Switch title Snake Pass is on sale today from June 27th until 4th July, with a 40 percent discount off the typical cost of the game. The occasion? The Summer Solstice, of course. 40% off all formats that Snake Pass is available on. -ScarboroughKID
50% off on Steam; not discounted on PS4 or Xbox One - Illusionary
40% off all formats that Snake Pass is available on. -ScarboroughKID
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7y 38d3#22
£8.69 Norway eshop
sneakyduck to qwertymz
7y 38d3#9
welcome to your adult life
All comments (36)
7y 38d1#1
It's on sale for all formats at 40% off apparently (in case you want to update your title). I've just downloaded it for my Switch
jsty3105 to ScarboroughKID
7y 38d#4
Ah - yeah - it should be but I checked MSN and PS listings and neither showed the sale price. I'll update
7y 38d#2
Voted hot, purchased on release and not played it yet of course
7y 38d#3
Hah, that's typical - just a few days after I'd given up on a Switch sale and bought it on PS4.
jsty3105 to Illusionary
7y 38d#5
Lol - should've waited then could have gotten it as cheaply on the PS4..
7y 38d#6
Thanks will grab this later.
7y 38d#7
Still on the fence with this game. I wanted to try it but I remember it got mixed reviews, can anyone recommend it?
7y 38d2#8
I downloaded it at full price due to the rave reviews but after a few levels ended up shelving it. I would return it if I could. It's pretty and innovative, and controlling the snake has been an interesting skill to master, but I can't say it's "fun". Maybe if I was 14...
sneakyduck to qwertymz
7y 38d3#9
welcome to your adult life
sweeten16 to qwertymz
7y 38d#13
Did the same. It's decent but it's more frustrating than fun. Wasted money.
7y 38d1#10
Nah, I paid the same price on PS4 as I would have done here (40% discount), so it's not a monetary loss.
7y 38d#11
The first game on sale on the Switch and it's a third party game, shocker
It's a great game though, I'd highly recommend it for a cheap thrill. Not that much replay value though
Opening post
40% off all formats that Snake Pass is available on.
50% off on Steam; not discounted on PS4 or Xbox One
- Illusionary
Top comments
All comments (36)
It's a great game though, I'd highly recommend it for a cheap thrill. Not that much replay value though