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 Google pixel 32GB, Vodafone £27 4GB, £0.99 RRP! £648.99 total cost!
3.5 stars +234

Google pixel 32GB, Vodafone £27 4GB, £0.99 RRP! £648.99 total cost!

£0.99 £648.99 Aug 17
Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Mobiles
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Opening post
10 Aug 17
Decent deal on the Pixel!

Vodafone £27 4GB 24month contract

£0.99 RRP

4GB Data Unlim Mins & Texts

£648.99 total cost.
10 Aug 17 #1
99p more per month for an extra 1GB with EE, which seems better value to me (especially as it involves avoiding Voda CS :stuck_out_tongue: )
trakker1 to chaywa
10 Aug 17 #2
£9.99 for handset but still the better deal.

I've been looking for deals on the Pixel and don't really fancy waiting for the Pixel 2, let's face it that phone will be more expensive per month.
mshaw03 to trakker1
10 Aug 17 #3
It's free on the EE 5gb tariff. Far better network too.
miffyl to mshaw03
10 Aug 17 #4
Showing as £9.99 for me. Is there a code to get a tenner off handset costs?
mshaw03 to miffyl
10 Aug 17 #5
Hmmm strange I could've sworn it was free when I checked! Even with the £9.99 up front it's still a better deal.
10 Aug 17 #6
Only 32GB though and no expansion capabilities. Not for me but not voted cold as it may be good for someone.
filthywizard to radiohead9999
10 Aug 17 #7
ultimately most people's storage will become full with photos more than anything else. Google Pixel phones have full quality unlimited storage on the google photos cloud. Therefore it is actually pretty dificult to hit the 32Gb cap.
radiohead9999 to filthywizard
10 Aug 17 #11
I use mine to store music mainly, then photos which I upload to external storage, so that's why I went for 128G storage, I went for a OnePlus 3T and love it
amour3k to radiohead9999
11 Aug 17 #19
I'm sure you do?, lol.

Your OnePlus 3T then (in theory at least anyway?), has basically become your very big, 'executively priced' MP3 Player if you will?, hehehehe.

Enjoy allllll while it lasts, I guess?. :-)
Reiko86 to filthywizard
11 Aug 17 #25
My current 32GB phone has expandable memory so all my photos and videos get moved to that. Despite this I'm at 91% basically all the time.
Even with the majority of apps having their main storage as the MicroSD they're still taking up 16GB on the phone and the 'system' takes up another 10GB (with cache and other areas taking the rest)

If you want to be able to use for smart phones for apps and thelike then 32GB can soon feel tight. Especially after updates. Plus photos and videos will hit the phone before having to be stored on the cloud so there is probably frequent 'housekeeping' needed to keep the storage free.
10 Aug 17 #8
I think there's a code for M&S staff which "friends and family" can use, gives you 20% off, anyone need the code? (That's for EE)
whydoineedastupidusername to Ryan1194
10 Aug 17 #9
I wouldn't mind that code if you would be so kind :-)
Ryan1194 to whydoineedastupidusername
10 Aug 17 #10
Sent via PM
dors01 to Ryan1194
10 Aug 17 #12
Would love the code if you would be kind enough to let me know it, thanks in advance
Ryan1194 to dors01
10 Aug 17 #13
Will message via PM
trakker1 to Ryan1194
10 Aug 17 #14
Me too please :sunglasses:

I actually need two new contracts, is it best to order them one at a time? Also would these pixels from EE be locked to EE
Ryan1194 to trakker1
11 Aug 17 #21
I'll pm you
Ryan1194 to trakker1
11 Aug 17 #22
It wouldn't let me send you a private message for some reason, if you give a message one of the others I've pm'd im sure they'll give you it, I just don't want to post it publicly
Ryan1194 to Ryan1194
11 Aug 17 #23
Or I will try again to message you it later, the error just said I've sent two many private messages within a short time haha
amour3k to Ryan1194
11 Aug 17 #17
As in 20% off the line rental I take it?, or ..... lol.

And if so, then yes please!, I'll definitely have some of that, hehehe. :-)
Ryan1194 to amour3k
11 Aug 17 #20
Yes I'll PM you
trickydick to Ryan1194
11 Aug 17 #27
Hi, I'm looking to get a new phone on ee so if you have a code that would be very much appreciated. Thank you
rtd to Ryan1194
11 Aug 17 #29
Could I have code, pleeeaaassse
ame2418 to Ryan1194
11 Aug 17 #30
Would also like the code please
Tim2017 to Ryan1194
12 Aug 17 #31
Could I please have the code? Seems like a great deal!
eric_l_uk to Ryan1194
12 Aug 17 #32
Hey! Not sure if there's a limit on how many can use it but I would be very grateful if I could? Thanks in advance :smile:
mike710 to Ryan1194
13 Aug 17 #33
Could I also have a code please? Thanks! :thumbsup:
ChuckHunky to Ryan1194
13 Aug 17 #34
Quite late to the party (story of my life!), but if you're still sending out the code, I'd be very grateful, thanks! :sunglasses:
10 Aug 17 #15
399 brand new - it's probably worth buying it outright and then picking one of the brilliant sim only deals available right now, especially if you need more data.
amour3k to jimbo001
11 Aug 17 #18
I agree!.

Assuming the bulk of the Nation carries some look £400 odd loose change share? (for such 'moments' as it were ... )

Everyone's criteria is different unfortunately?, lol.
Lahn to jimbo001
11 Aug 17 #24
Where can you buy it for £399 brand new? - My better half might be after a Pixel, or maybe Pixel XL.
jimbo001 to Lahn
11 Aug 17 #26
Carphone warehouse or G

Have a search on hukd, it was posted :smile:

Think the XL was 499.
11 Aug 17 #16
I agree with you!. :-)

Assuming your permanently 'glued' to a stable WiFi Connection that is?.

Eg. as we speak, the area I'm in is WiFi null and void!, so I'm obviously relying on Data SIM Data Connection alone ...

1GB, and/or (if push comes to shove) 2GB of Mobile Data could perhaps be just about passable like?.

But upto 32GB+ like that in 1 full whack? (or a couple of whacks?), and ...

The horrendous phone bills that I'm potentially looking at here via such 'alternative methods', would inevitably present HUKD with it's first ever viable/potential death on it's hand's I reckon? (as stuff's like that would blatantly prime many to kick the bucket?!).

So smart as the un-upgradable internal storage + unlimited cloud facilities combo could blatantly prove itself to me for many! (let's be real?).

It isn't however, for everybody ... (let's be real again here too?).

Hehehe, and like yourself, I'm not voting either way, but like yourself again, I do aknowledge it's a sweet deal though. :-)
11 Aug 17 #28
I'm going to have to start charging for this code haha /s
25 Aug 17 #35
Is the mobiles website broken? I'm getting access denied on the link
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