Looking some new new pj's for my Star Wars mad little boy and saw these on deal of the day on eBay. 5 different designs to choose from in ages 4-5, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10 all for £5 delivered or if you but 2 pairs or more you get an extra 5% off at basket so you can get 2 pairs for £9.74 delivered. They are 100% cotton too and all long sleeved / long leg.
Choose from
Tie Fighters Space Ships First Order Dark Side Force Awakens
27 Jul 17#1
Best waiting until tomorrow for Ebay purchases and combine with the 10x Nectar points.
emribena to deb8z
27 Jul 17#2
It's a deal of the day price though so don't know what the price will be tomorrow - you'd get 50 nectar points if it stays same price which is 25p so if it goes up by less than 25p its good! :smiley:
27 Jul 17#3
I missed the deal of the day bit oops
27 Jul 17#4
Especially good price for the 9-10 as usually the bigger sizes are more expensive.
Opening post
Choose from
Tie Fighters
Space Ships
First Order
Dark Side
Force Awakens