haha I dunno about the boner but still... :stuck_out_tongue:
30 Jun 17#2
Be Spider-man.... Buy Windlands
30 Jun 17#3
Nice spot. Heat!
Should be in freebies though?
BuzzDuraband to Marcoos
30 Jun 17#8
It's in freebies, bud. If you tag both 'freebies' and 'gaming' on the new frontend it will display in both.
30 Jun 17#4
Wow I knew it was out today but had no idea it was gonna be free genuine I wonder or spidey glitch.
xoisthemotive to gemvis
30 Jun 17#5
Well it's only 745mb and the free Cod Jackal Assault was 1.2gb, so it must be short. But oh well, free is free :grin:
30 Jun 17#6
Just to note, move controller is required to play this
30 Jun 17#7
Good spot
30 Jun 17#9
I'm still on the old one, read too many bad things about the new and "improved" skin :disappointed:
BuzzDuraband to Marcoos
30 Jun 17#10
To be fair, it's actually much better when you get used to it. It's great from a posting perspective, but all in all I find it a lot better than the previous one.
It's sometimes hard to accept change, but I think this is a decent one.
BubaMan to BuzzDuraband
30 Jun 17#17
I'm finding relevant stuff a lot easier on the new site but it doesn't always shove the most liked posts to the top and the emoticons just read as words on the desktop site so they look like you're calling someone that word.
Heat for the freebie btw - anyone played it yet?
30 Jun 17#11
It's a decent but VERY short experience, must be maybe 10 minutes very maximum, could easily be polished in about 3 minutes the 2nd time around. It's certainly "inspired" by Arkham VR.
Opening post
Free - Check
Boner - Check
All comments (28)
Should be in freebies though?
It's sometimes hard to accept change, but I think this is a decent one.
Heat for the freebie btw - anyone played it yet?