Needed to purchase a replacement SDS drill to replace my old one. Had a good look round and found this Makita SDS at CPC for £99.58
They are selling the same drill at Screwfix for £169.99
I dont know if this is a pricing error or they are just being generous.
Either way I ordered one.
21 Jun 17#1
£105 on amazon
ws007 to ciprians
22 Jun 17#5
21 Jun 17#2
Just a shame they aren't supplied with a Macpak case. I refuse to buy any tools still using the archaic standard cases.
hhali to themorgatron
22 Jun 171#3
22 Jun 173#4
They're designed to carry several tools at once (they interlock)which is handy when you work in an industry that requires it - they're also pretty sturdy and can take a fat person eating lunch on.
22 Jun 17#6
good price with a chuck too,
but my dewalt is still going strong after changing the brushes.
22 Jun 171#7
I changed the brushes on my Bosch it kinda works but spits flames out of the air vents. Which looks very cool but probably isn't very safe.
Is the strong? Would it go through really old/tough brick walls?
liamf12 to iz123456789
24 Jun 17#10
As it's an SDS and a supposedly reputable make, it'll go through most things far easier than a standard drill and should last a reasonable time. I have one of those Titan like cheap SDS and the difference from a standard drill is amazing. On moving into a new house I couldn't even put holes in wall to put up curtains. Got an SDS and it went in like drilling through wood. I've even removed driveways and trees with it.
15 Jul 17#11
It is cheaper on this website where I bought mine. I even got £10 off with this coupon on their Facebook page: SUMMER17
Opening post
Had a good look round and found this Makita SDS at CPC for £99.58
They are selling the same drill at Screwfix for £169.99
I dont know if this is a pricing error or they are just being generous.
Either way I ordered one.
but my dewalt is still going strong after changing the brushes.