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Source: HotUKDeals | Deals > Travel
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19 Aug 17
If you are after a budget school holiday deal, then you may want to consider this break to Croatia for just £114.35pp, flying from Manchester to Pula.

Book flights with £275.40 from Manchester to Pula.

Book apartment on £151

Book car hire £31 on

19 Aug 17 #1
If I hadn't already booked Gozo I'd be on this!
rachelandgromit to tek-monkey
19 Aug 17 #2
So cheap, who said they can't get cheap school holiday deals :thumbsup:‌ :thumbsup:
19 Aug 17 #3
I'm getting £305 for flights. Same dates with 2 adult and 2 children.
We're the children infants (under 2yrs old) that you included to get £275?
rachelandgromit to loofer
19 Aug 17 #4
No, I searched two children both aged 7.
loofer to rachelandgromit
19 Aug 17 #5
Hmm, ok. Just to a,key sure I'm sane and doing the same search could you search for your flights again and see what you get plz. May have gone up by £30
rachelandgromit to loofer
19 Aug 17 #6
Yes it's gone up to £305 but maybe just a few people searching as it was on the Facebook page too. If you wait a while it may drop, flight prices can go up with demand.
loofer to rachelandgromit
19 Aug 17 #7
Thanks for checking.
tarryboy to loofer
19 Aug 17 #15
Sorry couldn't help it :wink:
19 Aug 17 #8
Any decent sunny breaks in the October hols from London please?
tek-monkey to matwalaboy
19 Aug 17 #9
We got flights to Malta and an airbnb on gozo for 5 people for a grand, which I thought was good.
Jonnyblock to tek-monkey
20 Aug 17 #24
I'd be interested in that. Are you going October half term?
tek-monkey to Jonnyblock
20 Aug 17 #26
Yeah, well mostly! Only got one kid in school, we're taking her out for 2 days and going on the Thursday before half term. Flights from Birmingham cost just over £100 each, and used airbnb to get a place on the island. Still need to get a bus when we arrive to take us to the ferry port, and once in gozo we're 10 mins walk away from the port.
rachelandgromit to matwalaboy
19 Aug 17 #10
There are flights from London to Pula, bit more expensive but with the budget airlines, forgot whether it was easyJet or Ryanair.
matwalaboy to rachelandgromit
19 Aug 17 #11
Thanks, I will check now. I am also looking for next May school holidays in Europe (may end - june first week) and I have 45k BA avios points - what do you recommend I do to make the most out of it?
rachelandgromit to matwalaboy
19 Aug 17 #12
I guess with that amount of Avios then you could look pretty much anywhere in Europe, it just depends on where you want to go. I'm looking at Russia solely because it is good value to use them compared with the cost of flights normally.
matwalaboy to rachelandgromit
19 Aug 17 #16
Sorry, should have mentioned though that its for the two of us and our 2 daughters. Getting flights to Zagreb for 40k avios + 260 pounds - any good you think?
19 Aug 17 #13
Bit nippy probably?
alien7 to Jonnyblock
19 Aug 17 #14
Yes, in October you won't be able to go swimming - the temperatures are OK for sight-seeing but that's about it...
19 Aug 17 #17
Not half term in all areas of the country. Most are the following week :dizzy_face:
rachelandgromit to amhe
19 Aug 17 #18
Oh, it's this week in my area. I didn't realise it was different. Now I know I'll keep my eye out. What part of the country are you in and when are your half term dates?
19 Aug 17 #19
I am critical of your posts because I think they are, shall we say, not the best thought out. This one seems to be fine apart from two things. One, half term is the week after for most, if not all, of the country and secondly, why would you hire a car with NO luggage space ?
tek-monkey to siadwel
20 Aug 17 #25
Its half term for me!
20 Aug 17 #20
I know you are Siadwel, you've never said anything nice about any of my posts but I don't mind, it's nice to see you pop up again you've been quiet for a while.

I didn't check half term dates for all the country, but if you really want me to I can screen shot some of the areas I did check which included Cheshire, Birmingham, Staffordshire, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Dudley, Worcestershire, Redditch and Warwickshire, parts of London, Manchester and Newcastle (dates on the .gov website) which are all off on half term the week of this deal so certainly SOME of the country are on half term. Given this deal is from Manchester many of the people in the areas I did check would be interested in flying from Manchester airport (amongst other airports) and are on half term. I'm unsure which areas don't have half term this week.

The car is a 5 door and has some luggage space, it's not a smart car. If you want a bigger car you can upgrade.
20 Aug 17 #21
Ah, I think I've answered my own question. It seems that parts of Chester and Wales (certainly all of the parts of Wales I checked) are on half term the week after - the 30/10 onwards. Aside from this I can't see any other areas on half term this week.
20 Aug 17 #22
Great price. It's half term where we live that week and is for a lot of other places. Croatia is beautiful too. It's a rental car; you don't own it! You don't need huge amounts of boot space; it's only to and from the airport you'll have all your luggage with you. Plus it's a weeks holiday; how much stuff do you need!?!
20 Aug 17 #23
Am I missing something? It's gonna be cold.
Echelon to FunkiestMonkey
22 Aug 17 #29
Are you talking about the temperature in Croatia in October? I went last year at the end of September/beginning of October and the weather was decent. We had one rainy day (the day we were leaving, so that was lucky) but the rest of the time it was pretty much mid 20s all week.
FunkiestMonkey to Echelon
22 Aug 17 #30
This will be a month later.
20 Aug 17 #27
Please could somebody tell me why certain people seem to get so aggrieved at somebody else posting a deal that isn't 100% perfect for 100% of the population ? All deals are good for some and not so good for others surely . What is the big deal ? ( no pun intended
rachelandgromit to clairemariebisho
20 Aug 17 #28
I think I'm expected to know every school holiday in England, Scotland and Wales and the weather forecast everywhere in Europe. It always surprises me the amount of people that complain about temperatures. Not everyone wants a 'hot' holiday, lots of families I know like scenery, exploring and don't want to be sat on a beach or by a pool for a week!
25 Aug 17 #31
Can anyone tell me where I can find cheap last minute deals please? Thanks
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