If you're looking to buy, I'd suggest going for GPD Win not this one. This is an android base device so you're pretty much limited to android games and emulation but the GPD Win runs windows 10 and gives you more freedom. Here's a hint
Thats gonna take forever with a sherpa bringing it across the himalayas
ciprians to mixmixi
7y 39d4#2
but that's nearly 300% (about £300)
All comments (36)
7y 39d6#1
If you're looking to buy, I'd suggest going for GPD Win not this one. This is an android base device so you're pretty much limited to android games and emulation but the GPD Win runs windows 10 and gives you more freedom. Here's a hint
You can get retroarch for android, so this device is fine.
7y 39d1#3
Most ppl have phones more epowrfuk than this so you can just get a pad to clip your phone to.. So cold..
7y 39d#4
I understand but if you go for this you've simply wasted your money. Better getting nothing or an android phone instead. It's like a half complete piece of kit tbh. It's good in terms of quality but with limited capabilities. With windows 10 version you technically can play your steam and Xbox one games and it can act as a portable PC for you too.
7y 39d1#5
I'm just waiting for the Rainway App to make its way to the switch. And by waiting I mean hoping and praying!
7y 39d#6
Well if Nintendo agrees that'd be a revolution in cross platforming but what are the chances?
7y 39d2#7
This is really good value for money. Battery life is amazing on this thing.
I had one of these and upgraded to the win. This machine is still worth getting, it will emulate everything well up until the psone era.
7y 39d1#8
Great little machine for emulation, I love having all my 16 bit faves in one place and not having to faff about with a separate pad.
7y 38d#9
I've been looking at these from UK suppliers for around £180, is there not VAT, import duty and fee's to add to the Gearbest price?
superfreddy to paulj48
7y 38d#10
Shouldn't think so. I'm getting one via expedition postage from gearbeat. £120 all in and delivered within 7 days
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I had one of these and upgraded to the win. This machine is still worth getting, it will emulate everything well up until the psone era.