ! :nerd:
16 Aug 17 #42
AMD's glory days of the radeon 4850 / 4870, and my favourite card ever, the 4670 are way behind them.

Still, the exciting thing is, if the 10xx line up is this good now, imagine how good the 11XX gen could be.
Might see 1060 beating peformance from a low profile £120 PCI only powered 90w 1150ti!
16 Aug 17 #41
AMD has flopped with this GPU release, its been no where near on par with the CPU launches... This was about as exciting as the RX580 (rx480 rebrand).

All them years and the best they can do is get near to NVIDIA's 1070 and 1080 i.e 1 year old and about to be replaced tech and they can't even get anywhere near that of the 1080ti.
16 Aug 17 #14
@VimesUK I'm holding out for Black Friday and hope we see some deals around that time for the TI, can't imagine Vega having that much of an impact as it tends to compete with the 1070/1080, 1080ti is still the top dog
@jordantr Both AMD and Nvidia always release their first editions of the new cards with the blower design fans , give it a few months and you'll have the aftermarket ones from Asus, MSI, EVGA & Gigabyte release the regular style fan designs

Agree with you folks , the tdp of these Vega cards are a joke , Nvidia clearly doing something right , AMD cards always tend to draw more power and run hotter , guess this didn't change with VEGA
VimesUK to clonereeco
16 Aug 17 #39
I would have hoped for something better to come along without needing to wait for black friday. Point taken tho and Vega hasn't given nvidia any reason to reduce its pricing.
ollie87 to VimesUK
16 Aug 17 #40
Well yeah, there's not gonna magically be a card that's twice as fast for half the price.

If it's as fast as a NVIDIA card it'll cost as much.
16 Aug 17 #37
It appears all the people here can built their own PC. Can anyone point to a video where it's shown in details please? Bearing in mind I have not seen inside of a PC for at least 9 years. Been using laptop for so long and even before that all I did was make a hard drive slave drive using a small piece of plastic
ollie87 to Jiwani80
16 Aug 17 #38
If you PM me I will help you
16 Aug 17 #36
I actually prefer the design of some AIB cards to the blowers

But if you want a reference blower Overclockers are doing their value GTX 1080 for £470…tml
Has a 2 year warranty as well
16 Aug 17 #1
Good price. I bought open box Gigabyte gtx 1080 xtreme waterforce for £550 two weeks ago. A bit premium price, but card won't pass 60 degrees on 45% fan settings, stay quiet at all times and boost to 2050mhz out of the box.
SavageDonkey to jordantr
16 Aug 17 #30
In my quest for the perfect setup I recently tried 1080FTW and Zotac Amp Extreme 1080 both were beasts, although the Zotac is a work of art with loads of room for overclocking...

I think I have my perfect setup now but it's with a 1080ti Aorus Xtreme for £620, however these are pushing pascal to the limit with no room for overclocking.

1080's are great for gamers at the moment as they are terrible for mining so prices are dropping where the general consensus is a rise. I recently had a little mining dabble and with the 1080's memory clock wayyyyyyy up it still doesn't mine much faster than a 1060.
16 Aug 17 #29
I cant wait for everyone to realise that Bitcoins have a real world value equal to Mario Coins and the mines shutdown. This card is still about £100 over where it should be. Come on China or USA ban that currency. We need a .com pop.
16 Aug 17 #19
Interesting thread. Decent card cooling will take heat away from the GPU/VRM's. The case cooling should deal with that heat afterwards. If the cooling is pants, then no matter how good your case cooling is, it's still pants.
The power consumption of Vega... Another subject enitrely.
16 Aug 17 #18
Larger fans spin slower to move the same amount of air, thus run more quiet. Larger fans can still spin faster if required to move more air.

Heat from a heat sync will transfer to atmosphere more quickly the cooler the atmosphere is, the quicker the air that can be moved the more effective a cooling system will be.

If your ambient (room) temperature is as warm as the heat sync then no heat can transfer to atmosphere, but it's very unlikely a room temperature will exceed even the lowest CPU/GPU temperatures.

it's good to imagine heat as a bubble around a surface, the closer the surface the hotter the bubble is, and that temperature will drop quicker with distance, known as the inverse square rule. For example, if you place your finger near a hot object it wont be an even rise in temperature as you get closer. You feel very little heat, then suddenly as you get close it gets warm, and then very hot with in a very short space. Fans are effectively trying to blow that hot bubble away from near the surface to allow faster transfer from the surface, to the air closest near the surface.
16 Aug 17 #3
£449 Vega price is almost fake news, considering the price was almost instantly pumped up to 549, it's the real price by stealth.
RedRain to Just.Wondering
16 Aug 17 #10
On top of that the power draw as well its a same because i wanted Vega card but over a year later and just managing to match a 1080 year old tech with high tdp is a joke considering the price
MackemAB to RedRain
16 Aug 17 #13
The power consumption of the Vega cards is absolutely astonishing. I think I saw 380w tested under load compared to 230w of the 1080s...
16 Aug 17 #2
Not sure about this aib
Can anyone recommend inno3d
matt101101 to robodan918
16 Aug 17 #6
Inno3D are a lower tier AIB partner, but they've been around for years; they must be doing something right.

The card might not be quite as cool or quiet as something like an ASUS Strix or MSI Gaming X, but it's considerably cheaper and will perform almost identically.

The only real downside is the 2 year warranty, versus 3 or more years from the more premium AIB partners.
16 Aug 17 #5
I was hopeful that the launch of Vega might have had some effect on prices, in particular the 1080Ti. Well Vega launched and it did somewhat, vega seemed to get more expensive...!

Missed out on the 1080Ti Amazon £608 deal.
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