Only posting as someone just posted the Canadian one for £12 lol, NEVER MIND.
All comments (27)
19 Jul 17#1
WOW. Thanks!
19 Jul 17#2
Stuck on the last trophy. It’s damn near impossible. Great game though.
ashfields to andysmoore
19 Jul 17#26
First trophy I ever got. You gotta be fast. You know holding L2 makes the lines move faster yes?
19 Jul 17#3
I am in if this price is correct
Marcoos to doncarlos83
19 Jul 17#5
As per the OP, It's £6.99 if you have PS+
19 Jul 17#4
Now I really wish I had PS+ right now.
19 Jul 17#6
Gotta be buying this when I get home...but then will it be free on PS+ in a few months?
tony-starks to doncarlos83
19 Jul 17#7
possibly, but you are saving on this deal (and many other games that come on sale) by having PS+
I now look at PS Plus as a means to save on digital games sales, the free games are just an added extra
19 Jul 17#8
I paid £11.99 for this at the beginning of the year, its an amazing game and is worth the full £29.99 never mind less
but prepare for the game to take over your mind though, I loved it
19 Jul 17#9
This sounds very interesting from comments here and the other deleted thread. Gonna have to do some research... Also happy for sales pitches here to sell me :smiley:
mixmixi to Marcoos
19 Jul 171#12
What if I tell you that is one of the games you can find Mark Cerny played the most? (Base on his PSN profile). Does it help?
theframe8 to Marcoos
19 Jul 171#13
Never really played anything like it. The puzzles are very clever though can be infuriating, but there is so much to do that you can just move on to another set of puzzles. The world itself is gorgeous, but very mysterious. I've got tons to do on it still! As far as I'm aware there isn't much story and certainly little to no dialogue but if you're into head scratching then you will surely love it
19 Jul 17#10
Not spotted this one have some heat, gutted the wallet is getting a further beating :laughing:
Opening post
All comments (27)
I now look at PS Plus as a means to save on digital games sales, the free games are just an added extra
but prepare for the game to take over your mind though, I loved it